- Church of.St. Francis of Assisi CATECHISM CLASSES (SUNDAYS) 7$ Mile, Jalan chers, 43200 selangor, Mataysla' PARISH PASTOR: REV. ANDREw I,IANICKAM OFM caP .rFn.Atrorew Tamil: 09.00am - Chinese: 09.30am - 1 1.00am English: 11.1sam - 12.45pm B. rrtalaysia: 3.30pm - 5.O0pm .(email: [email protected]) (anscr : 03- 9074 5258 PArusH TEL: 03-90758236 FAx: 03 - 90758236 L|NE) PAnsH WEES|TE: wsv.sFA.oRG.MY PARSH , E-M|L: [email protected]. [email protected] * Sinsle Asain Connie Mon- Fri : 019-3546632 Raymond Letchmanan 09.30am-05.00Pm Sunday : 10.30 am - Loo * Assisi Beloved Communitv PARISH OFFICE HOURS (CLOSED ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS) 012-3056387 12.00 noon - New st.clare/st' Agnes os.oopm : RclA (Bl't) su-[i--iiFir-st'Pio o6.oo;m-o7.3oPm :l0owkBlble(TamiD Pio t3'{dkl o6,Oo;m- o7.45pm : charismatic Prayer l'{eetcfamil) 'st'clare st' 'New (l'tandarin) : RclA o8.oo;m- o9.45pm 'New St'Clare : l{LLt M!!: O8.3Opm - St' Pio study WED: O8.OOPm' lo.Oopm : African Community Bible ' New St'Clare THURST O8.3Opm- lO.OOpm : RCIA (Engtish) 'St'Fldetis cabin OA.lOit - o9.3opm : christian lleditatim -sAT: o3.ooDm - O5'3opm : Form 5 Bible Knowledge - st' Agnes 'st.Charles 04.!O;m - 05.30;m : Form 4 Bible Kndtedge SFA SUPPORT GROUP my : Form 3 Blble MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK SUN L2 07.30 am l?h - lg Odober 2014 MASS IN TAMIT di@e Tlene: Discnfleship: CdlH, Ch@n, Sq't Feus: Ead, dE of us has bq, @lled by na'ne aN lhereforc we are unique. 07,00 pm MASS & ST.MARGARET MARY AtAcoquE,vlRGlN,MEM. Eph 1: 1-10; Lk 11: 47-54 RIP: Stevie Eddie / / Agnes Pancras Chua Eng Wah / Joe Diosay tt/ot rin/ Michael Chua Swee Hock nip: Nasip / Lazarus Thomas / / L7 06.30 pm 07.00 pm Arokiasamy /Adrian Raj / / Eva Francisca Nonis OF ANTIOCHTBISHOP & / Peter Lim Ngi Huat' MARWR,MEMORIAL Eph 1: 11-14; Lk L2: L-7 DEVOTION TO THE DIVINE MERCY MASS !G: B'day blessing! for lgnatius $! Building Fund donors / Julian de Costa / Edward Ng / Sharon Leong / Rahman / Clarice Yap Tsin Fong / Clare Chan Pat Moi / Velzen Ronald / Arthur D'cruz /sM. sr.tGNATtuS Ray Yeow / Anthony,Melrose & Felicity / Christopher & Shirley Lim' RIP: Richard de Rozario / Pauline Schumacher / Souls in Purgatory' souls in Purgatory. MASS IT{ MANDARIN TG: RIP: Evelyn Cheong / Theresa Fah & flY Agatha Lim & AnthonyTee/ Lucia Chai SAT 18 08.00 am ' 05.30 pm 07.00 pm ST.HEDW|G,REL|G|OUS FRI ReryPratls30 &tjlY. Atct MASS IN ENGTISH / dre M# TG: Anthony,Melrose & FelicitY Rajendran 5g aritaing Fund donors / Shernese Trecila Raymond / Callista Sl: 13 Wy ROSARY LED BY BEC ST.MONICA for Benedict Choong / Marieanne / Sacred Heart of Jesus(Aloysius Mark) / B'day blessings for Stanislaus Rosemary / Maria Greg / Wedd. Of Emmanuel & Jessica / Cecily Mary Sacred Heart ofjesus (Agnes Pancras). Building Fund donors / Choy Choong Yeen Choy Weng Kean & fly loanna Marie Nesan Sf,"rn"r. Trecila Raymond / All PT3 Students from SFA / Fiona Kuan Lee Chian / Maria Faustina MON & minutes beforc SENTTODIALOGUE THUR 15 Albons Sinappan A day blessings 11.30 am WeBlebate E@ntttblidl -5t. Knowledge THEME FOR Mt 22: 1-14{or 1-10) 28'" suNolY or oRDINARY TIME RIP: 09.00 am 09.30 am : 2& SudayofOrdimrYTine Bra/./ Pstter lV/ Sun. Led YarA OTHER CLASSES: 1O.30am ORDINARY Gal 4: 22-24'26-27 ,3I-5,7; Lk 11: 29-32 WEEKDAY MASS 05.15 pm 05.00 pm ST.CATUSTUS NO MAS6 - l,lOte & MARWRTMEMORIAL FR. ts AWAY AT THE GLERGY ROSARY FOLTOWED BY NOVENA & VESPERS SUNSET MASS , TG: Sl: / 07.00 pm / itp, Gal 5: 1-6; 1-9 MASS Most Sacred Heart of Jesus(George Sivaram) Building Fund donors Vincent & Monica Laurence Loh,Lucy Lin, Josie Rewcastle, Richard Loh Lawrence Loke Len Sew Chong / 5.A. Catherine Soosay / Ctri / nictrard de Rozario / Dominic Draviam K.Letchmanan vethanayagam / Marie Therese wilton / A. Ramiah / Regina santha Ram / Aloysius / Anthonyammal / Dennis Fernandez Souls