MANUAL LUNE SPA Läs mer om våra spabad på eller ring 0472-44010 Bruksanvisning för Lune Balboa 500DZ-Series Operation Operation Guide Guide Balboa 500DZ-Series Uppstarten Initial Start-up Balboa 500DZ-Series Initial Ditt spaStart-up kommer att gå in i ett Priming-läge (Pr) närOperation det aktiveras. Pumpen Guide som ansvarar för uppvärmning och filtrering (låghastighet Initial Start-up Balboa 500DZ-Series Operation Guide The pump responsible for heating and ltration (pump low-speed Your spa will enter Priming Mode ( ) when it is energized. The pump for and (pump 111low-speed Your spa will enter Priming Mode ( ) when it is energized. Under Priming-läget, tryck upprepade gånger på ”Jets”-knappen pump 1 på icke-cirksystem eller circ-pumpen circsystem) The pumpresponsible responsible forheating heating andfififiltration ltrationpå (pump low-speed Your spa will enter Priming Mode ( ) when it is energized. Initial Start-up During Priming Mode, press “Jets” button(s) repeatedly and During Priming Mode, “Jets” button(s) and (s) för att säkerställa att press alla pumpar fria frånrepeatedly luft. PrimingDuring Priming Mode, press “Jets”är button(s) repeatedly and Initial Start-up Your spa will enter Priming Mode ( ) when it is energized. Priming Mode lasts less than be sure all pumps are free of air. Priming Mode lasts less than be sure all pumps are free of air. läget varar mindre än 5 minuter. Tryck på ”Warm” eller ”Cool” Priming Mode lasts less than be sure all pumps are free of air. spaPriming will enter Priming Mode (totoexit. )button(s) when it isrepeatedly energized. During Mode, press “Jets” and minutes. Press “Warm” or “Cool” After Priming Mode, 555Your minutes. Press “Warm” or After Mode, för att avsluta. Priming-läget kommer dittPriming spa att köras minutes. PressEfter “Warm” or“Cool” “Cool” to exit. exit. After Priming Mode, During Priming Mode, press “Jets” button(s) repeatedly and Priming Mode lasts less than be sure all pumps are free of air. the spa will run in Standard Mode (see Mode/Prog section). the spa will run in Standard Mode (see Mode/Prog section). the spa will run(se in avsnittet Standard Mode (see Mode/Prog section). i standardläge Mode/Prog). Priming Mode lasts less than be sure all pumps are free of air. 5 minutes. Press “Warm” or “Cool” to exit. After Priming Mode, 5theminutes. “Warm” or Mode “Cool”(see to exit. After Priming spa willPress run in Standard Mode/Prog section).Mode, the spa will run in Standard Mode (see Mode/Prog section). on non-circ system, the circ pump on circ systems) will be on system, oror circ on circ systems) be kommer bara att kallas pumpen i den onnon-circ non-circ system, orthe the circpump pump onhär circanvisningen. systems)will willTänk be på The pump responsible for heating and fi ltration (pump 1 low-speed referred to simply as the pump. referred to simply as the pump. att när du trycker på flera knappar för att utföra en viss sekvens, referred to simply as theforpump. The pump responsible andonfiltration (pumpwill 1 low-speed on non-circ system, the heating circ pump circ systems) be In multi-button sequences, the buttons are pressed too quickly In multi-button sequences, ifif the buttons are too quickly inin ska du inte trycka föror snabbt, för då hinner depressed inte alltid registreras. In multi-button sequences, if the buttons are pressed too quickly in on non-circ system, or the circ pump on circ systems) will be referred to simply as the pump. the sequence, they may not register. the sequence, they may not register. the sequence, they as may register. referred to simply thenot pump. In multi-button sequences, if the buttons are pressed too quickly in In sequences, the buttons are pressed too quickly in themulti-button sequence, they may not if register. the sequence, they may not register. Warm Warm Warm Cool Cool Cool Mode/Prog Mode/Prog Mode/Prog Time Time Time Jets Jets Jets Warm Warm Cool Cool Mode/Prog Mode/Prog Time Time Jets Jets Temp Control (80°F 104°F 26.0°C 40.0°C) Temp TempControl Control(80°F (80°F----104°F 104°F////26.0°C 26,0°C----40.0°C) 40,0°C) Temp Control (80°F 104°F 26.0°C 40.0°C) The last measured water temperature is constantly displayed. The last measured water temperature is constantly displayed. Det är den senast vattentemperaturen som visas. The lastalltid measured water uppmätta temperature is constantly displayed. Temp Control (80°Fär-aktuell 104°F / 26.0°C - 40.0°C) The water temperature displayed current only when thehar Vattentemperaturen