Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR) 2009-2011

Survey of doctoral theses and candidates
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR)
20 0 9 - 20 1 1
Haakon Kiil Grøgaard (September 2011)
"Progenitor cells, growth factors and inflammation in
acute myocardial infarction"
Trial lectures:
"Koronar CT angiografi i utredningen av mistenkt
"Behandling av akutt hjerteinfarkt i 2021"
Supervisor: Professor Arnfinn Ilebekk
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo. Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR),
Oslo University Hospital.
Johannes Lagethon Bjørnstad (juni 2011)
"The TGF-β/SMAD signalling system and extracellular
matrix changes in myocardial remodelling and reverse
remodelling following correction of pressure overload "
Trial lecture:
"Nåværende og framtidige behandling av
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Mathis Korseberg Stokke (June 2011)
"SERCA2-RyR2 interplay at the heart of Ca2+ wave
development. Experimental studies on mechanisms
underlying triggered arrhythmias."
Trial lecture:
"Electophysiological basis for ventricular arrhythmias"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Karl-Otto Larsen (December 2010)
"Pulmonary hypertension and cardiac dysfunction; the
role of hypoxia and cytokines"
Trial lecture:
"Pulmonal hypertensjon hos nyfødte, barn og voksne;
likheter og forskjeller?"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Tommy Aune Rehn (October 2010)
"Causes of altered skeletal muscle function in the postinfarction heart failure condition"
Trial lecture:
"Is it quality or quantity that counts - what determines
skeletal muscle functional capacity?"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Morten Munkvik (March 2010)
"Fatigue mechanisms and skeletal muscle function in
experimental and human heart failure"
Trial lecture:
"Forbindelser mellom skjelettmuskel- og
hjertemuskelbiologi hos friske mennesker og hos pasienter
med hjertesvikt"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Halvor Kjeang Mørk (December 2009)
"Cellular Mechanisms of Heart Failure Progression"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Theresa Mariero Olavsveengen (Nov. 2009)
"Factors impacting on quality of prehospital advanced
cardiac life support"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Morten Pytte (November 2009)
"Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – guideline
recommendation meet clinical practice"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Silje Ødegaard (October 2009)
"Searching for factors contributing to substandard quality
of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest"
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Karl Esten Nakken (June 2009)
"ABCB4 dysfunction and biliary disease”
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Oslo.
Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR), Oslo
University Hospital.
Santiago Zalvidea (April 2009)
"Role of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on
electrical and contractile properties of cardiomyocytes
from failing heart in mice"
UUS (Cotutelle-avtale: Disputas i Montpellier, Frankrike)