NYHETER UKE 36 - 2013 VOLCANO CHOIR https://www.facebook.com/volcanochoir REPAVE Jagjaguwar JAG238 / JAG238LP / JAG238LPC 0656605223827 / 0656605223810 / 0656605223858 CD/2LP Justin Vernon har ymtet at hans Bon Iver kan være et avsluttet kapittel, men når han isteden bruker energien på prosjekter av Volcano Choirs kvalitet er det i stor grad et irrelevant problem, Repave er nemlig såpass bra. Som et Bon Iver på steroider gir albumet oss høydepunkt på høydepunkt, og vår (og andres) mening er at det vil stå igjen som et av årets klart beste når ting skal oppsummeres. JAG238LPC = LP i begrenset opplag. http://youtu.be/_MqA0a5iw5k http://youtu.be/dp127U0EJoI ”On this monumental outing he’s fronting a real rock band” 9/10 UNCUT 4.5/5 SPUTNIK MUSIC 8/10 THE 405 4/5 MOJO THE DODOS https://www.facebook.com/dodosmusic CARRIER Polyvinyl PRC265CD / PRC265LP 0644110026521 / 0644110026514 CD/LP The Dodos har alltid hatt evnen til å skrive strålende låter, men det er først nå de har evnet å backe opp låtene med emosjonell tyngde nok til å skrive virkelig strålende musikk. Denne tyngden kommer trist nok av tapet av gitarist Chris Reimer hvis korte tid i bandet hadde enorm påvirkning på The Dodos kjerne, Meric Long og Logan Kroeber. “In the circumstances The Dodos could have made an introspective and unwelcoming record, one that took few risks and stuck to the duo’s signature sound – but that would have been a disservice to the influence Chris Reimer clearly had on Long and Kroeber. Instead, Carrier is a joy and we have an album that’s up there with the most moving and stirring records of 2013.” 8.5/10 THE LINE OF BEST FIT 4.5/5 SPUTNIK MUSIC 4/5 SLANT http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15466-confidence/ RICHARD BUCKNER SURROUNDED Merge MRG499 / MRG499LP 0673855049922 / 0673855049915 CD/LP Richard Buckner har i nær tyve år vært av dem som har forvaltet arven fra Lubbock-scenen - Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Joe Ely, Butch Hancock et al - best. Hans personlige og nære americana har slått spesielt godt an i alt.country-kretser og venner av folk som Mark Kozelek/Sun Kil Moon, Mark Eitzel/American Music Club, Calexico, og lignende, bør alle sporenstreks bli venner av Buckner hvis de ikke allerede er det. Et meget bra album produsert av Tucker Martine. http://thelineofbestfit.com/new-music/song-of-the-day/listen-richard-buckner-when-you-tell-me-how-it-is-premiere-128767 http://www.richardbuckner.com/ Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 1 NYHETER UKE 36 - 2013 DENT MAY WARM BLANKET Paw Tracks PAW042CD / PAW042LP 0677517104226 / 0677517104219 CD/LP Dent May kom inn på indiescenen som et preppy pust for noen år siden, en velkledd ung mann med forkjærlighet for ukulele, Serge Gainsbourg, Jonathan Richman, og ikke minst Brian Wilson. På Warm Blanket er spesielt det siste tydeligere enn noen gang og med denne platen på spilleren utvides herved sommeren. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15653-dent-may-born-too-late/ http://youtu.be/Lorilou9GmY https://www.facebook.com/dentmay KING KHAN & THE SHRINES IDLE NO MORE Merge MRG486 / MRG486LP 0673855048628 / 0673855048611 CD/LP Den selvutnevnte R&B-keiseren King Khan og hans The Shrines er endelig tilbake fra en seks år lang albumdvale og leverer med Idle No More en energibombe av en utgivelse som både er samfunnskritisk (politikk og religion og sånn) og heltehyllende (Joe Pesci, Jay Reatard, hans kone). Utmerket, psykedelisk garasjerock! http://youtu.be/xHYAdst92PY http://www.spin.com/articles/king-khan-the-shrines-born-to-die-idle-no-more/ https://www.facebook.com/kingkhanandtheshrines BL’AST! BLOOD Southern Lord LORD189 / LORD189LP CD/LP 0808720018929 / 0808720018912 Santa Cruzes BL’AST! var et kortlivet, men viktig hardcore-band som i sin tid ga ut på etiketten til bandet de oftest ble sammenlignet med, Black Flag. Nylig kom bandet over taper fra en session de gjorde på 80-tallet og på dem var materiale nok til et komplett album. BL’AST!-fan nummer 1, Dave Grohl, ble kontaktet og han remikset og remastret tapene i sitt nå velkjente 606 Studios. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bl%27ast http://www.allmusic.com/artist/blast%21-mn0000769754 MODERN LIFE IS WAR FEVER HUNTING Deathwish DWI150 / DWI150LP 0020286214151 / 0020286214144 CD/LP Etter en pause på seks år er nå Modern Life is War tilbake med Fever Hunting, et album hvor bandets originalbesetning igjen har funnet sammen og som viser hvorfor de var et av sjangerens aller fremste navn på 2000-tallet. Strålende hardcore produsert av Converges Kurt Ballou. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/modern-life-is-war-mn0000919436 https://www.facebook.com/ModernLifeIsWarOfficial Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 2 NYHETER 36 - 2013 DIVERSE ARTISTER LIPSTICK POWDER & PAINT – THE NEW YORK DOLLS HEARD THEM HERE FIRST Ace CDCHD1377 CD 0029667056021 Nytt volum i …Heard Them Here First-serien, en serie hvor vi får originalversjonene av låter som senere ble covret av et kjent band eller artist. Turen har kommet til The New York Dolls og vi får sporene som influerte David Johansen, Johnny Thunders og de andre dokkene til å spille inn musikk som igjen inspirerte flere generasjoner unge håpefulle. Otis Redding, The Coasters, The Four Tops, Elvis osv. En ekstremt velspillende samling låter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_York_Dolls DIVERSE ARTISTER GOOD VIBRATIONS – A RECORD SHOP * A LABEL * A FILM SOUNDTRACK Big Beat CDWIKD315 0029667431521 CD Tidligere i år kom filmen om platesamleren, DJ-en, platebutikk- og plateselskapeier Terri Hooley til ros fra både kritikere og folk som Roger Daltrey og Bono. Lydsporet til filmen var laget av David Holmes og det er også han som har satt sammen denne samlingen som gir et innblikk i Hooleys svært så eklektiske smak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Vibrations_(film) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terri_Hooley DARROW FLETCHER THE PAIN GETS A LITTLE DEEPER - THE COMPLETE EARLY YEARS 1965-71 Kent Soul CDKEND403 0029667240321 CD Darrow Fletcher fikk sin første hit i 1965 med The Pain Gets a Little Deeper, visstnok en av Elton Johns favorittlåter. Fletcher fikk også noen mindre oppfølgerhits og ble et massivt navn på mod revival-scenen på 80-tallet. Her en komplett samling fra perioden fra hans første hit frem til 1971. http://youtu.be/gQviiN40Mq8 http://www.allmusic.com/artist/darrow-fletcher-mn0000569772 DIVERSE ARTISTER DAVE GODIN’S DEEP SOUL TREASURES Kent Soul HIQLP008 LP 0029667000918 Dave Godins fantastiske Deep Soul Treasures endelig på LP. I alt ble det gitt ut fire volum på CD og på denne utgivelsen samles de beste sporene fra disse. Godin er kanskje mest kjent som mannen som introduserte Mick Jagger for svart musikk, men han var også Berry Gordy og Motowns mann i England, og fant også på begrepene Northern Soul og Deep Soul. Et må-ha for alle soulfans. 180g på farget vinyl i gatefold-cover. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Godin Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 3 NYHETER 36 - 2013 DIVERSE ARTISTER LOUISIANA SATURDAY NIGHT REVISITED Ace CDCHD1379 CD 0029667056427 Zydeco, cajun og swamp-pop dominerer fortsatt lydbildet i Louisiana. Her er en samling kontemporære spor fra området, spilt inn mellom 2004 og 2011. Sjekk også ut utmerkede Louisiana Saturday Night (CDCHD490) gitt ut i 1993. DIVERSE ARTISTER THE GET DOWN BOOGIE SOUND Beat Goes Public CDBGPD267 CD 0029667526722 Boogie, en hybrid av soul, disco og funk, dominerte på amerikanske klubber på begynnelsen av 80-tallet. Her er en samling utvalgte sjangergodbiter satt sammen av den britiske DJ-en Julian Jonah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogie_(genre) DEXTER GORDON BLOWS HOT AND COOL Boplicity CDBOPM006 CD 0029667010627 Et av Dexter Gordons få 50-tallsalbum (mannen satt inne store deler av tiåret), Blows Hot and Cool, i remastret utgave. ”One of the outstanding tenor saxophonists in jazz history, and a major figure in bop“ http://www.allmusic.com/artist/dexter-gordon-mn0000208404 BUDDY COLLETTE QUINTET BUDDY’S BEST Boplicity CDBOPM020 CD 0029667012027 Buddy Collette var en av Vestkystens jazzpionérer på 50-tallet, både som fløytist og saksofonist. Her en samling originalt gitt ut i 1957, i remastret utgave. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/buddy-collette-mn0000641450 CARL PERKINS INTRODUCING… Boplicity CDBOPM008 CD 0029667010825 Jazzpianisten Carl Perkins døde allerede i 1958 i en alder av 29 og etterlot seg kun ett album under eget navn, dette. ”A must find/buy.” 4.5/5 ALLMUSIC http://www.allmusic.com/artist/carl-perkins-mn0000102781 THE CURTIS COUNCE QUINTET EXPLORING THE FUTURE Boplicity CDBOPM007 CD 0029667020725 Strøken hard bop fra Curtis Counce og hans kvintett på Exploring the Future, Counces siste album før han gikk bort i 1963. Tre bonusspor er lagt til. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/curtis-counce-mn0000785964 Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 4 NYHETER 36 - 2013 FORHÅND 6. SEPTEMBER CD/LP THE OBITS BED & BUGS Sub Pop SPCD1058 / SP1058 Tracklist: Taste the Diff Spun Out It’s Sick This Must Be Done Pet Trust Besetchet Operation Bikini Malpractice This Girl’s Opinion Receptor I’m Closing In Machines Double Jeopardy (For the Third Time) 0098787105827 / 0098787105810 Obits are a four-piece band who currently live in Brooklyn, NY, and whose music is probably considered an occupant of the rock music genre, specifically in the areas of garage, punk, surf, surf-punk, and garage-punk (though, not surf-garage). On this new album, they’ve also covered a song (“Besetchet”) from volume 23 of the excellent Ethiopiques series; so much for tidy categorization. The album for which this clumsy biographical dispatch has been prepared is entitled Bed & Bugs and it is the third full-length album by Obits, following their 2011 album Moody, Standard and Poor, which itself followed their 2009 album I Blame You, which we in the professional music industry refer to as the band’s “debut.” Bed & Bugs was recorded somewhere in Arlington, VA at an unnamed recording studio, simply and rather unhelpfully described as “upstairs.” This recording was accomplished by Nikhil Ranade, and the resulting songs were later mixed, variously, by this same Nikhil Ranade as well as Eli Janney and Geoff Sanoff. On listening to Bed & Bugs, the discerning listener may well note more than a passing similarity to such bands as Hot Snakes, Edsel, Drive Like Jehu, Girls Against Boys, Pitchfork, possibly Television or the Wipers. This is un-coincidental! With the exception of those last two, Obits share members with all of those bands. Less flippantly: There are scenes and there are connections; trending hashtags and experiences. It’s cool, these are not either/or propositions and there’s no need to postulate any us vs. any them, the kids today and the back in my day. Much of what’s best about any music, all art, across genres, within and beyond the latest craze, is the way it speaks to some definition of “us.” Proving, as Obits sing in Bed & Bugs’ “Receptor,” that “You ain’t the world’s lone receptor,” is deeply valuable. Because we’re all headed to the same place: me today, you tomorrow. And, in that waning interstitial space, let’s go ahead and have what we want. No need to choose: make ours both Bed & Bugs. FORHÅND 13. SEPTEMBER TINDERSTICKS LES SALAUDS Lucky Dog LUCKYDOG16 / LUCKYDOG16LP 0826853009829 / 4250506807658 CD/LP *TINDERSTICKS RELEASE HYPNOTIC ELECTRONIC SCORE FOR CLAIRE DENIS’S INTOXICATING AND PROVOCATIVE NEO NOIR ‘LES SALAUDS/BASTARDS’ Tracklist: 1. Put Your Love In Me (Fade) 2. Opening 3. Marco 4. Elevator 5. Night Time Cigarettes 6. The Yellow Bike 7. Naked Walk 8. Factory / Day Drive 9. Love On The Stairs 10. Low Life 11. Night Time Woods 12. Night Drive 13. Put Your Love In Me *Continuing a long and fruitful creative relationship, Tindersticks have completed their 7th original film score for renowned director Claire Denis, for her provocative thriller LES SALAUDS (BASTARDS), released in French cinemas on 7th August. The film premiered at Cannes in Un Certain Regard and offers confirmation, were it needed, of the Denis’s status as one of the most exciting and innovative filmmakers currently working, and of one of the most consistent and unique partnerships existing between a director and a group of musicians. *Marking a fundamental stylistic departure for the band, the hypnotic electronic score resonates the darkly sensual and dreamlike rhythms of the film’s revenge narrative, featuring a new twist on the Hot Chocolate classic ‘Put Your Love in Me’. The soundtrack for Bastards/ Les Salauds is released on the band’s Lucky Dog label and is released on September 16th. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 5 NYHETER 36 - 2013 FORHÅND 20. SEPTEMBER tony joe white hoodoo Yep Roc YEP2348 / YEP2348LP 0634457234826 / 0634457234819 CD/LP In just a few weeks, the heralded hit-maker and swamp-rocker Tony Joe White will enter his seventh decade. After more than fifty years of playing music, handfuls of chart topping singles, and collaborations with some of the most revered musicians of the century, White is set to release a brand new album, Hoodoo, via Yep Roc. Tracklist: 1) The Gift 2) Holed Up 3) Who You Gonna Hoodoo Now? 4) 9 Foot Sack 5) Alligator, Mississippi 6) The Flood 7) Storm Comin’ 8) Gypsy Epilogue 9) Sweet Tooth Hoodoo features autobiographical songs about his life growing up on farm and learning the blues (“9 Foot Sack”), cautionary tales of rural Mississippi (“Alligator, Mississippi”), and a tale of his trek homeward after the Nashville flood of 2010 (“The Flood”). Despite his illustrious past, White feels no pressure to top himself. “There’s not a push nowhere,” he concludes. “Maybe I’ll stop playing shows and making records when the songs quit coming to me. But they still come to me. You see, I don’t work for a song-but once I get a hold of it I don’t let go. I just keep writing, and when I do, I want to go out and play it for somebody. It’s the songwriting that keeps me going.” FORHÅND 20. SEPTEMBER THE SADIES INTERNAL SOUNDS Yep Roc YEP2353 / YEP2353LP CD/LP 0634457235328 / 0634457235311 Tracklist: 1. Tiderays 2. Acetate 3. Comrade 4. Byegone 5. Alaskans 6. Dancepack 7. Keel 8. Almanac Consisting of brothers Dallas and Travis Good, drummer Mike Belitsky and upright bassist Sean Dean, The Sadies’ inspired culmination of psychedelia, country and western and instrumental rock has made them the preeminent torchbearers of cosmic Canadiana music. Internal Sounds was recorded in Toronto. Though Gary Louris was an integral part in making the album, it was produced by Dallas Good. “There was a conscious effort to deliver a finished product that wouldn’t suffer from a deadline or budget. We recorded this record over a span of a year, in session for twenty plus days. By the end, we’d spent every dime we had and used up every favour. There is usually a sense of immediacy to our records, maybe because we make a lot of them. I didn’t want that this time” says Good. This time, Peter J. Moore was enlisted to mix with The Sadies, a first for them. Internal Sounds also welcomes Canadian legend Buffy Sainte-Marie who contributes her haunting voice to the closing track “We Are Circling”. The Sadies continue working to make a greater live show and better albums, integrity intact. Internal Sounds is The Sadies continuing to grow, and getting better with each step Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 6 NYHETER 36 - 2013 FORHÅND 20. SEPTEMBER TOUCHÉ AMORÉ IS SURVIVED BY Deathwish DWI151 / DWI151LP 0020286214175 / 0020286214168 CD/LP “Is Survived By” is the anticipated new album from Touche Amore, produced and engineered by Brad Wood (Smashing Pumpkins, Sunny Day Real Estate, etc) and mastered by Hans DeKline (Lisa Loeb, mewithoutYou, etc).”Is Survived By” shows Touche Amore embracing a maturation of their trademark melancholy. The sounds are welcomingly familiar; inspired percussion amid a sea of imaginative guitars and impassioned vocals. However, the underlying unrest is more complex and touching than any previous Touche Amore release before it. Simply put, these are not simple “love” songs that dwell in the past, but complex “life” songs about living in the present. Throughout the entire album vocalist/lyricist Jeremy Bolm digs deeper in search of personal catharsis, allowing us to relate to his drive to be clearly heard, truly understood, and unapologetically remembered. Tracklist: 01. Just Exist 02. To Write Content 03. Praise / Love 04. Anyone / Anything 05. DNA 06. Harbor 07. Kerosene 08. Blue Angel 09. Social Caterpillar 10. Non Fiction 11. Steps 12. Is Survived By “Is Survived By” not only shows growth in subject matter but musicianship for Touche Amore. The jangly guitar work of Clayton Stevens and Nick Steinhardt is on a new level here. Throughout the release they effortlessly entangle one another to construct beautiful yet unexpected melodies. While the explosive rhythm section of Tyler Kirby and Elliot Babin shines in the frenetic pace they keep. Achieving a stunning balance of hook laden listenability and emotion. Without question, “Is Survived By” is another masterwork from Touche Amore. More importantly, it is a release that lives up to the promise of past releases while not repeating it. Not a departure, but a continuation down the remarkable road that they alone travel. FORHÅND 20. SEPTEMBER THE HORRIBLE CROWES LIVE AT THE TROUBADOUR Side One Dummy SD1530 / SD1530-1 0603967153026 / 0603967153019 CD+DVD/LP+DVD CD+DVD / LP+DVD On September 14, 2011, The Horrible