NYHETER UKE 26 - 2013 PALMS PALMS Ipecac IPC139 / IPC139LP http://www.facebook.com/palmsband 0888002012043 / 0689230013914 CD/2LP Da post-metal-innovatørene Isis ble oppløst i 2010 valgte bandets medlemmer å fortsette å spille sammen uten vokalist Aaron Turner. De var dog klare på at de ville ha med en vokalist og øverst på listen sto ett navn: Deftones’ Chino Moreno. Isis-fan som Moreno er var det ikke nei i hans munn da han ble spurt, og Palms var født. Sammen har de kreert atmosfærisk alt-metal som selvsagt anbefales. http://www.spin.com/articles/palms-patagonia-deftones-isis-chino-moreno/ “Palms are perfect, just perfect.” 5/5 TERRORIZER “Obviously with a voice so instantly recognisable those ‘Tones comparisons are hard to shake. This, though, is a different beast, albeit one that shares their penchant for the exploration or musical dynamism and the knack of sneaking its way into the listener’s head slowly but surely. Different, but predictably excellent.” 8/10 METAL HAMMER LIGHTNING DUST http://www.facebook.com/lightningdustofficial FANTASY Jagjaguwar JAG239 / JAG239LP CD/LP 0656605223926 / 0656605223919 Lightning Dust er at av flere sideprosjekter som har oppstått via psykedeliafavorittene i Black Mountain, og duoen Amber Webber og Josh Wells er nå klare med sitt tredje album, Fantasy. Der debuten var en strippet folkaffære, andrealbumet en symbiose av Suicide og Fleetwood Mac, er Fantasy inspirert av minimalistisk synth-pop, moderne R&B-beats, og John Carpenters filmmusikk. Duoens eneste regel, absolutt minimalisme, er også i bruk, men det hele låter selvsagt umiskjennelig Lightning Dust med Webbers fantastiske stemme i front. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15279-diamond/ http://www.spin.com/articles/lightning-dust-loaded-gun-track-premiere/ ROSE WINDOWS THE SUN DOGS Sub Pop SPCD1053 / SP1053 0098787105322 / 0098787105315 CD/2LP Rose Windows er en Seattle-septett som har skapt bølger på den nordvestlige musikkscenen med sin messende, riffrike stonerpsykedelia. Et perfekt lydspor til sløye sommernetter. “They’ve cleared the path to their original folk sources, the added pedal-steel and Eastern strings to their template of Sabbath-styled heaviosity, spooky flute and swirling keys” 8/10 UNCUT “Rose Windows demonstrate that, in the right hands, it’s still possible to conjure new life with the tools of classic rock.“ 4/5 THE SKINNY http://www.facebook.com/rosewindows Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 1 NYHETER UKE 26 - 2013 SOLAR YEAR WAVERLY Splendour SPL022CD / SPL022LP http://www.facebook.com/SolarYear 7090001013898 / 7090001013904 CD/LP Leftfield-elektronika fra det samme fellesskapet som brakte oss Grimes, Blue Hawaii, og Majical Cloudz fra Solar Year, en Montréal-basert duo som har fått stor oppmerksomhet fra blekker som Pitchfork, Fader, the Guardian med flere. Deres debut, Waverly (med gjestevokal av nevnte Grimes), samler deres idéer om pop og downtempo-elektronika sammen til en virkelig slående samling av låter. “A new age-y ‘Silent Shout’ floating up from the ocean” GORILLAVSBEAR “I felt like I was watching the future…Festivals aren’t supposed to be contests but FUCK IT, Solar Year won POP Montreal.” NOISEY (VICE) FUCK BUTTONS THE RED WING / THE WHIP ATP ATPRSP20 0666017128566 12” Fuck Buttons er snart aktuelle med nytt album og her er første smakebit, Best New Track-sporet The Red Wing på tolvtommer med The Whip på B-siden. Gullfarget vinyl begrenset til 1000 eksemplarer. “On a Fuck Buttons track, even a rudimentary breakbeat can create an overwhelming, gravitational effect that aligns all of these disparate and playful ideas into a singular, driven juggernaut, as the duo mark “The Red Wing” with reverbed samples, untraceable arcade sound effects, and joyful, buzzsaw synth lines.” PITCHFORK http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fuck-Buttons/328461343853034 TOWNES VAN ZANDT HIGH, LOW AND IN BETWEEN Omnivore OVCD21 / OVLP21 0816651011087 / 0816651011070 CD/LP Reutgivelse