somdisplayed visas endast närwhen pumpen The water temperature isis current only the Temp Control (80°F 104°F / 26.0°C 40.0°C) The water temperature displayed is current only when The last measured water temperature is constantly displayed.the Blower Blower Blower Light Light Light Blower Light Button shapesand andlabels labelsmay may vary. Button shapes Blower Button shapes andLight labels mayvary. vary. Button shapes and labels may vary. Mode/Prog Mode/Prog Mode/Prog Button shapes and labels may vary. Mode/Prog Mode changed by pressing “Warm” “Cool,” then pressing Du ändrar läge genom att trycka på ”Warm” ellerthen ”Cool” och seMode isis changed by pressing “Warm” oror “Cool,” pressing Mode is changed by pressing “Warm” or “Cool,” then pressing Mode/Prog “Mode/Prog” button. “Mode/Prog” button. dan trycka på ”Mode/Prog”-knappen. Standardläge håller inställd “Mode/Prog” button. ModeMode/Prog is changed by pressing “Warm” or “Cool,” then pressing STANDARDicon icon Standard Mode maintains set temperature and the Standard Mode maintains set temperature and the STANDARD temperatur och ikonen STANDARD kommer visas. Standard Mode maintains set“Warm” temperature andatt the STANDARD Mode isdisplayed. changed by pressing or “Cool,” then pressingicon “Mode/Prog” button. will be will be displayed. Ekonomiläge värmer spaet till inställd temperatur endast under will be displayed. “Mode/Prog” button. Standard Mode maintains settoto temperature and är theden STANDARD icon Economy heats the spa the set temperature only during Economy Mode heats spa the only during filtercykler. Ecn visas närthe vattentemperaturen inte förinställda, Economy heats the spa to theset settemperature temperature only during Standard Mode maintains setwhen temperature andisthe STANDARD icon will be displayed.will will display water temp not current, fi lter cycles. fi lter cycles. display when water temp is not current, and och kommer att alterneras på when displayen aktuell fiwill lter cycles. will display watermed temp is notvattencurrent, and and be displayed. will alternate with water temp when the pump running. The Economy Mode heats the spa when to thethe set pump temperature onlydå. during will alternate with water temp isis running. The will alternate with water temp when the pump is running. The temperatur när pumpen är igång. EKONOMI-ikonen visas Economy Mode heats the spawhen to thewater set temperature during ECONOMY icon will be displayed. display temp is not only current, and filter cycles. ECONOMY icon be ECONOMY iconwill willwill bedisplayed. displayed. will display when water temp is not current, fi lter cycles. will alternate with water temp when the pump is running. Theand Sleep Mode heats the spa to within 20°F/10°C of the set Sleep Mode heats the spa to within 20°F/10°C of the set Sleepalternate Mode heats the spatemp to within 20°F/10°C the set The Viloläget värmer spaet till inom 20°F/10°C av den inställda temwill with water when the pump isofrunning. ECONOMY icon will be displayed. temperature only during lter cycles. will display when water temperature only during fififilter will display when temperature only during ltercycles. cycles. will display whenwater water ECONOMY icon will be displayed. peraturen endast under filtercykler. SLP visas när vattentemperaturen temp is not current, and will alternate with current water temp Sleep Mode heats the spa to within 20°F/10°C of the set temp is not current, and will alternate with current water temp temp is not current, and will alternate with current water temp Sleep Mode heats the spa tokommer within of the set inte ärthe den förinställda, och att växlas på displayen med when the pump running. temperature only filter cycles.20°F/10°C will display when water when isisduring running. when thepump pump running. temperature onlyisduring filterpumpen cycles. är will display when water aktuell igång. temp isvattentemperatur not current, and när will alternate with current water temp temp not current, and will alternate with current water temp Preset Filter Cycles when is the pump is running. Preset Filter Cycles Preset Filter Cycles when the pump is running. The rst preset fifilter lter cycle starts 8:00 AM and ends fififirst preset cycle The Förinställda The rstFilter presetfiCycles lterfiltercykler cyclestarts startsatat at8:00 8:00AM AMand andends endsatat at Preset 10:00 AM. The second preset fi lter cycle starts at PM and 10:00 AM. The second preset fi lter cycle starts at 8:00 PM and 10:00 AM. TheCycles