in Purgatory' TG: Anthony, Melrose & FelicitY. Shernese Trecila Raymond / Callista Rajendran SI: Building Fund donors RIP: Vanathavan Anthony & Savariammal Velan / Catherine Chong Sew Len' TUES 14 2ftm 4i L0-77b; Lk 10: ST. [UKE,EVANGETIST,FEAST LkIr:37-4L / / REcoLtEctloN. PTEASE REMEMBER ATT THE PRIESTS AND BISHOPS IN YOUR DAILY PRAYER THAT THEY MAY HAVE A FRUITFUT SESSION. WED 15 07.00 pm ST.TERESA OF JESUS,V|RG|N & SUN OOCtOR,UerUORtlt TG: Anthony,Melrose & Felicity 9L Rajendran Roach Francis !p; / /ami / Solomon Nathanael Anthony Michael Chua Swee Hock / / 29'" sulvDlvoFoRDlNARYTlMs Gal 5: 18-25; Lk 71: 42-46 MASS aritOing Fund donors L9 Shernese Trecila Raymond Magdaline E. Lewis / Callista 07.30 am 09.00 am 09.30 am 11.30 am 05.30 pm MASS IN TAMIL ROSARY LED BY SUNDAY SCHOOT MASS IN ENGLISH MASS IN MANDARIN MASS IN BAHASA MATAYSIA ls45: 1,4-6;1Th 1:1-5b; Mt22:L5-21 Sundav School - Form 3 onlv ln conjunction with the PT3 exams during the 3rd week of October, there will not be class only for Form 3 students (Entlish) on 12 October 2014. Students and parents, please ROSARY SCHEDUIE FOR OCTOBER 2014 : : ; !2 19 26 St. Monica SundaYschool St. Raphael /St. Jude : : : St. Faustina St. Charles YEUOW CARD / CENSUS A counter will be set up on Oct, 18 & 19 for those who would like to make Yellow Card contributions and census uodates. No class Thank you for your continued support ofthe b'fust sale. All proceeds are for the Euilding project fund. INFAI{T BAPTISM (ENGIISH) ON SAT. 18 OCTAT IO.OOAM Please register at the parish office before llh october. Necessary documents to be attached: copy of parents' church wedding certificate MEETI'IIGS IN OCTOBER: Liturgy IHD clersv FR.,S 13'h Recollection Thurs, 16 (St.Pio) Thurs, 16 (St.Dominic) : Tues,14 & wed 15 : : VISITTO BEG DURING THE ROSARY MONTH october - 15s October 17s october 22d october - BEc st. Luke Faustina BEc st. Felix BEc st. Andrew Fr. will join the BEc for the rosary prayer at 8.30pm' Please give host's details to the parish office at least 2 days' before the mentioned dates. BEC St. LIFE IN THE SPIRITSEMIIIIAR - copy of baby's birth certificate Copy of god-parents baptism certificate (if single) or/ copy of church wedding certificate (if married) Date of compulsory instructions for parents and Eodparents will be ON SUN, 12 OCJ. AT 3.3OPM AT ST,PIO ROOM. REACHING INWARD: - For all those who have died, that they may see the face of God, especially Felix Theseira (BEC St.Theresa). we extend our prayerful sympathy to the fumily and friends. PART ONE believlasCatholics. tt'sapublicstatementof ourChristianfaith. lntheCreed,weuseourfirstwin&thewinSoffaith. [ife", REACHING - Visiting the sick in our BEC5 including people of other faiths' - Faithfully gathering at our monthly BEc prayer and praying the Divine Office' OUn TARDT OUR NEXT TOUCHING HEARTS, TOUCHING LlvEs PRoJECT' Outreach to the Sick and the Dvins persons, we are called to announce the Good News that they are still loved by God. l" ""ar,"t""-ith pope Benedlct to have an intuition regarding this need to be reassured that we are loved. seemed "ldar years of old age, During his two visits to homes for the aged, as Pope, he repeated, "When life becomes frail in the is important and it never loses its value and its dignity: each one of us, at any stage of life, is wanted and loved by God, each one me?" necessany',. Many a resident has voiced out this question, "\ /hy does God leave me here? Has he forgotten ,Touching Hearts Touching Lives" on saturday, 1dh october from 1o.ooam tlll 12.00 noon to st. Francis xavier Join the parish .