Dom Lipa Novice/News

Dom Lipa Novice/News
Welcome New
Stefanija Letonja
Frances Kramar
John Hari
Cecilia Filip
In this Issue
1 Annual General
Meeting Report
Odkupljeni Smo
Easter Schedule
Marjan Sevšek
Upcoming Events
Celebrating our
Activity Staff
Veliki teden v Domu Lipa
2011 Memorial Mass
Volunteers for Dom Lipa
Dom Lipa’s
Musical Entertainment
8 St. Patty’s Day Celebration
8 In Memory
8 Dom Lipa Brochure
Spring 2012
Annual General Meeting Report
The annual general meeting for Dom Lipa was held on February
26th, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Approximately 50
members were present to hear a summary of the year’s fiscal
activities and reports from the Treasurer, Auditor and President.
Father Valentin Batič presided over the meeting.
The financial statements were prepared by our new auditors,
MNP, LLP, Chartered Accountants. Joseph Bates, an accountant
from the firm, expressed satisfaction with the financial results
reported and indicated that our new bookkeeping personnel were
doing a good job in recording the financial activities of Dom Lipa,
so that the audit performed by his firm found no serious problems.
He also reported that Dom Lipa had a small surplus of funds at
the end of the year for the first time in several years. This surplus
was due in large part to the donations that had been given to
Dom Lipa through the walk-a-thon and other sources.
The President reported general satisfaction with the operations
of Dom Lipa and thanked the administration, staff, volunteers
and members for their hard work and support. He also emphasized
that although the mortgage on the Dom Lipa property is being
reduced by approximately $200,000.00 per year, it still remains
at approximately $4,000,000.00 and every dollar that we can
spare should be applied to reduce this principal balance before we
enter into a period of higher interest rates. This mortgage
reduction would allow more of our operating funds to be used
for the day-to-day care of the residents.
continued on page 3
Dom Lipa želi vsem Vesele Velikonočne Praznike
Odkupljeni Smo
Neki duhovnik je srečal fantiča, ki je nosil
zarjavelo kletko s tremi pticami v njej.
»Kaj nosiš tam?«
»Ah, tri ptičke sem ulovil.«
»Kaj pa boš z njimi?«
»Ah, kamenčke jim bom metal nekaj časa.«
»A res boš to delal? Kaj pa potem?«
»Igral se bom z njimi. Verjetno jim bom
nekaj perja pulil, jih premetaval itd.«
»Res boš to delal? Kaj pa boš potem?«
»Ko se bom naveličal jih bom nesel mojemu
hudemu mačku, da se bo tudi on z njimi poigral.«
»Kaj pa bo potem?«
»Potem? Kaj sprašuješ! Gotovo jih bo moj
maček ranil, grizel, zadavil in na koncu ubil.«
»Kaj hočeš da ti dam zanje?«
»Kaj praviš?«
»Kaj hočeš zanje in kletko? Koliko denarja?«
»Saj ne misliš resno. Saj vidiš, da ptice niso nič
vredne. Zaletavajo se sem in tja. Nič ne veljajo,
itak bodo pocrkale.«
»Kaj hočeš zanje?«
»Ups. To je prilika torej. Sto dolarjev!«
»Dobro, ti dam!«
Fantič vzame denar in odleti, da se ne bi mož
Drugi dan duhovnik prinese kletko v cerkev. Pri
pridigi ljudem razloži, kako je prišel do nje, kaj se
je pogovoril s fantičem, kako je odkupil ptičke itd.
Potem pa se je zamislil in pripovedoval: »Veste, kakor
tile ptički, podobno smo mi na tem svetu. Nimamo
prave svobode, nimamo prave sreče. Omejeni smo
na prostor, čas in marsikaj drugega. Tudi imamo
občutek, da se usoda ali nekdo z nami poigrava, da
smo preizkušeni neprestano, da imamo probleme s
seboj, z drugimi in da še zdaleč nismo svobodni.
In veste kdo nas je odkupil? Ja, Jezus. On je vprašal
hudiča za ceno našega odrešenja. On nas je hotel
iztrgati iz hudičevih rok, iz rok zla, ki se z nami
‘Kaj hočeš zanje?’
‘Kaj, za te ljudi? Saj vidiš, kakšni so. Saj so ničvredni.
Poglej kako so nezadovoljni s seboj, kako se
pritožujejo drug nad drugim, kako so omejeni, kako
so nevoščljivi, jezni, sovražni, pohlepni itd. Saj so v
moji roki in se lahko z njimi poigravam. Na koncu pa
jih bo pobrala smrt in bodo samo moji.’
