SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 05/48 Rojeni za zmago 29. 01. 2012 Pred leti je v ZDA izšla knjiga: »Born to Win« — Rojen, da bi zmagal ali rojen za zmago. Avtor knjige ljudi deli na zmagovalce in poražence. Zmagovalci imajo veselje do življenja. Uživajo v delu, v igri, ob dobri hrani, v naravi, v stiku z drugimi ljudmi. Poraženci niso nikoli zadovoljni s seboj, pri vsem imajo občutek krivde. Kako pa na to vprašanje gleda Jezus? Preseneča nas, da Jezus priporoča svoje 'življenje izgubiti'. To pomeni zatajiti samega sebe. To pomeni sebi reči: NE. S tem Jezus temeljno človeško potrebo po sreči udari v obraz. »Kaj človeku pomaga, če si ves svet pridobi, svojo dušo pa pogubi!« Življenje je nekaj najdragocenejšega, kar imamo. Njegove vrednosti ni mogoče oceniti. Za kakšno ceno ga človek lahko odkupi? Kar težko rečemo, ali je bil Jezus poraženec v življenju ali ne? Pod svojo zunanjostjo je skrival nasprotje. Ali ni bil kakor pšenično zrno? Prav s smrtjo je zaslužil neizmerne sadove. Kaj pomeni za nas življenje izgubiti? To pomeni življenje izgubiti zaradi Jezusove volje. Kdor misli samo na svoj jaz, ostane sam na koncu s svojimi minljivimi vrednotami. Kdor želi svoje življenje najti, ga bo izgubil, kdor pa se za druge razdaja, ga bo našel. Priznati moramo, da nam to zveni še vedno tuje. Zato normalen človek reagira kakor Peter. Pavel pa že vzklika: »To, kar je zame dobiček, sem imel zaradi Kristusa za izgubo!« (Flp 3,7) Najbrž je samo od nas odvisno, če bomo v svojem življenju ponovno rekli DA. Potrebno je, da zavestno pade odločitev. Pesem Stezosledcev pravi: »Življenje je igra. Je zelo resna reč. V njem je vse usmerjeno na zmago in vse ima svojo izgubo.« Kdor zna prav igrati, kdor tehta ljubezen, ta dospe do velikega cilja. Številka - Number / Leto - Year 4. NEDELJA MED LETOM 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TELEFON - TELEPHONE 905-561-5971 FAX 905-561-5109 E-MAIL [email protected] st__gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm HALL RENTALS 905-518-6159 BLED KOLINE V nedeljo, 22. januarja 2012 se je kar precej zbralo v dvorani na Bledu na tradicionalnem kosilu z dobro “bujto repo” in krvavicami. Z glasbo pa so poskrbeli muzikanje ansambla “ŠIBAJ”. Članice Slomškovega Oltarnega društva na prvem sestanku v letu 2012, v torek 24. januarja. PLESNA SKUPINA SOČA NA PRVIH VAJAH 34 | VESTNIK 2012 VESTNIK 2012 | 35 Sunday's Readings 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Deuteronomy 18:15-20 The Lord promises to raise up a prophet like Moses to speak God’s word to God’s people. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Expecting the world to end soon, Paul calls for single-minded devotion to God rather than attention to one’s worldly needs. Gospel Mark 1:21-28 Jesus teaches with an authority that is validated by the subduing of an evil spirit. “What is this? A new teaching with authority.” Illustration The movie was to be a true story of one woman’s struggle against the military authorities in a corrupt South American country. But the director and leading actress were in dispute about the interpretation of the character’s role. The scriptwriter had not made it clear. So the studio authorities called in a variety of people who had worked with the real character or who had studied her life and actions. A professor, a leading authority on modern South American history, shone some light, but the character remained an enigma. Even the authorized biography left gaps in the full picture. Eventually they decided to consult the woman herself, now living quietly in Australia. She was the only real authority on what had motivated her. She was the author of her own story, her life. As a result, the script was changed, and the actress 36 | VESTNIK 2012 went on to play the role with real conviction, her authoritative performance winning her an Oscar. Note the number of times the word “authority” and its derivatives are used, in many different senses. There is one use of authority, usually in the plural, applying to those people whose office endows them with power over others, for good or ill – “the authorities”. Then there is the authority of expertise, knowledge being a form of power. “Authorized” implies something official, approved, genuine; and “authoritative” has the strength of truth and conviction about it. All stem, in fact, from the word “author” – an original creator, the real source of authority on that which is created. Gospel Teaching When Jesus taught in the synagogue, his authority was derived not from the power of holding a religious office, nor from mere expertise. For he was no ordained priest, nor a scholarly scribe, and, although Luke’s Gospel reports that even at a young age he had astounded the teachers in the Temple, he was not an academic. The authority that Jesus possessed, then and now, is from his being one with the author, the creator, of the very truth he propounded. Also his words and his acts were one and the same. As his teaching could fill the mind and heart with the wonder of God’s love, so his acts could restore broken people to wholeness, to God’s shalom. As God creates the world by