av det første av de to albumene Townes Van Zandt ga ut i 1972, High, Low and in Between. Digipack CD og 180g LP med liner notes av Colin Escott. “Musically low key, but emotionally potent, High, Low and in Between shows Van Zandt digging deep into his troubled psyche and turning his heartache into soul-stirring art.” 4/5 ALLMUSIC http://www.allmusic.com/artist/townes-van-zandt-mn0000744796 TOWNES VAN ZANDT THE LATE GREAT TOWNES VAN ZANDT Omnivore OVCD22 / OVLP22 0816651011094 / 0816651011100 CD/LP The Late Great Townes Van Zandt var Townes andre 1972-album og det markerte også slutten på hans store periode som låtskriver selv om også 1978s Flyin’ Shoes er verdt å få med seg. Digipack CD og 180g LP med liner notes av Colin Escott. “This is the second perfect album Van Zandt cut in 1972, a complement to High, Low and in Between. Together they contain the highest points of his brilliant but erratic career.” 4/5 ALLMUSIC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Townes_Van_Zandt Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 2 NYHETER UKE 26 - 2013 HAVOK UNNATURAL SELECTION Candlelight CANDLE411CD 0803341385726 CD Mer drivende trash fra Havok som på sitt nye album, Unnatural Selection, har rekruttert ringreven Terry Date (Pantera, Deftones etc.) som produsent. Dette, samt at bandet har pådratt seg betydelig rutine de siste årene, har ført til bandets mest dynamiske album til nå. For fans av Evile, Toxic Holocaust, Warbringer og lignende. http://www.youtube.com/user/HAVOKthrash http://www.facebook.com/HavokOfficial LOCRIAN RETURN TO ANNIHILATION Relapse RR7204-2 / RR7204-1 0781676720422 / 0781676720415 CD/LP Locrian har brukt nær et tiår på å finslipe sin egen blanding av noise, black metal og droning, og på Return to Annihilation får vi nyte fruktene av nettopp dette arbeidet, mørkt og drøyt som det er. Anbefales til fans av ting som Horseback, Sunn O))), Swans og slikt. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15423-eternal-return/ http://www.facebook.com/LocrianOfficial MUMAKIL FLIES WILL STARVE Relapse RR7207-2 / RR7207-1 0781676720729 / 0781676720712 CD/LP Flies Will Starve er andre album ut fra det sveitsiske grind-monsteret Mumakil. 24 spor har de presset inn på albumet som vi kan få et lite innblikk i her: http://youtu.be/U1G9DEZwiEA For fans av Brutal Truth, Napalm Death og andre lignende sjarmører. http://americanaftermath.net/2013/05/31/exclusive-interview-mumakils-benjamin-droz-song-premiere/ https://www.facebook.com/Mumakil RAMESSES MISANTHROPIC ALCHEMY Ritual Productions RITE015CD 5060195514985 2CD Ramesses massive debutalbum, Billy Anderson-produserte Misanthropic Alchemy i utvidet versjon hvor bandets tre første EP-er og diverse livespor er lagt til. Total spilletid er på nær to og en halv time så her finnes alle muligheter for å få renset ørene skikkelig. Dobbel LP-utgave ventes snart. http://www.facebook.com/ramessess666 Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 3 NYHETER UKE 26 - 2013 THE MUSIC TAPES MARY’S VOICE Merge MRG368 / MRG368LP CD/LP 0673855036823 / 0673855036816 The Music Tapes ble startet på slutten av 90-tallet og opererte i utkanten av Elephant 6-miljøet via sin frontmann, Neutral Milk Hotel- og The Olivia Tremor Control-medlemmet Julian Koster. Mary’s Voice er deres tredje album og det første siden 2008s kritikerroste Music Tapes For Clouds and Tornadoes. Koster er en del av Neutral Milks mye omtalte reunionturné. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/14109-playing-evening/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Music-Tapes/58196667913 ALL TINY CREATURES DARK CLOUD Hometapes HT059CD / HT059LP CD/LP 0656605715926 / 0656605715919 Psykedelisk elektro-pop ikke veldig fjernt fra Animal Collective fra All Tiny Creatures. Bandets medlemmer er sterke bidragsytere til den vitale musikkscenen i Wisconsin og brorparten av medlemmene er også med i Justin Vernons (snart albumaktuelle) Volcano Choir, mens frontmann Thomas Wincek også er å finne i Collections of Colonies of Bees. http://www.spin.com/articles/all-tiny-creatures-the-book-stream-dark-clock/ https://www.facebook.com/alltinycreatures DAVID YOW TONIGHT YOU LOOK LIKE A SPIDER Joyful Noise JNR116LP 0656605482811 The Jesus Lizard var et av de mest innflytelsesrike bandene i USA på 90-tallet og spesielt bandets tre første album satte spor etter seg i musikklandskapet. Her er vokalist David Yow ute med LP under eget navn. LP http://www.allmusic.com/artist/the-jesus-lizard-mn0000089305 HAUSU TOTAL Hardly Art HAR070CD / HAR070LP 0098787307023 / 0098787307016 Hausu er en post-hardcore-kvartett fra Portland som inspirert av Sebadoh og gamle Dischord-kassetter her gir oss sitt debutalbum, Total. CD/LP http://www.spin.com/articles/hausu-chrysanthemum-stream-total-album/ http://www.stereogum.com/1300622/hausu-leaning-mess-stereogum-premiere/mp3s/ http://www.facebook.com/hausuboys Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 4 NYHETER UKE 26 - 2013 HAILU MERGIA HAILU MERGIA & HIS CLASSICAL INSTRUMENT: SHEMONMUANAYE Awesome Tapes From Africa ATFA006CD / ATFA006LP CD/LP 0656605560427 / 0656605560410 Ethio-jazz/funk fra Hailu Mergia som nøt en suksessfull musikerkarriere i Addis Abeba på 70-tallet før han etablerte seg i USA på begynnelsen av 80-tallet. Remastret CD og LP. https://soundcloud.com/awesometapesfromafrica/shilela THE RELATIVES BAD TRIP Yep Roc YEP2310 12” 0634457231016 Tolvtommer fra den psykedeliske gospel-gruppa The Relatives som imponerte mange under årets SXSW. http://youtu.be/SOKgrnrZjmE GILBERTO GIL LOUVAÇAO Universal Sound USLP52 LP 5026328205212 Debutalbumet til Gilberto Gil, originalt fra 1967, på 180g LP i et begrenset opplag på 1000 eksemplarer. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/gilberto-gil-mn0000652255 THE DETROIT JAZZ COMPOSERS LTD. HASTINGS ST. JAZZ EXPERIENCE Universal Sound USLP54 2LP 5026328205410 The Detroit Jazz Composers Ltd. var et stort kollektiv av musikere som i 1976 ga ut dette albumet hvor bl.a. Motown-stjernen Kim Weston bidro med vokal. Dobbel 180g 45rpm LP i et begrenset opplag på 1000 eksemplarer. 4.5/5 ALLMUSIC TOY LOVE TOY LOVE Flying Nun / Captured Tracks FNCT001LP 2LP 0817949017330 Komplett Toy Love på dobbel LP levert i et gatefoldcover med booklet, 28 spor i alt. Bandet var et av New Zealands første new wave-band og ble tross sin korte eksistens en viktig inspirasjon for 80- og 90-tallets musikkscene der nede. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/toy-love-mn0000744990 SUFFOCATION HUMAN WASTE Relapse RR6686-1 0781676668618 LP Reutgivelse av Suffocations Human Waste på LP. To bonusspor er lagt til. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffocation_(band) Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 5 NYHETER UKE 26 - 2013 FORHÅND 5. JULI DAUGHN GIBSON ME MOAN Sub Pop SPCD1010 / SP1010 CD/LP 0098787101027 / 0098787101010 Tracklist: The Sound of Law Phantom Rider Mad Ocean The Pisgee Nest You Don’t Fade Franco Won’t You Climb The Right Signs Kissin on the Blacktop All My Days Off Into the Sea Let’s get a few facts straight right off the bat. The name is Daughn Gibson - rhymes with Jaughn, or Raughn. He was born in Nazareth, PA, and currently resides in the sleepy college town of Carlisle, PA, where he frequents local watering holes like The Cave and Alibis. He’s 6’5”, 200 pounds, and has a head of thick, jet-black hair thicker. He played drums in Pearls & Brass. Daughn was a trucker, sure, but he’s also packed boxes in an un-air conditioned warehouse, climbed up commercial broadcast towers with untested levels of radiation, worked at an adult bookstore, done sound at dive bars and collected unemployment checks. Daughn’s been around. Daughn Gibson first entered the daydreams of the general public in 2012 with his acclaimed debut, All Hell. Armed with modern technology and a pile of thrift-store records, Daughn shook the ghosts out of scratchy Christian folk records and baptized them as fierce Americana with his booming baritone voice. His songs