St. Robert Bellarmine Church St. Charles, MO 63303 October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE CHURCH “A Parish With A Family Perspective” REV. PATRICK D. RYAN, Pastor, REV. MSGR. RAYMOND HAMPE, Priest in Residence DEACONS: LONNIE WEISHAAR; PHILIP KING; JOSEPH MEIERGERD (Part-time) MRS. CAROL A. BRECKLE, Director of Religious Education, MRS. JAN M. MCARTHUR, Pastoral Associate RECTORY 1424 First Capitol Drive, South St. Charles, MO 63303 Phone: 636-946-6799 FAX: 636-946-0380 E-mail: [email protected] MASS SCHEDULES SUNDAY MASSES Saturday, 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Sunday, 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 AM DAILY MASS Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Tuesdays after 8:00 AM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays, 8:30 AM. - 7:30 PM SCHOOL 1 Seton Court St. Charles, MO 63303 Phone: 636-946-6716 FAX: 636-946-2670 E-mail: [email protected] PSR (PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION) 1424 First Capitol Drive, South St. Charles, MO 63303 Phone: 636-946-6461 FAX: 636-946-0380 E-mail: [email protected] SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Parents should contact the rectory to arrange the date for the baptism of their child. Baptisms are normally at 12:30 PM on Sundays. A baptismal preparation training session is required for parents who are having their first child or who have never attended a preparation session. Contact the rectory to sign up for the baptismal preparation class. RECONCILIATION: Saturdays from 4:30 to 4:55 PM and Sundays from 9:00 to 9:25 AM. Or call the rectory for an appointment. MATRIMONY: Please contact the rectory six months in advance so that plans and instructions can be made. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: For anointing of the sick, hospital visitation, or communion calls for anyone elderly, homebound, ill, or in danger of death, family members are asked to call the rectory. Please remember that hospitals no longer notify us of an individual being in the hospital. PARISH WEBSITE PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS President: Mrs. Sharon Brader/636-441-2203 Vice-President: Mrs. Judy Meiser/636-928-4118 Secretary: Mrs. Vicki Grant/636-949-7924 BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: Tuesdays, 9:00 AM, prior to the weekend the article is to appear. Please provide contact name and phone number. FULL PAGE INSERTS: Must be approved before inclusion in the bulletin. May run for one week only. Please call the rectory to reserve a week. MINISTRY SCHEDULE Monday, October 13 8:00 AM Sam Vaccaro Tuesday, October 14 8:00 AM Don Krekeler 2:00 PM Billy Crockett Wednesday, October 15 8:00 AM Jim Goessling Thursday, October 16 8:00 AM Floyd Johnson Friday, October 17 8:00 AM Edward Knobbe Saturday, October 18 8:00 AM Helen Danahey 5:00 PM Alice Boschert Sunday, October 19 7:30 AM Duvall Weber 9:30 AM Ralph Amelung 11:30 AM People of the Parish 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM October 18/October 19 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eucharistic Ministers Deacon Phil King/C, Jeanne Puscian/C, Matt Pate/C, Mary Vohsen/C, John Vohsen/B Deacon Joe Meiergerd/C, Kathy Weber/C, Marge Schulte/B Deacon Lonnie Weishaar/C, Nancy Sanders/C, Mike Bruce/C, Steve Fiske/C, Brad Hood/B Deacon Lonnie Weishaar/C, Jean Hampel/C, Noli Rivera/C, Marianne Muehlberger/C, Merle Rivera/B Lectors Faye Voelkl Lonnie Weishaar, Jr. Ada Hood Colette Weishaar Servers Tom Gaines, Nadia Norman John Olwig, Phil Olwig Max Hood, Jack Hood Diane Dalpiaz, Jeremy Simpson CALENDAR LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Sunday Offering Diaconate Program Repair & Maintenance $ 14,076.00 $ 1,658.00 $ 756.00 Our sincere thanks to those who so very generously support St. Robert Bellarmine Parish. ALTAR SOCIETY Phyllis Vance is in charge of the Altar and Sanctuary this week, October 17 and 18. CARE CENTER FOOD PANTRY When you do your shopping this week, don’t forget the poor! The menu for October is: Tuna, Tuna Helper or Mushroom Soup and Noodles Pudding, Pears Powdered Milk (optional) Items always welcome by Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service: Cereal, peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti, toilet paper, diapers, rice or rice meals, or cakes of soap. Please place items in crate. Thanks for your continued support of the Care Center. FRIDAY NIGHT BINGO -- OCTOBER 17 Bingo starts at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 4:00 PM. Floor: Team 5 Captain: Richard Orf/636-947-4963 Kitchen Set-up Team: Schueddig/Brusca Kitchen Serving Team: Pawlak Bingo Cleaning Team: Team A Bingo of Oct. 3 = $1,787 Kitchen = $471 Thanks for all you do to make our Bingo successful! BINGO DESSERTS The following are scheduled to bring desserts for the Friday Night Bingo on October 17, 2014: Carol Simpson, Coletta Simpson, D. Stark, J. Steffe, A. Stock, S. Tharp, Y. Tihen, and M. Waller. Thanks for your support of our Friday Night Bingos! ST. PATRICK CENTER Once again winter is at our back door. We will be collecting new or used (in good condition) all winter clothing. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Hakenwerth whom have volunteered to make trips to St. Patrick’s which allows us to collect all items of outerwear. This includes coats, sweaters, hats and gloves for men, women and children in all sizes. Thank you Shirley and Jim. Please place your donation in the box provided in the church vestibule. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Waller. Thanks in advance for your donations. 13 13 14 15 17 Bible Study -- 6:00 PM RCIA -- 7:00 PM Ladies’ Council Meeting -- 7:00 PM Men’s Club Meeting -- 7:00 PM Bingo -- 6:30 PM LADIES’ COUNCIL MEETING The next Ladies’ Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, October 14 at 7:00 PM. We will vote on an amendment. The executive committee by a majority of their approval can spend up to $500 per month when a St. Robert Bellarmine Ladies Council meeting is not available for a vote. All ladies of the parish are invited. If you need a ride to the meeting, call Martha/636-441-4609 or Cathy/636-723-0436. MEN’S CLUB The Men’s Club will meet on Wednesday, October 15, at 7:00 PM, in the Family Room. New members are always welcome to join! Call Tom/636-926-3588 if you have any questions or for more information. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE This year, St. Robert and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishes will be picketing and praying on Tuesday, October 14 at the St. Peter’s Planned Parenthood location. We will stand near the intersection of Mid Rivers Mall Drive and Suemandy Dr. during the hours of 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. We ask you to support this effort if you are able with an hour of prayerful witness. If you know in advance your preferred time, please notify John Dougherty/636-9472401 of Rita Sparrow/636-946-6164. LIFE CHAIN Our thanks to all the St. Robert parishioners who joined the Life Chain last Sunday with members of several Catholic parishes and other denominations to stand in front of St. Robert’s and peacefully hold signs and pray for an end to abortion. We know that many of our parishioners who were not there continue to pray with us for the protection of human life. Sincerely, John/Jackie Dougherty - Pro Life Chairs ANNUAL RESPECT LIFE CONVENTION The 38th Annual Respect Life Convention will be held at the St. Charles Convention Center on Sunday, October 26th, starting with Mass at 9:30 AM, followed by Exhibits at 10:30, Luncheon at 11:30, and Workshops starting at 2:00 PM. Keynote speaker at the luncheon will be Melissa Ohden, a saline abortion survivor. She uses her experience to provide support for other abortion survivors and to educate all on the generational impact of abortion. Her story is a testimony to the power of love and forgiveness. All events are free except for lunch, which requires a reservation and is $45 ($50 for reservations made after Oct. 14). Payment is due by Oct. 21. Reservation forms are available in the church vestibule. Six workshops will be presented: “Ending Abortion with Compassion”, “Then and Now: The Descent of Ethics”, “The Gift of Adoption”, “Respecting Sexuality”, “A Lifetime of Love Valuing our Most Vulnerable”, and “Young Adults Build a Culture of Life”. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION FAMILIES There will be no classes this Wednesday due to the Francis Howell School District fall break. Children in the sacramental preparation classes on Tuesday will have class as scheduled. LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN Many people who attend the 9:30 Mass on Sunday morning see our children dismissed from the Mass and wonder what this is all about. The children in grades 1 6 are going to a classroom with a trained facilitator to hear the Scriptures read from the Children’s Lectionary in simpler language. They listen to a homily prepared just for them, profess the Creed in a question and answer format, ask God’s help for the world and for their families, and then rejoin their parents for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. There is no fee for this and all children are invited to attend. If you have grandchildren in town and they would like to join us, please know that they are welcome. YOUTH GROUP Permission forms are now available for our day of rest and relaxation at Pere Marquette State Park on Sunday, October 26. These must be returned no later than Sunday, October 19. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information please visit: THE CATHOLIC’S DIVORCE SURVIVAL GUIDE NEW! The Office of Laity and Family Life is pleased to announce the beginning of a new ministry to Catholics who have suffered from divorce: The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide. The 12-week program features DVD presentations covering denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the kids, the ex-spouse, spirituality, annulment and much more. Immaculate Conception Parish - Dardenne is hosting the program beginning January 8, 2015. There is a $25 fee which will cover all materials needed. (Scholarships are available for anyone who cannot afford the fee). Contact Debi at [email protected] or 314-276-3859 for more information. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (Lec. 142) 1) Isaiah 25: 6 - 10A 2) Philippians 4: 12 - 14, 19 - 20 3) Matthew 22: 1 -14, OR 22: 1 -10 FOCUS: Will you accept God’s invitation to his banquet? It begins now and continues in the life to come. Many of us want things for a cheap or a reduced price, yet we are told that the best things in life are free. God generously gives us all that we need. We can enjoy God’s abundance in this life and the next by listening to the Lord and following His will in our daily lives. What a bargain. LITURGY OF THE WORD Isaiah foretells the bounty that the Lord will provide for his people when they accept his invitation to come back to the Lord. Jesus, in today’s Gospel, also tells of God’s bounty. If we accept the Lord’s invitation to life in Him, we will be filled with joy. PRAYER CHAIN How blessed we are to have faith. It is truly a gift. No matter what happens, our Heavenly Father will see us through. He can make some good come from any situation if we just trust Him. If you would like us to join you in prayer, please call or text Shirley at 636-734-2798 or email [email protected]. WOMEN’S ANNUAL FALL RETREAT The Women’s Annual Fall Retreat at King’s House is scheduled for October 17 - 19. Please come and enjoy a faith-filled spiritual get-away. Sign up soon by contacting Jeanne Puscian/636-946-7047. We will try to car pool! PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES AND DVD OF PARISH HISTORY If you have not picked up your copy, please contact the rectory. They are free. We hope you will enjoy a trip down memory lane. ADULT SPIRITUAL FORMATION We are currently offering a retreat program based on the teachings of Pope Francis on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM and on Friday mornings at 8:30 AM. It is not too late to join us. Sessions are held in the downstairs adult education room. MASS COUNTS The Archbishop has directed that we do a count of all persons attending mass this weekend. Please be patient while we do this. TOAST FOR TECHNOLOGY The Technology Committee is proud to announce this will be our second annual fundraiser to benefit SESR The evenings event will feature some of the area’s best microbreweries including Square One, 4 Hands, Trailhead, O’Fallon Brewery and more. Brew Masters will be