St. John the Baptist Parish

St. John the Baptist Parish
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
Mission Statement of St. John’s Parish
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the community of St. John’s Parish works
to spread the Gospel message through a ministry of compassion, education,
and stewardship. Our life as believers is centered in the Eucharist, which
encourages and fosters a deep sense of identity in Christ Jesus and the mission
the Lord Jesus calls us to embrace.CHEDULED MASS
We welcome all who have come to worship in our parish community. If you are new to our parish,
please introduce yourself to any of the priests or deacon. May we experience together the love of
Jesus Christ.
Liturgical Celebrations
4:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass)
7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,
11:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Weekdays: 8:00 a.m. Monday - Saturday
Latin Mass: 7:00 a.m. (lower chapel)
1st & 3rd Wednesday
Holy Days and Holidays: as announced
Rev. Robert J. Cullen, Administrator
Rev. Michael K. Harvey, Parochial Vicar
Rev. William C. Palladino, In Residence
Dn. Paul A. Lewis, Financial Administrator, 617-773-1021
Dn. William R. Proulx
Donna Niosi, Administrative Assistant, 617-773-1021, and
Secretary of Religious Education, 617-877-5014
Joanne Curry, Religious Education Director, K-9, 617-877-5014
Paul Kelly, Music Director
Edward Philie, Director of Maintenance, 617-921-1026
St. John’s Food Pantry, 617-472-4908
Sacrament of Matrimony: Congratulations! In order for
the priest or deacon to spiritually work with the couple,
arrangements must be made at least six months before the
wedding date.
Infant Baptism: Celebrated third Sunday of the month at
1:00 p.m. Call a Parish Priest or Deacon at least one month
in advance.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Lower chapel,
Wednesdays, 8:30-9:00 a.m.; Saturdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m. or by
appointment at the rectory.
Confirmation and Holy Orders: Call a Parish Priest or
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Before you
enter the hospital for tests or surgery, we encourage you to
celebrate the Anointing of the Sick at one of our Eucharistic
celebrations. Priests are not available at the hospital as
they once were to anoint patients. We strongly advise you
to clearly inform the admissions staff at the hospital that
you are Catholic and desire to be visited by one of the
Catholic Pastoral Care Ministers.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Saturday, November 22
8:00 a.m. 15th Anniversary Richard McKeen
4:00 p.m. 13th Anniversary Albino Peruzzi
Sunday, November 23
7:30 a.m. Mass for the People
9:00 a.m. 3rd Anniversary Helena Keene
11:00 a.m. 3rd Anniversary Bruce Hapgood
5:30 p.m. 7th Anniversary Dorothy Manning
Monday, November 24
8:00 a.m. 30th Anniversary Isabella Pattavina
Tuesday, November 25
8:00 a.m. 3rd Anniversary Matthew E. O’Brien
Wednesday, November 26
8:00 a.m. Memorial John & Margaret Barrett
Thursday, November 27
8:00 a.m. Memorial Corcoran Family
Friday, November 28
8:00 a.m. Birthday Memorial Frank Stella
Saturday, November 29
8:00 a.m. 2nd Anniversary Joseph W. Sheehan
4:00 p.m. Memorial Anne Carey & Marion T. Hiltz
Sunday, November 30
7:30 a.m. Mass for the People
9:00 a.m. 27th Anniversary William Marston,
Matthew Tobin, Richard Miller, & Timothy Tobin
11:00 a.m. Memorial Stephano Chan Tin
5:30 p.m. 1st Anniversary Hugo Saluti
Your Prayers are Requested for:
Joan A. Busby, Joseph P. Fix and all our
parishioners who have died recently, and for
all our deceased relatives and friends. Also,
please remember all those who are ill and
pray for the intentions of all our parishioners.
For the week of November 23, the Bread
& Wine have been donated in Memory of
Ralph Tutela. If you would like to make a
memorial donation for the altar bread and/or the altar wine
in memory of a loved one or for a special intention, please
call the rectory at 617-773-1021. The donation for the
altar bread or the altar wine is $30 each for one week
($60 for both).
The Spirituality
Receiving God’s Gifts gratefully;
Nurturing God’s Gifts responsibly;
Sharing God’s Gifts
in love and justice;
Returning God’s Gifts generously.
Weekend of November 15/16
Church Collections
On-Line Giving
On-Line Giving
Total Sacrificial Offering by Parishioners $10,151.51
This weekend November 22/23 there will be two collections. The
second collection is for the Retired Religious Sisters.Next
weekend, November 29/30 there will be one collection.
Thank you for your generosity!
