1 Import Response to Tariff Reductions in an African Sample by Chris Jones and Oliver Morrissey Paper (#207) for presentation at the CSAE Conference, March 23-24, 2008 Abstract Policy-makers and analysts are often concerned with the effect of tariff reductions, as part of trade liberalisation, on the volume of imports, and in particular adverse effects on domestic import-competing sectors. While there is limited evidence at an aggregate country level that imports increase following trade liberalisation, there is very little empirical evidence at a sector level. In the 1990’s (and 1980’s) many African countries reduced tariffs, often significantly, although since the mid 1990s there are countries that did not alter tariffs. This allows us to analyse the effects of tariff reductions on the change in imports using Difference-in-Differences techniques to evaluate the impact at the general and sector-specific level. During the period we study (1996-2004) and countries for which data are available, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda all reduced tariffs. These countries act as a ‘treatment’ group. Cameroon, Gabon and Madagascar all left their tariffs unchanged, and act as our ‘control’ group. We compare the effects on imports for tariff-reducing countries relative to nonliberalising countries, controlling for the timing of tariff reductions, trends in import capacity (country effects) and in sector imports across countries (product market effects). Overall, using value and volume measures of imports, there is little evidence (except for Ethiopia) that suggests imports increased for the treatment group countries relative to the control group countries. This is true at the general and sector-specific levels. JEL Classification: F13, O55 Keywords: Tariffs and Imports, Difference-in-Difference, Africa The Authors Chris Jones is a Research Fellow at Aston Business School ([email protected]), Oliver Morrissey is Professor in Development Economics in the School of Economics, University of Nottingham. Corresponding author: [email protected]. Appendices Detailed results in Appendices are available in Working Papers. 2 Import Response to Tariff Reductions in an African Sample Chris Jones and Oliver Morrissey 1. Introduction Trade and expanding trade is important to any development strategy for Africa, in particular sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The Report of the Commission for Africa (2005) devotes considerable attention to trade, but with a strong focus on expanding and diversifying exports. Morrissey (2005) argues that it neglects the potential impact of increased imports due to liberalisation; further reductions of Africa’s own barriers to trade are rather simply viewed as offering ‘substantial gains from opening up to cheaper imports’ (Commission for Africa, 2005: page 253, para 21). There should be a benefit of reducing distortions and encouraging more competitive local production, although achieving these is conditional on improving domestic supply response and the flexibility of factor markets, while an increased variety of cheaper (imported) goods benefits consumers (including firms using imported inputs). On the other hand, there is a potential cost of increased exposure to cheaper imports that may undermine domestic importcompeting producers. An important empirical question is how responsive are imports to tariff reductions in African countries? This is the question addressed here, using aggregate and sector-level data. There is a literature suggesting that African countries would benefit from trade liberalisation. Typically, the context is of multilateral liberalisation, such as under the WTO. For example, Anderson et al (2006) argue that significant multilateral trade liberalisation would increase incomes in SSA by proportionally more than in other regions, developing or high income. Under partial liberalisation, the more likely actual scenario, the gains for SSA are significantly reduced (and other studies estimate they could even be eliminated). Developed country tariffs should not be considered the primary concern: Hertel and Martin (2000) show that developing countries face even higher tariffs on exports to other developing countries (18.3 percent on average) than on exports to developed countries (15.1 percent). However, SSA countries are often the least well positioned to benefit from multilateral tariff reductions. Hoekman et al (2004) estimate the effect on world prices of a 50% reduction in tariffs for a sample of 267 commodities. The estimated world price effects are then used to estimate the impact on imports and welfare for 144 countries. The authors find that least developed countries (mostly SSA) actually experience a welfare loss if all WTO members reduce tariffs. These studies are based on simulations which, inter alia, include assumptions about the price elasticity of import demand. In an African context, a prior question is how responsive have imports been to tariff reductions? Ackah and Morrissey (2005) provide evidence that African countries have liberalised trade policy significantly since the 1980s; although the pace and pattern of reforms varies from country to country, the trend is one of import liberalisation. In general, tariffs have been reduced by about a half. One would expect this to encourage an increase in imports. Santos-Paulino (2002a) finds that imports increase following liberalisation (as represented by a binary variable) and indeed the responsiveness of import demand to national income increases (i.e. there tends to be an increase in the propensity to import). For developing 3 countries overall, trade liberalisation increases the rate of growth of imports by almost three-quarters, with a much greater estimated impact for SSA (given the low base), although the coefficient on tariffs (where estimated) tends to be insignificant for SSA. Razafimahefa and Hamori (2005) find that the long-run response of aggregate real imports to the real import price index is inelastic in Madagascar (-0.5) and Mauritius (-0.6). One would expect much lower short-run responses to tariff reductions, suggesting inelastic import demand. Santos-Paulino and Thirlwall (2004) consider the effect of import duties (tax revenue on imports as a share of import value) on import growth for a sample of 22 countries, five in Africa (but only two SSA), over 1972-98. They find only a modest effect: ‘the effect of a one percentage point reduction in import duties has been to raise import growth by only 0.2 percentage points. Since duties fell on average by only 2.8 percentage points, the total impact of duty reduction on import growth has been minimal’ (Santos-Paulino and Thirlwall, 2004: F59). As with Santos-Paulino (2002a), the coefficient on duties for the African sub-sample is insignificant (although it is a small sample). The results in these studies suggest that tariff reductions in SSA are unlikely to lead to a large increase in imports. Another concern regarding liberalisation is that imports may increase faster than exports and the resulting trade deficit will create macroeconomic imbalances that retard growth (Thirlwall, 2003, pp. 16-20). The evidence that exports increase following liberalisation is weaker than for imports: export growth tends to be slower than import growth (Santos-Paulino, 2002b; Santos-Paulino and Thirlwall, 2004), widening the trade or balance of payments deficit and therefore constraining growth (Thirlwall, 2003; Santos-Paulino and Thirlwall, 2004). Wu and Zheng (2008) use measures of trade liberalisation dates to identify the impact of trade liberalisation on imports, exports, and overall trade balance for a large sample of developing countries. They find strong and consistent evidence that trade liberalisation leads to higher imports and exports but do not find robust evidence for a negative impact on the overall trade balance; the strongest evidence is when they use the Wacziarg and Welch (2003) dating of liberalisation. However, Africa, in particular SSA, has generally avoided this adverse effect, especially to the extent that aid finances the trade deficit (to an extent, imports are required to accommodate the relatively large aid inflows; Morrissey, 2005): imports have risen fairly slowly and export growth has tended to match this (on average) so that trade deficits have changed little during the 1990s (Ackah and Morrissey, 2005). There are limitations in the way these studies attempt to identify an effect of tariff