secondfiltercykeln preset filterbörjar cycle starts at 8:00 8:00 PM and Den första förinställda klockan 08:00 och slutar Preset Filter ends at 10:00 PM. The fi rst preset fi lter cycle starts at 8:00 AM and ends at ends at 10:00 PM. ends atrst10:00 PM. vid 10:00. Den andra filtercykeln börjar 20:00 och slutar vid 22:00. The fi preset fi lter cycle starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 10:00 AM. The second low-speed preset filterpump cycle11starts at 8:00 PM and For non-circ systems, low-speed pump and the ozone generator For non-circ systems, and the ozone generator For non-circ systems, low-speed 1starts and the8:00 ozone Icke-circsystem, låg hastighet 1 och ozongenerator 10:00 The second preset fipump lterpump cycle at PMgenerator and ends atAM. 10:00 PM. (if installed) run during fi ltration. (if installed) run during fi ltration. (if installed) run during filtration. ends at 10:00 PM. (om installerat) körs under filtreringen. non-circ systems, low-speed pump 1 pump and theand ozone generator For 24 hour circulation systems, the circ pump and the ozone For 24 hour circulation systems, the the ozone For 24 hour circulation systems, thecirc circ pump thegenerator ozone non-circ systems, low-speed pump 1 and theand ozone 24-timmars cirkulationssystem, CIRC-pumpen och ozongenerator (if installed) run during filtration. generator (if installed) run 24 hours. In hot environments, the generator (if installed) run 24 hours. In hot environments, the generator (if installed) run 24 hours. In hot environments, the (if installed) run during fi ltration. (om installerat) körs under 24 timmar. Icirc varma miljöer kan circcirc pump may turn off for 30 minute periods, except during For 24 hour circulation systems, theperiods, pump andduring the ozone circ pump may turn off for 30 minute except circ pump may turn off for 30 minute periods, except during For 24 hour circulation systems, the circ pump and the ozone pumpen stängas av i 30 -minutersperioder, förutom under filtercykeln. fifilter lter cycles. (if installed) run 24 hours. In hot environments, the figenerator cycles. lter cycles. generator (if installed) InCIRC hot environments, the Icke-24-timmars cirkulationssystem, pumpen och ozongcirc pump may turn offrun for 24 30 hours. minute periods, except during For non-24 hour circulation systems, the circ pump and ozone For non-24 hour circulation systems, the pump and For non-24 hour circulation systems, thecirc circexcept pumpduring andozone ozone circ pump may turn off for 30 minute periods, fi lter cycles. enerator (om installerat) körs under filtreringen (och kan även generator (if installed) run during fi ltration (and may also run generator (if installed) run during fi ltration (and may also run (if installed) run during filtration (and may also run figenerator lter cycles. automatically other times). For non-24 hour circulation systems, the circ pump and ozone automatically atat times). köras automatiskt vid andra tillfällen). automatically atother other times). For non-24 hour circulation systems, the circ equipment pump andrun ozone generator (if installed) run during fiannan ltration (and may köras also At the beginning of each lter cycle all other will IAt början av varje filtercykel ska all utrustning kort the beginning of each fifi lter cycle all other equipment will At the beginning of each fi lter cycle all other equipment will generator (if installed) run during fi ltration (and may also run automatically at other times). run briefl purge the plumbing. run briefl yyytoto purge the plumbing. för att rensa avlopp. run briefl to purge the plumbing. automatically at other times). At the beginning of each filter cycle all other equipment will At beginning each filter cycle all other equipment will runthe briefl y to purgeofthe plumbing. Programmering av valfri filtercykel run briefl y to purge the plumbing. Optional Filter Cycle Programming Optional Filter Cycle Programming Optional Filter Cycle Programming Du behöver inte ändra filtercyklar, men om du ändå vill det, ska You are not required change the lter cycles, but you wish You are required toto the You arenot notFilter required tochange change thefififilter ltercycles, cycles,but butifif ifyou youwish wish Optional Cycle Programming du trycka på ”Time”, ”Mode/Prog”, ”Mode/Prog ” inom 3 sekunder. to, press “Time,” “Mode/Prog,” “Mode/Prog” within 3 seconds. to, press “Time,” “Mode/Prog,” “Mode/Prog” within 3 seconds. to, press “Time,” “Mode/Prog,” “Mode/Prog” within 