Dom Lipa Novice/News

Dom Lipa Novice/News
Welcome New
Marija Gjorkeš
Matilda Muhar
Ivana Levstek
Milica Hršinjak
Frank Bergoč
In this Issue
1 The Dom Lipa Board
of Directors
Nasveti 90-Letnice za Življenje
Thank you EPC
Pogovor z Maria Badovinac
Volunteers Making a difference
in the lives of others
Spring at Dom Lipa
Upcoming Events
2012 Memorial Mass
Walk-a-thon 2013
Potica Challenge
Happy 100th Birthday
Raising Funds for the
Dom Lipa Walk-a-thon
8 In Memory
Spring 2013
The Dom Lipa Board of Directors
As a not-for-profit charitable corporation, Dom Lipa’s operation
is directed by a Board of Directors. This Board, elected by the
members at annual meetings of the corporation, has the power
and the duty to carry out the written objectives of the corporation,
namely, to provide a Retirement Residence and Long-Term
Care Nursing Residence of high quality, principally for elderly
Slovenians that require assistance.
The number of board members, which can vary from time to time,
is currently set at nine. Some positions on the board are not voted
upon but are filled by a defined representative; for example, the
pastor of the local Slovenian Catholic Church and a designated
member of the Elderly Person’s Centre. The rest are appointed by
voting at annual general meetings of members from year to year.
Board members receive no payment for their time spent on Dom
Lipa business.
When I was asked to stand for election to the Board in 1992,
I was unprepared for the role. Curiosity got the better of me and
I agreed. Since that day many years ago, I look back in amazement
at how much I have learned, how interesting and challenging it
is to see the inner workings of a Retirement Residence and Long
Term Care Nursing Residence like ours and how many warm and
dedicated friends I have made as a result of my decision to serve.
The Board meetings, usually about ten times a year, involve
receiving reports from the Administrator and giving her the
authority and direction she needs to carry out the daily functions
to comply with all regulatory requirements in Ontario’s nursing
home network. This part of each meeting usually takes the most
time because a lot happens in Dom Lipa every month. Hardly
a month passes by where we do not receive notice of some
continued on page 3
Nasveti 90-Letnice za Življenje
Pravimo, da je Bog modrost
sama, po kateri je vse nastalo in
vse obstaja.
Preberite in premislite nasvete
90-letnice za življenje. Ali
odkrijete v njih tudi vero, ki
zagovarja Božjo modrost in
Božje resnice?
Naj nas Sveti Duh razsvetljuje
za modrost, ki je od Boga.
- Življenje ni pravično, vendar je
še vedno dobro.
- Če ste v dvomih, naredite le
naslednji majhen korak.
- Življenje je prekratko, da bi čas
zapravljali za to, da bi sovražili.
- Vaša delo ne bo poskrbelo za vas,
ko boste bolni. Vaši prijatelji in
starši bodo. Ostanite v stikih.
- Sklenite mir s svojo
preteklostjo, da vam ne bo
pokvarila sedanjosti.
- V redu je, da vašim otrokom
dovolite, da vas vidijo jokati.
- Ne primerjajte svojega življenja
z življenji drugih. Ne poznate
njihovega poslanstva.
- Če naj bi bila vaša zveza
skrivnost, potem ne bi smeli
biti del nje.
- Znebite se vsega, kar ni
uporabno, lepo in veselo.
- Vse kar vas ne bo ubilo vas
bo v resnici naredilo močnejše
- Ko pride do tega, da bi šli za
tistim kar imate radi v svojem
življenju, ne recite ne.
- Prižgite sveče, uporabljajte lepe
rjuhe, nosite fino perilo. Ne
hranite ga za posebne
priložnosti. Današnji dan je
nekaj posebnega.
- Nihče nima v oblasti vase sreče,
le vi sami.
- Prepreči vsako tako imenovano
‘nesrečo’ z naslednjimi besedami:
»Bo čez pet let to pomembno?«
- Vedno izberite življenje.
- Odpustite vsakomur vse.
- Kaj drugi ljudje mislijo
o vas, ni vaša stvar.
- Čas zdravi skoraj vse.
Dajte času čas.
- Kakorkoli dobra ali slaba je
situacija, spremenila se bo.
- Verjemite v čudeže.
- Bog vas ljubi zaradi tega kar
Bog je, ne zaradi tega kar ste
ali niste naredili.
- Biti star je bolje kot umreti mlad.
- Vse, kar resnično šteje na koncu
je, da ste ljubili.
- Pojdite ven vsak dan.
Čudeži čakajo povsod.
- Če bi vsi vse naše težave vrgli
na kup in bi vsi videli vse, bi
naše pograbili nazaj.
- Zavist je izguba časa. Imate
že vse, kar potrebujete.
- Najboljše šele prihaja ...