reductions on imports. Santos-Paulino (2002a) and Wu and Zheng (2008) use a liberalisation dummy, as is common in the literature, which may be a poor indicator of the actual changes in tariffs. Furthermore, even when tariff measures are used, all of the studies are based on aggregate country-level data, whereas tariffs and reductions vary across products and it seems reasonable to assume that the effects on imports will vary across products. We address this concern by estimating effects on aggregate, agriculture, manufacturing and 15 sector classifications of imports for five African countries over the period 1996-2004 (precise years vary across countries). Furthermore, we employ a ‘difference-indifference’ (DiD) approach which allows us to evaluate the impact on imports of tariff reductions (the only element of trade liberalisation we are able to consider) at the general and sector-specific level. During the period of study Algeria (in 1997), Ethiopia (2001), Egypt (1998), Tanzania (2000) and Uganda (2000) liberalised their tariffs. These countries act as a ‘treatment’ group. In contrast, Cameroon, Gabon and Madagascar all left their tariffs unchanged. These countries act as our ‘control’ group or counterfactual. We compare the effects on imports for liberalising countries relative to non-liberalising countries, controlling for the 4 timing of liberalisation, trends in import capacity (country effects) and in sector imports across countries (product market effects). The remainder of this paper is set out in the following way. Section 2 discusses the data used and provides some descriptive statistics, in particular trends in imports and tariffs across the countries studied. Section 3 presents the Difference-in-Difference methodology. Section 4 reports the results and compares them to estimated import demand elasticities for comparable levels of aggregation. Section 5 concludes. 2. Data and Sample The import data used is taken from the COMTRADE database and uses the Harmonised System, complemented by tariff data derived from the TRAINS database. We classify the data according to the 16 specific sectors (‘arms and munitions’ is omitted so we actually have 15 sectors) defined by the World Customs Organisation and two general sectors, Agriculture and Manufacturing. Industries are defined at the 2-digit HS level and aggregated into the 15 sectors (see Appendix Table A1). For each industry we have data on import quantities and values. Import value data is readily available, but the import quantity data is only available at the 6-digit level. This is transformed into a 2-digit classification by aggregating the 6-digit product lines. For the majority of 2-digit industries the quantity data is measured in kilograms, but for some sectors the measurement is defined by the number of items or by litres. For this reason the quantity data for each industry can be interpreted as industry-specific. This is not necessarily a problem as the quantity definitions are consistent across the years for each country. In addition, data from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI) on exports as a percentage of GDP and aid as a percentage of GNI are combined to use as a control variable to capture import capacity as access to foreign exchange. Table 1 presents information on tariffs for each country and the estimation period used (this varies due to data availability). For Egypt the estimation period is very small, only four years, whereas the sample for Uganda is much larger, a period spanning nine years from 1996 to 2004. As can be seen, five out of the eight countries liberalised their tariffs over the period, usually near the mid-point of our sample. The average 2-digit tariff across industries differs considerably across countries. Pre-liberalisation tariffs in Egypt are high at 47 per cent compared to a much lower average in Uganda of 19 per cent. The extent of liberalisation of tariffs for each country is also quite different. Algeria’s average tariff only fell by one percentage point, whilst Ethiopian tariffs fell by approximately 12 percentage points. It is also interesting that Madagascar (a control group country) had a very low average tariff across the period of just under seven per cent (suggesting that liberalisation has been implemented earlier, before the sample observations). Appendix Tables A2 and A3 report imports defined in terms of value (in constant prices) and volume respectively. In terms of value it is not immediately apparent that imports increased over the period for each of the treatment group countries. For example, Tanzanian imports in 1998 were $1757 million compared to a figure of $1521 million in 2002; we also see a reduction in import values over the period for Egypt and Ethiopia. In general, the value of trade fluctuates; this is particularly noticeable for Uganda. The raw data does not suggest that liberalisation has caused a significant increase in the value of imports. There may however be a time lag. For the control group countries the value of trade appears to be fairly constant, especially for Cameroon. 5 Table 1: Sample Period and Average Tariffs Pre and Post Liberalisation Country Algeria Egypt Ethiopia Tanzania Uganda Cameroon Gabon Madagascar Period 1996-2000 1996-1999 1997-2003 1998-2002 1996-2004 1996-2004 1996-2004 1996-2004 Date of Liberalisation 1997 1998 2001 2000 2000 Average Tariff before 26.67 47.34 32.73 25.48 19.20 20.32 20.17 6.51 after 25.61 34.22 21.04 17.35 10.86 n/a n/a n/a Source: Authors’ calculations from database; liberalisation dated as the year in which tariffs were observed to change across most lines (some tariffs may change in any year). The pattern of trade volumes is equally mixed across countries and over time (Table A3). For some countries it increases over the period and for some it falls. There appears to be little visual evidence that tariff liberalisation has been associated with an increase in imports. This proposition may be justified by the fairly inelastic price elasticity of import demand (estimates are reported below, for detail see Jones, 2008), as suggested by studies discussed in the previous section. This implies that import surges (elastic responses) from price changes may be unlikely in African countries. Elasticity estimates at the sector level demonstrate that some sectors may be more prone to import surges than others; the aggregate figure may hide some critical details. 3. Difference-in-Differences Methodology Difference-in-Differences (DiD) estimation is a useful econometric tool to answer policy questions where one can identify treatment and control groups. The impact of tariff reductions on import levels has not, to our knowledge, been modelled in the literature at the sector/country level using DiD techniques. Two previous studies that take advantage of the DiD approach to address somewhat related issues are Frazer and van Biesebroek (2007), who look at the growth in trade under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), and Kneller (2007) who looks at the impact of trade and fiscal policy on economic growth. Kneller (2007) uses the approach to consider whether the rate of growth following trade liberalisation in ‘liberalising countries’ differs significantly from growth in other ‘non-liberalising’ developing countries. He takes advantage of two (aggregate) measures of liberalisation, Dean et al (1994) and Sachs and Warner (1995, as updated by Wacziarg and Welch, 2003). The results suggest that the difference in growth between liberalising countries and non-liberalisers is negligible. This is robust across the two measures of liberalisation and when a smaller set of control group countries are used. Frazer and van Biesebroek (2007) use DiD techniques to analyse the trade effects in African countries of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) introduced by the US government in 2000. AGOA consists of a set of trade concessions on a broad list of products, applied selectively to both countries and products, but not to all countries, nor to all products, in the same year. This allows them to use a triple DiD approach that controls for both country and product-level effects at the 6 time of onset, and addresses the endogeneity critique implicit in DiD analysis. 1 The authors find that the scheme significantly increased AGOA-eligible African country exports relative to non-eligible exports, particularly in the apparel sector, despite the AGOA product list being chosen so as not to include a series of sensitive products. As our data are classified across three dimensions - time, industries and countries - our panels are set up in a similar fashion to take advantage of the three fixed effects variables used in their study for a triple DiD approach. Our aim is to assess if the liberalisation (reduction) of tariffs has had any discernable impact on imports in the sample of African countries. Any standard trade model would predict that trade liberalisation, applied to products that African countries were either already importing or to products that they should import given their lack of comparative advantage, should cause the volume of imports to increase for normal goods. 2 For this reason no formal model is presented, as this prediction would apply to a very wide class of models. The simplest DiD specification is the following: ln IMPcit = α + β (Dt × Dc ) + ε cit (1) The dependent variable refers to the logarithm of imports, measured by either import volumes,3 or the value deflated by an import price deflator (base year 2000), into country c of product i in time t.4 The independent variable is an interaction term composed of the product of two dummy variables. The variable Dc is a time invariant dummy that takes the value of one if a country has liberalised its tariffs and zero otherwise; this variable distinguishes between the treatment group country and the control group countries. The variable Dt is a variable that switches from zero to one for the treated country’s industries in the year of, and then after, trade liberalisation. In summary, the interacted dummy variable equals one (zero) for each product line if: i) the country is a liberaliser (non-liberaliser) and ii) for the period of time when liberalisation has occurred (not occurred). The coefficient β therefore tells us in percentage terms how much imports are greater or less for the treatment group country as opposed to the control group countries. The intuition behind this specification can best be seen when only two years are considered, one year prior to liberalisation, for example 2000, and a second year when liberalisation has taken place, for example 2001.5 The implementation of trade liberalisation contains variation along two dimensions, between time periods (pre and post) and between countries. Therefore if we do the analysis for just one 1 The authors use the following example of the endogeneity critique: ‘At the country-level, suppose that countries were given AGOA-eligibility just as their economies started to improve. This might result in an increase in US imports from this country at the same time as the country gained eligibility, although the imports might just result from the overall boost in the exporter’s economy. The countryby-country DiD estimator would erroneously attribute the positive export effect to AGOA’ (Frazer and van Biesebroek, 2007, p3). 2 Domestic import-competing producers may respond by increasing productivity and competitiveness. In an African context, this is unlikely to occur immediately and, even if it does occur, it would dampen rather than eliminate an import increase. 3 Volume is generally measured in kilograms (Kg), but for some products the volume measure is sector specific. 4 We also used a measure of import volumes weighted by values and the results were broadly similar. 5 This example assumes all the countries liberalised in the same year. This is not the case in reality but gives the intuition of the DiD approach. 7 industry, for example 01 Live Animals, the DiD approach used to measure the effect of liberalisation is: 01 01 DID = ( LnIMP2001 − LnIMP 01 ) − ( LnIMP2001 − LnIMP 01 ) 2000 2000 TradeLiberaliser (2) NonLiberaliser The use of the interacted dummy variables in the empirical specification of equation (1) puts into effect that of equation (2) for all sectors. Equation (2) gives a greater feel for the intuition behind the parameter β. Nevertheless, the specification of equation (1) is very restrictive and does not allow for much country or product-level heterogeneity. A more general specification is: ln IMPcit = α 0 + α 1 F1 + α 2 F2 + α 3 F3 + β (Dt × Dc ) + δMC + ε cit (3) The additional variables (measured in logs) represent fixed effects: F1 is the base level of import volumes of product i for country c, F2 is the total volume of imports of product i for all c in time t and F3 is the total volume of imports to country c in time t (for all i). These fixed effects capture initial conditions, product-specific factors and country-specific factors respectively, for the volume measure. For the models that use import values: F1 is the base level of the value of imports of product i for country c, F2 is the total value of imports of product i in time t (for all c), and F3 is the total value of imports to country c in time t (for all i).6 The coefficient estimates for each of the fixed effects variables are predicted to be positive. The logarithm of Import Capacity (MC) is considered as the availability of foreign exchange and is the sum of Exports as a percentage of GDP and Aid as a percentage of GNI.7 As with the fixed effects variables, the coefficient estimate for import capacity is also predicted to be positive. Table 2: Sector Codes and Descriptions Sector Product Description Sector 1 Meat, Fish, Dairy 9 2 Food (unprocessed) 10 3 Processed foods 11 4 Mineral Fuels 12 5 Chemicals 13 6 Rubber & Hides 14 7 Woods 16 8 Textiles Product Description Footwear, Headgear etc Stones, Pearls Metals Machinery; Electrical and Mechanical Vehicles Precision Instruments Miscellaneous Manufactures Note: Sector 15 Arms & Munitions has been dropped due to limited data; see Appendix Table A1 for full details on classification. 6 The construction of each of the fixed effects variables is the same for each sample, but the actual calculation will differ because the sample size varies and the treatment country is different in each sample. For the product market fixed effect F2 a combination of all countries may have been more reliable. However this is not possible due to insufficient data. 7 Although GNI differs from GDP this is not really a problem as the variable is only a proxy measure. 8 Equation (3) is estimated separately for each treatment group country. For example, the DiD parameter β for Algeria is measured relative to the three control group countries. Although none of the ‘control’ countries could be considered a match for an individual treatment country, given the limited countries for which data are available the controls are pooled to represent broadly a ‘typical nonliberalising’ African country during the period. In addition to the general DiD parameter for each treatment group country, we estimate equation (3) separately for each of the 15 sectors (listed in Table 2) and the broad sectors of Agriculture and Manufacturing. All of the models include the fixed effects and import capacity variable as controls. 4. Results For each treatment group country a balanced panel, across time and industries, is constructed which includes the data for the treatment group country and the three control group countries. In addition, balanced panels are created separately to estimate the DiD for each of the 15 specific sectors and the two general sectors, Agriculture and Manufacturing. In this section we first report the results of the general model for each treatment group country. We then present the results for the individual sectors, and the general sectors Agriculture and Manufacturing. In all cases we report the results using both import volumes and values (which are implicitly weighted). It is not obvious which measure should be preferred. In principle, as it is the quantity demanded that responds to a change in price (lower tariffs), the volume measure is appropriate. Ceteris paribus, the volume of imports should increase if tariffs are reduced. As tariff reductions do not affect the border price, it would also be the case that ceteris paribus the value imported increases if tariffs fall. In general, volume and value measures should yield similar qualitative results. It is worth considering why the two measures may yield different results. Other things do not remain constant and, in particular, there may be unobserved changes in prices and/or exchange rates that affect a given country’s imports (in total or for some commodities), with differential impacts on volumes and values. Some of these effects are allowed for in the fixed effects and controlling for import capacity, but