present. Barefoot Wines will also be there. This year we will feature a new local winery, Rack House-West Winery. Cardinal Sin Vodka will be back by popular demand. Appetizers will be available. A silent and live auction will be held with all proceeds going towards technology upgrades at SESR. Tickets may be purchased in advance at a discount for $25. Tickets at the door will be $30. Please consider a tax deductible charitable contribution and your family/ business name will be highlighted during the event. For information, call Kerry/636-219-6021 TO THE FAITHFUL OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ.” Pope Francis began his message for this year’s celebration of World Mission Sunday with these words. But he quickly offers us the way to make a joy-filled, lifegiving difference. “World Mission Sunday is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands.” On October 19, as the Archdiocese of St. Louis celebrates this “privileged moment” let us join our brothers and sisters around the world who will gather at the Lord’s Table to celebrate, with great joy, our common vocation as missionaries. Our prayers and concrete gestures of solidarity will help build local churches, like the church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, and churches across the globe. Your financial help on World Mission Sunday, offered in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, will support the 1,150 young mission dioceses and communities who await the “Good News” of Jesus as their saving hope. Pope Francis encourages us to take joyful part in the Church’s mission to all the nations, as we live our lives grounded in love for Jesus and concern for the needs of the most disadvantaged. May World Mission Sunday offer each one of us an opportunity to accomplish both, as we share the joy of the Gospel and help the poor by our fervent prayer and through generous hearts! Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis TRUNK-OR-TREAT WITH DUCHESNE OCTOBER 18 Get into the Halloween spirit with Duchesne High School! DHS’ Outreach service organization is sponsoring our annual Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday, Oct. 18. From 4 to 6 PM, we’ll be hosting a fun, safe Halloween celebration in the Duchesne parking lot. The theme this year is Walt Disney/Disney Pixar. Grade school students and families can stop by for games, treats, and a magical night! For more info, visit or email Ms. Lammert at [email protected]. 15 Birthday Lunch 16 Cross Country Meet, McNair Park, 4:15 PM 17 NED Show assembly for students K - 8, 11:50 AM POSITION AVAILABLE Part-time LPN, Twenty hours per week at St. Elizabeth Adult Day Care Center of St. Charles. For additional information, please call 314-772-5107. FREE SEMINAR FOR GRIEVING FAMILIES UNDERSTANDING YOUR GRIEF: TOUCHSTONES FOR HOPE AND HEALING Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM NEW Location: The Stegton Banquet Center 1450 Wall Street St. Charles, MO 63303 Join us for an evening of Hope and Healing with Dr. Alan Wolfelt Register Online at or call/636-946-4042 CARVING YOUR VOCATION The School Sisters of Notre Dame will be holding an upcoming vocations event on October 23rd. Women over the age of 18 are welcome to join us for prayer, reflections and conversation. Pumpkin carving is a fun fall activity, but it can also be a way to learn more about yourself and how God may be calling you. Join us for this unique opportunity! It will be held at the Maria Center on 336 Ripa Street in St. Louis from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Cost is donation only. RSVP by October 20 to Catherine Burkart at 618-303-9322 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Hello to all couples, priests and religious who have ever made a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. A 2014 Enrichment will be presented just for you on Saturday, November 8, at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (Father Rosy Rosebrough’s parish). The event begins with Mass at 4:30 PM and a closing prayer at 9:00 PM. Simple pot luck and presentation as well (bring a meat dish or appetizer to share). RSVP by November 1 to Sam & Liz Cohen at 636-256-9055 or by email: [email protected]. No