‘Kaj hočeš zanje?’
‘Pa ne, da si pripravljen kaj zanje dati. Ups, to je torej
prilika. No, potem hočem vse! Tvoje življenje, tvojo
kri, tvoje solze. Vse hočem! Samo tako ti jih potem
‘Zmenjeno, sprejmem!’
In tako se je Sin človekov predal v hudičeve roke.
Pustil je, da se je zlo spravilo nanj in storilo z njim kar
je hotelo. Se z njim poigravalo, mu pulilo brado, se
norčevalo, ga mučilo, zaničevalo in končno usmrtilo.
A vemo kaj se je potem zgodilo. Nastalo je novo.
Bog je vse naredil novo, ko je svojega Sina obudil in
premagal zlo, premagal smrt in obnovil življenje.
To je Božja zmaga, to je Božje delo, to je novo
Duhovnik je kletko približal oknu in jo odprl, da
so ptice odletele.
»Svobodne so. Tako smo tudi mi, sestre in bratje,
svobodni. Po Jezusu smo prejeli svobodo Božjih
otrok, novo življenje. Ni se nam bati smrti. Pa tudi
vsega zla nas On rešuje. On ima zdravilo za zlo in
grehe vsega sveta. On je tisti, ki nam vrača pravo
srečo, ki nam daje pravo ljubezen, za katero smo
ustvarjeni, po kateri smo ustvarjeni…«
Toni Burja, C.M.
Dom Lipa’s Musical Entertainment
Music plays a very important role in our home and we have
a variety of musical events in Dom Lipa throughout the year.
Our residents enjoy listening to music, musical videos and live
music performed by a variety of singing and dancing groups.
Aggie Elliot of Music Circle with Nežka
Residents singing
We also have regular musical programs as part of resident
activities. The most popular and favourite is, Music Circle with
Nežka. Organized and performed by Aggie Elliot, every second
Friday after mass. She combines Slovenian songs with popular
English ones. The residents love to sing along.
Scouts singing carols at Christmas time
Another musical program that the
residents of Dom Lipa enjoy is by
young pianist, Isabelle Kwon. On
Sunday afternoons, twice a month,
Isabelle plays classical music for
residents on the main floor East
Wing and 2nd Floor West Wing’s
Alzheimer’s Unit.
Residents have also had the pleasure
of special guest, Andreja Zakonjšek
Krt. Andreja is a soprano singer from
Slovenia and had performed for
residents of the Alzheimer’s Unit.
Isabelle Kwon
Andreja Zakonjšek Krt
< Choir and Dance Group
from Croatian Church
Gospa Petrovčič singing>
Spring 2012
Celebrating our Activity Staff
Dom Lipa celebrated our Activity Staff
during the Activity Professionals of Ontario
Awareness Week on March 4th to the 10th.
From left to right: Boguslawa Zelezinska, Monette
Chahal, Malgorzata Kokot and Aurea Purugganan.
“Recreation and activation
programming as a way to enhance
lives is disguised by the fun that
comes out of each program”.
Activity professionals working in the
long-term care sector play important roles,
enhancing residents’ quality of life.
Activity professionals create, plan, implement
and evaluate a variety of recreation programs in
the following five domains: physical, cognitive,
emotional, spiritual and social. We adapt
programs to meet the needs of our residents
and to eliminate barriers in recreation.
There are so many benefits for our residents:
increase or maintain physical mobility,
promoting social interaction, building
relationships, brain stimulation and
decreased stress levels. And recreation, can
at times be a substitution for medication.
A special thank you to Monette Chahal;
Activity Aide, Malgorzata Kokot; Activity
& Restorative Care Attendant, and Aurea
Purugganan, Activity Aide.
Boguslawa Zelezinska
Activation Co-ordinator
Velikonočni Prazniki - Dom Lipa
1. aprila - Cvetna nedelja - ob 11 uri sv. Maša in blagoslov zelenja
5. aprila - ob 16:00 sv. Maša; ob 18:15 Češčenje Najsvetejšega
6. aprila - ob 14:00 Obredi velikega petka
7. aprila - ob 18:00 Blagoslov jedil in Velikonočna vigilija
8. aprila - ob 11:00 sv. Maša
Velikonočna Spoved bo v sredo 28 marca ob 9:00 uri dalje
Easter Schedule - Dom Lipa
April 1st - Palm Sunday Mass at 11:00 am
April 5th - Holy Thursday Mass at 4:00 pm /Holy Sacrament at 6:15 pm
April 6th - Good Friday Service at 2:00 pm
April 7th - Blessings of Food & Mass at 6:00 pm
April 8th - Easter Sunday Mass at 11:00 am
Reconciliation starts at 9:00 am on Wednesday, March 28th.
