The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen 24. – 27. juli Hey ho, let`s go! Sjantiseminar v/Haakon Vatle The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 1 1. Liverpool Packet 1. At the Liverpool docks, at the brake of the day I saw a flash packet bound westward away She was bound to the westwards where the salt tides do flow REF: She’s a Liverpool Packet, oh lord let her go FULL REF: Bound away, oh Bound away, oh Through the ice sleet and snow She’s a Liverpool Packet Oh, lord let her go! 2. And now we’re a lying in the Mersey so free Awaiting the tugboats to tow us to sea And we’ll round the Rock light where the salt tides do flow REF: She’s a Liverpool Packet, oh lord let her go 3. And now we’re a sailing down the wild Irish sea Our passengers are happy, and their heart full of glee Our sailors, like tigers; they walk to and fro REF: She’s a Liverpool Packet, oh lord let her go 4. And now we’re a sailing the Atlantic so wide and the orders are given to scrub the ship side Now then holystones, boyos, the bosun do blow REF: She’s a Liverpool Packet, oh lord let her go 5. And now we’re arriving in old New York town We’re bound for the Bowery, and to let sorrows drown With our beer and our girls; boys, we’ll let the song flow REF: She’s a Liverpool Packet, oh lord let her go The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 2 2. Dagens sjanti: South Australia 1. In south Australia I was born Ref.: HEAVE AWAY, HAUL AWAY In south Australia round the Cape horn Ref.: AND WE`RE BOUND FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA Etter kvart vers: Solo: Haul away you rolling kings Ref: Heave away, haul away Solo: Haul away and you`ll hear me sing Ref: and we`re bound for South Australia 2. I walked outside one morning fair and chanced to meet sweet Nancy Blair 3. I shook her up and I shook her down I danced her round and round the town 4. There ain`t one thing that grieves my mind, then to leave sweet Nancy there behind…. 5. Oh, south Australia is a bloody fine place To get blind drunk is no disgrace 6. I wish I was on a lonesome strand. With rum and whisky all in hand. 7. When finally we get to shore I`ll need to find a Liverpool whore 7. Now, two old women lying in the sand, each one wishing that the other was a man. 3. Dagens sjanti: Paddy’s boots 1. SOLO: Timme way hey –ey –yah! We’ll all drink whisky and (REF): GIN! 2. SOLO: Timme way hey –ey –yah! We’ll all throw shit at the (REF): COOK! 3. SOLO: Timme way hey –ey –yah! 8. And as we wallop around the Cape Horn We wished to Christ we’d never been born We’ll pay Paddy Doyle for his (REF): BOOTS! The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 3 4. Dagens sjanti: SANTY ANA Solo: I Amsterdam i Holland låg ein god og gammal brigg Ref.: HEAVE AWAY,SANTY ANA Solo: Forsliten var dens skrog og forsliten var den rigg Ref.: HEAVE AWAY, MY BOYS, FOR MEXICO 2. Vi skulle ut frå Amsterdam med ballast utav jord Og seile heim til Fredrikstad, og laste høvla bord 3. Vi seilte ut kanalen og pumpa litt i mens Men stod til neste formidda` før skuta ho blei lens 4. Og da vi kom i sjøen, gutt, jeg sier deg for sant: Drakk skipper`n mer brennevin enn skuta ho trakk vann 5. Det var ein søndag morgen, vi blei purra ut til baut Kokken kom fra rommet skreik at kjølsvinet flaut 6. Ja, sjømannslivet det er ikke alltid like lett Og når han går i land så drikker han seg fra sitt vett! 7. Nå kan jeg inte synge mer for inte mer jeg veit… JO, kokken brente rumpa si for byssa var for heit!! The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 4 5. Danse Polka 1. En vise vil jeg synge og den er splitter ny 5. Jeg gledet meg til natta den handler om ei jente som og var så sjeleglà jeg traff i New York by Jeg gjorde kur, men hu var lur og disse ord hu sa: Ref; Å hal i vei ein sjanti My dear, Annie 6. Min beste venn er Yankee Oh, you New York girl og går med kortklipt hår Kan du danse polka?! han sjømann er, og ganske nær for skipet kom i går. 2. Jeg gikk nedover Broadway en sommeraften varm 7. Han kommer hit i aften En kvinne flott, i lyseblått og blir nok her i natt, kom hen og tok min arm så kyss meg fort, for du må bort han er sjalu, min skatt! 