Crowes took the stage of the legendary Troubadour in West Hollywood, CA for an amazing hour-long plus set. It was only the band’s second show, and attendees were able to experience Elsie in an authentic, natural setting. Tracklist: 1. Last Rites 2. Sugar 3. Behold the Hurricane 4. I Witnessed a Crime 5. Go Tell Everybody 6. Cherry Blossoms 7. Ladykiller 8. Crush 9. Teenage Dream 10. Mary Ann 11.Black Betty & the Moon 12. Blood Loss 13. I Believe Jesus Brought Us Together 14. Never Tear Us Apart “I think this was one of the highlights of my career,” Brian Fallon recalls. “Everyone was in great spirits, we were comfortable, and we were playing music that excited us beyond what we thought we were capable of. I remember, on this night, I felt like someone else was playing for us. I love this band, as a fan.” Both Fallon and guitarist Ian Perkins remember that night fondly. “I will always look back at this show with the fondest of memories. Sometimes you can walk into a venue and the atmosphere is already there, The Troubadour is one of those places. We were all excited to play such a legendary venue and you only have to read the names on the walls inside to see why.” The hi-definition DVD features twelve live tracks from that night, as well as candid pre-show interviews with Brian Fallon and Ian Perkins, sound check footage and the music videos for “Behold The Hurricane” and “Lady Killer.” Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 7 NYHETER 36 - 2013 FORHÅND 4. OKTOBER of montreal lousy with sylvianbriar Polyvinyl PRC268CD / PRC268LP 0644110026828 / 0644110026811 CD/LP The genius of Lousy with Sylvianbriar is that it was created on a 24-track tape machine without the crutch of computer aided pitch correction, effects plug-ins and editing capabilities. Tracklist: 1. Fugitive Air 2. Obsidian Currents 3. Belle Glade Missionaries 4. Sirens of Your Toxic Spirit 5. Colossus 6. Triumph of Disintegration 7. Amphibian Days 8. She Ain’t Speakin’ Now 9. Hegira Émigré 10. Raindrop in My Skull 11. Imbecile Rages With no computer tricks to fall back on, Kevin Barnes and the band recorded most of the songs live in the same room together. “I wanted the process to be more in line with the way people used to make albums in the late 60s and early 70s,” reveals Barnes. “I wanted the songs to be more lyric-driven, and for the instrumental arrangements to be understated and uncluttered.” FORHÅND 11. OKTOBER TIM HECKER VIRGINS Kranky KRANK183 / KRANK183LP 0796441818327 / 0796441818310 CD/2LP *STUNNING FOLLOW-UP TO 2011’s MAJESTIC ‘RAVEDEATH , 1972’ ALBUM. *’Virgins’ exchanges gristled distortion and cavernous sound in favour of a close, airy, more defined palette. At times it points to the theological aspirations of early minimalist music. But it is not ‘fake church music’ for a secular age, rather something like an attempt at the sound of frankincense in slow-motion, or of a pulsing, flickering fluorescence in the grotto. Tracklist: 1.Prism 2. Virginal I 3. Radiance 4. Live Room 5. Live Room Out 6. Virginal II 7. Black Refraction 8. Incense at Abu Ghraib 9. Amps, Drugs, Harmonium 10. Stigmata I 11. Stigmata II 12. Stab Variation *Virgins was recorded during three periods in 2012, mostly in Reykjavik, Montreal and Seattle, using ensembles in live performance. *While this album remains committed to a painterly form of musical abstraction, it is also a record of restrained composition recorded live primarily in intimate studio rooms. This record employs woodwinds, piano and synthesizers towards an effort at doing what digital music does not do naturally—making music that is out of time, out of tune and out of phase. *Some pieces go off the rails before forming into anything, others eschew crescendo compositional structures or bombastic density while going sideways instead. It points to the ongoing development of Hecker’s work. It suggests illusory memories of drug- hazed jams or communal music performance that may have never been performed or been heard. *It is an offering of music into the void, a gift of digital filler between distractions. Yet hopefully it also stands as a document of the enduring faith in the narcotic, enigmatic function of music as long-form expression. *Mixed by Valgeir Sigurðsson and Tim Hecker. Additional assistance by Randall Dunn and Ben Frost. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 8
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