- Ni pomembno kako se počutite,
vstanite, oblecite se in se pokažite.
Toni Burja, C.M.
Potica Challenge 2013
The Potica Challenge was yet another success.
We had twelve submissions and a full house
again. Aurea, Monette and Sonia, Dom Lipa’s
Activity staff were very helpful, I could not thank
them enough.
Recently, we had two groups of singers
from Slovenia performing at Dom Lipa.
Fantje S Praprotna and Obrtniski moški
pevski zbor, Šmarje Pri Jelsah.
You probably already know who won but in case
you forgot: Ana Jankovič won - again! She won the
Štrudelj Challenge last year, was 3rd the year before
and an audience favourite early on. Not only is she
a winning baker, she is an outstanding participant
as she has been involved in every single challenge
we have had to date! How amazing is that?!
Tilka Benko placed 2nd (from Manning parish
and a Slovenski Dom member). 3rd place went to
Darinka Babič, while her mother, Marija Babič,
(your head chef at Dom Lipa) was the Audience
Favourite. Ivanka Jelen appeared to rather enjoy
her role as judge :-)
Finally, Jeanette Zemlja was a very good co-host
and we were very happy to have her on board this
year. Thank you to all who participated!
Majda Resnik
Volunteers Needed
Dom Lipa is looking for a male volunteer
who can devote some free time, twice a week,
two hours per visit, to visit with residents.
Please contact Boguslawa Zelezinska,
Activation Co-ordinator at 416-621-3820
Dom Lipa banner with Dom Lipa logo.
Last seen two years ago at the Walk-a-thon.
Spring 2013
Pogovor z Maria Badovinac
Marija je bila rojena v Sloveniji na Štajerskem
4. septembra, 1928. Je ena od petih otrok. Ima
enega brata, ki je že pokojni in tri sestre, od
katerih sta dve še živi. Prej ko je prišla Marija
v Kanado je bila zaposlena v bolnici v Sloveniji.
Delala je kot asistentka pri zdravniku, ki je
delal operacije. Delati je začela leta 1954 in
končala leta 1957, nakar se je preselila v Avstrijo.
Tam je živela eno leto in potem se je leta 1958
preselila v Kanado.
Po prihodu v Kanado se je Marija namestila
v Torontu. Delala je v restavraciji kot kuharica,
ker si je nabrala izkušnje v tem poklicu že v
Avstriji. V tem poklicu je bila približno eno leto,
nato pa je delala pri montaži strojnih delov, kar
je imela najrajši.
Marija je spoznala svojega moža že v Ljubljani
leta 1954, ko je bila zaposlena v bolnici. Njen
mož je bil tudi tam zaposlen kot bolničar. Kot
Slovenka ne bi smela poročiti Hrvata, zato je
prišlo do nesporazumov. Ne glede na to sta oba
prišla v Kanado vsak po svoji poti in v Torontu
sta se poročila 6. januarja, 1959. Poročena sta
bila skoraj 30
let; njen mož je
umrl leta 1987.
Nista imela svojih
otrok, toda Marija
je teta.
Po moževi smrti
je Marija živela
samostojno 16
let. Po tem se je
preselila v Dom
Lipa leta 2003 in se preživlja z dohodki, ki jih
je prihranila skozi leta. V Domu Lipa je že 10
let. Rada plete in to dela v času rekreacije s
skupnostjo. Po ogledu njenih čipk lahko rečem,
da je Marija zelo talentirana! V veselje mi je bilo,
da sem imela razgovor z njo in molim, da ji Bog
podeli mnogo zdravja in veselja še mnogo let.
Natasha Milavec
VOLUNTEERS making a difference in the lives of others
We celebrated National Volunteer Appreciation Week from April 21 - 27, 2013.
Dom Lipa held a volunteer appreciation party on Wednesday, April 24th with gifts,
lunch and live music.We also had a guest speaker who presented a short in-service
related to their work with residents of Dom Lipa. Currently, we have 20 caring and very
dedicated volunteers who devote their time and efforts to help us care for our residents.
Thank you Dom Lipa Volunteers!
Staff, residents and visitors made a huge donation of 20,550 pennies.
The $205.00 was sorted and placed into the Dom Lipa bank account
by Zorka Škarjak, resident of Dom Lipa’s Nursing Unit. Residents
will discuss what the money will be put towards at our next
Residents’ Council meeting.
Spring at Dom Lipa
April showers did not bring May flowers...
Dom Lipa Staff did!
Jola, Monette and Malgorzata planted flowers on the
grounds to help make Dom Lipa brighter and beautiful
for residents, colleagues and visitors.
Dom Lipa would like to thank these women for all their
hard work. The grounds at Dom Lipa look wonderful
and well kept. Residents are enjoying the beautiful
flowers during their time outdoors.
Upcoming Events
Dom Lipa Luncheon to be held at the Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Church Hall
Sunday, November 10th 2013 at 1:00 pm.