God’s word alone, so Jesus uses his words alone to subdue the forces of evil that have taken possession of the man in the congregation. Recently the voice from heaven at Jesus’ baptism had acknowledged Jesus’ identity. Here another supernatural being does the same. Jesus’ authority is drawn not from this world but from the divine. Although there were many teachers of the law and interpreters of Scripture at the time, and many exorcists and healers, none was invested with this direct authority. And yet, even while Jesus restores health and wholeness, hostility and conflict are ever present. Here the unclean spirit immediately recognizes Jesus and, in the act of leaving its human host, causes the man to suffer convulsions. The competing authorities of good and evil are ranged against each other from the start. Application Hostility between them is a constant theme in Mark’s Gospel, although we know who ultimately triumphs. The people in the stories are challenged to take sides: the disciples, the authorities, the people in the crowds, the listeners. So are we. When we hear the uncompromising position Jesus takes against evil, we are asked where we stand on that. Do we tolerate it, for an easy life? Do we give in, and behave in ways more in keeping with Satan than with Christ? Do we face our own demons and, with God’s grace, expel them from our lives? Are we prepared to hear a new teaching, to be shaken by the radicalism of Jesus’ message, or do we prefer to go through the motions of habit and conformity? How can we take on the mantle of being other Christs in our world? To speak, act and live with Christ’s authority is a vocation that calls us constantly to grow closer to him, day after day. We have the means to do that through prayer; through daily attention to scripture reading, study and meditation; through the sacraments, and through the constant practice of the virtues. Challenging authority in this world is something that we all may be called to do from time to time. But we are also called to recognize the ultimate authority of God, and to reflect on how that challenges us in our everyday lives. F OLKLORNA S KUPINA VENEC — BREAKFAST F UNDRAISER It's that time again! Folklorna Skupina Venec will be hosting it's 2nd Annual Breakfast Fundraiser on April 15, 2012, so mark your calendars! We thank all those who supported us last year - it was a great success — and we look forward to your continued support this year. Please join us for a great family event, with great food and live music! More information will be available in the Vestnik in the coming weeks. T HANK YOU TO F ATHER D RAGO Folklorna Skupina Venec would like thank Father Drago for his tremendous help and support in making 2011 a very successful year for the group. Thank you Father Drago! Folklorna Skupina Venec has made a donation to St. Gregory the Great Parish, in the amount of $500.00, to show our sincere gratitude and appreciation. VESTNIK 2012 | 37 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKI ZBOR V četrtek po maši so pevske vaje. Naslednjič zbor poje pri maši 12. februarja 2012. Ta dan se poslovimo tudi od gospoda Antona Rozmariča, ki 14. februarja odhaja nazaj na Avstrijsko Koroško, župnijo Št. Primoža. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA »SOČA« Folklorna skupina "SOČA" is starting its 46th season. All past and new members are invited to attend practices on Saturdays at 12:30 [following Slovenska šola]. Yesterday, January 28 was our first practice. All children from 7 years of age and above are encouraged. If we have sufficient numbers, a teenage group will be formed. Encourage your children, grandchildren and friends to learn a little about their roots through music, dance and song. For more information, please contact Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA »VENEC« "VENEC" will have practice on Sunday, January 29th at 2pm. All members are encouraged to attend. New members and couples are always welcome to join this cross-community organization. For more information, call Dave Antolin: 905-664-5980. PERSONS SEPARATED AND DIVORCED LEARNING TO COPE (Level I) is a ten week support program starting Tuesday, February 28th (7:00 pm to 9:30 pm) for persons experiencing the trauma of a separation or divorce. For more information, please contact the Family Ministry Office at (905) 528-7988, ext. 2249. Cost: $35. Past partici38 | VESTNIK 2012 pants are welcome to inquire about other Levels programs available. COME JOIN US TO FIND THE “KEYS TO LOVING RELATIONSHIPS” “Keys” is a ten week video-based program meant for anyone (married or single) who is looking for a more meaningful relationship with a spouse, family member or friend. The program runs Thursday evenings from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. starting March 1st, at the Chancery Office, 700 King St. W, Hamilton. The cost is $45.00. For more information, please call the Family Ministry Office at (905) 528-7988 ext. 2249. OBLETNICE POROK S škofije so tudi za letos poslali plakat s prijavnicami za različne obletnice porok /25, 40, 50, 60 in več/. Kdor bi se želel pridružiti škofijskemu praznovanju