Vol. XVI Issue 10 JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, JR. AMERICAN LEGION POST 11-11 9959 Wadsworth Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021 Telephone: (303) 466-1278 OCTOBER 2014 NEWSLETTER COMMANDER’S CORNER Well fall is in the air. Campers are back and it is time to winterize your swamp coolers, your RV's and doing more inside activities. With that in mind please come in to the Post for a Tuesday night dinner, or steaks on Friday night or Sunday morning breakfast. And don't Walt Lee, forget Wednesday night Commander burger night. The Broncos are in full swing. Come down on Bronco Sunday where the Post hosts a Bronco potluck where the food is excellent. If you don't have time to provide a dish you can always make a donation in the donation jar to help defray the costs of putting on the potluck each week. There are free shots for Bronco touchdowns. Come help us cheer on the Broncos! It is with regret that Post 11-11 Bar Manager, Patti Harvey has submitted her resignation as Bar Manager to the Post Officers. She has decided to pursue her role as a full time Grandmother to Charlotte and to attend to other family matters. We wish her a lot of luck in her future endeavors. Patti don't be a stranger you will always be welcomed at Post 11-11. The Business Committee has been assigned the task of replacing Patti as Bar Manager. Applications are available at the Post. The Post 11-11 Golf Tournament has been scheduled for Saturday, October 11th. Please check with the bartender, or contact Trevor for details. Hope to see everyone at the next Membership Meeting scheduled for October 14th at 7:00 PM. Don't forget, we are still collecting items to send to the troops. There is a list at the Post of items for the boxes. Please help if you can. The holidays are coming soon and they look forward to our boxes. As always our thoughts and prayers are with our troops in harm’s way. Walt Lee, Commander AUXILIARY UNIT 11-11 Just a reminder that the Auxiliary is back in session, and we have a busy fall season ahead of us! Monthly Auxiliary meetings are the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. I hope to see you on October 2. Upcoming events include: Assisting SAL with the College for Life Halloween (October 26) and Christmas (December 14) parties by providing desserts and serving food to the students. Collection, assembly, and distribution (November 22) of food for the Thanksgiving food baskets for needy veterans, (NOTE: Legion Members and SAL Members, we need your help with this project!). “Giving tree” Christmas gift collection for the disabled children of Dawn Rochkes’ and Terri Duran’s classrooms. Ladies, please share your talents by becoming an active part of our events! Please watch for sign-up sheets to be hung in the Post, or send me an email [email protected] -- to let me know you can help. Thank you! http://www.legionpost11-11.org PAGE 2 OCTOBER NEWSLETTER BRONCOS GAME POT-LUCKS: Please join us at the Post to watch the Broncos games! We encourage pot-luck contributions, but if you are not a cook or are too busy to prepare a dish, please contribute a few dollars to the donation jar. The monies collected go toward a Super Bowl Party to be held at the Post. The pot-luck feast takes place during half time for 2:00 games and at the beginning of the game for evening games. Free schnapps shots for Broncos touchdowns. Hope to see you on Sundays! Auxiliary breakfast is the 4th Sunday of each month, and our next breakfast will be held October 26 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. All your favorite hearty breakfast foods will be cooked by Annie, with Janet serving the meals. And don’t forget about those Sunday drink specials -- $2 Bloody Marys, Screwdrivers, and Mimosas! Assembly of the Post newsletter will take place at Noon following the Auxiliary breakfast. We would welcome your help. Until next month, be well and do good. Honor our service members and keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Confer for this good deed. Now the Color Guard has been asked to place the flags for Covenant Village's Veterans Day Breakfast. That will be at 0800 on 11 November. They have been invited to stay for breakfast as our guests. This is community outreach and awareness. It costs the Post nothing, but will get us some publicity. This time I really want pictures. We are still serving veterans after nearly 100 years. Stand up and be proud. We are performing our reasonable services. I should also plug the Color Guard. If you would like to join these dedicated folk, give Ron Confer a call or talk to any officer. For God and Country, Chaplain Norm Harpole Lenette Wallace, Auxiliary President CLUB CONNECTION CHAPLAIN In a way, this is last month's article. I had something to write about and was waiting for the pictures that had been promised to