A DANSKER SKRIVER KONTRAKT MED PROFESSIONEL AUSTRALSK-FODBOLD KLUB I SYDNEY 30.01.2013 21-årige Aksel Bang fra DAFL-klubben Aalborg Kangaroos bliver den første dansker, der skriver kontrakt med en professionel klub i sporten australsk fodbold. Greater Western Sydney Giants har tilbudt Aksel Bang et såkaldt ”international scholarship”, hvor de følger og udvikler hans spil, samt skal have ham til et 3-ugers træningsophold i april/maj, hvor han skal spille 3 kampe med klubbens udviklingshold UWS Giants og træne med den professionelle afdeling. GIANTS Chief Executive David Matthews udtaler, “AFL Europe has a done a lot of work building the code across the continent and we think Aksel is deserving of an opportunity to further his skills and education in the game." Aksel Bang betragtes i øjeblikket, som den bedste spiller i de europæiske ligaer. Aksel Bang blev opdaget gennem AFL Europe talentprogrammet, hvor udvalgte unge europæiske landsholdspillere, spiller test-kampe imod det australske U18-landshold (som i år skal spille i Danmark den 10.april). Herefter slog han for alvor igennem, da han spillede for Danmark ved 9-mands EM sidste år i Edinburgh, Skotland der arrangeres af det europæiske forbund, AFL Europe. Her vandt Aksel Bang æren som turneringens bedste spiller og topscorer for hele turneringen. Danmark vandt sølv ved mesterskabet. AFL Europe General Manager, Ben Maccormack udtaler, "This is an amazing opportunity for one of our best European talents. Aksel has learnt the game in Denmark and been involved in our Talent Programs in the last two years. We are very thankful to GWS Giants and in particular international visionaries coach Kevin Sheedy and David Matthews for supporting our efforts in highlighting the talent that exists in Europe.” Til dagligt spiller Aksel Bang i Aalborg Kangaroos og arbejder i Forsvaret, hvorfra han skal udsendes til Afghanistan de næste 6 måneder. Det er midtvejs i denne udsendelse, at hans træningsophold i Sydney skal afholdes. GWS Giants træner, Kevin Sheedy udtaler: “As someone who did national service himself, I look forward to learning more about Aksel and his experience in Afghanistan. I am sure our players will as well and he will learn a lot from spending time at an AFL club.” For yderligere information kan følgende kontaktes: GWS Giants: [email protected] AFL Europe: Ben MacCormack, [email protected], +44 7952 873813 DAFL – Talent- og Eliteudvalg: Jens Djernes, [email protected], +45 20233692 Spiller: Aksel Bang, [email protected], +45 4292 8003 Med venlig hilsen, Niels Schønnemann-Rosberg Formand, Danmarks Australsk Fodbold Liga (DAFL) 29721410, [email protected] A Yderligere information: Historien bag sporten Australsk fodbold er over 150 år gammelt og er den største vintersportsgren i Australien, hvor næsten 1mio spillere deltager hvert år i organiserede ligaer rundt om i landet. I Europa er sporten relativt lille og ikke særligt kendt. Den spilles dog i 22 europæiske lande, som er organiseret i det europæiske fodbund, AFL Europe. I Danmark repræsenteres sporten af Danmarks Australsk Fodbold Liga (DAFL) og har været spillet her siden 1989. Danmark vandt sølv ved sidste års Europamesterskaber i Edinburgh, Skotland. Om sporten I australsk fodbold, spilles der på ovale baner der måler ca. 160 x 120m. Hvert hold har 18 spillere på banen og op til 4 udskiftere. De 18 spillere er opdelt i forsvar, midtbane og angreb, som det kendes fra almindelig fodbold. Spillerne fører bolde op af banen ved at sparke og handball (slå til bolden med en knyttet hånd). Der scores mål ved at sparke bolde mellem to midterste målstolper (6 point) og rammes der ved siden af (mellem en af midterste og den yderste målstolpe) scores et ”behind” (1 point). Efter 4 min vinder holdet med flest point. Mange steder i Europa spilles der med 9 mand, på baner der i størrelse minder om en rugbybane. de de x20 A Pressemeddelelse fra Greater Western Sydney Giants: The Greater Western Sydney GIANTS have offered an international scholarship to young Danish AFL player Aksel Bang. Bang is rated as the best AFL player in Europe and will visit Sydney to train and play with the GIANTS this year. The 21 year-old is about to start six months national service with the Danish army in Afghanistan and will travel to Sydney during his scheduled break in April/May. He took up the game two years ago after visiting Australia and now plays for the Aalborg Kangaroos and Danish Vikings and was the leading player in last year's Euro Cup. GIANTS Chief Executive David Matthews said it was a great opportunity further develop talent from overseas. He said Bang would train with the club and also play in the UWS GIANTS in the NEAFL. “AFL Europe has a done a lot of work building the code across the continent and we think Aksel is deserving of an opportunity to further his skills and education in the game," Matthews said. Head Coach Kevin Sheedy said he was delighted to bring a player from Denmark to the GIANTS. The club has formed several partnerships in Europe including the South East London GIANTS, the North Leinster GIANTS (Ireland), the Zaprude GIANTS (Croatia) and the Skåne GIANTS (Sweden). “We have an obligation to invest in talented players wherever they may be around the world if we want to truly develop our game internationally,” Sheedy said. “As someone who did national service himself, I look forward to learning more about Aksel and his experience in Afghanistan. I am sure our players will as well and he will learn a lot from spending time at an AFL club.” General Manager of AFL Europe Ben MacCormack thanked the GIANTS for giving Bang an opportunity to develop his game at an elite level in Australia. "He has come a long way in a short space of the time in our game and no doubt in years to come there will be more players like him heading to Australia to chase their dream of becoming an AFL players," MacCormack said. AFL Europe udtaler: "This is an amazing opportunity for one of our best European talents. Aksel has learnt the game in Denmark and been involved in our Talent Programs in the last two years. We are very thankful to GWS Giants and in particular international visionaries Kevin Sheedy and David Mathews for supporting our efforts in highlighting the talent that exists in Europe. No doubt future years will see many more Aksel Bang's heading to Australia chasing the dream of becoming an AFL footballer. The AFL's investment in our region and the touring of the AIS-AFL Academy has made it possible for Aksel to be exposed to a high quality talent program and his progress has been outstanding. The Commission and I wish him all the best on this trailblazing journey with the GWS Giants."
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