CHURCH OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 15, 2015 FAMILY PERSPECTIVE. Who are the outcasts in our family? It is not time to pray, fast and ask for understanding, healing and reconciliation among long-time estranged family members? Be the one who asks Jesus for healing. FAT TUESDAY KOLINE. This Tuesday, February 17th from 4:30-7:30 p.m., the Slovenian Cultural Garden Association will host the annual rice, blood and fresh garlic sausage dinner. Donation is $13 with all of the proceeds benefiting the upkeep and maintenance of our garden, which is part of the Rockefeller Gardens between East Blvd. and MLK Drive. It’s worth the trip to drive through the various gardens of the nationality groups who are part of the City of Cleveland. LENT - OUR SPIRITUAL SPRING. Spring is a time for the re-emergence of life after the cold sleep of winter. Lent is a time for us as Christians to reawaken our spiritual life that has become dull and lifeless. Lent begins this Wednesday, ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18th. We will distribute ashes as a sign of our commitment to journey through this holy season with greater fervor for prayer and charity, as a mark of our repentance and desire to live the joy of the Gospel. Distribution of ashes will be during the 7:45 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Masses. DISCIPLINE OF LENT. The holy season of Lent is a time for personal purification and spiritual renewal. The three hallmarks of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The discipline of Lent calls for all people from the age of 14 and older to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent. (Meat is the flesh of any warm blooded animal). For those who are 18 years old to 60 years old, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of strict fasting (no eating in between meals and only one full meal). LENTEN DEVOTIONS. During Lent, we invite you to weekday morning Masses at 7:45 a.m. and Evening Masses on Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent at 7:00 p.m. Rosary is prayed before morning Masses and before the Wednesday evening Mass. Stations of the Cross are prayed in English on Fridays at 6:30 p.m. and in Slovenian on Sundays at 2:00 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Fridays after the evening Mass for Holy Hour concluding with Night Prayer, Litany of the Sacred Heart and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILATION. Next Sunday, February 22nd, our PSR students who are preparing for their First Holy Communion will receive the healing grace and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus for the first time in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please pray for our youngsters and their parents that they will often times seek the mercy of Jesus in this great sacrament. CLEVELAND, OH Last Sunday’s Offering: $5,890.00 Additional Baraga Collection: $327.00 El Salvador Missions: $515.00 Church Needs: $300 in memory of Angela Pizem; $50 in memory of Mary Jane Russ from husband, Al High School Scholarship Fund: $100 anonymous Your generosity to the Parish is appreciated! A LENTEN EVENING WITH PACO GAVRILIDES. We invite you, your family and friends to a special Lenten presentation by Paco Gavrilides, national speaker on Catholic evangelization and Living and Embracing the Joy of the Gospel in our modern secular world. This presentation will be on Wednesday, March 4th, immediately following the 7:00 p.m. Mass. A reception will follow afterwards in the parish hall. COLLINWOOD CLUSTER MONDAY LENTEN MASSES. We are truly blessed in our Collinwood Community that our 4 Catholic parishes journey together through this holy season of Lent, a practice that we began already in 1988. The schedule of Cluster Masses during Lent is the following: February 23rd Holy Redeemer March 2nd St. Mary March 9th St. Casimir March 16th St. Jerome March 23rd Communal Penance Service, St. Mary IT’S FISH FRY TIME. We begin the best fish fry in Cleveland here at St. Mary’s on Friday, February 20th. Dinners will be served from 3:00-7:00 p.m. on all Fridays of Lent (There is NO Fish Fry on Good Friday). We will be offering fried ocean perch, baked cod, shrimp, crab cakes, breaded scallops, and macaroni & cheese dinners. We will also offer the option for either Slovenian potatoes or fresh fries. All dinners include dessert and coffee. 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL is underway with an in-pew commitment process this weekend. This is not a special collection. Catholic Charities Annual Appeal represents the opportunity for all Catholics to make a significant pledge, payable in installments throughout the year to support the charitable work of our Catholic Church in Northeast Ohio. Through your generosity, the Church provides Family Services, aid to persons with disabilities, care for the elderly and chronically ill, comprehensive mental health services, job placement training, summer camps, Head Start and Early Childhood Education and so much more. This year’s theme is “Open Your Heart to Live Joyfully and Generously.” Please be a part of this noble charitable work by making a generous pledge. OUR LADY OF LOURDES SHRINE ASH WEDNESDAY FISH FRY will be served in the Shrine Dining Room from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. Donation is $8.50. SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Masses for the Week of February 