Veliki teden v Domu Lipa
Cvetna nedelja
• 11:oo - Blagoslov zelenja
• Sv. maša z branjem
Kristusovega trpljenja
Veliki četrtek
• 16:00 - Sveta maša
• 18:15 - Češčenje Najsvetejšega (pol ure)
Veliki petek
• 14:00 - Obredi velikega petka:
Branje Kristusovega trpljenja
Prošnje za potrebe vsega sveta
Češčenje sv. Križa
Sv. Obhajilo
Spring 2012
Velika Sobota
• 18:00 - Blagoslov jedil
• Velikonočna vigilija:
(blagoslov in hvalnica
velikonočne sveče, berila, aleluja,
blagoslov vode, obnovitev
krstnih obljub, sv. maša)
Velika Noč
• 11:00 - Sv. maša - slovenska
Velikonočna spoved:
bo v sredo, 28. Marca,
ob 09:00 uri.
2011 Memorial Mass
In memory of residents who passed in 2011,
a memorial mass and reception for family
members and friends was held at Dom Lipa
on March 6th at 4:00 p.m..
Naša Pesem
Memorial Mass at Dom Lipa.
Andy Pahulje
Other great contributors to Dom Lipa’s musical
entertainment is Naša Pesem, a women’s choir from
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church. And of
course we couldn’t forget, Andy Pahulje, who plays
our Christmas Party every year.
In memory of; Edna Nyers, Anne Malesich,
Stanislav Šubelj, Agata Wozny, Valentina
Turnšek, Marija Markeš, Ana Stefulič, Frank
Pajk, Josip Dujam, Joseph Kastelic, Kirstina
Vičič, Joseph Witt and Ivanka Krpan.
Volunteers for Dom Lipa
Interested in volunteering at Dom Lipa? Please Call Boguslawa, Activation Coordinator.
Marjan Sevšek
Mr. Marjan Sevšek, a
resident of the Retirement
Floor of Dom Lipa, plays
music for everyone who is
celebrating a birthday and
also plays during social
events in our home. Our
residents are very happy
when Marjan treats them
to some live Slovenian
music on his squeeze box.
continued from page 1
He also made special mention of the need for more volunteers
on the Board of Directors and various subcommittees of Dom
Lipa, especially fundraising, promotion, newsletters and business
experience, especially labour relations and fiscal management.
No doubt that there are Slovenians in our community who have
some of these skills and by offering their knowledge and experience
to Dom Lipa for a couple of years or so, our seniors’ home would be
even better than it is. The President urged all members in attendance
to encourage their children and other relatives to volunteer and
assist with these needs.
The meeting ended at 3:15 p.m. and was followed by refreshments
and snacks served by the kitchen staff.
Tony Klemenčič
Upcoming Events
• Sunday, March 25th at 3pm in the Dom Lipa auditorium
Marjan getting everyone in the
spirit on St. Patrick’s Day.
Slovenski Dom Presents, Medicinal Plants of Slovenia
with Richard Vukšinič, N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor)
• Friday, April 6th and Sunday, April 8th
Good Friday and Easter Sunday
• Sunday, April 22nd in the Dom Lipa auditorium
Slovenski Dom’s Apple Štrudelj Challenge
• Sunday, April 15th to Saturday, April 21st
National Volunteer Week
• Sunday, May 27th at the Slovenian Summer Camp
The Dom Lipa Walk-a-thon
Marjan plays for Annie Starich
on her 102nd Birthday!
Spring 2012
St. Patty’s Day Celebration!
Odšli so v Večnost
In Memory
Kristina Vičič
Joseph Witt
Ivanka Krpan
Maria Kovač
Alois Cajnar
Karel Gabrscek
Naše globoko sožalje sorodnikom.
Our deepest condolences to the family.
Dom Lipa Brochure
Our Dom Lipa information brochure is now
available at Dom Lipa and at the entrances of
both parishes, Our Lady of Miraculous Medal
and Our Lady Help of Christians.
Live Concert performed by Vansickle Ensemble
Dom Lipa
52 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke, ON M9C 1V7
416.621.3820 |
Theresa MacDermid, Administrator
Tony Klemenčič, Board President
Ivan Vukšinič, Activity Aide Aurea Purugganan and
Marjan Sevšek being “Irish for a day”.
Irena Dolenc-Stajan, Newsletter Committee
Lucy Končan, Newsletter Committee