* MASS TIMES FOR Atr The Now lef s use our reason. Let's think about those words: 'The What do we thirst for more than anything else in the world? Iife. We want as much life as we can get. We want happy life, a healthy life. EverythinS we hope for is somehow summarized in that powerful word, "life." a tong life, a ln everyday slang we speak of 'having a life." We all worry about'the meaning of life.' We especialty like to tell annoying people to ..go get a life." We make big plans for our future. We spend huge ener8y and resources to 'build a life." And yet the Church has been telling us all along that the Holy Spirit is none other than the "8ivef of life," a kind of fusion engine of love who runs the whole thin8. 5o maybe we should pay a little more attention to Him. pope John paul, one ofthe patrons of this World Youth Day, wrote a letter to the Catholic bishops and peoph of the world abouttheHolySpirit, Heentitledit,quitesensibly,TheLordandGiverof Life. Inhisletter,JohnPaul remindedusthatJesus revealed Himself with these words from Scripture: "l am the Way and the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6). so if the Holy spirit is the giver of life, it means He's the one that brings us to a full understandinS and union with the real Jesus Christ: not with the "nice guy'' or interesting teacher that the world would prefer iesus to be, but the true Jesus Christ who is the only Son of the Father, the Saviour of the world, and the source of all life and happiness for you, for me and for all humanity. Catholic imagery usually shows the Holy Spirit as a dove. That's the way He's described in the Gospels: a. dove descending over Jesus during his baptism. But have you ever wondered, Why a dove? Maybe one of the reasons is that there's nothing threatening about a dove. A dove typically embodies purity, beauty and gentleness. The kindness of the Holy Spirit operating in ourlivesisexactly the opposite ofthe violence that the wotld and devil rely on. REGlsrRATloN BEGINS oN 18fr AND 19rH ocroBER AT THE RlGl{T wlNG/coFFEE coRNER AT RM 15l= PER PARTlclPAttlr' COME AND BE EMPOWEREO. Date leaving: Saturday 5 December (morningl ReturninS: Monday, 8 December (evening) Cost : RM 280,00 (tncludestransport and accommodation only) Contact Rina (013-3364248) for booking of places. Sunday, 7'00am&1.00pm(SFA) 7.00am (1.J. Conventl 2November - - 6.00pm(SFA) MASSASUSUAT 9.00am {Blessing of Sraves) Wcdding Eanns are announced between: Damian de Cnsta and Foo Sook Peng who will be maried on 21 Nov'14 at AND Adrian Luke a/ John and Oharshini Rajasingham who will be married on SFA 29 Nov'14 at SFA. lf anyone should know of any impediment to these marria8es, please inform the parish priest. (Details on the notice board). VOTUNTEERS ilEEDED IN THE VARIOUS MINISTRIES Qualificat:ons: Committed persons to serve the Lord.. Vacancies: Flower,Choir,Catechetical, Women's Desk, lHO. ALt SOULS DAY. DIRECTIONS the Faithful Oeparted the Church gathers in solemn suffrage for the souls in purgatory, and the O" tl* C.rra*a"ti"" "fAll liturgyshouldexpressthisclearly. Thecolourofthedayisblackorviolet. lfthecommemorationfallsonaSunday,itis cele6iated on that day and propers for All,Souls replace the Sunday texts. The Gloria will be omitted on this day' restnint should characterize All Souls Day. Flowers are not placed on or near the main altar, and the on or around organ or other instruments are only used to sustain singing. lt also seems preferable to use simpler candlesticks the altar, as in.Lent. A sense of sobriety and be taken The Liturgy of Hours recommends the public celebration of Lauds and/or Vespers on All souls Day. The Office will fromtheofficeoftheoead. ttiscustomarytovisitthecemeterytoblessthegravesifthefuithful.',.......