unobserved effects remain so it is useful to consider both measures of imports. If import volume responds but value does not, the implication is that (world) prices have fallen; the product fixed effect in the DiD should control for this in the value (which would tend to rise for all importers), leaving the tariff reduction to affect volume. Alternatively, if import value responds but volume does not, this implies that the tariff reduction permits quantity to be maintained even if world prices rose. In this case, the product fixed effect in the DiD should control for this in the volume (which would tend to fall for all importers), leaving the tariff reduction to affect value (which rises in liberalisers relative to non-liberalisers). What we cannot adequately control for are changes in domestic production or prices. General Model Table 3 presents the results of estimating equation (3) for each country using import volumes. All of the fixed effects variables are significant and positive (as expected). The parameter estimate for the import capacity variable is also significant for three of the five countries. The DiD parameter estimate for positive and significant in only two countries, suggesting that import volumes 9 were considerably higher relative to the control group countries: Ethiopia at 0.44 and Tanzania at 0.25. For the other three countries the DiD parameter is statistically insignificant. This suggests that tariff liberalisation is not having a significant impact on imports relative to the control group countries, allowing for import capacity and product and country fixed effects. Table 3: Country Results (Imports Volume) Country F1 (base) F2 (product) F3 (country) MC DiD Constant Observations R-squared Algeria 0.758*** 0.031 0.220*** 0.031 0.269*** 0.038 0.489*** 0.12 -0.0375 0.07 -7.611*** 1.2 1834 0.92 Egypt 0.867*** 0.029 0.123*** 0.029 0.222*** 0.045 0.553*** 0.14 0.0525 0.078 -6.778*** 1.5 1467 0.94 Ethiopia 0.695*** 0.029 0.348*** 0.034 0.122** 0.049 -0.12 0.086 0.438*** 0.12 -3.419*** 1.3 2565 0.84 Tanzania 0.751*** 0.031 0.249*** 0.035 0.122** 0.061 -0.153 0.12 0.247*** 0.056 -2.551 1.62 1839 0.89 Uganda 0.598*** 0.024 0.409*** 0.027 0.345*** 0.043 0.270*** 0.085 -0.0308 0.074 -9.002*** 1.15 3301 0.84 Notes: Standard errors are provided below the coefficient estimates; *** indicates significant at the 1 per cent level. Table 4: Country Results Algeria F1 (base) 0.751*** 0.028 F2 (product) 0.237*** 0.028 F3 (country) 0.349*** 0.036 MC 0.210*** 0.071 DiD -0.154*** 0.058 Constant -8.495*** 0.96 Observations 1834 R-squared 0.92 (Import Values) Egypt Ethiopia 0.860*** -0.0907 0.026 0.084 0.122*** 0.716*** 0.026 0.026 0.227*** 0.349*** 0.035 0.03 0.208*** 0.184*** 0.077 0.059 -0.019 0.402*** 0.05 0.074 -5.614*** -10.61*** 0.99 1.7 1467 2566 0.94 0.89 Tanzania -0.0762* 0.045 0.801*** 0.032 0.204*** 0.035 0.183** 0.08 0.0698 0.083 -4.518** 1.89 1839 0.92 Uganda 0.613*** 0.024 0.398*** 0.026 0.584*** 0.07 0.150*** 0.053 -0.0157 0.05 -13.53*** 1.58 3302 0.89 Notes: As for Table 3. Table 4 presents the results of estimating equation (3) for each country using import values. All of the fixed effects variables are positive and statistically significant as expected, except for F1 in Ethiopia. In addition, the coefficient 10 estimate for import capacity is also positive and significant for each country. The DiD parameter estimate is only positive and significant for Ethiopia, and again suggests that import values in Ethiopia were some 40 per cent higher relative to the three control group countries. The significant negative DiD coefficient for Algeria suggests that imports were 15 per cent lower than would have been expected. It should be noted that in this case the average tariff reduction was very small and occurred early in the period of observations. The results for the other liberalising countries suggest that imports overall were no higher than the non-liberalising countries. It would appear therefore that tariff liberalisation in these African countries has had no discernable impact on the value of imports (in the short run) controlling for initial conditions, product specific factors, country specific factors and import capacity. There may, however, have been discernable effects for particular commodities. Table 5: Sector Results Using Import Volumes Sector Agriculture Manufacturing 1. Meat, fish, dairy 2. Foods (unprocessed) 3. Processed foods 4. Mineral Products 5. Chemicals 6. Rubber & Hides 7. Woods & Paper 8. Textiles 9. Footwear & Headgear 10. Stones, Pearls, Glass 11. Base Metals 12. Machinery & Electrical 13. Vehicles & Transport 14. Precision Instruments 16. Misc Manufactures Algeria -0.04 -0.73*** 0.22*** -1.04** -0.76*** -0.52** -0.60 0.04 0.30 0.19 0.54*** 0.37** 0.06 -0.16 -0.02 0.78 -0.05 Egypt -0.06 0.10 -0.35 -0.02 0.09 0.77 0.33* -0.33 -0.23 -0.12 0.07 0.01 0.21* -0.14 -0.01 0.12 0.25* Ethiopia 0.19 0.49*** -0.18 -0.04 0.78*** -1.43 0.42*** 0.24 1.22*** 0.52 0.99*** 0.46*** 0.02 0.65* 1.97*** 1.34*** 0.07 Tanzania 0.04 0.32*** -0.13 0.33* -0.13 -0.17 0.41*** 0.62** 0.25* 0.23 0.40*** 0.71*** 0.59*** 0.47** 0.19 -0.07 -0.09 Uganda 0.29** -0.14 0.22 0.48** 0.14 -0.73 0.13** 0.29* -0.24 -0.61*** 0.21 0.36*** -0.34* 0.58* 0.19 0.22 -0.28 Notes: Further information by country in Appendix Tables A4-A8; *** indicates significant at the 1 percent level; ** indicates significant at the 5 percent level; * indicates significant at the 10 percent level. Sector Results Tables 5 (volumes) and 6 (values) present the results by sector for each country (details in Appendix Tables A4-A8). Three general comments are in order regarding the patterns. First, there is little consistency across countries: Egypt has the fewest significant sector effects (three and five in the two tables); Ethiopia has the most (nine in both tables), with Algeria (seven and eight) and Uganda (eight and seven) quite close; Tanzania is the most varied (nine for volume but four for import values).8 Second, results differ for the two measures; although the number of significant sector coefficients is similar or the same in 8 The correlations between countries are moderate or low (Table A9). For import volumes, Egypt is moderately (negatively) correlated with the others, while Tanzania tends to be the least correlated with others. Results are more mixed for import values. 11 both tables (except for Tanzania), the sectors are not the same, within or across countries. Furthermore, of the general sectors, the manufacturing effect tends to be significant for import volumes (except for Uganda), whereas the agriculture effect is more often significant for import values. This suggests that whereas (average) manufacturing prices were falling, world agriculture prices were rising. Third, significant negative coefficients are far more likely using import values (all three for Tanzania and the majority for Algeria and Ethiopia in Table 6), and are quite rare for import volumes (except for Algeria, with two other cases in Uganda in Table 5). If a decline in tariffs is associated with a fall in import values (but not volumes) relative to non-liberalisers, this suggests domestic producers became more competitive. Consider agriculture for Tanzania: the value of imports fell, so the import price must have fallen; the absence of a volume response implies that the tariff reduction enhanced the competitiveness of domestic producers so the quantity imported did not rise in proportion. Unfortunately, we do not have data on domestic production or prices for the sample countries that can be related to our data (and have not located any country studies with comparable data). Table 6: Sector Results Using Import Values Sector Agriculture Manufacturing 1. Meat, fish, dairy 2. Foods (unprocessed) 3. Processed foods 4. Mineral Products 5. Chemicals 6. Rubber & Hides 7. Woods & Paper 8. Textiles 9. Footwear & Headgear 10. Stones, Pearls, Glass 11. Base Metals 12. Machinery & Electrical 13. Vehicles & Transport 14. Precision Instruments 16. Misc Manufactures Algeria -0.15*** -0.37*** -0.07 -0.96** -0.48** 0.12 -0.62 0.13 0.12 -0.35** 0.23* 0.20 -0.03 -0.38** 0.14 -0.45 0.60* Egypt -0.12* 0.02 -0.12 -0.23** 0.01 0.56** 0.07 0.01 -0.09 -0.18 0.55*** 0.01 -0.14 0.06 -0.08 -0.09 0.16* Ethiopia -0.13 -0.10 -0.39* -0.13 0.22 -1.35** 0.03 -0.41** 0.77*** -0.07 0.28** -0.23*** -0.27* -0.21*** -0.09 0.28*** -0.05 Tanzania -0.27*** -0.01 -0.22 -0.17 -0.37*** 0.18 0.09 -0.06 0.15 0.02 0.15 0.13* 0.02 -0.00 -0.51*** -0.18 -0.10 Uganda 0.08 -0.05 -0.34* 0.37** 0.03 -0.34 0.15*** 0.12 -0.25 -0.31* 0.21** 0.06 -0.17 0.19** -0.09 0.55*** 0.11 Notes: As for Table 5. In terms of volumes, there is some evidence that tariff reductions induced increases in imports. Uganda is the only country where the increase appears to have been in Agriculture imports (notably unprocessed foods, which is mostly grain imports – this sector also had a significant positive coefficient for Tanzania). Agriculture products in general, and grains in particular, face relatively high tariffs in Uganda (and Tanzania) and account for a relatively low share of total imports (Jones and Morrissey, 2008: Table 8). For Ethiopia and Tanzania, the general effect appears to have been an increase in the volume of Manufacturing imports. Three sectors give fairly consistent positive volume effects for Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda: Chemicals (also Egypt); Stones & Glass (also Algeria); and Machinery & Electrical. Footwear & Headgear has a positive significant effect in Algeria, Ethiopia and Tanzania. In Tanzania and Uganda, where some data are available (Jones and Morrissey, 2008), Chemicals and Machinery appear to have 12 very little domestic competition with imports: tariffs are relatively low and these sectors account for a large share of total imports. This apparent positive volume effect is not generally reflected in the value of imports, suggesting that in many sectors world (border) prices fell during the period. Footwear & Headgear is the only sector with a consistent positive significant value effect, in Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia and Uganda. No other individual sector had a significant positive or negative effect in more than two countries. There was a significant negative effect for the value of imports of Agriculture in Algeria, Egypt and Tanzania. In all three countries the coefficient on import volumes for Agriculture were insignificant suggesting, as observed above, increasing competitiveness of domestic producers. Import value for Manufacturing has a negative coefficient in Algeria only (volume is also negative), although the reduction in tariffs was negligible in this case and the results may reflect a tendency for world prices to have fallen. Ethiopia was the only country that reported a positive and significant DiD parameter estimate (approximately 40 per cent) for both volume and value (Tables 3 and 4), and had a relatively large reduction in average tariffs by about a third (Table 1). The sector results suggest that this is driven by Manufacturing (the only significant general sector, for the volume measure). For the volume measure there are eight sectors that report significant and positive estimates, and no sectors that have negative and significant estimates (Table 5). The largest effects are for Vehicles & Transport (1.97), Precision Instruments (1.34) and Wood & Paper Products (1.22). Only the latter two of these also exhibit positive effects in terms of import values. The correlation between individual sector effects using volume and value measures is quite high (0.78), although sector effects are weakly correlated with elasticities (0.32 for volume) and tariff changes (0.21 for volume), as shown in Appendix Table A6. Tanzania was the other country that exhibited a significant positive overall DiD estimate, although only in the case of import volumes, which also appears to be driven by Manufacturing. Eight of the individual sectors report significant positive effects for import volumes, only one of which is agricultural (vegetables). For the value measure, there are only four significant effects and three are negative: Agriculture, Beverages & Tobacco and Vehicles & Transport; the positive effect is for Stones & Glass. There is a weak correlation between the individual sector estimates for value and volume measures (0.39), but these are not correlated with elasticities or the change in tariffs (Table A7). Algeria exhibited significant but negative effects for import values, overall, for Agriculture and manufacturing and for four individual sectors (two sectors had significant positive effects). For import volumes, significant negative effects are found for Manufacturing and three individual sectors (although three sectors had positive and significant results). Although Algeria had a very slight reduction in average tariffs, there was considerable variation, with reductions in some sectors and increases in others, and a modest correlation (-0.51 for value and -0.26 for volume) between sector effects and change in tariffs (Table A4). There was a weak tendency for imports to rise if tariffs were reduced, and to fall if tariffs were increased. The overall effect was not significant for Uganda, despite the fact that average tariffs were almost halved (but from a relatively low level), and the only significant general sector effect was for Agriculture import volume (positive at 0.29). Three individual sectors exhibit significant positive effects for import volumes and values: Vegetables, Chemicals and Machinery & Electrical Equipment (Textiles has significant negative effects in both cases). The correlation between individual sector effects using volume and value measures is quite high (0.66); sector effects are weakly correlated with elasticities (about 0.36) but reasonably 13 highly correlated with tariff changes (about 0.6), and these are negative (Table A8). Tariffs were reduced for all sectors in Uganda, implying a tendency for imports to rise more (less) when tariffs were reduced by less (more). Egypt tended to exhibit the fewest significant effects, perhaps because we only have one year of observations after tariffs were reduced. Miscellaneous Manufactures is the only sector with a positive and significant effect for both imports volume and value; two other sectors have significant positive effects for import volumes, and a different two have significant positive effects for values. There seemed to be a negative effect on the value of Agriculture imports, driven by vegetables. Correlations were generally low. 5. Conclusion This paper has used Difference-in-Difference analysis to determine whether imports significantly increased, following tariff reductions (trade liberalisation), in five African countries (Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda) relative to three control group countries. The DiD approach compares the effects on imports of liberalising countries relative to non-liberalising countries, controlling for the timing of liberalisation, trends in import capacity (country effects) and in imports across countries (product market effects). Overall, we find only limited evidence to suggest that imports increased following tariff reductions (i.e. a significant positive DiD coefficient), and this is more likely to be observed for the volume rather than the value of imports. The volume of manufacturing imports exhibited a significant positive DiD effect for Ethiopia and Tanzania, but negative for Algeria, whereas it was Agriculture imports that rose in Uganda. There was a significant negative effect for the value of imports of Agriculture and Manufacturing in Algeria, and Agriculture also in Egypt and Tanzania. Where individual sector effects are significant, in most countries they are mostly negative for the value of imports but in all countries except Algeria (and Textiles and Base Metals in Uganda) they are positive for the volume of imports. Ethiopia provides the most consistent evidence for a positive effect; at the country level, imports (by volume or value) appear to have increased by some 40 per cent following tariff reductions, controlling for fixed country and product effects. Furthermore, eight of the 15 individual sectors had positive significant DiD effects for import volumes (none negative), six had significant negative effects for import values (three positive). Jones et al (2008) found that Ethiopia tended to reduce tariffs least, or provide greater tariff protection for, larger domestic manufacturing sectors, and inferred that the government may have been more concerned about producers in the larger domestic sectors (or the producers had more lobbying influence). The results here suggest that concerns about import competition are well founded, as imports appear more responsive to tariff reductions in Ethiopia than in the other countries. Ethiopia is deserving of further study using domestic production data (such data exist, but importing behaviour has not yet