are as frequently tender as they are prurient, as hopeful as they are brimming with despair. He treats the past with respectful reverence while still being able to appreciate esoteric modern-day electronic music from across the pond. The only real starting point for the music of Daughn Gibson is Daughn Gibson. It’s on Daughn’s second album and Sub Pop debut, Me Moan, that he truly reveals himself to the world. If All Hell was a gritty black-and-white movie, Me Moan is a widescreen IMAX 3D extravaganza. While the roots of All Hell’s sample-based music remain, these songs are performed live, lushly detailed and richly orchestrated. Live drums, guitars (by John Baizley of Baroness and Jim Elkington of Brokeback), pedal steel, horns, house strings, bagpipes and organs appear on this record, but never does it feel over-stuffed - every instrument or melody is perfectly in place. Me Moan isn’t just Daughn Gibson’s primal scream, it’s a skirmish through the full spectrum of emotion, unfiltered and impassioned. Like Cormac McCarthy or Robert Altman, Daughn Gibson is a uniquely American artist who throws his soul into his work, free of compromise, possessed by unique vision and so damn intense that he constantly teeters on spontaneous combustion. It’s not out of line to consider Me Moan as his Blood Meridian; his Nashville. All that’s left is for you to let Daughn in. FORHÅND 12. JULI GAUNTLET HAIR STILLS Dead Oceans DOC079 / DOC079LP CD/LP 0656605137926 / 0656605137919 Tracklist: Human Nature Spew Simple Bad Apple New To It Obey Me Heave G.I.D. Falling Out Waste Your Art Gauntlet Hair has announced their new album, Stills, to be released July 12 on Dead Oceans. Recorded during Portland, Oregon’s grey winter days in producer Jacob Portrait’s (Unknown Mortal Orchestra) appropriately named studio “The Cave,” the album reveals Gauntlet Hair’s guileless affection for the goth industrialists and post-punks who blazed a shadowy path through the 80s and 90s. Lead track, “Human Nature,” starts with vaguely menacing whispers and a cicada-winged heartbeat that flowers into a grand, gorgeous squall. The album follows the once-Denver-based band’s 2011self-titled debut for Dead Oceans and singles spread across labels like Forest Family and Mexican Summer. After moving back to their hometown of Chicago last year, drummer Craig Nice and singer/guitarist Andy R. looked to their teenaged selves for inspiration. “I started listening again to the stuff I would have in my discman in the back of my mom’s car,” says Nice. “White Zombie, Marilyn Manson — the production on those records is so amazing. Nothing sounds like that anymore.” Mining that childhood nostalgia for inspiration has proved effective. The tracks on Stills have the signifiers of industrial and minimal-wave a la The Durutti Column or Joy Division, but all the fluidity and momentum of INXS or Depeche Mode’s 80s synthpop. “New To It” reimagines the opening snare from “I Wanna Dance Wtih Somebody” at a goth dance party. Andy R. lurches into an unearthly guttural groan halfway through “Bad Apple.” “Spew” is a distorted wash of junky-punk. A Cobain-like sneer worms its way out of “Heave.” The horror and joy combine to make Stills a garden of dark delights. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 6 NYHETER UKE 26 - 2013 FORHÅND 19. JULI FUCK BUTTONS SLOW FOCUS ATP ATPRCD49 / ATPRLP49 0666017262222 / 0666017262215 CD/2LP http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15550-fuck-buttons-the-red-wing-edit/ *Four years after Fuck Buttons’ Benjamin John Power and Andrew Hung dropped the second of two of the most unparalleled electronic-driven albums in recent memory, with the hyper-acceleration of 2009’s blistering Tarot Sport, the duo return with a new album Slow Focus, their first selfproduced record, and one that looks set to re-shape the landscape of the leftfield all over again. *Once again abiding by their fundamental rule that “we must always be in the same room when writing,” what Fuck