A Moment of Thanks for a Lifetime of Service
Today’s second collection helps to provide for the retirement and
healthcare needs of the Sisters who have served our Archdiocese
of Boston. Together, some 2,000 Retired Sisters have dedicated
more than 54,000 years of faithful ministry to our schools, parishes,
hospitals, and social service agencies. Please take this opportunity
to say thank you to Sisters who have served our Church of Boston
so generously throughout their lives. Any contribution you can
give makes a big difference. Thank you for your prayerful and
generous support.
St. John’s Food Pantry Christmas Help
If you or someone you know from St. John’s Parish is in need of
assistance with Christmas gifts for families with young children,
please contact St. John’s Food Pantry at 617-472-4908. The
Pantry’s office hours are from 6:30-7:30 p.m. each Wednesday
evening in the convent garage. Volunteers will be filling out
information forms. The last date to sign up for Christmas is
Monday, December 1st. A picture ID and proof of address
must be shown.
For those who are so generous to the important work of St. John’s,
please send donations directly to the rectory or use the blue
envelope marked SJFP and drop into the regular parish collection.
For further information, please call 617-472-4908. Our pantry is
sustained through the generous donations of our parishioners.The
Food Pantry will be Closed on Wednesday, November 26th so
that everyone can enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday.
Thank you for all your support!
A Mass and Healing Service
A Mass and Healing Service will be held at The Church of the
Blessed Sacrament, 10 Diamond Street, Walpole, MA 02081, on
Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. with Fr. Joseph P.
November 23, 2014
Cardinal Sean O’Malley to award service medal
to St. John the Baptist Parishioner
I am delighted to announce that parishioner William Lawless
has been selected to receive the Archbishop Cheverus Award
medal for his outstanding service in Quincy for the Archdiocese
of Boston.
The Archbishop Cheverus Award was established by Cardinal
O’Malley in memory of Bishop Jean-Louis Lefebvre de
Cheverus, the first bishop of Boston, and every three years on
a rotating basis, parishes in the South Region of the Diocese
are selected to nominate a person of distinguished service to
the church.
Cardinal Sean will confer the medal upon Bill and other award
recipients in a special prayer service at the Cathedral of the
Holy Cross on the Feast of Christ the King, today, Sunday,
November 23, at 3:00 p.m. The sterling-silver medal bears the
image of Bishop Cheverus based on a Gilbert Stuart painting.
On the reverse side is Bishop Cheverus’ coat of arms and the
episcopal motto “diligamus nos invicem” (“let us love one
Bill Lawless and his army of volunteers including his wife Joyce
have been rumming the St. John the Baptist Food Pantry for
over 30 years. His outstanding service to the needy in our
community for all these years is truly what it means to live in
the image of Christ and deserves our recognition and gratitude.
All are welcome to attend the ceremony at the Cathedral of
the Holy Cross at 3:00 p.m. Sunday, November 23rd.
Many Thanks to all who helped with the fall cleanup on Saturday
including a number of our confirmation students, some neighbors,
and a few parishioners! We were very surprised when a
landscaping crew showed up to help us. Their services were
donated by a very generous parishioner and made the cleanup
move right along. Thank You Ron!
Let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Blessed
Thanksgiving on behalf of the staff here at St. John the Baptist.
We have a lot to be grateful for!
Father Bob
Save the Date! The author of Six Months to Live: Three
Guys on the Ultimate for a Miracle, Artie Boyle, will be
speaking at St. Agatha Church 432 Adams St., Milton on Sunday,
December 14th at 6:30 p.m. In 1999, Mr. Boyle was diagnosed
with renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer) that spread to his
lungs. The doctors gave him less than 5% chance for survival.
Artie will talk about the miracle he experienced at Medugorje.
This is free and open to the public. All are welcome.
Mass of Thanksgiving
Please join us this Wednesday, evening
November 27th at 7:00 p.m. for our
Thanksgiving Mass.What a wonderful way to start our
Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend by giving Thanks and Praise
to God our Father for the many Blessings he has bestowed
upon us. Our great choir will be joining us with their talented
voices. Happy Thanksgiving!
“Untold Blessing - Three Paths to Holiness”
Deacon Paul has begun a six-week program using Fr. Robert
Barron’s DVD. The program is titled “Untold Blessing-Three
Paths to Holiness”. The program started this past Thursday,
November 20th. All the sessions will be held on Thursday
mornings following the 8:00 a.m. Mass and will be held in the
lower Church Hall. Light refreshments will be served. The
program is intended to assist us in our Advent Journey and
into the Epiphany which is our call to be a Saint. Our Ultimate
path to holiness is full of untold blessing.The five remaining
weeks will be: Thursday, December 4th, December 11th,
December 18th, January 8th and the final class on January
15, 2015.
Quincy Catholic Academy
Happy Thanksgiving!