been studied). Tanzania exhibits evidence of a positive effect for import volumes at the country level, and for eight individual sectors. The overall country DiD effect is not significant for Egypt or Uganda; in Uganda there were significant positive volume effects for five individual sectors (negative for two), and in Egypt three individual sectors were positive and significant (none negative). Algeria is the one country where the significant effects appear to have been negative, but in this case many sector tariffs were increased and the average tariff declined only slightly; imports were more likely to increase (or fell less) in sectors where tariffs were reduced, and more likely to decline where tariffs rose. 14 Four sectors give fairly consistent positive volume effects in at least three countries: Chemicals (Egypt, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda); Stones & Glass (Algeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda); Footwear & Headgear (Algeria, Ethiopia and Tanzania); and Machinery & Electrical (Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda). However, this apparent positive volume effect is not generally reflected in the value of imports; Footwear & Headgear is the only sector with a consistent positive significant value effect, in Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia and Uganda. We have results for 15 sectors in each of the five countries. Of these 75 cases, in the majority the liberalisation of tariffs has had no discernable impact on imports relative to the control group countries. Of the 32 significant sector cases for import volumes, 27 were positive and five were negative. However, of the 29 significant cases for import value, 14 were positive and 15 negative. There are a number of reasons why effects could differ for imports measured by volume and value, given that the data do not permit us to control for product prices. For a given product at a given price, it is always possible for the volume to increase while the value falls. As the sectors are classified at a fairly aggregated level, the product composition can vary across countries (treatment and control); a volume effect on products with low unit values could correspond to a decrease in the value of imports for the sector. There could also be combinations of price and exchange rate effects we have not been able to control for. As demand response is typically thought of in terms of the quantity, the volume effect relates more closely to notions of import demand elasticities. However, there appears to be no clear relationship between the sectors with significant effects and their corresponding import demand elasticities or percentage changes in sector tariffs (the exceptions are Uganda and Algeria to some extent). Two factors might explain why the DiD for each sector does not correspond closely to the elasticities. Firstly, sector-specific factors other than the border price may be having an impact on imports (in particular, domestic producers may be more or less competitive with imports). Secondly, the DiD does not take into account the actual change in sector tariffs (it just classifies sectors that have liberalised); some sectors may have experienced much greater price reductions than others. Although, as noted, there is no consistent relationship between the increase in imports and the percentage reduction in tariffs, there is a far from perfect correlation between percentage change in tariffs and the associated percentage change in domestic prices of the imports. Furthermore, the elasticities are based on unit values and tariffs account for differing proportions of the price. Although there is evidence that, as expected, a reduction in tariffs tends to be associated with an increase in the volume imported where there is an effect, the extent of any effect on imports is quite small (Ethiopia is the one general exception). Various factors may account for these weak results, that fairly significant reductions in tariffs have not induced consistent increases in imports. The first factor is the matching of the treatment group countries to the control group countries. By choosing three countries as our control group we hoped that differences in economic structure would be averaged out – this may not be the case. Secondly the data available for each country is limited and there may be a time-lag that we have failed to account for; for Egypt we only have four years of observations, and tariffs were reduced in the third year. In fact, a delayed effect of tariff reductions is a possibility we cannot discount for any countries. On the other hand, significant positive results are found most often for Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda for which we have a number of years of observation for years after a significant reduction in tariffs. Thirdly, there may be other factors that we have not accounted for having a significant impact on import demand relative to the control group countries. 15 While the evidence does suggest that tariff reductions are associated with increased import volumes, albeit with considerable sector variations, there are reasons why the effect is not very strong, i.e. why African imports are not very responsive to tariff reductions. Import capacity is largely determined by factors other than tariffs (or even import prices), tariffs are only one element of prices and trade costs may be very high even after tariffs are reduced. African producers face particularly high trade costs (Commission for Africa, 2005: page 262). Transport costs, in particular, are a major component of trade costs and higher in SSA than other parts of the world, constraining the response of imports (and exports) to trade policy; for example, Milner et al (2000) show that as tariffs were reduced in Uganda in the early 1990s, transport costs became the major trade costs acting as ‘natural protection’ against imports. Tariff reductions are likely to encourage an increase in imports, but in Africa are unlikely to result in dramatic import surges that seriously damage domestic import-competing sectors. As we did not have production data for the countries covered we could not address impacts on domestic import-competing sectors, although the results suggest sectors and countries (especially Ethiopia) where these warrant investigation in future work. 16 References Ackah, C. and O. Morrissey (2005), ‘Trade Policy and Performance in Africa since the 1980s’, Tunis: African Development Bank, Economic Research Working Paper No. 78. 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Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates. Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included. Products of animal origin not elsewhere specified or included. Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the like; cut flowers and ornamental foliage. Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers. Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruit or melons. Coffee, tea, maté and spices. Cereals. Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; insulin; wheat gluten. Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder. Lac; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts. Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes. Preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates. Sugars and sugar confectionery. Cocoa and cocoa preparations. Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastry cooks' products. Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants. Miscellaneous edible preparations. Beverages, spirits and vinegar. Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder. Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes. Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement. Ores, slag and ash. Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes. Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes. Organic chemicals. Pharmaceutical products. Fertilisers. Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty and other mastics; inks. 19 33 34 35 36 Sector 6 Sector 7 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Sector 8 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Sector 9 64 65 66 Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Soap, organic surface-active agents, washing preparations, lubricating preparations, artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing or scouring preparations, candles and similar articles, modelling pastes, "dental waxes" and dental preparations with a basis of plaster. Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes. Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain combustible preparations. Photographic or cinematographic goods. Miscellaneous chemical products. Plastics and articles thereof. Rubber and articles thereof. Raw hides and skins (other than fur skins) and leather. Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut). Fur skins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof. Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal. Cork and articles of cork. Manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basket ware and wickerwork. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard. Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard. Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans. Silk. Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric. Cotton. Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn. Man-made filaments. Man-made staple fibres. Wadding, felt and non-woven; special yarns; twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof. Carpets and other textile floor coverings. Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery. Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use. Knitted or crocheted fabrics. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags. Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles. Headgear and parts thereof. Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof. 20 67 Sector 10 68 69 70 71 Sector 11 Sector 12 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Sector 13 86 87 Sector 14 88 89 90 91 92 Sector 15 Sector 16 93 94 95 96 Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; articles of human hair. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials. Ceramic products. Glass and glassware. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin. Iron and steel. Articles of iron or steel. Copper and articles thereof. Nickel and articles thereof. Aluminium and articles thereof. Lead and articles thereof. Zinc and articles thereof. Tin and articles thereof. Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof. Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereof of base metal. Miscellaneous articles of base metal. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound and television image recorders, reproducers, parts and accessories. Railway or tramway locomotives, rolling-stock and parts thereof; track fixtures and fittings; mechanical (including electro-mechanical) traffic signalling equipment. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling-stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof. Ships, boats and floating structures. Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof. Clocks and watches and parts thereof. Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles. Arms and Munitions etc. Furniture; bedding and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, nes; illuminated signs and the like; prefabricated buildings. Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof. Miscellaneous manufactured articles. Notes: Although there are 96 2-digit industries, industry 77 is omitted and 91 is missing. For all of the countries there is missing quantity data for various 2-digit industries. These industries are omitted from the subsequent analysis. The missing sectors are: Algeria: 91, 93, 97; Cameroon: 91, 97; Ethiopia: 71, 91, 97; Egypt: 91, 97; Gabon: 71, 91, 97; Kenya: 91, 97; Madagascar: 91, 97; Tanzania: 91, 97; Uganda: 91, 97. 21 Table A2: Import Values ($million, constant prices) Country Algeria Egypt Ethiopia Tanzania Uganda Cameroon Gabon Madagascar 1996 7515.22 13967.17 Country Algeria Egypt Ethiopia Tanzania Uganda Cameroon Gabon Madagascar 2001 2002 2003 1254.46 1541.03 965.75 1489.28 950.93 885.38 1201.68 1521.90 1490.07 1491.55 952.92 938.39 1256.41 1219.85 1484.07 886.73 946.09 1997 7607.27 13899.19 1263.17 923.88 1479.23 847.97 810.53 1998 8190.41 13306.09 1214.65 1757.28 1200.54 1492.12 1038.28 790.77 1695.63 1489.59 871.66 887.97 1999 9095.59 13298.00 1132.96 1555.53 1165.68 1486.12 1018.68 675.97 2000 9105.29 1258.94 1584.95 934.68 1481.83 946.54 937.10 2004 1532.38 1602.83 817.40 1119.10 Table A3: Import Volumes (KG 000,000) Country Algeria Egypt Ethiopia Tanzania Uganda Cameroon Gabon Madagascar 1996 11750.6 25934.96 Country Algeria Egypt Ethiopia Tanzania Uganda Cameroon Gabon Madagascar 2001 2002 2003 3418.11 1918.17 2162.21 4187.32 1104.83 1380.05 2715.74 2063.72 2066.90 3884.96 710.93 1486.48 4243.69 1453.31 3084.95 440.28 1015.15 1997 12562.3 26305.99 1137.47 1391.86 3686.25 589.18 991.28 1998 12844.3 38798.10 3504.98 2203.63 3305.93 3771.65 878.27 1002.59 3242.04 3167.42 1034.76 2042.27 1999 16382.1 35255.70 2283.66 1840.42 1181.89 3877.54 794.50 930.67 2004 1972.78 4151.14 1182.57 2019.96 2000 16364.8 1976.29 1645.11 1293.13 3620.43 897.22 1397.34 22 Table A4: Algeria Full Results Sector Agriculture Trade Value -0.154*** Trade Volume -0.038 Elasticity n/a % Change Tariff -05 Manufacturing -0.369*** -0.730*** n/a 0 1. Meat, fish, dairy -0.072 0.215*** -1.808*** 13 2. Foods (unprocessed) -0.956** -1.038** -2.370*** 18 3. Processed foods -0.479** -0.761*** -1.577*** -14 4. Mineral Products 0.116 -0.520** -1.338*** 0 4 5. Chemicals -0.618 -0.600 -0.653*** 6. Rubber & Hides 0.132 0.0403 -2.261*** -5 7. Woods & Paper 0.120 0.303 -2.268*** -17 8. Textiles -0.347** 0.185 -1.684*** -8 9. Footwear & Headgear 0.225* 0.540*** -1.987*** -13 10. Stones, Pearls, Glass 0.200 0.374** -1.150*** -05 11. Base Metals -0.031 0.059 -1.729*** 4 12. Machinery & Electrical -0.377** -0.163 0.874*** 2 13. Vehicles & Transport 0.136 -0.016 -0.777*** 5 14. Precision Instruments -0.447 0.781 -1.118*** 7 16. Misc Manufactures 0.595* -0.046 -0.225 -10 Notes: The change in tariff is the percentage average change for tariffs on products within the sector. See Appendix 2 for estimation of elasticities. *** indicates significant at the 1 percent level; ** indicates significant at the 5 percent level; * indicates significant at the 10 percent level. Pearson correlations Value Volume Elasticity Volume 0.505 Elasticity 0.062 -0.032 dTariff -0.510 -0.259 0.065 23 Table A5: Egypt Sector Results Sector Agriculture Trade Value -0.124* Trade Volume -0.060 Elasticity % change Tariff -25 Manufacturing 0.0174 0.095 1. Meat, fish, dairy -0.116 -0.345 -0.174 -24 -25 2. Foods (unprocessed) -0.225** -0.019 -2.372*** -22 3. Processed foods 0.008 0.0901 -1.412*** -29 4. Mineral Products 0.562** 0.770 -1.534*** -10 5. Chemicals 0.065 0.333* -0.926*** -12 6. Rubber & Hides 0.0125 -0.326 -2.569*** -28 7. Woods & Paper -0.087 -0.233 -2.520*** -29 8. Textiles -0.183 -0.115 -1.795*** -24 9. Footwear & Headgear 0.550*** 0.0741 -2.546*** -42 10. Stones, Pearls, Glass 0.010 0.014 -1.074*** -27 11. Base Metals -0.136 0.214* -1.855*** -13 12. Machinery & Electrical 0.061 -0.135 0.436*** -61 -14 13. Vehicles & Transport -0.079 -0.012 -1.727*** 14. Precision Instruments -0.089 0.119 -1.094*** -07 16. Misc Manufactures 0.155* 0.251* -1.180*** -35 Notes: As for Table A4. Pearson correlations Value Volume Elasticity Volume 0.588 Elasticity -0.066 0.020 dTariff -0.187 0.410 -0.254 24 Table A6: Ethiopia Full Results Sector Agriculture Trade Value -0.134 Trade Volume 0.186 Elasticity % Change Tariff -32 n/a Manufacturing -0.101 0.489*** n/a -43 1. Meat, fish, dairy -0.390* -0.183 -1.752*** -45 2. Foods (unprocessed) -0.130 -0.038 -1.879*** -35 3. Processed foods 0.216 0.777*** -1.309*** -48 4. Mineral Products -1.345** -1.427 -2.106*** -33 5. Chemicals 0.0297 0.418*** -0.664*** -34 6. Rubber & Hides -0.406** 0.263 -2.346*** -21 7. Woods & Paper 0.770*** 1.215*** -1.792*** -43 8. Textiles -0.066 0.524 -1.144*** -38 9. Footwear & Headgear 0.275** 0.987*** -1.439*** -38 10. Stones, Pearls, Glass -0.226*** 0.463*** -1.196*** -28 11. Base Metals -0.266* 0.016 -2.050*** -11 12. Machinery & Electrical -0.212*** 0.651* 1.344*** -18 13. Vehicles & Transport -0.088 1.966*** -0.996*** -21 14. Precision Instruments 0.275*** 1.335*** -0.782*** -02 16. Misc Manufactures -0.0489 0.0747 -0.375** -34 Notes: As for Table A4. Pearson correlations Value Volume Elasticity Volume 0.782 Elasticity 0.195 0.321 dTariff -0.116 0.206 0.227 25 Table A7: Tanzania Full Results Sector Agriculture Trade Value -0.270*** Trade volume 0.042 Elasticity n/a % Change Tariff -17 Manufacturing -0.012 0.322*** n/a -47 1. Meat, fish, dairy -0.224 -0.132 -2.042*** -37 2. Foods (unprocessed) -0.168 0.333* -2.320*** -45 