Buttons have created on Slow Focus is something that feels more close-up than ever before, a first-person view through winding pathways set against a frequently aggressive and constantly evolving terrain. It’s an ominously shimmering mirage that could only have come from their own volition. “Slow Focus seemed like a very apt title when considering the sentiment of the music,” comments Benjamin John Power, “It almost feels like the moment your eyes take to readjust when waking, and realising you’re in a very unusual and not a particularly welcoming place. We like to think that we create our own new landscapes, and with this it’s a very alien one.” *You could argue this is the first album where the pair have really gone all in, taking control right down to producing it at their own Space Mountain studio. “We’ve used producers as safety nets in the past,” says Andrew Hung, “but we’ve always had a very specific idea of what our music should sound like and so it became about following the logical path.” *Between them, Fuck Buttons have been busy behind the scenes in the intermediate four years since Tarot Sport, but they were flung out into the perception of the global public last year when Danny Boyle opted to use their music in his breathtaking Olympics opening ceremony in London, after recommendations from techno veterans Underworld. Now they’re ready to face the limelight again in full, with a string of European festival dates coming up, including Primavera, Glastonbury and Green Man. It’s been a while since we heard from them, but Slow Focus looks set to further establish Fuck Buttons reputation as one of the most arresting electronic acts in the world today. Tracklist: 1 Brainfreeze 2 Year Of The Dog 3 The Red Wing 4 Sentients 5 Princes’s Prize 6 Stalker 7 Hidden Xs FORHÅND 16. AUGUST SUPERCHUNK I HATE MUSIC Merge MRG480 / MRG480LP / MRG480DLX 0673855048024 / 0673855048017 / 0673855048000 CD/LP Superchunk will release I Hate Music, their tenth studio album, on August 16. The band has also announced tour dates throughout the late summer and fall. Tracklist: 1 . Overflows 2 . Me & You & Jackie Mittoo 3 . Void 4 . Staying Home 5 . Low F 6 . Trees of Barcelona 7 . Breaking Down 8 . Out of the Sun 9 . Your Theme 10 . FOH 11 . What Can We Do After taking nearly a decade off following the release of Here’s to Shutting Up, Mac, Laura, Jon, and Jim decided to shout it out again in 2010 with Majesty Shredding, an album perfectly described by its own title. It’s a celebratory set of whoa-whoa-whoas from a group so thrilled by making music together again that they can’t contain themselves. The band’s forthcoming release, I Hate Music, is Majesty’s dark twin. It’s similarly aggressive—often moreso (see “Staying Home”)—and every bit as energetic. It reflects the joys of a life spent immersed in music (“Me & You & Jackie Mittoo,” “Trees of Barcelona”), but there’s a dark undercurrent as well. That title isn’t tongue-in-cheek, but it’s really more a question than a statement: When you’re 20, lazy co-workers and romantic missteps number among your biggest worries; two decades later, life’s bigger questions knock louder and louder, demanding answers. I Hate Music is an album about love more than anything else: love of life, love of living, love of people, and yeah, love of music. It defies its own title so completely and diligently that it never even seems like a fair fight: There’s no pain this deep or yearning this severe without the type of love earned over a lifetime. “I hate music – what is it worth? / Can’t bring anyone back to this earth” goes the first line in “Me & You & Jackie Mittoo.” That song and its ten companions can’t relive the past or resurrect those lost, but they can keep them close enough to see and hear and celebrate. It’s dark in here, but if we conjure the right words and sounds, maybe we’ll find our way out. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] www.tubarec.com 7
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