3 seconds. Optional Filter Cycle Programming SET START FILTER (AM) will appear. Press “Warm” “Cool” You are not required change the Tryck fiPress lter cycles, butoror if“Cool” you wish SET START FILTER 111(AM) will appear. “Warm” toto SET START FILTER 1to(AM) visas. då ”Warm” eller ”Cool” SET START FILTER (AM) will appear. “Warm” to You are not required to change the fiPress lter cycles, butorif3“Cool” you wish reset the fi lter start time. to, press “Time,” “Mode/Prog,” “Mode/Prog” within seconds. reset the fi lter start time. för att återställa starttiden. reset the fi lter start time. to, press “Time,” “Mode/Prog” within 3“Cool” seconds. SET START FILTER 1 “Mode/Prog,” (AM) will Press11“Warm” or the to Press “Mode/Prog” see SETappear. STOPFILTER FILTER and adjust the time Press “Mode/Prog” toto see SET STOP and adjust time Press “Mode/Prog” to see SET STOP FILTER 1“Warm” andFILTER adjust the time SET START 1 (AM) will appear. Press or “Cool” to Tryck på ”Mode/Prog” för att seabove. SET STOPP 1 och reset the fiFILTER lteroror start time. with “Warm” “Cool” as done above. Press “Mode/Prog” to with “Warm” “Cool” as done Press “Mode/Prog” to see with the “Warm” or “Cool” as done above. Press “Mode/Prog” to see see reset fi lter start time. justera tiden med ”Warm” eller ”Cool” enligt ovan instruktion. SET START FILTER (PM) and proceed above. Press “Mode/Prog” Press “Mode/Prog” to see SET STOP FILTER 1 and adjust the time SET START FILTER 222(PM) and proceed asas above. Press “Mode/Prog” SET START FILTER (PM) and proceed as above. Press “Mode/Prog” Press “Mode/Prog” to22”see STOP FILTER 1 and adjust the time see SET STOPor FILTER and proceed above. Press “Mode/Prog” with “Warm” “Cool” asSET done Press “Mode/Prog” to seeoch Tryck ”Mode/Prog för att seabove. SET START FILTER 2 (PM) toto see SET STOP FILTER proceed asas Press “Mode/Prog” to seepå SET STOPor FILTER 2and and proceed asabove. above. Press “Mode/Prog” with “Warm” “Cool” as done above. Press “Mode/Prog” to see to confi rm. SET START FILTER 2 (PM) and proceed as above. Press “Mode/Prog” to confi rm. fortsätt enligt ovan. Tryck på ”Mode/Prog” för att se SET STOPP to confi rm. SET START FILTER 2 (PM) and proceed proceed as as above. above. Press Press “Mode/Prog” “Mode/Prog” to see SET STOP FILTER 2 and FILTER 2 och fortsätt enligt ovan. Tryck sedan på ”Mode/Prog” to see SET to att confi rm.STOP FILTER 2 and proceed as above. Press “Mode/Prog” för bekräfta. to confi rm. Thisdocument documentcovers coversVS VSand andGS GSsystems systems500DZ 500DZthrough through520DZ 520DZwith withBalboa BalboaPanels PanelsVL801D VL801DororVL802D. VL802D. This pump has been running for least 22constantly minutes. varitlast igång i minst 2 minuter. För attis2visa den inställda temperapump has been running for least minutes. The measured water temperature displayed. pump has been running foratat at least minutes. The water temperature displayed is current only when the turen, tryck på ”Warm” eller ”Cool” en gång. För att ändra den To display the set temperature, press “Warm” or “Cool” once. To To display the set temperature, press “Warm” or “Cool” once. To The water temperature displayed is current when To display the setrunning temperature, press “Warm” oronly “Cool” once.the To pump has been for at least 2 minutes. inställda temperaturen, tryck på en temp-knappen igen innan change the set temp, press a temp button again before the display change the set temp, press a temp button again before the display pump been running at least 2 minutes. change has the set temp, press for a temp button again before the display To display theAfter set temperature, press or “Cool” To stops ashing. After three seconds, the display will stop flflashing ashing displayen slutar blinka. tre sekunder slutar den och stops flflflashing. three seconds, the display will stop flonce. stops ashing. After threeEfter seconds, the“Warm” display will stopblinka ashing To display the set temperature, press “Warm” or “Cool” once. To change the set temp, press a temp button again before the display and begin to display the current spa temperature. and begin to display the current spa temperature. då visas den aktuellathe spa-temperaturen. and begin tosetdisplay current spa temperature. change the temp, press a temp button again before the display stops flashing. After three seconds, the display will stop flashing stops flashing. After three seconds, display will stop flashing and Jets begin to display the current spathe