3. Vi sammen gikk på byen til jeg blei drita full 8. Ja, jentene er falske I en butikk hun ringer fikk De holder aldri ord som nesten var av gull. Å hva de gjør, så snart de tør Det kan du aldri tro. 4. Hu sa; ”du Ola Stokkfisk kan følge med meg hjem 9. Jeg gjorde som hun ba meg Du er så snill og liketil for Yankeen kom der, at du skal få en klem” og sa: ADJØ, DU FALSKE MØ NÅ VET JEG HVEM DU ER! The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 5 6. Den norske sjømann 1. Jeg fødtes uti nordsjøen en stormfull vinternatt, mens stormen skreik i vantene og far min sto ved ratt 5. Å jentene i Japan har øya helt på snei, slik blei dem gitt fordi dem stod og blingsa etter meg Ref. Det var i brenning og vær, det knakk i taljer og rær; Den norske sjømann er et gjennombarket folkeferd Ref. Da jeg i brenning og vær stakk utfra havnemoloen der, med kursen ned til Spaniens kastanjebrune trær. 2. Jeg vokste opp, ble vakrere enn selve Don Juan, og måtte søke poltì hjelp mot jentene i land 6. Dit kom det førti nonner om bord og henta meg, dom ville preike for å få meg inn på dydens vei Ref. Det var i brenning og vær, de lå og bad på sine knær; Om at de alle kunne få bli min hjertens kjær Ref. Det var i brenning og vær, jeg måtte gråte litt med hver; Og når jeg dro fra Spanien var det ingen nonner mer 3. Å jentene i Kina er gule som safran de kom at de fikk gulsott av misunnelse den da`n 7. Ja, rundt på verdens strender kan fortelles mye og mangt fra jomfruland til Barcelona er det ikke langt Ref. Stakk av i brenning og vær, ned til de svaiende trær; Hvor Hawaii`s skjønne døtre går og sprader uten klær Ref. Heihå for brenning og vær på alle holmer og skjær, står jentene og gråter over en de hadde kjær 4. Jeg gjorde hodet kruset på de sorte lolaloer, på Grønland fikk jeg skylda for de hvite eskimoer 8. Ja rundt på verdens strender gråter jenter overalt så nå har jeg fått skylda for at havet er så salt Ref. Stakk av i brenning og vær, helt ned til Tyrkia og der; Ble harlem, sultan, redd, og rekvirerte militær Ref. Heihå for brenning og vær På alle holmer og skjær DEN NORSKE SJØMANN ER ET GJENNOMBARKET FOLKEFERD! The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 6 7. The Bonnie Ship the Diamond The Diamond is a ship me lads, 3. Here's a health to The Resolution, For the Davis Straits she's bound Likewise the Eliza Swan And the Quay it is all garnished Here's a health to the Battler of With bonnie lassies round Montrose Captain Thompson gives the order And The Diamond ship of fame To sail the ocean wide We wear the trousers of the white Where the sun it never sets me lads And the jackets of the blue Nor darkness dims the sky. When we return to Peterhead, We'll hae sweethearts enoo. Chorus And it's cheer up, me lads Chorus Let your hearts never fail, For the bonnie ship The Diamond 4. It will be bright both day and night Goes a-fishing for the whale! When the Greenland lads come hame Wi' a ship that's fu' o' oil me lads 2. Along the quay at Peterhead And money to our name The lassies stand around We'll make the cradles for to rock Wi' their shawls all pulled about them And the blankets for to tear And the salt tears runnin' down And every lass in Peterhead Oh don't you weep, my bonnie lass, Sing hushabye my dear! Though you be left behind For the rose will grow on Greenland's ice Chorus Before we change our mind. Chorus