strings attached beyond a free will donation toward expenses. COME CATCH THE FIRE This is a year-long series for young adults, providing prayer, presentations, and praise and worship. It will begin on Thursday, November 13th from 8-10 PM with “You Are Called? Are You Listening?” Worship will be led by Adam Bitter. The evening is at the Sisters of St. Joseph motherhouse on 6400 Minnesota Ave. Sponsored by the Association of St. Louis Vocation Directors, the series encourages young adults to share their faith journeys in response to God’s call. For more information, go to 50th Anniversary Photo Montage A slide show highlighting the days events is available to enjoy on our website at Photos for you to look at are in the vestibule of church along with DVD’s to check out and view at home. LINDENWOOD SOFTBALL TRIVIA NIGHT On November 8th, the Lindenwood University Softball team will be hosting its 1st Annual Trivia Night. It will be held at St. Robert Bellarmine Church. This trivia night will serve as a fundraiser to help Lindenwood Softball compete for a conference and national championship. Doors open at 6:00 PM and trivia starts at 7:00 PM. Tables of 8 are available for $180, or $25 per person. There will be an auction as well as door prizes, games and much more! For more information, or to reserve a table, contact Kristin Miller/636-627-2511 or through email at [email protected]. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CLOWN WORKSHOP God has a sense of humor. He created the Knights of Columbus Clowns. Join us for a workshop to learn how to be a clown on Saturday, October 18th at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. Registration is at 8:30 AM. Cost is $15 for adults, $10 for age 10 - 17. No one under age 10, please. A light breakfast and lunch will be served. Call Mary Murphy/636-240-1637, so that we know how many plan to attend. THE COMMITTEE TO RESTORE AMERICA Learn your God-given Constitutional rights, protect our Religious Freedom and bring peace to our communities. Help restore America to its Christian and moral foundation. Come hear national speaker, author, radio talk show host, attorney and Constitutional expert KrisAnne Hall, on Wednesday, October 15th at St. Joseph Church (Fr. Pezold Hall), 1355 Motherhead Rd, Cottleville, MO 63304 or Thursday, October 16th at Knights of Columbus Hall, 50 Rue St. Francois, Florissant, MO 63031. Both events start at 7:00 PM. There is no charge to attend. For more info, call 314-807-3362 or [email protected]. WHAT’S HAPPENING? October 12 -- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, New Melle -- Fall Sausage Dinner -- Serving from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM -- Carry-outs available -- Adult Dinners = $11, Children (6-12) = $6, ages 5 and under eat free. For more info, call 636-398-5270. October 12 -- Immaculate Conception Church of Dardenne -- Fall Festival and Turkey Shoot -- Dinner served buffet style from 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM -- Carry-outs available -- Adults = $10, Children (5-12) = $5, Under 5 free- Dining room only. For more info, call 636-561-6611. October 12 -- Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish -- 60th Anniversary of the Parish -- The Church and School will host at open house -- Please come and take a stroll down memory lane-- With questions, call 314-522-9264. MILITARY PERSONNEL Please pray for the military personnel serving our country in various areas around the world: Jake Nuernberger, Michael Conley, Priscilla Adams, Geoffrey Merrick, Timothy Adams, Dave Denhard, Sean Peters, Kevin Doyle, Christopher and Sambriddhi Winkler, Michael Adams, Tom Collins, Brian Brewer, Brandon Politte, Melissa Thornhill, Darrell Givens, Dusty Young, Christina (Humberd) Schofield, Greg Finke, Brad Virden, Brian Bussen, Eric Muich, Robert John Mackey, Stephen Copp, Joshua Tullock, Carl Beck, Randall Trautz, Steve Swartstrom, Chris Suttmoller, Charles Drucker, Samantha Hill, Luke Morath, Stephen Araniecke, Matt Araniecke, Tyler Gerler, William R. Burnside, Daniel Bardgett , Toni Givens, Matthew Vanness, Patrick Ahrens, Cory Ershen and Michael Lada. Call the Rectory/636-946-6799 to have a name included. If any of the military