Spring 2013
2012 Memorial Mass
Walk-a-thon 2013
In memory of residents who passed
away in 2012, a memorial mass was
held in the Dom Lipa Chapel on the
6th of April. A reception for family
members and friends who attended
this special mass followed.
A great big THANK YOU to our Walk-a-thon
volunteers on Sunday May 26th, 2013.
Mario Ulčar, Millie Ulčar, Ed Erčul, Thomas Erčul,
Aline Kouhi-Klemenčič and Pauline Klemenčič
who worked the kitchen and bar. Tony Klemenčič,
Tony Murgelj and Mario Resnik who barbequed.
Alexsia Monardo and Emma and Tasha Murgelj who
took care of registration. Eva and Tom Lagan, our
trail monitors and Thomas Erčul, our photographer.
Also, a big THANK YOU to our sponsors for their
continuing long-time support:
- Family Meat Processing and Delicatessen for
donating Kranjske klobase
- Krek Slovenian Credit Union for supplying the
prizes for the youth raffle
- Slovenia Credit Union for supplying the t-shirts
- Slovenian Summer Camp for providing the venue
for this fundraiser
We are very happy to report that we collected
$48,000.00 in this year’s Walk-a-thon! Thank you
to all the walkers who participated and those who
generously sponsored!
The various awards were handed out after mass to
the following people:
In Memory of; Maria Kovač, Alois
Cajnar, Karel Gabrscek, Sofija Herega,
Anton Vukšinič, Mary Albiani, Mary
Drazumerich, Slavica Kukovac, Annie
Starich, Maria Jakopin, Frančiška
Čeligoj, John Hari, Anton Ogrinc,
and Paula Keber.
Trophy for Oldest Walker: Mrs. Resnik
Trophy for Most Money Raised: Mrs. Arhar Stojko
Trophy for Most Money Raised by Youth under 18:
Miriam Padar
Raffle prizes were also handed out to the participating
youth walkers. We look forward seeing you next year!
The Board of Dom Lipa
Walk-a-thon Committee
continued from page 1
Ministry of Health notice of a new policy or change to an
existing way of doing things. The Board also receives reports from
and gives direction to several committees in the areas of financial
status and reporting, fundraising, communication and outreach,
building maintenance, and others. Many people in our community
are on these committees, planning and carrying out the
fundraising events, newsletters and website, building repairs
and maintenance reviews, etc.
Compliance with laws and regulations is naturally a prime
objective of the Board. I can say, though, that all my years on the
Board have shown me that the board members I have worked
with really want Dom Lipa to be better than the minimum
standard or even the average standard. The strive for excellence
is a large factor in why being on the Board of Directors is so very
rewarding. When people are all pulling together for the greater
good, the rewarding feeling is contagious!
In recent years, we have reached out to the Slovenian community
to seek more candidates for Board of Directors positions and
found that people are finding it hard to make the commitment.
Many are feeling overwhelmed by their existing obligations and
some are probably insecure about their capacity to help. Whether
you are in the first or second group, rest assured that getting
involved with Dom Lipa will not be something you regret;
rather you will find it surprisingly stimulating and engaging.
It is only through having a vibrant cross-section of the Slovenian
community regularly rotating through board membership that
we will continue to have that excellence for which Dom Lipa has
come to be known.
Thank you EPC!
Tony Klemenčič
Thank you to the Elderly
Persons Center - EPC (ladies
and gentlemen) who provided
a 2012 financial donation.
Their funds were used to
purchase new furniture for
Dom Lipa’s Retirement Floor.
Spring 2013
Happy 100th Birthday
Mrs. Matilda Vedlin is 100 years young! Dom Lipa
celebrated her 100th birthday on March 12th, 2013
with friends and a wonderful cake. She is legally
blind and loves to sing along to music, especially
Slovenian. A few years ago she was able to play
violin. Music is her passion.
Odšli so v Večnost
In Memory
Paula Keber
Anton Božiček
John Cavlovic
Daniela Šuligoj
Ljudmila Dzeko
Matilda Muhar
Matilda, celebrating her 100th birthday (left), and
playing the violin (right).
Raising Funds for the
Dom Lipa Walk-a-thon
In month May, our nursing resident
Zorka Škarjak helped raise $272.00
for Dom Lipa’s WALK-A-THON
by selling shoe cards for $2.00 each.
Below left; shoe cards fill the nurses
station. Below right; volunteer Stella
Adamič purchasing a shoe card.
Naše globoko sožalje sorodnikom.
Our deepest condolences to the family.
Dom Lipa
52 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke, ON M9C 1V7
416.621.3820 |
Theresa MacDermid, Administrator
Tony Klemenčič, Board President
Irena Dolenc-Stajan, Newsletter Committee
Lucy Končan, Newsletter Committee