On behalf of the QCA family, we’d like to wish you all a
Happy Thanksgiving! QCA’s holiday break will begin with
an 11:30 a.m. dismissal on Wednesday, November 26; school
will resume Monday, December 1. We hope you enjoy this
time with friends and family, and be sure to keep an eye out
for QCA at Quincy’s Annual Christmas Parade!
Christmas Card/Annual Calendar Raffle Now On Sale!
QCA’s Annual January Calendar Raffle are now on sale!
Designed as a Christmas card, this raffle makes a great holiday
gift! Calendars are $10 each, and can be purchased at QCA’s
main office. Participants have 31 chances to win, totaling
$3,000! Drawings will be held in school each weekday
morning in January, and winning stubs will be re-entered for
all remaining drawings. Drawings begin January 5, 2015.
St. Joseph Retreat Center
St. Joseph Retreat Center, 339 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset
invites you to the following programs and retreat opportunities.
Visit our website, or call 781-3836024 for more programs and details.
Directed/Private Retreats:
Dec. 28-Jan.1, Jan. 2-4, Jan.9-11
Quiet Advent Weekend:
Dec. 4-7
Morning of Prayer:
Dec. 2: Receiving the Love of God and Then Going Forth.
Arrival and light refreshments 9:00-9:30 a.m., reflective input
9:30 a.m. followed by private time for prayer, closing
communal experience, departure by 12:15 p.m.
St. John the Baptist Parish
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and
you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked
and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and
you visited me.” Jesus insists that in ministering to others’
physical needs, we are truly serving him. “Whatever you did
for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me,” he
tells us. And in a similar way, what we fail to do for them,
we fail to do for Christ: “What you did not do for one of
these least ones, you did not do for me.” This means that we
have been given both a gift and a task. The gift is the chance
to encounter Christ in our brothers and sisters. The task is to
be sure we don’t neglect the encounter.
The corporal works of mercy provide us with a kind of guide
for how to live out this important mission from Christ. These
works include feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty,
clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick
and the imprisoned, and burying the dead. Based on the words
of Jesus in today’s Gospel, it’s an important part of the
Christian life to look for ways to engage in these kinds of
bodily ministries. Traditionally, these “corporal” works are
complemented by a set of “spiritual” works. The spiritual
works of mercy ensure that we don’t minister to the body at
the expense of the soul. They include admonishing the sinner,
instructing the ignorant, counseling the doubtful, comforting
the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving all injuries,
and praying for the living and the dead. By engaging in these
diverse works of mercy, we serve others, love Jesus, and
hope to “inherit the kingdom prepared for [us] from the
foundation of the world.”
2014 Liturgical Publications Inc
Saint John’s Seminary Lessons and Carols
“Lessons & Carols” featuring the Saint John’s Seminary
Schola and special guests under the direction of Dr. Janet
Hunt will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 7:30
p.m. and Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. There is no
admission fee for this event.
Saint John’s Seminary is located at 127 Lake St., Brighton,
MA 02135. Any questions call 617-746-5423.
Calendar of St. John’s
Upcoming Dates & Events
Saturday, November 22
2:30-3:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Lower Chapel
Sunday, November 23
10:00-10:50 a.m. Religious Ed Classes Church Hall
Grades 3, 4 & 5
1:00 p.m.
Filipino Mass
Upper Church
followed by Reception Church Hall
Monday, November 24
6:00-6:50 p.m. Classes Grades 6 & 7
Church Hall
7:00-8:00 p.m. Classes Grades 8 & 9
Church Hall
Wednesday, November 26
8:30-9:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Lower Chapel
Mass of Thanksgiving Upper Church
7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 28
8:30 4:00 p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration
Lower Chapel
Saturday, November 29
2:30-3:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Lower Chapel
Sunday, November 30
Thanksgiving Weekend
An Ongoing Support Group for Bereaved Parents
Pieta, a support group for parents who have suffered the loss
of a child of any age, will be holding their 31st Annual Lighting
Service on Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. The service
will be held at Blessed Sacrament Church, 10 Diamond Street,
Walpole, MA 02081.
Parents who have lost a child of any age will come together in
prayer, song and support as we light a candle in memory of
each child. Reception following the service in the Blessed
Sacrament School Cafeteria.
Any questions call Jo Collari at 508-668-3105.
Welcome to St. John’s!
We encourage all our parishioners who worship with us to register. Our registry is a
vital source of information that we use when we need to contact parishioners. Please call the rectory, 617-773-1021, or
return this form to the rectory by the collection basket, mail, or in person. Would you like to have the bulletin emailed to
If you would, please give us your email address:_____________________________________________________
Name:____________________________________________________Tel. #___________________________
Check if address change:
Moving out of parish:
Would you like envelopes? (Please circle) YES