3. Processed foods -0.368*** -0.127 -1.086*** -31 4. Mineral Products 0.178 -0.165 -0.818*** -74 5. Chemicals 0.085 0.410*** -0.752*** -44 6. Rubber & Hides -0.056 0.621** -1.410*** -51 7. Woods & Paper 0.150 0.249* -0.743*** -60 8. Textiles 0.016 0.231 -1.498*** 7 9. Footwear & Headgear 0.154 0.404*** -2.222*** -11 10. Stones, Pearls, Glass 0.128* 0.711*** -1.340*** -14 11. Base Metals 0.017 0.588*** -1.539*** -34 12. Machinery & Electrical -0.003 0.474** 1.416*** -22 13. Vehicles & Transport -0.513*** 0.190 -0.582*** -44 14. Precision Instruments -0.182 -0.0714 -0.902*** -3 16. Misc Manufactures -0.0974 -0.0894 -0.292 -12 Notes: As for Table A4. Pearson correlations Value Volume Elasticity Volume 0.392 Elasticity -0.009 -0.039 dTariff -0.053 0.063 -0.005 26 Table A8: Uganda Full Results Agriculture Trade Value 0.076 Trade Volume 0.289** n/a Manufacturing -0.048 -0.135 n/a -48 1. Meat, fish, dairy -0.338* 0.215 -2.210*** -33 2. Foods (unprocessed) 0.370** 0.479** -1.953*** -55 3. Processed foods 0.030 0.137 -0.842*** -49 4. Mineral Products -0.342 -0.728 -1.708*** -29 5. Chemicals 0.152*** 0.126** -0.159 -40 Sector Elasticity % Change Tariff -42 6. Rubber & Hides 0.12 0.289* -1.502*** -47 7. Woods & Paper -0.252 -0.241 -1.242*** -39 8. Textiles -0.309* -0.609*** -2.039*** -31 9. Footwear & Headgear 0.211** 0.206 -1.237*** -50 10. Stones, Pearls, Glass 0.059 0.363*** -1.307*** -32 11. Base Metals -0.169 -0.337* -1.900*** -41 12. Machinery & Electrical 0.190** 0.579* 0.459** -70 13. Vehicles & Transport -0.091 0.189 -0.928*** -72 14. Precision Instruments 0.550*** 0.224 -1.340*** -58 16. Misc Manufactures 0.113 -0.284 -0.566*** -43 Notes: As for Table A4. Pearson correlations Value Volume Elasticity Volume 0.657 Elasticity 0.377 0.353 dTariff -0.573 -0.611 -0.512 27 Table A9: Correlations of Sector Results across Countries Table A9a: Volumes, Pearson Correlations Egypt Ethiopia Tanzania Algeria -0.323 0.414 0.121 Ethiopia -0.451 0.158 Tanzania -0.298 Uganda -0.496 Uganda -0.033 0.398 0.353 Table A9b: Values, Pearson Correlations Egypt Ethiopia Tanzania 0.446 -0.125 0.200 Algeria -0.350 -0.124 Ethiopia 0.453 Tanzania -0.031 Uganda Uganda -0.364 0.334 -0.145 28 Appendix 2: Estimating Import Demand Elasticities Jones (2008) uses the imperfect substitutes model with [country] panel data to estimate import price elasticities for Algeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tanzania and Uganda with the industry data covering the period 1993-2004 (the same data as used in the DiD analysis). Aggregate import demand elasticities for each country are estimated using OLS and fixed effects estimators, and extended by including interactive dummy variables to generate import demand elasticities for the 15 sectors (estimates reported in Appendix 1, Tables A4-A8). Although the imperfect substitutes model and its variants are widely employed, Kee et al (2004) use a production function approach, which may provide somewhat more robust estimates. The Jones (2008) estimates of aggregate import demand elasticities using OLS are larger (in absolute value) than theirs, but quite similar using fixed effects (for Egypt and Ethiopia the estimates are almost identical); all estimates suggest elastic response. As they estimate elasticities at the product level, the detailed results are not comparable with the Jones (2008) sector estimates. The results of the pooled OLS regressions suggest that the aggregate import elasticity of demand for each African country is fairly elastic, with the coefficient estimates generally greater than unity. These aggregate estimates may be upwardly biased and are typically reduced by the fixed-effects estimates that take into account the specific nature of the industries included. To estimate the elasticities at a more disaggregated level we integrate sector/industry interactive dummy variables with the aggregate model and we find the presence of considerable variation. Some sectors/industries report elasticities greater than 2, whilst others report estimates less than 0.5 (in absolute value). The majority of the results reported tend to be statistically significant at the 1 percent level. To verify that the estimates are or are not statistically different from unity (i.e. to permit inference of elastic, unit elastic or inelastic) the 95 percent confidence intervals for each estimate were examined. The Imperfect Substitutes Model Most studies of import demand elasticities have used an imperfect substitutes model; Sawyer and Sprinkle (1999) provide a comprehensive survey For convenience a simple two country framework is assumed. The demand for country i’s imports from the rest of the world can be represented as: M iD = f (Yi , PM i , PDi ) Where M i D (A1) denotes the quantity of country i’s import demand; Yi denotes the level of money income in country i; PM i denotes the domestic currency price paid by importers in country i; and PDi denotes the price of all domestically produced goods within country i. In accordance with conventional demand theory, the consuming country is postulated to maximise utility subject to a budget constraint. The resulting demand function for imports thus represents the quantity demanded as a function of the level of money income in country i; the imported goods’ own price; and the price of domestic substitutes. Assuming there is no money illusion the sum of the partial derivatives f y + f PD + f PM = 0 . This 29 homogeneity requirement is often expressed by dividing the demand function by PDi to obtain: M iD = f (Yi / PDi , PM i / PDi ) (A2) The supply of country i’s imports from the rest of the world can be represented as: ( M iS = g PM i* , PD * ) (A3) Where M i denotes the supply of imports from the rest of the world to country i; S PM i* denotes the price of the rest of the world’s exports; and PD * denotes the foreign currency price of all domestically produced goods in the rest of the world. The specification of the supply function indicates that the quantity supplied from the rest of the world is a positive function of the own price and a negative function of the price of domestically produced goods in the exporting country. In equilibrium, we assume that import demand (A2) to country i equals export supply (A3) to country i from the rest of the world so both the supply and the demand for imports in the imperfect substitutes model is, at least in theory, simultaneous, the implicit assumption being that prices move to equate supply and demand in each time period. Despite this simultaneity researchers have often interpreted the supply of exports to be perfectly elastic. This allows single equation methods of estimation for the import demand function. We first estimate aggregate elasticity for each country using OLS and a fixed effects Within Groups Estimator. As we only have data on imports by volume and value (from which unit prices are derived) and on tariffs, (A1) is approximated as: ln Qit = α it + β ln[ Pit (1 + t it )] + ε it (A4) The subscripts i and t are industries and time respectively; Q is the logarithm of imports measured in quantities; P(1+t) is the logarithm of the tariff-inclusive price and ε it is the error term. The model is estimated in log-linear form so the coefficient β it can be interpreted as the import price elasticity of demand. The null hypothesis is that β it is negative. Unlike the imperfect substitutes model expressed above there are no effects accounted for by income and domestic prices. When the model is estimated using OLS these effects are subsumed into the error term. This may bias the estimates: by estimating the model with the Within Groups estimator we attempt to model these factors via fixed effects. To generate elasticities for the 16 sectors we include in (A4) interactive dummy variables: ln Qit = α it + β [ln Pit (1 + t it ) × I ] + ε it (A5) 30 The parameter β and the variable I are now in matrix notation. The matrix I has 16 columns representing the 16 sector dummies so the tariff-inclusive price is interacted with the 16 sector dummies to account for sector heterogeneity. The estimated vector β contains the elasticity estimates for each of the 16 sectors. Full details are reported in Jones (2008). References Kee, H., A. Nicita and M. Olarreaga (2004), ‘Import Demand Elasticities and Trade Distortion, Washington DC: World Bank, mimeo (August). Sawyer, C. and R. Sprinkle (1999), The Demand for Imports and Exports in the World Economy, Aldershot: Ashgate.
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