LEMBAGA JURUTERA MALAYSIA Tingkat 17, Blok F, Ibu Pejabat JKR Jalan Sultan Salahuddin 50580 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 603-26107098/97/96/95; Fax: 603-26925017 Tarikh: 8 November 2013 Kepada Semua Jurutera Profesional Berdaftar NOTIS PEMBAHARUAN PENDAFTARAN JURUTERA PROFESIONAL 2014 Dengan hormatnya dimaklumkan pendaftaran tuan/puan sebagai Jurutera Profesional akan tamat pada 31.12.2013. Bayaran pembaharuan hendaklah dibuat sebelum atau pada 31.1.2014. 2. Pembaharuan pendaftaran Jurutera Profesional tahun 2014 boleh dikemukakan melalui salah satu cara berikut – Manual 1. Online Lengkapkan Borang H dan sertakan dokumen 2, 3 dan 4 seperti di bawah (Borang boleh dimuatturun melalui laman web www.bem.org.my) 2013 • • (sila rujuk LAMPIRAN B) Tuan/puan mesti berdaftar sebagai pengguna MyBEM Online System terlebih dahulu melalui http://www.bem.org.my/mybem Semak dan kemaskini (update) maklumat tuan/puan dalam Borang H (digital) 2.* Isytiharkan (declare) CPD menggunakan LAMPIRAN C. 3.** Sekeping gambar berukuran passport jika belum dikemukakan. Gambar yang dipaparkan dalam sistem boleh dimuatnaik dengan gambar yang terkini. 4. *** Bayaran kepada “Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia” dengan jumlah bayaran yang berkenaan melalui cek/ bank draft/ postal order Malaysia / money order Malaysia /online bill payment. Bayaran boleh dikemukakan sama ada melalui – (i) Online bill payment / internet banking. Sila masukkan “No. Rujukan Bayaran” ke dalam ruang “Payment Reference” MyBEM Online System; ATAU (ii) Hantar cek/bank draft/ postal order Malaysia / Isytihar CPD 2013 secara online. money order Malaysia melalui pos laju. 5. Pengesahan bayaran akan dicetak dalam Sijil Pendaftaran tanpa resit bayaran. Pengesahan bayaran akan dicetak dalam Sijil Pendaftaran. Resit bayaran boleh dicetak melalui Sistem MyBEM Online System. 6. Sila pos dokumen 1 – 4 kepada Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Sila pos bayaran beserta Slip Pembaharuan Digital jika tidak menggunakan online payment/internet banking. 3. Pembaharuan pendaftaran 2014 hanya akan diterima setelah bayaran dijelaskan. 4. Tuan/puan diminta sentiasa mengemaskini alamat surat-menyurat sebagaimana yang dikehendaki di bawah seksyen 14, Akta Pendaftaran Jurutera 1967 seperti berikut: “Every registered Engineer and Engineering consultancy practice shall notify the Registrar of any change in his or its business address.” Kegagalan mematuhinya, tuan/puan boleh diambil tindakan di bawah seksyen 25(1) Akta Pendaftaran Jurutera 1967 (Pindaan 2007). Sekian dimaklumkan. Saya yang menurut perintah, SGD (Ir. HIZAMUL-DIN BIN AB. RAHMAN) Pendaftar LEMBAGA JURUTERA MALAYSIA Catatan: Sila rujuk Lampiran A untuk keterangan bertanda (*). Kegagalan mematuhi syarat akan menyebabkan kelewatan memproses pembaharuan pendaftaran. LAMPIRAN A PENJELASAN MENGEMUKAKAN BAYARAN DAN DOKUMEN BAGI PEMBAHARUAN PENDAFTARAN JURUTERA PROFESIONAL 2014 2.* LAPORAN CPD 2013 Seperti yang telah dimaklumkan melalui Pekeliling No. 1/2005, semua Jurutera Profesional dikehendaki mendapatkan 50 jam CPD setahun mulai 1.1.2005 untuk pembaharuan pendaftaran. Laporan CPD 2013 boleh dikemukakan melalui “online” (Rujuk LAMPIRAN B) atau dihantar secara manual menggunakan Borang Ringkasan CPD di LAMPIRAN C. Keterangan mengenai CPD boleh diperolehi melalui laman web www.bem.org.my (klik “CPD & PDP”). Untuk pertanyaan, sila hubungi talian 03-26107096. 3.** GAMBAR BERUKURAN PASSPORT (jika belum mengemukakannya) Sila semak rekod pendaftaran tuan/puan di laman web Lembaga Jurutera (klik “Professional Engineer Search” atau “BEM Register Directory”). Jika rekod tuan/puan tiada bergambar, sila kemukakan: (i) (ii) Gambar berukuran passport dihantar melalui pos bersama Borang H dan laporan ringkas CPD 2013; atau Gambar berukuran passport (file .jpg saiz 2KB) e-mel ke [email protected] Nyatakan dengan jelas nama dan nombor pendaftaran di belakang gambar atau di dalam e-mel. Untuk pertanyaan, sila hubungi talian 03-26980590. 4.