personnel listed above have returned home, let us know. WE PRAY FOR THE SICK . . . Ed and Joan Theby, Marion Bergfeld, Evelyn DuBois, Sr. Rose, Julie Stutz-Weindel, Tariq Eddington, Mary Ann Mills, Lucy Goolsby, Lori Ule, Carla C., Avery Budde, Sue Beckham, Marge Hutchins, Mary Beth, Mary Ann Dunnermann, John Finocchiaro, Clinton Jeffreys, Susan Volansky, Vito Castelli, Madison, Phil Hampel, Jan Dalton, Andrew Steffenson, Marcus, Richard Lane, Herta, Carl’s wife, Jimmy Klos, Jay, young man, young woman, Shirley Klos, Brady, Theresa Keen, William Peters, Jalene Walsh, a relative, Josh Rolf, Robert S., Matt W., Karrie Bizelli, Eileen Gandt, Patricia Castelli, Patrick Murphy, a special person and family, Rick Meese, Jennifer Poettker, Kathy W., Ron Theby, Ruth, Barbara, Debra Shwedus, Jan Probst, Michelle Barnes, Dawn, Elise Pepple, Mike McElfresh, Mark Stein, Paula Weinreis, Kay Bonney, Audrey Meyer, Rosemary DiFerdinando, Kiera, Kathy George, Susan Burns, Walter Burns, Wanda Rush, David, Ray Gilliam, Bernie Voelkl, Jake, Nancy Waller, Amy, Kyle Earnest, Kathy Dougherty, Bernadette Cheatham, Jean Vaughn, Brandy Dunn, Delores Adams, Kathy McNamee and Lynsey. 50TH ANNIVERSARY GRADUATE REUNION Time is drawing closer towards our celebration with our St. Robert Bellarmine Alumni. This event is being sponsored by St. Robert’s Men’s Club and the Knights of Columbus. All graduates of our Parish School of Religion and our Regional School are welcome with their families to celebrate Mass on Sunday, October, 19 at 11:30 AM with a dinner immediately following. Enjoy catching up with old classmates and reminiscing on times shared. Please bring photo albums, pictures or any mementos you have. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH • Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation Center • Independent Living Contact Social Services at 636-946-4140 ext. 107 Have 401(k) questions? Let’s talk. TALK ........... Sarah A. Smith, D.D.S., P.C. Pediatric Dentist 24/7 HELP 322 Jungerman Rd. 636-477-1200 ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Open 24 Hours ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB FILLING THE NEEDS OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD! Breakfast Lunch Dinner TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Stephanie Grimm Homestyle Restaurant Financial Advisor 946-0266 1989 Zumbehl Road 636-949-2568 Member SIPC • WE DELIVER • ACCEPTING ALL INS. PLANS INCLUDING MEDICARE • GREAT KNOW-YOUR-NAME SERVICE • SAME CO-PAYS • HALLMARK GREETING CARDS • MELISSA & DOUG TOYS • ALL YOUR OVER-THE-COUNTER HEALTH NEEDS 305 Hawthorn Avenue • St. Charles, MO 63301 phone: 636.946.7350 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Dannegger Brothers Waterproofing 2385 Verna Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043 314-993-1833 314-429-1656 1881 Sherman Dr. Senior Discounts Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Family Owned & Operated Mudjacking, Piering, Stress Bracing an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 311 South Main, Ste. 100, O’Fallon, MO 63366 636-281-1990 / 2539 W. Clay St. 636.723.2600 PICKLEMAN’S Dierberg’s Bogey Plaza Sandwiches, Soups, Salads & Pizza Steve Maureen and CJ Weseman Ph. (636) 946-9000 Medicare & Retirement Planning Don’t Miss Medicare Open Enrollment! October 15th — December 7th Call Misty Scaggs (314) 420-3089 Handyman & Home Repair All Maintenance, LLC Call Mark Koenig 636.487.3538 St. Peter Parishioner 2061 Zumbehl (Bogey Hills Plaza) 636-949-9005 Joe & Tom Alagna (Z) John Zerr Books Jesus A to Z Noble Deeds, Sundown Town Duty Station and The Ensign Locker Available at Main St. Books in St. Charles A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress Sign up for a free class! and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas (636) 344-0203 bathes in an ADVERTISED shower ADVERTISING shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on Amazon & Barnes & Noble their Catholic faith. in all 3 Formats including e-book 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover Visit Author’s website: WHY IS IT UECHI-RYU KARATE Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 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