Water Quality in Apple Canyon Lake

Water Quality in Apple Canyon Lake
Seth Sample, Michael J. Malon, Aren Helgerson, Adam Hoffman
Anthropogenic land-use change over the past 200 years has led to severe water quality
issues throughout the Mississippi River Basin. In 2012, Apple Canyon Lake (ACL) and the Jo
Davies County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) worked with members of the
Environmental Science Department at the University of Dubuque (UD) to conduct a pilot study
on water quality of inflow—and outflow—of the ACL. Studying concentrations of nitrates,
concentrations of phosphates, and densities of fecal colliform bacteria colonies are three
effective methods of understanding the causes and severity of poor water quality. Water quality
tests were conducted on samplings from nine locations around ACL every month from late
spring (May) through early fall (September). Important data was gathered from this pioneer
study, although a presiding factor of drought created a complication in analysis.
It has become increasingly clear that anthropogenic land-use change over the past 200
years has led to severe water quality issues throughout the Mississippi River Basin and the Gulf
of Mexico (Hunsaker & Levine 1995; Turner & Rabalais 1991). While over-enrichment
(eutrophication) in streams often leads to hypoxic and anoxic environments which choke out
respiring aquatic organisms (Diaz & Rosenburg 1995), excessive runoff from various nonpoint
sources negatively affect the quality of life for both aquatic and terrestrial animals—such as
humans (Barnes et al. 2001). Two critical indices of eutrophication are nitrates and
orthophosphates. Nitrates often appear in water bodies due to fertilizer runoff and livestock
manure runoff. Studying colonial densities of fecal colliform bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli,
more commonly known as E. coli) is often a valuable indication of how nitrates enter the water
(Mallin et al. 2000). Even small amounts of orthophosphates (PO3) are readily taken up by
phytoplankton (like algae) and aquatic plants which often leads to excessive blooming (EPA
2012). These large blooms, at the end their life cycles, sink as detritus to the water body’s
substrate where they are consumed by aerobic bacteria. These aerobic bacteria multiply in great
numbers due to the temporary increased energy supply, and essentially starve the aquatic
ecosystem of dissolved oxygen which faunal communities need for survival.
Apple Canyon Lake (ACL) and the Jo Davies County Soil & Water Conservation District
(SWCD) worked with members of the Environmental Science Department at the University of
Dubuque (UD) to study the water quality of water flowing into—and out of—the Apple Canyon
Lake, an impoundment of Hell’s Branch with six major tributaries. This pilot study at ACL was
conducted from late spring (May) through early fall (September) of 2012. Three primary
indicators were tested to gauge water quality: total phosphorus (ppm), nitrates (ppm), and fecal
colliform bacteria (colonies/100 ml).
Water quality tests were conducted on samplings from nine locations around ACL.
Sampling was conducted once a month (from May through September), in the middle of every
month, and after rain events. However, due to the severe drought of 2012 when this project was
administered, no significant rain events occurred outside the monthly testing regime. Sampling
was completed by filling collection jars with surface water from each of the nine test sites,
labeled 1 through 9 (see Map 1 below). Sampling began with Site 1, at Koester’s Pond, on the
western side of ACL. Sampling then moved in a clockwise fashion around the lake, generally
Map 1
following Apple Canyon Road. The final sampling site, Site 9, was located just downstream
from the waterfall on South Apple Canyon Road.
Three primary factors were used to determine aspects of ACL’s water quality during the
year of 2012. We tested for the presence of phosphates, nitrates, and E. coli. Phosphorus was
measured to determine reactive phosphorus, which consists of adding a phosphate complexing
reagent to the unfiltered water samples and then measuring the absorbance at 880 nm (APHA,
1999). This will measure dissolved phosphates in the water and the loosely sorbed sediment
bound phosphorus. Nitrite and nitrate were measured using Hach Aquacheck™ test strips. Fecal
Coliform bacteria, including E. coli was determined by counting bacterial colonies following
inoculation with Coliscan Easygel™ and a 48 hour incubation.
The presiding factor of drought, and its effects on both nutrient and fecal colliform
concentrations, creates a complication in analysis (Hirsch et al. 1982). Drought effect in regard
to nutrient loading, fecal colliforms, and other ecological impacts is also an area of study that is
considerably under-researched (Lake 2003). The results of this project may be beneficial to both
the ACL community and to the scientific community, as it provides several months of data that
can contribute to a growing body of evidence concerning drought effects on water quality.