go with it. No pictures came, so here is some of what I had for last month and some of what I have for this month. In September, I was asked if our Color Guard would help with a small project. A long time neighbor and friend, a WWII vet had died. His widow wanted his casket flag flown in front of our health care building. I was asked if the Color Guard could take down the flag, fold it and put up the larger flag. And would I offer a prayer. The family would be present for this event. As it turned out, staff members were also there and some of the health care residents joined them. The ceremony was brief but full of meaning for the family. Thanks Marvin Benbrook and Ron Fall is upon us, so mark your calendars! We will be having a costume party in the back hall on Friday October 31st . The band Rockslingers will be playing for your enjoyment. Please see the enclosed flyer for details. It is with much regret that I have resigned my position as club manager effective October 10th. Due to family obligations, it is necessary that I work parttime and your Legion certainly cannot be managed on a part-time basis. I want everyone to know how truly honored I am to have served as your manager. I will always remain a member of this Legion. I have made friends here that I will have for the rest of my life. This has been a wonderful place to work and I appreciate all of the love and support I have received during my tenure, especially during the time of my son’s passing. I will continue to contribute time here, if Annie will let me in the kitchen!!!! I will not be a stranger. Again, thank you EVERYONE! Club Manager, Patti Harvey http://www.legionpost11-11.org OCTOBER NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 The Business Committee has been assigned the task of finding a Bar Manager. If you are interested, applications are available at the Post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COLOR GUARD Ladies and Gentlemen: If you are interested in joining Post 11-11’s Color Guard, please contact Marv Benbrook or Ron Confer or any member of our Color Guard. We look forward to having you as a member of the Team. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAL BINGO Come out and support our SAL charities—Children’s Welfare Foundation, Colorado Wounded Warrior and Fisher House. Bingo is held on every second and fourth Saturday of the Month at Post 11-11 beginning at 6:00 PM. A light meal is available by the Ladies Auxiliary or the Girl Scouts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUPPORT OUR TROOPS CARE PACKAGES Don’t forget to drop off some items to be shipped to our troops now serving in Afghanistan. A basket is located at the entry of the Post along with a suggested list of items needed by our troops. The DOD approved list of items is also on our website: http://legionpost11-11.org. http://www.legionpost11-11.org HONEYMAN’S Shrimp Boil Good Time had by all! American Legion Post 11-11 veterans take Honor Flight to Washington D. C. to see the War Memorials built to honor them. Tom Mascarenas and Frank Carrigan both Korea War veterans, with the assistance of Wayne Neumann, were on the Northern Honor Flight on 14 Sept 2014. Tom is the recipient of two Purple Hearts. Frank was actually in the A.A.F. (Army Air Force) when he enlisted. They are treated with the utmost Respect and Dignity from the time they arrive at the starting point in the Embassy Suites Hotel and until they return back to Colorado, both Vets attested to the fact that it was one of the most memorable experiences they have ever had. So far in a years time, five Post 11-11 members that were eligible have taken advantage of the Honor Flight System. It is an honor and a privilege to know these Vets! Page 6 OCTOBER NEWSLETTER October October2014 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Burger Night 5-8 PM 5 Boy Scouts Cooking 9 AM 6 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 12 SAL Cooking 8 AM 7 13 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 8 Annie Cooking 14 Cooking Auxiliary Meeting 6 PM 9 Burger Night 5-8 PM 15 Keith G. Thu SAL Meeting 7 PM 16 Burger Night 5-8 PM Continental Breakfast 9 AM 26 Auxiliary Annie Cooking 9 AM 20 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 27 Texas Hold’em 7 PM 21 22 Annie Cooking 28 T. J. Cooking Burger Night 5-8 PM http://www.legionpost11-11.org 4 Jenn Cooking Steak Night 10 11 Honeyman Cooking Steak Night 17 18 Steak Night 23 Burger Night 5-8 PM 29 3 Sat Jenn Cooking Legion 19 Fri 24 Keith G. Cooking Steak Night 30 31 October 2014 Costume Party 25 PAGE 7 OCTOBER NEWSLETTER ADVERTISERS PAGE Advertised your business here! $10.00 Month or $100.00 year. Price varies depending on size of ad. Contact Editor: Shirley 303-423-6173 or [email protected] http://www.legionpost11-11.org
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