16-22, 2015 Monday: 7:45 a.m. Tuesday: 7:45 a.m. Wednesday: 7:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Thursday: 7:45 a.m. Friday: 7:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 7:45 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 2:00 p.m. (2/16) WEEKDAY Angela Pizem (30 Day) (2/17) THE SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS OF THE SERVITE ORDER Donald Greenfelder (Marie Azman) (2/18) ASH WEDNESDAY Jennie Tuma (Mary & Anna Lunder) Ivan & Frances Vidmar (Stepec, Vidmar, O’Donnell & Grady Families) (2/19) THURSDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY Ladislav Machek (John Girbino) (2/20) FRIDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY Poor Souls Stations of the Cross/English Olga Kalar (St. Joseph #169 KSKJ) (2/21) SATURDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY Corrine Perrotti (30 Day) Mike Hodnichak and Lous & Mary Hitty (Dorothy & Diane Hodnichak) (2/22) FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Parishioners Francka & Jernej Merela (Vida Merela) Donald Zimperman (Vida Strukel) Stations of the Cross/Slovenian Lectors/Extraordinary Ministers (Weekend of February 21/22nd) Saturday Sunday 5:00 p.m. Jeanne Matuch/Cindy Smith/ Lauren Merkys 8:00 a.m. Joan Chermely/Chris Nemec/ Herman Doerfer 10:00 a.m. Metka Zalar/Suzi Hamilton/ Viktoria Zalik 12:00 noon Greg Kozar/Sheila Kozar Please Pray for Our Sick: Milan Dular, Robert Smekel, Agnes Valencic, Eugene Kogovsek, Joseph Zajc, Joseph Perrotti SLOVENSKA ŠOLA PRI SV. VIDU ima “Benefit Brunch” v nedeljo 22. februarja od 9:30 do 12:00 opoldan v Avditoriju Sv. Vida. Dar je $9. za odrasle in $6. za otroke. Lepo vabljeni. RIBJE VEČERJE. Začeli bomo naše najboljše postne večerje v Clevelandu v petek 20. februarja. Serviranje bo od 3:00 do 7:00 zvečer vse petke v Postu (razen Velikega petka). Nudili bomo ocvrte in pečene ribe, shrimp, crabcakes, ocvrte scallops, testenine s sirom. Na voljo bo poleg praženega krompirja tudi pommes frittes. Večerji je vključena kava in sladica. FEBRUARY 15, 2015 DANES JE 6. NAVADNA NEDELJA. 2015 KAMPANJA KATOLIŠKE DOBRODELNOSTI se začne danes s procesom obveznosti po klopeh. To ni posebna nabirka. Katoliška dobrodelna kampanja predstavlja priložnost za vse katoličane da obvežejo vsoto in jo plačujejo po obrokih skozi vse leto v podporo dobrodelnega dela naše Katoliške Cerkve v Severovzhodnem Ohio. Z vašo pomočjo Cerkev pomaga s programi družinam, invalidom, starim ljudem in kronično bolnim in vsem ki potrebujejo pomoč. Letošnja tema je, “Odprite svoje srce in živite veselo in dobrodelno.” Prosimo bodite del tega plemenitega dela dobrote z velikodušnim obveznim darom. POST-NAŠA DUHOVNA POMLAD. Pomlad je čas za ponovni pojav življenja po mrzlem spanju zime. Postni čas je za nas kristjane, da zbudimo naše duhovno življenje, ki je postalo suho in mrtvo. Post se začne to SREDO-PEPELNICO, 18. februarja. Pepelenje je znak naše obveznosti da gremo skozi ta sveti čas z večjo vnemo za molitev in dobroto, kot izraz naše spokornosti in volje, živeti radost Evangelija… Pepelenje bo med mašami ob 7:45 zjutraj in ob 7:00 zvečer. ZAKRAMENT SPOVEDI. Naslednjo nedeljo 22. februarja bodo naši učenci verouka ki se pripravljajo na prvo obhajilo prejeli milost odpuščanja našega Gospoda Jezusa v zakramentu spovedi. Prosimo, molite za naše male in njihove starše, da bodo večkrat iskali milost Jezusa v tem zakramentu. POSTNA DISCIPLINA. Postni čas je čas za osebno očiščenje in duhovno obnovo. Trije znaki Posta so molitev, post in dobrodelnost. Postna disciplina kliče vse ljudi od 14. leta naprej na zdržek od mesa na Pepelnico in vse petke v Postu. (meso je od vsake toplo krvne živali). Za vse ki so stari 18. let do 60. leta je Pepelnica in Veliki petek strogi post (nič jedi med obroki in samo eden poln obrok). POSTNE POBOŽNOSTI. Med Postnim časom vas vabimo k maši ob 7:45 zjutraj in večerni maši v sredo in petek ob 7:00 zvečer. Molitev rožnega venca je pred mašo zjutraj in v sredo pred večerno mašo. Križev pot bomo molili v petek ob 6:30 zvečer v angleščini in v nedeljo ob 2:00 popoldan v slovenščini. Najsvetejše je izpostavljeno ob četrtkih od 2:00 do 6:00 zvečer in ob petkih za uro molitve po večerni maši z večernicami, litanijami Srca Jezusovega in blagoslovom z Najsvetejšim. POSTNE MAŠE COLLINWOODSKIH ŽUPNIJ. Res smo blagoslovljeni v naši Collinwoodski skupnosti, da naše štiri katoliške župnije obhajajo skupno ta sveti postni čas, navado ki se je začela že 1988. Spored maš v Postu je: 23. februarja pri Holy Redeemer; 2. marca pri Mariji vnebovzeti; 9. marca pri sv. Kazimirju; 16. marca pri St. Jerome in 23. marca Spokorna pobožnost pri Mariji vnebovzeti. POSTNI VEČER S PACO GAVRILIDES. Vabimo vas, vaše družine in prijatelje na predstavitev, ki jo bo predstavil Paco Gavrilides, znani govornik o katoliški evangelizaciji in kako živeti in objeti radost Evangelija v našem modernem, posvetnem svetu. Predstavitev bo v sredo 4. marca takoj po maši ob 7:00 zvečer. Sledi družabno srečanje v župnijski dvorani. KOLINE, na pustni torek 17. februarja, ki jih sponzorira Odbor Slovenskega kulturnega vrta bodo servirali od 4:30 do 7:30 zvečer v župnijski dvorani. Dar je $13. za krvavice, riževe klobase in pečenice. Ves dohodek gre za Slovenski kulturni vrt ki je del Rockefeller Gardens med East Blvd. in MLK Drive. Splača se peljati skozi vrtove narodnih skupin, ki so del mesta Cleveland.
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