Total phosphorus (P) concentrations, yielded results for all sample sites—except two sites
during the month of September. In the cumulative graph below (Graph 1), each of the nine sites
are expressed chronologically. In Graphs 2 and 3 below, monthly trends in various sites are
provided. Observable trends in correlation with the drought are as follows: Sites 2 and 3 were
completely dry by September and, therefore, no water sampling could be taken. All values for
Sites 2 and 3, for the month of September, were listed as 0. The drought’s effect on water
systems became most noticeable by the month of July 2012. There tends to be a general upward
trend in total phosphorus levels during the month of July, except for Site 7 (the golf course).
However, as will be seen below, nitrate levels tend to dip during the month of July (except Site
Nitrate testing was partially conducted on site and partially in a lab at the University of
Dubuque (UD). Graph 4 below gives a visual representation of the chronological cumulative
nitrate (NO3) data. Once again, Sites 2 and 3 were given values of 0 for the month of September,
due to drought effects.
Fecal colliform bacteria (E. Coli) concentrations were also conducted at each site for
every month, with the exception of Sites 2 and 3 in September. Graph 5 below shows the
chronological cumulative E. Coli data.
Graph 1
Cumulative Graph for Total P Concentrations
Total P (ppm)
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7
Site 8
Site 9
Graph 2
Graph 3
Correlative Graph for
Sites 1, 3, & 8
Correlative Graph for
Sites 5, 6, & 9
Site 1
Site 3
Site 8
Total P (ppm)
Total P (ppm)
Site 5
Site 6
Site 9
Graph 4
Cumulative Graph for NO3 Concentrations
Site 1
NO3 (ppm)
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7
Site 8
Site 9
Graph 5
Cumulative Graph for E. Coli Concentrations
(colonies/100 mL)
Site 1
E. coli (col/100 mL)
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Site 7
Site 8
Site 9
While no overall E. Coli trends were discovered, a particular site during the month of July is
noteworthy. At Site 8 there was a common spike in all three data sets (phosphorus, nitrates, and
fecal colliforms) where there were, during other months, negligible amounts of each. Graph 6
below describes this trend.
Graph 6
Site 8
E. coli (col/100 mL)
E. Coli
Graph 6: For the
purposes of creating a
readable graph an
arbitrary number (1) was
given for E. Coli, to
represent the colonial
peak in July (a density of
almost 200 colonies/100
The drought creates a difficulty in data interpretation, but certain trends did arise. In Graph 6
above, there was a significant spike in all 3 data collection factors in the month of July. July also
signified the first noticeable effects of the drought in the ACL watershed. Site 8 is located just
downstream from a culvert, which funnels the drainage from a small recreational park near the
golf course. Along with the drought, anthropogenic factors should be considered as Koester’s
Pond was dredged during the month of August. Note in Graph 4 above that Sites 1 (Koester’s
Pond) and 2 (the stream that runs off from Koester toward ACL) have noticeable nitrate level
spikes during the month of August. It should also be noted that there is a cattle pasture just
upstream, to the northwest of Koester’s Pond.
In future studies, data could be gathered using a number of other factors to determine both
the health of the biotic community and the tributary effects on ACL. Taking data for Total
Suspended Solids (TSS) along with flow rates would be beneficial to determine the approximate
amount of sediment traveling into the ACL. Ammonia data were originally intended to be
gathered for this pilot study, but unfortunately limited time and resources did not permit this.
Finally, a thorough Rapid Assessment of Stream Conditions Along Length (RASCAL), in which
the technician documents such factors as bank stabilization and canopy cover, could be
beneficial in determining the health of aquatic wildlife communities which would also have
benefits for the recreational aspects of ACL downstream.
APHA. 1995. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 19th Edition.
American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Barnes, K. B., et al. (2001). Impervious surfaces and the quality of natural and built
environments. Baltimore: Department of Geography and Environmental Planning, Towson
Diaz, R. J., & Rosenberg, R. (1995). Marine benthic hypoxia: a review of its ecological effects
and the behavioural responses of benthic macrofauna. Oceanography and marine biology. An
annual review, 33, 245-03.
EPA. (2012). 5.6 Phosphorus. Water: Monitoring and Assessment. Environmental Protection
Agency, 2012, March 6. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from
Hirsch, R. M., Slack, J. R., & Smith, R. A. (1982). Techniques of trend analysis for monthly
water quality data. Water resources research, 18(1), 107-121.
Hunsaker, C. T., & Levine, D. A. (1995). Hierarchical approaches to the study of water quality in
rivers. BioScience, 193-203.
Lake, P. S. (2003). Ecological effects of perturbation by drought in flowing waters. Freshwater
Biology, 48(7), 1161-1172.
Mallin, M. A., Williams, K. E., Esham, E. C., & Lowe, R. P. (2000). Effect of human
development on bacteriological water quality in coastal watersheds. Ecological Applications,
10(4), 1047-1056.
Turner, R. E., & Rabalais, N. N. (1991). Changes in Mississippi River water quality this century.
BioScience, 140-147.