The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 7 8. Leaving of Liverpool Ref: So fare thee well, my own true love And when I return, united we will be It’s not the leaving of Liverpool that grieves me. But my darling when I think of thee! 1. Fare thee well, to thee my own true love I am sailing far away I am bound for Cal-ey-for-nia But I know that I’ll return some day. 2 .I have sailed aboard a yankee sailing ship, Davy Crocket was her name. And Forgess was the captain of her, And they she was a floating shame 3. I have sailed with Forgess once before and I think I know him well; If a man’s a sailor he will get along, But if not, then he sure’s in hell 4. Now fare thee well to thee, Princess Landing stage And St. Tallis, and church Lane For I know that it will be a long, long time Before I see you again Ref. x 2 The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 8 9. Dagens sjanti: Leave her, 5. The grub was bad and the wages low Johnny, leave her But now once more ashore we`ll go (avskjedssjanti) 6. Oh, sing that we boys will never be 1. Oh, the times was hard, and the In a hungry bitch the likes o` she wages low Ref: Leave her, Johnny, leave her 7. The rats have left and we the crew But now once more ashore we`ll go It`s time by damned that we went to. Ref: And it`s time for us to leave her 8. Snart seiler vi for siste gong Fullt ref.: Og derfor lyder høyt vår sang; Leave her, Johnny, leave her Ooh! Leave her, Johnny, leave her 9. Snart Marstein vi i sikte har For the voyage is done and the winds Og Norges land det ligger klar don`t blow And it`s time for us to leave her 10. Og så vi stryker fjorden inn For fulle seil og sydlig vind 2. Oh, I thought I heard the old man say Tomorrow you will get your pay 11. Og når vi først av Kvarven er tvers Vi skimtar reisens mål fra mers. 3. The work was hard and the voyage was long 12. Snart over skoddens dis vi ser The sea was high and the gales was Vår Bergen by vi har så kjær. strong 13. En voksen dram til hver en mann 4. The wind was foul and the sea ran før han som sjømann går i land. high She shipped it green and none went by The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 9 10. Dagens sjanti: Alabama John Cherokee 1. Solo: Oh this is the story of John Cherokee Ref: Alabama John Cherokee Solo: The Indian man from Miramashee Ref: Alabama John Cherokee Solo: Hey hey ho! Ref: Alabama John Cherokee Solo: Hey hey ho! Ref: Alabama John Cherokee 2. They made him a slave down in Alabam He run away every time he can 3. They shipped him aboard of a whaling ship again and again he gave èm the slip 4. But they cotched him agen an` they chained him tight Put him in the room without any light 5. They gave him nothing for to eat or drink All of his bones they began to clink 6. An now his ghost is often seen Sitting on the main deck all wet and green 7. At the break of dawn he goes below That is where the cocks they do all grow The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 10 11. Cape Cod Girls 1. Cape god girls ain’t got no combs, Ref: Bound away, Bound away! They comb their hair wiht the codfish bones Ref: Bound away for Australia! Full Ref: Heave her up, my bully, bully boys Bound away, Bound away! Heave her up, now don’t you make some noise Bound away for Australia 2. Cape Cod girls ain’t got now sleds Slide down the hills on the cod fish heads 3. Cape Cod girls ain’t take no pills They get their pep from the Cod fish gills 4. Cape Cod girls don’t wear no clothes We’re Cape Cod bound just as straight as she goes 5. Cape Cod girls ain’t bake no pies They feed their babies with the cod fish eyes! The Tall Ships Races 2014 Bergen, 24 – 27 juli - www.facebook/tallshipsbergen Hey ho, let`s go! Side 11
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