v hamiltonski katedrali, naj izpolni prijavnico in jo do 20. junija pošlje na škofijo Hamilton. Praznovanje bo letos v nedeljo, 9. septembra 2012 ob dveh popoldne. TALENT SHOW Share your Talents for a Worthy Cause in this Year's TALENT SHOW, March 18, 2012. Registration/Audition February 3rd and 10th from 7:00 p.m. To 9:00 p.m. At 739 Browns Line. Call: Matt Lebar 647-295-0192 or Milena soršak: 905276-7258. Our hope for tomorrow is in the good we do today. Victoria Funds helps Slovenians with Special Needs. SVEČNICA - JEZUSOVO DAROVANJE CWL - KŽZ V četrtek, 2. februarja je praznik Jezusovega darovanja v templju ali SVEČNICA. Pri maši bomo blagoslovili sveče. Sveče lahko kupipe v atriju cerkve, ali prinesete svoje od doma. IMPORTANT NOTICE:Our monthly General meeting will be held this Wednesday,Feb 1, immediately following 7pm mass. We are confirming plans for our upcoming Annual Bazaar. A strong members attendance is necessary and would be greatly help the progress of our plans. Ladies interested in CWL membership are always welcome! We invite parish members, their families and friends to attend our Annual Parish Bazaar, Sunday March 5. This event is a wonderful opportunity for families of our parish to come out and enjoy one another’s company.Lunch tickets will start to sell at Sunday masses in February. In preparation for our Bazaar we kindly ask for donations of new items for our penny sale tables. Strudel can be ordered in advance by calling Vera Gonza at (905) 560-0089. Only a limited amount will be available for sale on the bazaar date. Lottery tickets will be sold at each Sunday mass. Our members are encouraged to pick up a minimum of 5 booklets each and do their best to sell them. Parishioners are encouraged to help support our fundraising efforts for the parish by purchasing this booklets. 10 tickets for $5.All monies raised from the sale of these tickets go directly to our parish. Our Annual Bazaar is our biggest fundraising effort for our parish. We can not be successful with out the support of our members and parish family. We thank you in advance for this support. PRVI PETEK IN SOBOTA Ta teden začenjamo mesec februar . 3. Februarja je prvi petek. Obiskovali bomo bolnike, zvečer bo priložnost za prejem zakramenta odpuščanja in molitev pred Najsvetejšim. Ker je v petek tudi god sv. Blaža, bom med mašo blagoslov sv. Blaža. VEČNA LUČ Večna luč bo v mesecu februarju gorela po namenu Romane Novak za pokojnega Franka Novaka, pokojne iz družin Novak in Globočnik. KANADSKO SLOVENSKO ZGODOVINSKO DRUŠTVO Redni letni občni zbor Kanadskega slovenskega zgodovinskega društva bo v soboto 11. februarja 2012 ob10:00 dopoldne v spodnjih prostorih (Bord room) Doma Lipe, 57 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke M9C1V7. Pridružite se nam, da skupaj ohranjamo zgodovino Slovencev v Kanadi. Vsi dobrodšli! DOGODKI V PRIHODNJIH DNEH V nedeljo 29. januarja društvo LIPA PARK, pripravlja Kulturni dan, Lovski in ribiški dan in koline. Ob eni uri popoldne bo na razpolago odlično kosilo /cena $15.00/, po kosilu kratka proslava in nato družabno popoldne. Za rezervacijo kosila pokličite Francko Seljak: 905-735-5207 ali Paulo Kunej: 905-934-2557. VESTNIK 2012 | 39 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES OD 29. 01. 2012 DO 06. 02. 2012 NEDELJA - SUNDAY 29. JANUAR 4. NEDELJA MED LETON Valerij, škof PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 30. JANUAR Martina, mučenka TOREK - TUESDAY 31. JANUAR Sv. Janez Bosko MASSES MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:00 P. M., SATURDAY 8:15 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. za žive in rajne župljane †† Starši Slobodnik in Težak † Amalija Klepec 9:30 A.M. Družina Slobodnik 11:00 A.M. Antonija Kreže †† Alojz Šribar †† starši Varl in Tonkli 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetič Družina Varl † Jožef Pust †† Martin in Marija Veličevič 7:00 P.M. Mary Zabukovec Alojz Veličevič Ludvik Hull z družino Bogu v zahvalo † Malka Klepec SREDA - WEDNESDAY Za zdravje 01. FEBRUAR † Jože Jakša Brigita Irska, opatinja †† Rajni Salezijanci ČETRTEK - THURSDAY † Josip in Terezija Sajder 02. FEBRUAR † Starši Kuzma in sin Metod Svečnica, Jez. darov. 7.00 P.M. Pavla Kunej Alex Prokić Maria Luis SDB PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY 03. FEBRUAR Blaž, škof-mučenec †† Za duše v vicah † Blaž Čulig † Martin Kolarič 7:00 P.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič Terezija Dunko Viktor in Olga Glavač SOBOTA - SATURDAY 04. FEBRUAR Leon, muč. †† †† †† † 8:15 A.M. Frances Bratina 5:30 P.M. Družina Napast Janez Selšek z družino Žena Frančiška Napast NEDELJA - SUNDAY 05. FEBRUAR 5. NEDELJA MED LETON Agata, dev.-mučenka Janez in Frančiška Blažič iz družine Simončič Pokojni Selšek Stane Napast 7:00 P.M. Steve in Vida Sajder Hčerka Jožica Vlašič za žive in rajne župljane † Rozalija Ifko † Jožef Godina 9:30 A.M. Emilija Lovrenčec 11:00 A.M. Brat Steve z družino SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation DON BOSCO (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. 40 | VESTNIK 2012
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