temperature. Jets Jets begin Jets111to 1 display the current spa temperature. and Press “Jets 1”tototurn turn pump on off, and to shift between low Press “Jets 1” 111on oror and Tryck på ”Jets för pump att starta eller stoppa pump eller förlow att Press “Jets turn pump on oroff, off, andto toshift shift1,between between low Jets 11” to1” and high speeds (if equipped). The low-speed will turn off after and high speeds (if equipped). The low-speed will turn off after and high speeds equipped). The low-speed will turn Den off after Jets 1 skifta mellan låg(ifoch hög hastighet (om sådan finns). låga “Jets 1” to turnwill pump 1 off on or off,15 and to shiftLow-speed between low 4 hours. High-speed will turn off after 15 minutes. Low-speed 4Press hours. High-speed turn minutes. 4hastigheten hours. High-speed turn offafter after 15 minutes. Low-speed stängs avwill efter 41timmar. Höghastigheten stängs av Press “Jets 1” to turn pump on or off, and to shift between low and high speeds (if equipped). The low-speed will turn off after may run automatically at times, during which it cannot be may run automatically atattimes, during which ititcannot be may run automatically times,The during which cannot be and high speeds (if equipped). low-speed will turn off after efter 15 minuter. Låghastighet kan köras i automatiskt tidsläge, 4 hours. High-speed will turn off after 15 minutes. Low-speed deactivated from the panel, but high-speed may be operated. deactivated from the but high-speed may deactivated from thepanel, panel, but maybe beoperated. operated. 4 hours. will offhigh-speed after 15 minutes. Low-speed och kan då inte avaktiveras från panelen, men may run High-speed automatically at turn times, during which ithöghastighet cannot be kan may run Jets automatically at times, during which it cannot be fortfarande manövreras. deactivated from the panel, but high-speed may be operated. 2/Jets 3/Blower (If equipped) Jets 2/Jets 3/Blower (If Jets 2/Jets 3/Blower (Ifequipped) equipped) deactivated from the panel, but high-speed may be operated. Press the corresponding button once turn the device on Press button toto Pressthe thecorresponding corresponding buttononce once toturn turnthe thedevice deviceon onoror or Jets 2/Jets 3/Blower (If(om equipped) off.The Jets 2/Jets 3/Blower sådan finns) off. The device will turn off after 15 minutes. Pump 2 may be off. device will turn off after 15 minutes. Pump 2 may The device will turn off after 15 minutes. Pump 2 maybe be Jets 2/Jets 3/Blower (If equipped) Press the corresponding button once to turn the device on or two-speed on some systems. two-speed on some systems. Tryck på gällande knapp en gång för att sätta på eller stänga av two-speed on some systems. Press the corresponding button once to turn the device on or The device will turnwith off after 15 minutes. Pump 22like may be enheten. Enheten stängs av efter 15 minuter. Pump kan ha två If the panel has a button with 2 devices assigned to it, like Pump Ifoff. the panel has a button 2 devices assigned to it, Pump If the panel a button with 2 devices assigned to it,2 like off. The device will turn off after 15 minutes. Pump may Pump be two-speed onhas some systems. and Pump 3, press the button repeatedly to step through the 22 and Pump 3, press the button repeatedly to step through the hastigheter på vissa system. Om panelen har en knapp med 2 2 and Pump presssystems. the button repeatedly to step through the two-speed on3,some If the panel has a button with 2 Off devices assigned to it, like Pump various combinations On and Off for both devices. various combinations On and devices. enheter kopplade tillofof den, exempelvis pump 2 och pump 3, ska various combinations of On and Offfor forboth both devices. If the panel has a button with 2 devices assigned tothrough it, like Pump 2duand Pump 3, press the button repeatedly to step the trycka på knappen upprepade gånger för att stega igenom 2 andLight Pump 3, press the button repeatedly todevices. step through the various combinations of On and Off for both Light olikaLight kombinationer On and ochOff Offfor förboth bådadevices. enheterna. various combinations av of On Press “Light” operate the spa light. Turns off after hours. Press “Light” PressLight “Light”toto tooperate operatethe thespa spalight. light.Turns Turnsoff offafter after444hours. hours. Light Press Ljus “Light” to operate the spa light. Turns off after 4 hours. Setting theTime Time ofDay Day Setting the of Setting Time Tryck“Light” påthe ”Light” förofattDay tända Detafter stängs av efter Press to operate the spabelysningen. light. Turns off 4 hours. When the spa is fi rst powered up, the words SETTIME TIMEwill will ash When the spa is fi rst powered up, the words SET flflflash When the spa is fi rst powered up, the words SET TIME will ash 4 timmar. Setting the Time of Day then on the display. Press “Time,” then “Mode/Prog,” then “Warm” on the display. Press “Time,” “Mode/Prog,” then “Warm” on the display. Pressof “Time,” then “Mode/Prog,” then “Warm”oror or Setting the Time Day When is fiwill rst powered up, the in words SET TIMEincrements. will flash “Cool.” The time will begin changing in one-minute increments. “Cool.” The time begin “Cool.”the Thespa time will beginchanging changing inone-minute one-minute increments. When the spa is fi rst powered up, the words SET TIME will fl ash on the display. Press “Time,” then then “Warm” Ställa in tiden Press “Warm” “Cool” stop the time from changing. Press Press “Warm” oror “Cool” toto the time Press Press “Warm” or “Cool” tostop stop the“Mode/Prog,” timefrom fromchanging. changing. Press or on the display. Press “Time,” then “Mode/Prog,” then “Warm” or “Cool.” The time will begingången, changing in one-minute increments. När ditt spa startas första kommer orden SET TIME att “Time” to confi rm. “Time” to confi rm. “Time” to rm.will begin changing in one-minute increments. “Cool.” Theconfi time Press “Warm” or “Cool” to stop the time from changing. Press blinka på displayen. Tryck på ”Time” och sedan ”Mode/Prog” Press “Warm” or “Cool” to stop the time from changing. Press “Time” to confi rm. och därefter ”Warm” eller ”Cool”. Tiden kan justeras i steg om “Time” to confirm. en minut. Tryck ”Warm” eller ”Cool” för att stanna vid rätt tid. Tryck på ”Time” för att bekräfta. This document covers VS and GS systems 500DZ through 520DZ with Balboa Panels VL801D or VL802D. This document covers VS and GS systems 500DZ through 520DZ with Balboa Panels VL801D or VL802D. This document covers VS and GS systems 500DZ through 520DZ with Balboa Panels VL801D or VL802D. Låsa panelen Låsa temperaturen Tryck på ”Time”, ”Blower”, och ”Warm” inom 3 sekunder. Panelen är nu låst. För att låsa upp igen, trycker du på ”Time”, ”Blower ” och ”Cool” inom 2 sekunder. Tryck ”Warm”, ”Time”, ”Blower” och ”Warm” inom 3 sekunder. Nu är ”Warm”- och ”Cool”-knapparna inaktiverade. För att låsa upp temperaturen igen, tryck på ”Time”, ”Blower ” och ”Cool” inom 2 sekunder. Observera: på vissa system används ”Jets 1” i stället för ”Blower” för att låsa/låsa upp sekvenser. Diagnostiska meddelanden Meddelande Betydelse Åtgärd Inget meddelande på displayen. Strömmen har försvunnit från spaet. Kontrollpanelen inaktiveras tills strömmen kommer tillbaka. Alla spainställningar kommer att bevaras tills nästa uppstart. Temperatur okänd. Efter att pumpen varit igång i 2 minuter, kommer nuvarande vattentemperatur att visas. OHH Överhettning” - spaet har stängts av * En av sensorerna har upptäckt 118°F/47.8°C vid uppvärmning. GÅ INTE I VATTNET. Ta av spa-locket och låt vattnet kylas av. När uppvärmaren har svalnat, återställer du genom att trycka på någon knapp. Om det inte återställs, stäng av strömmen och kontakta återförsäljaren eller ett serviceföretag. OHS Överhettning” - spaet har stängts av * En av sensorerna har upptäckt att vattnet är 110°F/43,5°C. GÅ INTE I VATTNET. Ta av spa-locket och låt vattnet kylas av. Vid 107°F/41,7°C kommer spaet att automatiskt återställas. Om det inte återställs, stäng av strömmen och kontakta återförsäljaren eller ett serviceföretag. Spaet stängs av. * Sensorn som är ansluten i ”A”-jacket fungerar inte Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta din återförsäljare eller ett serviceföretag. (Kan visas tillfälligt vid tillstånd av överhettning). Spaet stängs av. * Sensorn som är ansluten i ”B”-jacket fungerar inte Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta din återförsäljare eller ett serviceföretag. (Kan visas tillfälligt vid tillstånd av överhettning). Sensorer är ur balans. Om meddelandet växlar med spa-temperatur, kan det bara vara en tillfällig varning. Om det blinkar ensamt, kommer ditt spa stängas av. * Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta din återförsäljare eller ett serviceföretag. hfl En betydande skillnad mellan temperatursensorerna har identifierats. Detta kan indikera ett flödesproblem. Om vattennivån är normal, kontrollera att alla pumpar har luftats. Om problemet kvarstår, kontakta din återförsäljare eller serviceföretag. lf Ihållande problem med lågt flöde (visas efter femte HFL-meddelandet inom 24 timmar). Uppvärmaren stängs av, medan de andra spa-funktionerna fortsätter att fungera normalt. Följ instruktionerna för HFL-meddelandet. Uppvärmningsförmågan kommer inte att återställas automatiskt, utan du måste trycka på valfri knapp. Otillräcklig med vatten, dålig flöde eller luftbubblor har identifierats i uppvärmaren. Spaet stängs ner under 15 minuter. Om vattennivån är normal, kontrollera att alla pumpar har luftats. Tryck på valfri knapp för att återställa. Detta meddelande kommer att återställas inom 15 minuter. Om problem kvarstår, kontakta din återförsäljare eller ett serviceföretag. Otillräckligt vatten har identifierats i uppvärmaren (visas efter tredje dr-meddelandet). Spaet stängs av. * Följ åtgärder som krävs för dr-meddelandet. Spaet kommer inte automatiskt att återställas, så tryck på valfri knapp för att återställa det manuellt. ” Ice ” – Iskyla har identifierats. Ingen åtgärd krävs. All utrustning ska aktiveras automatiskt oavsett spa-status. Utrustningen fortsätter 4 minuter till efter att sensorerna identifierat att spa-temperaturen stigit till 45°F/7.2°C eller högre. En frys-sensor finns som tillval, för att skydda mot extraordinär kyla. Ett extra skydd rekommenderas vid kallare klimat. Kontakta din återförsäljare för mer information. -- ice * - Även när spaet stängs av, kommer viss utrustning att slås på om det krävs frysskydd. VARNING FÖR ELSTÖTAR – INGA DELAR DU BYTER PÅ EGEN HAND Electric parameters Försök inte själv serva detta styrsystem. Kontakta din återförsäljare eller serviceföretag för att få hjälp. Följ alla ströminstallationsanvisningar i denna manual. Installationen ska utföras av en legitimerad elektriker alla jordförbindelser måste vara korrekt installerat. 1.ochPerformance index: Rated voltage: 220VAC/50Hz Maximum working current:60A/220VAC Voltage-resistance:1250VAC/1 minute without penetration Isolative resistance:》10MΩ Water resistance grade:IPX5 Electric shock resistance:First grade Elektriska specifikationer. 2.1 Prestandaindex Output loading index: Märkspänning: 220VAC/50Hz Isolationsmotstånd: Stötmotstånd: 10 M Ω Första klass Heater: 220VAC/3KW 250VAC/1 minut utan penetration Spänningsmotstånd: Vattenmotstånd, kappslingsklass: IPX5 Water pump: 220VAC/0.75KW*1 Max arbetsström: 60A/220VAC Ozone: 220VAC/0.005KW*1 2 Utgående effektindex Värmare: 220VAC/3KW Water pump: 220VAC/1.5KW*2 Vattenpump: 220VA/0,75KW*1 Ozon:Spa light: 12VAC/0.005KW 220VAC/0,005KW*1 Vattenpump: 0VAC/1,5KW*1 Spabelysning: 12VAC/0,005KW Vatten-och strömförsörjnings installationsdiagram för Hydromassage-badkar Modell: LUNE Storlek: 2120 x 1960 x 960 mm Installationsanvisningar A. Vatten. Den behöver två galvaniserade vattenrör. En är för vattenresurser, en annan för vattenutlopp. De bör fästas på väggen 80 mm över golvet. En anordning för att stänga av vatten bör också sättas på väggen. B. Ström. Ström. Strömmen ska vara 220VAC/50Hz, enfas, 31 Amp. Uttaget bör vara vattentät, utformat för badrum och det bör placeras 1200 mm ovanför golvet. C. Vattenpipen, vars radie är inom 0-40 mm, bör sättas i centrum av munstycket. (Enligt diagrammet). Steg 1 Steg 2 Steg 3 Steg 4 Ta bort kanten runt badkaret. Installera dräneringen Anslut huvudströmlådan till strömkälla Klart! Electrical Service Configuration Options Systems with PCB Rev B Only AV J50 OZONE G N J46 N G N K8 N G N 10VAC T1 OPT. BLWR/PUMP 2 Protective Earth wire (Green/Yellow) must be connected to system ground terminal as marked. J1 W2 This option is configured and shipped as the default. J2 J288 3 K3 J266 All equipment (pumps, blower, heater and any expander board) runs on service line L1. 1 J43 K4 4 F2 J90 To power on an optional fuse-protected Expander Board. AV J50 OZONE G 1 1 1 J12 J44 1 1 TST EXT RLY 1 F1 F7 F10A 250V K1 J11 VAC SEN B SEN A AUX F J13 F3A 250V J46 N K8 N C9 K5 J20 (2 x 16 Amp) 10VAC J17/26LinesJ72+ 2 Neutrals + 1 Protective Earth) 5 Wires (2 J71 G G 10VAC T1 OPT. BLWR/PUMP 2 Protective Earth wire (Green/Yellow) must be connected to system ground terminal as marked. J1 W2 The heater and any expander board run on J2 service line L1, while all other equipment, such as pumps and blowers, run on service line L2. J288 3 K3 J266 J2A J1A F4, T0.2A 250V 2 N F3 J58 N1 SWITCHBANK A J8 J7 J60 Dual Service, TN and TT Electrical Systems CIRC. PUMP G 1 L1 J6 N TB1 N2 S1 K6 J322 L2 J19 Systems using only 1 DIP switch (A10) for heat disable: 1 x 16 Amp Service