(Thesedirectionswere taken from the GIRM.) our One day a year we remember all of our deceased loved ones in a special way. Here in SFA we will be remembering we share with those who deceased loved ones in all our sunday Masses. we know how important it is to bring the circle of love pray for us' We have gone before us into our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. As we pray for them, we know that they also will be oPen at invite you.to send us the names of those you wish to remember and pray for on All Sould Day. Special counters the coffee corner beginning this Sunday onwards. Per mass intention is RM 10/= . God bless your Senerosity and commitmentl Andrew Manickam Please accept the enilosedPrayer Card as a token of our thanks and appreciation. ....'.,......'.....From Fr Session for catechists oir ieachins Orlldrgn to Meditate'is T-.f as follows: of Jesus Caritas, Kepon& K. L. Facilitator: Ms Penny Sturrock. All catechists are encoura€led to participate in this session which will be beneficial to the ministry. South District is as folls: Session for parents, Fiith Educator, and others on'tearnlns to Meditate the Christian WaY'in the KL frfou"rOer 2014 (Tuesday) / Time: 7.3opm - 10:00pm Aenue: Church of the Holy Family,-Kaiang, Selangor' Ort", Encouraglng and inviting parishioners to attend which will be beneficial to all. Facilitator: Ms Penny Sturrock D.t".. S N"r ff PITGRIMAGE wlTH FR.ANOREW TO CHAPET OF IMMACUL{TE CONCEPTION. BEDONG. SUNGEI PATANI MASS TIMES FOR ATT SOUI.S DAY Saturday, 1 November(Sunset Massl SAINTS DAY (DAY OF OBTIGATIONI 8.00Pm (SFA) October Saturday,lNovember Friday,31 PRAY FOR THE FAITHFUI DEPARTED All of you will recall what we say every Sunday at Mass when we profess the Creed. The Creed is the summary of what we Creed describes the Holy Spirit as 'The Lord the giver of giver of Life!" REACHING UPWARD: take note. Class as usual on 19 October. BREAKFAST SALE SCHEDUTf FOR OCTOBER 2014 LZ 19 26 PARISH MISSION: ,.a4 tS.tJ / .30"r - 4'6p* / Venue: Church / CORNER' THE T-SHIRTS PRINTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH FEAST OF SI.PIO 2014 IS ON SALE AT THE ENTRANCE AND COFFEE pRoCEEoS FROM THE SAIE Wl[[ Go TOWARD5 THE UPKEEP OF ST.Plo'S SPIRITUAUTY CENTRE, UtU TIRAM. YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. tTo tetl someone your name is a sign of trust. Since God has told us his name, he makes himsetf recognizable and grants us access to him through this name. Cod is absolute truth. Someone who catts Truth himsetf by his name - DISCIPLESHIP: CALLED, CIIOSEN, SENT K but uses it to testify to a lie sins seriousty. 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time One must not pronounce the name of God irreverently. For we know him only because he has entrusted himsetf to us. The Hoty Name, after at[, is the key to the heart of the Atmighty. Therefore it is a terribte offense to blaspheme Cod, to Curse using Cod's name, or to make false promises in his name. The Second Commandment is therefore atso a commandment that protects "Hotiness" in general. Ptaces, things, names and peopte who have been touched by Cod are "ho[y". Sensitivity to what is hoty is ca[[ed reverence. Respect for his name is an expression of the respect owed to the mystery of God himsetf and to the whole sacred reality it evokes. The Source: . aatechirm ofthe aarholic Chu,.h . Compendium ofthe {atechism otthe .Yotrth arte.hi\n Catho{rc Church Publishedby: Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Team X [email protected] Prinied by; Stenoprint Tel: o3-92oo 5788 Designed by: [email protected] rnwnd#cs4hc!@!u". , . of the sacred is part of the virtue of retigion: Are these feelings of fear and awe Christian feelings or not? . . . I say this, then, which I think no one can reasonably dispute. They are the closs of feelings we should have yes, have to an intense degree - tf we literally had the sigf,t of Almighty God; thereforethey arethe closs of feelingswhich we shall have, if we reolize His presence. ln proportion as we believe that He is present, we shall have them; and not to have them, is not to realize, not to believe that He is present (Cardinat Newman). x sense
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