*** PENGEMUKAAN BAYARAN (i) Kadar Bayaran Tempatan: Tarikh Kemukakan bayaran Sebelum 31.1.2014 Selepas 31.1.2014 Berumur bawah 60 tahun pada 1.1.2014 Berumur lebih 60 tahun pada 1.1.2014 RM200.00 RM100.00 RM200.00 (yuran 2014) + RM500.00 (yuran pemasukan semula daftar) + yuran tunggakan (jika ada) RM100.00 (yuran 2014) + RM250.00 (yuran pemasukan semula daftar) + yuran tunggakan (jika ada) (ii) Kadar bayaran dari luar negara termasuk kos perkhidmatan: USD 79.00 : US Dollar AUD 84.00 : Australian Dollar GBP 50.00 : British Pound CAD 82.00 : Canadian Dollar EUR 59.00 : Euro SGD 99.00 : Singapore Dollar (iii) Online Bill Payment “Online Bill Payment” boleh dibuat di bank berikut: Maybank CIMB RHB : : : www.maybank2u.com.my www.cimbclicks.com.my www.rhbbank.com.my Sijil Pendaftaran 2014 akan dikeluarkan setelah Borang H dan Laporan CPD yang berkaitan diterima. Untuk pertanyaan, sila hubungi talian 03-26107097 / 7098 ******* BORANG H AKTA PENDAFTARAN JURUTERA 1967 PERATURAN-PERATURAN PENDAFTARAN JURUTERA 1990 (Peraturan 20) A. PERMOHONAN UNTUK PEMBAHARUAN PENDAFTARAN SEBAGAI JURUTERA BERDAFTAR (Hendaklah diisi oleh Pemohon dalam HURUF CERAI) 1. Permohonan pembaharuan pendaftaran bagi tahun 2014 untuk: * Jurutera Profesional * Jurutera Sementara * Pemeriksa Bertauliah 2. Nama: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. No. Kad Pengenalan/Passport: 4. No. Pendaftaran: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 5. Alamat (jika ada perubahan): ……………………………………… Warganegara: …………….………… Sila rujuk seksyen 14 dan 25(1), Akta Pendaftaran Jurutera 1967(Pindaan 2007) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. No. Tel: ……………………………………… No. Tel. Bimbit : ………. …………….…………………… 7. E-mel: ………………………………………………………. 8. Bayar atas nama “Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia”. No. Faks : …………………………………. “Cheque” checklist Butiran bayaran yang dikemukakan: ** Bank draft/cek/ *** Money Order/Postal Order No. .……………………………berjumlah RM …………….. Payable to “Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia” Same amount & figure ** Bayaran “online” melalui bank …………………….. berjumlah ……………… pada ………………... Valid bank account and signature Valid “date/ month/ year” B. No correction made on the cheque PERAKUAN * Saya mengaku C. bukan seorang bankrap * telah diisytihar bankrap GAMBAR BERUKURAN PASSPORT Rekod pendaftaran di laman web www.bem.org.my telah disemak dan saya sahkan: * Rekod lengkap bergambar * (i) Rekod tidak bergambar (ii) Gambar dihantar dengan ** Borang H / e-mel * CHECKLIST: Borang H …………………………… Bayaran Form CPD 7/2003 Gambar …………………………. (Tandatangan) Tarikh * Sila (√ ) yang mana berkenaan ** Potong yang mana tidak berkenaan *** Money Order/Postal Order Malaysia sahaja diterima. LAMPIRAN B GUIDES TO RENE EW PROFE ESSIONAL ENGINE EER REGIS STRATION USING MY YBEM ONL LINE SYSTE EM sit http://ww ww.bem.org.my/mybem.. Key-in you ur User ID and a Passworrd at the Login Page. Step 1: Vis To obtain Userr ID and Pas ssword, Clic ck Access. Step 2: Se elect Catego ory. Step 3: Ke ey-in PE Reg gistration No o. (with preffix PE) & IC//MyKad No. Click Requeest User ID & Password d. System willl automatically send yo ou a confirm mation email containing g User ID & P Password. Click C Home.. Co ontinue next page Step 4: Yo ou are now at a Login Pag ge. Key-in yo our User ID and Password at the L Login Page. Step 5: Ch hange passw word at Proffile menu. C Click CPD Re ecord to dec clare CPD. C Click Renew wal to Renew w. Click Paym ment Record d(s) to check k previous p payment or to t print rece eipt or renew wal slip (if applicable). a Co ontinue next page Step 6: a) Upd date your pe ersonal data a and photo o if there is any a changes s. b) Dec clare your nationality n and bankrup tcy status. c) Select Paymen nt Type and Bank Code . Key-in the e Cheque No o. /Postal orrder No. /Mo oney Order No. N or M M2U, CIMBC Clicks, RHBNow Payme ent Referenc ce No. d) Clic ck Submit. Persona al data Click “X” before uploa ad new photo. Decla aration (compu ulsory) Re enewal Pa ayment inform mation S Select: Paymen nt Type Bank k Code Key-in Pa ayment R No. Ref. Click Submit S Co ontinue next page Step 7: System will prompt online renewal submission status. Click OK. Step 8: Print the Renewal Slip and view Payment Records. ** IMPORTANT NOTE: ** Payment by cheque / bank draft / money order (Malaysia only): Print the Renewal Slip and send it together with your payment to the Board of Engineers Malaysia SEVEN (7) days from the payment date. Payment via internet banking (M2U / CIMB Clicks / RHBNow): Print the Renewal Slip and M2U / CIMBClicks / RHBNow Transaction Slip. Submit to the Board of Engineers Malaysia. Continue next page Step 9: Cliick this icon n to view or print Renew wal Slip. Once the F Finance Dep partment of BEM B has pro payment, the Print butto on ocessed and acknowledged your p for Receiptt will be disp played. You may print y your receiptt by clicking g the button.. CPD ONLIINE SUBMIISSION / DECLARATIION Step 10: To declare CPD, Click CPD Records s (on the leftt panel). Clic ck Registerr New CPD. Step 11: Fill-in CPD Records. R End. E Thank you. y LAMPIRAN C SUMMARY OF CPD RECORD CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Name : ________________________________________________________________ PE No : __________________________ Category Ref Date Year • • : ___________________ CPD Activity / Topic CPD Provider / Organiser Allowable weighted hours Time weighted factor No limit 2 1. Formal Education and Training Activities 2a. Informal Learning Activities: – on job learning Maximum 20 hours per year 1 2b. Informal Learning Activities: private study Maximum 10 hours per year 0.5 3. Conference and meeting No limit 1 4. Presentation and Papers Maximum 30 hours 10 5. Service Activities Maximum 30 hours 1 6. Industry Involvement (for academician) Maximum 30 hours 1 REQUIREMENT: Actual hours Total weighted hours CPD hours must not be less than 50 per year CALCULATION: CPD 2013 [ 1 + 2a + 2b + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 ] : _________ hours NOTE (i) CPD requirement stated in Section 4(1)(ec) of the Registration of Engineers Act (Revised 2007). (ii) Please submit “Summary of CPD Record for 2013” only. Detail documents to be forwarded to the Board upon request. (iii) Sample of the calculation shown in LAMPIRAN C1 ****** LAMPIRAN C1 SAMPLE SUMMARY OF CPD RECORD CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Name : Ir. Ashari bin Mohd Yakub PE No : 5285 1. 2a. 2b. 3. 4. Year Category Ref Date Formal Education and Training Activities - - Informal Learning Activities: – on job learning Informal Learning Activities: private study Conference and meeting Presentation and Papers 2a.1 23.9.13 – 27.9.13 • • CPD Activity / Topic CPD Provider / Organiser - BPI Workshop (Competency, Performance, Career Path & Process Improvement) by Energized Corp. Consultant 2a.2 4.7.13 New lighting code CIBSE. 2b.1 2013 Reading of BEM, IEM, MSLL & CIBSE publications. 3.1 8.3.2013 : 2013 Allowable weighted hours Time weighted factor Actual hours Total weighted hours No limit 2 - None Maximum 20 hours per year 1 Maximum 10 hours per year 0.5 No limit 1 2 x 1 = 2 10 x 0.5 = 5 Briefing on “BEM Strategic Plan” by BEM 3.2 11.9.13 Conference on “Initiating a Legal Procedure against the Perpetrators of 9/11” by Perdana Global (PGPF) 4.1 23.5.2013 Paper on “Malaysian Experience in the Promotion of Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) of Professional Engineers” in International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-south Cooperation (ISTIC) 5th Anniversary Conference 10 8 x 1 = 8 5 6 x 1 = 6 Maximum 30 hours 6 x 1 = 6 12 2 x 10 = 20 30 10 2 x 10 = 20 2 x 10 = 20 5. 6. Service Activities Industry Involvement (for academician) 4.2 7.9.2013 Presentation on “Code of Conduct” organized by Telekom Malaysia Berhad 4.3 9.9.2013 Presentation on “Route to Professional Engineer” organized by Petronas (SKG 11 Engagement Session 2013) 5.1 2013 5.2 2013 - • Technical Advisor to Polytechnic Shah Alam. • Co-Chairman of Electrical Engineering Department, Polytechnic Shah Alam. - - Maximum 30 hours Maximum 30 hours 2 x 1 = 2 1 2 x 1 = 2 1 TOTAL REQUIREMENT: CPD hours must not be less than 50 per year CALCULATION: CPD 2013 [ 1 + 2a + 2b + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 ] NOTE: : 61 hours CPD requirement stated in Section 4(1)(ec) of the Registration of Engineers Act (Revised 2007). - 4 None 61
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