is not supported: For 1 x 32 Amp Service: Set DIP Switch A10 such that total system amperage draw never exceeds rated service input. Systems using multiple DIP switches for heat disable: Refer to system Hot Sheet DIP Switch Definition page and set the switches shown in Table 1 such that total system amperage draw never exceeds rated service input. K9 PUMP 1 N J255 J23 J29 G J F6, T30A 480V J51 J47 1 J43 K4 4 Completely remove the white wire from J26 and J32. Note: J32 and J25 are electrically identical. The white wire may be attached to either terminal before removal. U4 J57 F2 W1 HTR2 To W1 on an optional fuse-protected Expander Board. J101 HTR1 00 K2 J90 To power on an optional fuse-protected Expander Board. J19 S1 E.GND Balboa BALBOA INSTRUMENTS, INC. GS500Z PPbb COPYRIGHT 2007 MADE IN U.S.A. P/N 22015_B J18 J10 J6 SWITCHBANK A J60 J8 J7 1 1 1 J12 J44 1 1 J22 J52 K2 00 J22 HTR1 E.GND W1 J101 HTR2 N BALBOA INSTRUMENTS, INC. GS500Z PPbb COPYRIGHT 2007 MADE IN U.S.A. P/N 22015_B J18 J10 U4 J57 Balboa G AS MANUFACTURED 2 To W1 on an optional fuse-protected Expander Board. OPTIONAL J20 J2A J1A F4, T0.2A 250V J58 N1 K5 F3 TB1 L1 C9 (1 x 32 Amp) 10VAC J17/26Line + J72 1 Neutral + 1 Protective Earth) 3 Wires (1 J71 G J322 1 J13 F3A 250V Single Service, TN and TT Electrical Systems CIRC. PUMP G F1 F7 F10A 250V K1 K6 K9 PUMP 1 N J255 J23 J29 G J F6, T30A 480V J51 J47 J52 TST EXT RLY 1 AUX F SEN A SEN B VAC J11 Systems using only 1 DIP switch (A10) for heat disable: DIP Switch A10 must be OFF. Systems using multiple DIP switches for heat disable: Refer to system Hot Sheet DIP Switch Definition page and set both switches shown in Table 1 to ON positions. If using an Expander Board: Systems using multiple DIP switches for heat disable: Refer to system Hot Sheet DIP Switch Definition page and set both switches shown in Table 1 to OFF positions. Page 8 54763-01_97_D Electrical Service Configuration Options Systems with PCB Rev B Only AV J50 OZONE 3-Phase Service, TN and TT Electrical Systems N N G N K8 N F4, T0.2A 250V T1 N Protective Earth wire (Green/Yellow) must be connected J71 to system ground terminal as marked. IMPORTANT - Service MUST include a neutral wire, J1 with a line to neutral voltage of 230VAC. J2 The heater runs on service line L1. All main-board equipment run on service line L3. Addtional equipment, such as expansion boards, run on service line L2. Completely remove the white wire from J26 and J32,or J25. Completely remove the blue wire from J28 and J58. OPT. BLWR/PUMP 2 J2A J1A 2 W2 J288 3 K3 J266 1 4 J43 K4 J57 F2 W1 HTR2 To W1 on an optional fuse-protected Expander Board. J101 HTR1 00 K2 J90 To power on an optional fuse-protected Expander Board. J19 S1 J6 SWITCHBANK A J60 1 1 J12 J44 J8 J7 1 1 1 J22 Balboa BALBOA INSTRUMENTS, INC. GS500Z PPbb COPYRIGHT 2007 MADE IN U.S.A. P/N 22015_B J18 J10 U4 E.GND OPTIONAL G F3 10VAC J72 J17/26 J58 N J20 10VAC 1 L1 K5 G TB1 L2 C9 5 Wires (3 Lines + 1 Neutral + 1 Protective Earth) J322 L3 J13 F3A 250V J46 CIRC. PUMP G F1 F7 F10A 250V K1 K6 K9 PUMP 1 N J47 G J255 J23 J29 G J F6, T30A 480V J51 J52 TST EXT RLY 1 AUX F SEN A SEN B VAC J11 Systems using only 1 DIP switch (A10) for heat disable: DIP Switch A10 must be OFF. Systems using multiple DIP switches for heat disable: Refer to system Hot Sheet DIP Switch Definition page and set both switches shown in Table 1 to ON positions. NOTE: sNot all GS5xxZ systems can support 3-Phase. s3-Phase requires System PCB Rev B. sIf using an expansion board, the board must have fuse-protection. Electrical Service Application Notes This page is specific to the GS523DZ model with 7A max pumps. (The preceeding pages cover all possible GS applications.) As manufactured, this system comes configured for Single Service. See the preceding pages for instructions on moving wires for Dual Service or Three-Phase configurations. Use the following guidelines for setting DIP Switches appropriately for the particular service configuration chosen. For 1x16A Service: Not Supported. For 1x32A Service: Switch A2 must be OFF and A10 can be ON. For 2x16A Service: Page 9 Switches A2 and A10 must be OFF (because Pumps 2 and 3 are on the same service as the Heater). 54763-01_97_D For 3-phase Service (16A per phase): Pump 1 and blower are on one phase, Pumps 2 and 3 are on another phase, and the Heater is on its own phase. So there are no limitations needed on equipment running together. Thus switches A2 and A10 can both be ON.
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