Letter of Invitation

Letter of Invitation
(Inbjudan för privat besöksvisum. OBS: Fylls i av inbjudaren i Kina, inte den som söker visum.)
To the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Stockholm only:
hereby invite
to visit me in China from (date)________________________ to (date) ________________________ .
(Write in detail about your purpose to invite the applicant to come to visit you in China)
Invitee’s details / Den inbjudnas uppgifter
Full name / Fullständigt namn:
Personal number / Personnummer:
Relationship to inviter / Relation:
Best regards,
Signature of Inviter / Inbjudarens namnteckning
Inviter’s contact information / Inbjudarens kontaktuppgifter
Full name / Fullständigt namn:
Phone number in China / Telefon i Kina:
Address in China / Adress i Kina: