{'0 I ~ OCT J 0 PM 3: 0 I CITY OF DALLAS DY Cl rv v~r.rRF"Tl ,_ i\ DALLI\S. TEXA S . I l.. e~ I'\ NOTICE OF ELECTION -AVISO DE ELECCION CITY OF DALLAS - CIUDAD DE DALLAS NOVEMBER 4, 2014- 4 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2014 § § § § THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTIES OF DALLAS, COLLIN AND DENTON CITY OF DALLAS TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a special election will be held within the City of Dallas, Texas, on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, between the hours of 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m., as provided in Ordinance No. 29376 calling the election, passed by the city council of the City of Dallas, Texas, set forth below and made a part hereof for all purposes. The special election is on the question of adopting amendments to the Ch~~~r.of.t~e ,,,, .lf.. ,,,,,City of Dallas. na,Efl~~~islty-a~ ~d the seal of the City of Dallas, Texas, this IN WITNESS HEREOF, I have hereunto signed my the 8th day of October, 2014. ~ ".·· &?_~ . Rosa A Rios, City Secretary For more information call214-670-3738 y::-:. ••• \w\ -l:fl '·• ~~ .,_-::0. .....1: .::\ • ~··.. / / ~"' • .. \it ' . . . . . . 0 ·········· ~. . ~ . ~,,.,,,, ~ l \ 0 ,\,,,'' 111 II I Ill\ II\\\\\ EL ESTADO DE TEXAS CONDADOS DE DALLAS, COLLIN Y DENTON CIUDAD DE DALLAS § § § § PARA LOS VOTANTES CALIFICADOS, RESIDENTES DE LA CIUDAD DE DALLAS, TEXAS: POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE SE INFORMA QUE se celebrara una elecci6n especial en Ia Ciudad de Dallas, Texas, el martes 4 de noviembre de 2014, en el horario de 7:00a.m. hasta 7:00p.m., de acuerdo a lo dispuesto en Ia Ordenanza No. 29376 que convoca Ia elecci6n, aceptada por el consejo municipal de Ia Ciudad de Dallas, Texas, descrita a continuaci6n e incorporada al presente a todos los efectos. La elecci6n especial es sobre Ia pregunta de Ia adopci6n de enmiendas a Ia Carta Organica de Ia Ciudad de Dallas. *·..-\ ;:. \\\\ \IIIII II I IfI EN FE DE LO CUAL, he firmado oficialmente el presente ~~b Cllfl mi ~f!o\9.re y colocado el sello de Ia Ciudad de Dallas, ~~,;...~.············.~~ Texas, hoy, dfa 8 de octubre de 2014. &?.,~ .....· ...~ ~. §--l! .:~---~ ~- ,/_ ~ . -<(· / Rosa A. Rios, Secretaria de Ia Ciudad ~ 0 ... Llame al 214--670-3738 para obtener mas informaci6n ~-:.. ... v•••••• \ / ••• •• • *f ..:-- . ;, . ,,vQ ••••••• A ,,' J .l. \ -..1,,,,,, ,,,, ..1\. - ff Pu&Cic Notice 14 11 0 6 I I I llttt 1111\\\\\\\ POSTED CITYDALLAS, SECRETARY lX Notice of Election -Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviambTe de 2014 ORDINANCE NO. 29376 (IN PART) An ordinance ordering a special election to be held in the city of Dallas on November 4, 2014 on the question of adopting amendments to the Charter of the City of Dallas; increasing the compensation of councilmembers to $60,000; increasing the compensation of the mayor to $80,000; deleting the requirement that the city council meet every week; allowing councilmembers to abstain from voting if required by law; clarifying when the mayor pro tern and the deputy mayor pro tern may discharge specific duties of the mayor; prohibiting municipal judges and board and commission members from running for other offices during the term for which they were appointed; deleting a prohibition on city employees running for elective public office; requiring the annual financial statements of the city to be audited annually by a registered public accounting firm; requiring monies received by the city to be deposited promptly; revising the redistricting process: removing municipal judges who become a candidate for public office; requiring the city auditor to submit a budget direcUy to city council; allowing an alternate notice authorized by city council rather than mailed notice of amendments to the thoroughfare plan that affect an area larger than one square mile and that does not increase the dimensional classification of a thoroughfare; prohibiting discrimination in city employment on the basis of color, age. marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic characteristics, national origin, disability, or military or veteran status; requiring that ballot propositions for bonds state the estimated amount of repayment including principal and interest and the purpose of the bonds; clarifying that passage of an ordinance or resolution does not constitute execution of a contract with the city; revising restrictions as to city officials and employees and exempting board and commission members from certain restrictions involving city contracts; making various technical amendments to conform to state law, conform to the city code, match actual practice, correct terms, correct spelling, clarify language, and correct cross·references; prescribing the form and wording of the ballot propositions; designating polling places; providing that only resident qualified voters are entitled to vote; providing for the use of an electronic voting system for early voting by personal appearance and a computerized voting system for voting on election day and for ear1y voting by mail; providing for earty voting locations; providing for an early voting ballot board to process early voting; providing for notice of the special election; and providing an effective date. ORDENANZA NO. 29376 (EN PARTE) Una ordenanza que ordena una elecci6n especial a Tealizarse en Ia ciudad de Dallas el 4 de noviembre de 2014 sobTe Ia pregunta de Ia adopcion de enmiendas ala Carta Organics de Ia Ciudad de Dallas; et aumento de Ia remuneraci6n a los concejales a $60,000; elaumento de Ia remuneraci6n al alcalde a $80,000; Ia eliminacion del requisito de que el consejo municipal se Teima cada semana; Ia posibilidad de que los concejales se abstengan de votar si Ia ley lo 8Xige; Ia aclaracion sobTe cu8ndo el alcalde interino y el vicea/calde interino pueden desempeflar funciones especffteas del alcalde; Ia prohibici6n a los jueces municipates y miembros de juntas y comisionas de postularse para otros cargos durante los mandatos para los cuales fueron designados; Ia eliminaci6n de una prohibici6n a los empleados de Ia ciudad para postularse a un cargo publico electivo; Ia exigencia de declaraciones financieras anuales de Ia ciudad a ser auditadas anualmente por una firma de contabilidad publica Tegistrada; Ia exigencia de que el dinero que recibe Ia ciudad sea depositado de inmediato; Ia Tevisi6n del proceso de redefinici6n de distritos; Ia remoci6n de jueces municipales que se convierten en un candidalo para un cargo publico; Ia exigencia a/ auditor de Ia ciudad de que presente un pTesupuesto directamente ante el consejo municipal; Ia posibitidad de un aviso altemo autorizado por el consejo municipal en Iugar de un aviso por corraspondencia de las enmiendas at plan de vias publicas que afectan una zona superior a una milia cuadrada y que no aumentan Ia c/asificaci6n dimensional de una via publica: fa prohibici6n de discriminar a un empleado de Ia ciudad en base at color, edad, estado civil, orientacion sexual, identidad y expTesi6n de genero, caracterfsticas geneticas, nacionatidad de origen, discapacidad o estatus militar o de veterano; Ia exigencia de que las proposiciones en las boletas de votaci6n para bonos indiquen Ia cantidad estimada de Tepago incluido el capital y el interes y el objetivo de los bonos; Ia aclaraci6n de que Ia aprobacion de una ordenanza o resoluci6n no constituye Ia celebraci6n de un contrato con Ia ciudad; Ia ravisi6n de las restricciones Telativas a los funcionarios y empleados de Ia ciudad y Ia exenci6n de miembros de juntas y comisiones de determinadas Testricciones referidas a contratos de Ia ciudad; diversas modificaciones tecnicas para cumplir con Ia ley estatal, cumplir con el c6digo municipal, coincidir con Ia pr8cfice real, corregir terminos. corr&gir ortografla, aclaTer lenguaje y corregir refeTencias cruzadas; Ia determinacion de Ia forma y el modo de expTesi6n de las proposiciones en Ia boleta de votaci6n; Ia designaci6n de lugaTes de votaci6n; Ia disposici6n de que s61o votantes califteados residentes tienen derecho a votar; Ia disposici6n del uso de un sistema de votaci6n electr6nico para Ia votaci6n anticipada en persona y un sistema de votaci6n computarizado et dla de elecci6n y para Ia votaci6n anticipada por correo; Ia disposici6n de los /ugares de votaci6n anticipada; Ia disposici6n de un consejo de boletas de votaci6n anticipada para procesar Ia votaci6n anticipada; Ia disposici6n de/aviso de elecci6n especial; y Ia disposici6n de una fecha de entrada en vigencia. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DALLAS: EL CONSt:JO MUNICIPAL DE LA CJUDAD DE DALLAS, ORDENA: SECTION 1. That a special election is ordered to be held in the city of Dallas on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, between the hours of 7:00a.m. and 7:00 p.m.• for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the city several propositions on whether the Charter of the City of Dallas should be amended. The proposed amendments will affect only the sections listed below. SECCION 1. Que se ordenala celebracion de una elecci6n especial en Ia ciudad de Dallas el martes 4 de noviembTe de 2014, entTe las 7:00a.m. y las 7:00 p.m. con el fin de pTesentarles a los votantes calificados de Ia ciudad varies proposiciones acerca de Ia enmienda o no de Ia Carta Organics de Ia Ciudad de Dallas. Las enmiendas propuestas afectartm unicamente las secciones que se enumeran mas adelante y sa expTesat"fm como se describe mas adelante. SECTION 2. That electronic and computerized voting systems must be used for voting at and on the date of the special election In compliance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code, as amended, and the vote must be upon an official ballot prepared in such a manner as will permit the voters to vote "For" or "Against• the propositions submitted, with the propositions to be expressed on the official ballot in a form substantially as follows: SECCION 2. Que se deben user sistemas de votaci6n electr6nicos y computarizados paTe votacion en Ia elecci6n especial yen Ia fecha de Ia elecci6n especial en conformidad con las disposiciones del C6digo Electoral de Texas y sus enmiendas, y el voto sa debe emitir en una boleta de votaci6n oficial pTeparada de manera tal que permits que los votantes vo~en ·A favor" o ·En contra" de las proposiciones presentadas, con las proposiciones expTesadas en/a boleta de votacion oficial b8sicamente en Ia siguiente forma: OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 2 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembra de 2014 PROPOSITION NO. 1 Requiring Additional Disclosures on Ballots for Bond Programs. Shall Chapter XXI, Section 2 of the Dalras City Charter be amended to require that the ballot for the approval of a bond program must state the amount of bond issuance authorization. estimated amount of repayment including principal and interest based on current market conditions, and the purpose of the bonds? PROPOS/CION NO. 1 Requerlr dlvulqar infomracl6n adiclonal en Ia boleta de votaci6n pa@ ptpg!i!mas de bonos. iDebera sar enmendado et Gapitulo XXI, Secci6n 2 de Ia Carta Organica de Ia Ciudad de Dallas para requerir que Ia boleta de votaci6n para aprobar un programs de bonos deba indicar Ia cant/dad de Ia autorizacion de emisi6n de bonos. Ia cantidad de repago estimada incluyendo capital e intereses basados en las condiciones actua/es del meroado. y el proposito de los bonos? PROPOSITION NO. 2 Revising Restrictions as to Cltv Officials and Emplovees and Exempting Board and Commission Members from Certain Restrictions lnvolylng City Contracts. Shall Chapter XXII, Section 11 of the Dallas City Charter, which prohibits city officials and employees from having a financial interest in city contracts, be amended to exempt ownership of an interest of not more than 10 percent in a mutual or common fund; exempt non-negotiated. form contracts for general city services or benefits if the city services or benefits are made available to the city official or employee on the same terms that they are made available to the general public; and exempt board and commission members, but require that they comply with conflict of interest and ethics provisions in state law or the city code? PROPOSICION NO. 2 Modlncar las restrlcclones f!lativas a funcionarios v emoteados munlclpales v exonerar a mlembros de /untas y comlsiones de clertas restrlcclones relativas a contratos de /a ciudad. iDebartJ sar enmandado el Capitulo XXII, Secci6n 11 de Ia Carta Org~nica de Ia Ciudad de Dallas. el cual proh/be a los funcionarios y empleados municipales tenar un interes financiero en contratos de /a ciudsd, para exonerar Ia propiedad de un interes de no m~s de/10 por cianto en un fonda de inversion mutuo o comun; exonerar contrstos de servicios o beneficios municipales generales no negociados si los servicios o benaficios municipales est~n disponibles para el funcionario o empleado municipal en los mismos tfmninos que lo est~n para el publico general; y exonerar a miembros de juntas y comisiones, pero exigiendo que cumplan con las disposiciones de conflicto de intereses y de etica de las /eyes estatafes o det cOdigo de Ia ciudad7 PROPOSITION NO. 3 Allowing Certain Changes to the Thoroughfare Plan Without Mailing Notice to Adjacent Procertv Ownel'!, Shalt Chapter XV, Section 8 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to allow changes to the Thoroughfare Plan that affect any area larger than one square mile and that does not increase the dimensional classification of a thoroughfare to be noticed through an alternate notice authorized by city council? PROPOS/CION NO. 3 Petmltlr Clerfos cant«zlos en e/ Plan de V1as P(Jbllcas sjn tgner aYQ eavlar avlsos poe correo a los propletarlos de propfedades adyacentes, iDebera ser enmendado el Capitulo XV. Secci6n 8 de Ia Carta Org8nica de Ia Ciudad de Dallas para permitir cambios en e/ plan de vias p(Jblicas que afecten cualquier area de mas de una milia cuadrada que no aumenten Ia clasificaci6n dimensional de una via publica. dando aviso de los mismos mediante avisos altemados que el consejo municipal autorice? PROPOSITION NO.4 Amtnd!ng the fEPYislon for Nondiscrimination In City Employment. Shall Chapter XVI. Section 16(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to include color. age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic characteristics, national origin, disability, and military or veteran status as additional classes for nondiscrimination in city employment? PROPOS/CION NO. 4 Enmendar Ia disposlcl6n de no discrimlnaci6n para empleo en Ja ciudad. iDebera ser enmendado el Capitulo XVI, Secci6n 16(a) de Ia Carte Org8nica de Ia Ciudad de Dallas pare incluir color, edad, estado civil, orientacion sexual, identificacion y expresi6n del gfmero, caracterlsticas geneticas, origen nacional. discapacidad, estatus militar o de veterano como ctases adicionafes que no deben ser discriminadas para ser empleado de Ia ciudad? PROPOSITION NO. S Requiring the Cltv Council to Set the Annual Budget for the Cltv Auditor Directly, Shall Chapter XI, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to require that the City Council shall set the annual budget for the city auditor's office directly, rather than as a component of th~ city manager's budget? OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 3 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviambre de 2014 PROPOSICION NO. 5 Reauerlr que el Conselo Municipal establezca el presupuesf9 anUfl Djl'il t1 auditor de fa ciudad directamente. iDeber8 ser enmendado el Capitulo XI, SecciOn 2 de Ia Catt8 Organics de Ia Ciudad de Dallas para requerir que el Consejo Municipal establezca e/ presupuesto anual para el auditor de Ia ciudad directamente, en Iugar de que sea un componente del presupuesto del administrador del municipio? PROPOSITION NO. 6 Revising tha Redistricting Process. Shall Chapter IV, Section 5 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to revise the redistricting process to provide for appointment of the redistricting commission after the federal decennial census data are available; require that a person appointed to the redistricting commission be a registered voter; set guidelines for drawing district lines; prohibit city councilmember contact with redistricting commissioners regarding the redistricting process, except in open meetings; and require a written explanation, 72 hours public notice, and a three-fourths vote for city council to modify the district map proposed by the redistricting commission? PROPOS/CION NO. 6 Revlsrr el proctso de recle"nlci6n de distritos. iDeber8 ser enmendado el Capftulo IV. SecciOn 5 de Ia Carta Orgtmica de Ia Ciudad de Dallas para reviser ef proceso de redefinici6n de distritos para disponer Ia designaci6n de una comisi6n de radefinici6n de distritos una vez que estll disponible Ia informaci6n del censo federal que se realize cada diaz alios; para exigir que una persona que sea designeda para integrar Ia comision de redafinici6n de distritos sea un votante registredo; para establecer las pautas para marcsr los limites de los distritos; para prohibir que haya contacto entre los miembros del consejo y los comisionados de fa redefinici6n de distritos en relaciOn al proceso de redefiniciOn de distritos, exceptuando en asambJeas abiertas; y para raquerir una explicacion por escrito, 72 horas de aviso a/ publico, y un voto de tres cuartos para que e/ consejo municipal modifique el mapa de distritos propuasto porIa comisiOn de redefinici6n de distritos? PROPOSITION NO. 7 Municipal Judges and Board and Comm Ission Membent Must Resign to Run for Other Offices. Shan Chapter Ill, Section 17 and Chapter VIII, Section 4A of the Dallas City Charter be amended to clarify that the prohibition on running for other offices applies to municipal judges, all board and commission members. including Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DARn board members and Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport board members; and to clarify that a municipal judge automatically resigns if the judge announces that he/she is a candidate for an elected office? PROPOS/CION NO. 7 Los Jueces mypfclpilu v los mlambros de /untas y comlslones deben renunciar para podar msentar su candldatura para otros caraos. ,!Debe/'8 ser enmendado el Caprtulo Ill, Secci6n 17 y el Capftulo VIII, Seccron 4A de Ia Carta Organics de Ia Ciudad de Dallas para clarifJCar que Ia prohibici6n para presenter Ia candidatura pars otros cargos sa splice a los jueces municlpales, a todos los miembros juntas y comisiones, incluyendo los miembros del consejo de Tr8nsito R~pido del Araa de Daflas (DART) y los miembros del consejo del Aeropuerfo lntemacional de Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW); y para clariflcar que un juez municipal ranuncia automaticamente si eljuez anuncia que es candidato para un ca1g0 e/ecto? PROPOSITION NO. 8 Increasing Compensation for the Mayor and Councilmembers. Shall Chapter Ill, Section 4(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to increase compensation for councilmembers to $60,000, effective upon the swearing in of city council members in June 2015, and for the mayor to $80,000, effective upon the swearing in as mayor of an individual who did not hold the office of mayor on November 4, 2014? PROPOS/CION NO. 8 Aumentar Ia compensaci6n del Alcalde y lqs Mftmbros del Conselo. ~Debera ser enmendado el Capftulo Ill, Secci(m 4(a) de Ia C8Jta Organics de Ia Ciudad de Dallas para sumentar Ia compensaciOn de los miembros del consejo a $60,000, con vigencia e partir de Ia presentacion del juramenta de los miembros del consejo en junio de 2015 y a $80,000 pars el alcalde, con vigencia a partir de Ia presentaci6n del juramento como alee/de de una persona que no haye estsdo en el cergo de alee/de el 4 de noviembre de 2014? PROPOSITION NO. 9 Technical Amendments to Conform to State l,aw. Cltv Code. and Actual Practices; to Correct Terms; to Co!!!ct SPelling: to Clarify Languaae. and to Correct Cross-References. Shall Chapter Ill, Section 6; Chapter Ill, Section 10; Chapter Ill, Section 11; Chapter 111, Section 17; Chapter Ill, Section 19; Chapter Ill, Section 20; Chapter XI, Section 4; Chapter XI, Section 5; Chapter XI, Section 6; Chapter XI, Section 8; Chapter XI, Section 11; Chapter XI, Section 13; Chapter XV, Section 1(2}; Chapter YU/, Section 7; Chapter YU/1, Section 12(a}. Chapter XVI, Section 12(c}; Chapter XVI, Section 16(d}; Chapter XIX, Section 1; Chapter XX, Section 2; Chapter XX, Section 11; Chapter XXII, Section 1; Chapter XXII, Section 11; and Chapter XXIV. Section 13(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to conform to state law, conform to the city code, match actual practices, correct terms, correct spelling, clarify language, correct cross-references, and other technical amendments'? OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CJUDAD 4 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de E/eccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dalles November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 PROPOS/CION NO. 9 Enmlendas de carlcter tknlco para estar en conform/dad con fH feves estatalu. el c6dlao de Ia cludad y pr.tcttcas ac«uales: Djl@ correqlr tfcmlnqs: wra comrqlr errores ortoqr.tficos; para clarificar lenquale. y para corregir tJfaranctas cruzadas. GDebera ser enmandado a/ Capitulo Ill, SecciOn 6; a/ Capitulo Ill, SecciOn 10; el Capitulo Ill, SecciOn 11; a/ Capitulo Ill, Secci6n 17; el Capitulo Ill, Secci6n 19; el Capftulo Ill, Secci6n 20; el Capitulo XI, Secc;6n 4; el Capftvlo XI, SacciOn S; a/ Capftulo XI, Secci6n 6; el Capitulo XI, Secci6n 8; ef Capitulo XI, SecciOn 11; ef Caprtufo XI, Secci6n 13; a/ Capitulo XV, Secci6n 1(2); el Capitulo XV, Secci6n 7; ef Capitulo XVI, Secci6n 12(8); el Capitulo XVI, SecciOn 12(c); el Capitulo XVI, Secci6n 16(d); el Capitulo XfX, SecciOn 1; el Capitulo XX. Secci6n 2; el Capitulo XX, Secci6n 11; el Capitulo XXII, Secci6n 1; el Capitulo XXII, SecciOn 11; y el Capitulo XXIV, Secci6n 13(e) de/a Carta Org8nica de Ia Ciudad de Dallas para ester en conformidad con las /eyes estetales y e/ c6digo de Ia ciudad, co!T9sponder con /as practices actuales, corregir terminos, corregir errores ortograficos, clarificar lenguaje, corregir referencies cruzadas, y pars otras enmiendas de csracter tecnico? SECTION 3. That the election must be held and conducted in the manner provided by law governing the holding of city charter elections by home rule cities of the State of Texas. The official ballots, together with such other election materials as are required by the Texas Election Code, as amended, must be printed in both the English and Spanish languages and must contain such provisions, maric.ings, and language as may be required by law. SECCION 3. Que Ia eleocl6n se debe 1/evar a cabo y organizar de Ia maners provista por Ia ley que rige Ia celebrsci6n de elecciones para Ia carta org4nica de Ia ciudad para ciudades de gobiemo local del Eslado de Texas. Las boletas de votaci6n oficiales, junto con los demfts materiafes para Ia eleoci6n que requiere e/ C6digo Electors/ de Texas y sus enmiendas, deberan imprimirse en ingf9s y en espallo/ y debaran incluir todas /as disposiciones, man:as y Tenguaje que exija fa ley. SECTION 4. That the boundaries of the election precincts in which the election is to be held are defined by Ordinance No. 20231, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 20741,21350,21579,22343,22693,23348,24800,25696,27484,28147,28937, and 29375. Locations of the polling places in the election precincts are listed below. SECCION 4. Que los lfmites de los precintos electora/es en los que se celebrar8 Ia e/ecci6n est~n definidos en Ia Ordenanza No. 20231 y sus enmiendas en las Ordenanzas No. 20741, 21350, 21579, 22343, 22693, 23348, 24800, 25696, 27484, 28147, 28937 y 29375. Las ubicsciOnes de los /ugares de votsci6n en los precintos 9l9ctors/es se enumarsn mas adelante. SECTION 5. That each voter must vote in the precinct in which the voter resides, and only resident qualified voters are entitied to vote. SECC/ON 5. Que ceda votente debe votar en el precinto donde el votante reside, y sOlo votantes cafifJCados residentes tienen derecho a votar. SECTION 6. That a person qualified to vote and residing in the city of Dallas, but not within any precinct described in Ordinance No. 20231, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 20741, 21350, 21579, 22343, 22693, 23348, 24800, 25696, 27484, 28147, 28937, and 29375 may vote in the precinct nearest the person's residence, and for that purpose the person's residence will be considered as part of that city election precinct. A person who has registered in a city election precinct, but whose residence is not in the city of Dallas, is not entitled to vote in the special election even though the person may own property subject to taxation in the city. SECC/ON 6. Que una persona habilitada pars volar y residente en Ia ciudad de Dallas, pero no denfro de ninguno de los precintos descritos en Ia Ordenenza No. 20231 y sus enmiendas por las Ordenanzas No. 20741, 21350, 21579, 22343, 22693, 23348, 24800, 25696, 27484, 28147, 28937 y 29375 puede volar en el precinto mAs cen:ano a Ia residencia de Ia persona, y pars ese fin Ia residencia de/a persona sera considerada como parte de ese precinto electoral de Ia ciuded. Una persona que se he registredo en un precinto electors/ de Ia ciudad pero cuya residencia no se encuentrs en fa ciudad de Dallas, no tiene derecho a volar en Ia elecci6n 9special incluso si fa parsons tuviera una propiedad sujeta at regimen impositivo en Ia ciudad. SECTION 7. That early voting by personal appearance will be by the use of an electronic voting system in accordance with the Texas Election Code, as amended. That tallying of early voting by mail will be by the use of a computerized voting system in accordance with the Texas Election Code, as amended. Early voting will be conducted at the following main locations and at the other locations during the dates and times designated below. SECCION 7. Que fa votaciOn anticipada en pefS(Jna se realizarfJ mediante el uso d9 un sistema de votaci6n electronico de acuerdo con el C6digo Electoral de Texas y sus enmiendas. Que el conteo de Ia votaci6n anticipada por comx> se realizara mediante ef uso de un sistema de votaci6n computarizado de acuerdo con el C6digo Electoral de Texas y sus enmiendas. La votaci6n anticipada se rea/izera en fos siguientes lugarss principafes yen otros lugares durante las fechas y los horarios designado.s mas adelante. Dallas County Records Building- Edificio de Registros del Condado de Dallas 509 Main Street Dallas, Texas 75202 Collin County Elections Administration Office- Oficina d9 AdministraciOn de elecciones del Condado de Collin 2010 Redbud Boulevard, Suite 102 McKinney, Texas 75069 Denton County Elections Administration Office - Oficina de AdministraciOn de elecciones del Condado de Denton 701 Kimberly Drive Denton, Texas 76208 OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 5 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 SECTION 8. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than close of business on Tuesday, October 28, 2014. That applications for early voting ballots to be voted by mail must be mailed to: SECC/6N 8. Las solicitudes de boletas de votaci6n por correo deben ser 18Cibidas a mas tardar at cierre del hof8rio de oficina, el martes 28 de octubf8 de 2014. Que las solicitudes de bo/etas de votaci6n anticipada para voter por comx> deben ser enviadas por correo a: Early Voting Clerk- Consejo de Boletas de Votacion Anticipada: Dallas County Elections Department - Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de Dallas 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 820 Dallas, Texas 75207 Collin County Elections Administration Office - Oficina de Administracion de elecciones del Condado de Collin 2010 Redbud Boulevard, Suite 102 McKinney, Texas 75069 Denton County Elections Administration Office - Oficina de Administraci6n de elecciones del Condado de Denton 701 Kimberly Drive Denton, Texas 76208 SECTION 9. That the early voting ballots will be processed by an early voting ballot board to be created in accordance with the Texas Election Code, as amended. SECC16N 9. Que las boletas de votaci6n anticipada seran procesadas por un consejo de be/etas de votaci6n anticipada creado en conformidad con ef C6digo Electoral de Texas y sus enmiendas. SECTION 10. That the mayor shall give notice of the special election by causing the notice to be published in a newspaper within the city and posted on the city's public meeting bulletin board in accordance with applicable state law governing notice of charter elections. SECC/6N 10. Que el alcalde dara aviso de Ia e/eccion especial a traves de Ia publicaci6n del aviso en un peri6dico dentro de Ia ciudad y Ia colocacion en el tablero de anuncios de asambleas publicas de Ia ciudad en conformidad con fa ley estatal aplicabfe que rige los avisos de efecciones para Ia carta org8nica. SECTION 11. That this ordinance will take effect immediately from and alter its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Dallas, and it is accordingly so ordained. SECC/6N 11. Que esta ordenanza entra~ en vigencia inmediatamenle despues de su aprobacion y publicaci6n en conformidad con las disposiciones de Ia Carta Organics de Ia Ciudad de Dallas, y en consecuencia asf se ordena. VOTING LOCATIONS The following locations will be used as polling locations for the City of Dallas election precincts on Election Day, November 4, 2014. A voting location may change if the location is not available. The most current list of voting locations is available in the Office of the City Secretary, and the status of a particular location may be checked by calling the City Secretary at (214) 670-3738 or accessing the City Secretary's website at ht1p:/fwww.ci.dallas.tx.uslcsolelections.html. LUGARES DE VOTACION Las siguientes localidades seran utilizadas como fugares de votaci6n paf8 los pracintos electorates de Ia Ciudad de Dallas en Ia elecci6n del 4 de noviembre de 2014. Un Iugar de votaci6n puede cambiar si Ia ubicaci6n nose encuentra disponible. La lista m8s actualizada de los /ugares de votaci6n se pueden obtener en Ia Oficina de Ia Secrataria de Ia Ciudad, y e/ estatus de un Iugar determinado se puede verificar 1/amando a Ia secretaria de Ia ciudad al (214} 670.3738 o ingl8sando ala p8gina web de /a Secratsris de Is Ciudad en http:flwww.ci.dallas.tx.uslcsolelectiQ!!§.htmf. District Distrito 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Precinct Recinto 3008 3032 3084 3094 4035 4036 4038 4055 4056 4061 4062 4063 4066 4067 4068 Location Ubicaci6n Dallas County Courthouse - Allen James Bowie Elementary Schooi-DISD James Bowie Elementary Schooi-DISD James Bowie Elementary Schooi-DISD Academy Of Dallas School The Union Church Harrell Budd Elementary School Leslie Stemmons Elementary School Palabra De Vida Mountain View Church Of Christ Lelia P. Cowart Elementary School Elmwood El Buen Samaritano United Methodist Church Anson Jones Elementary School George Peabody Elementary School lida Hooe Elementary School OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA C/UDAD 6 Address Direcci6n 600 Commerce 330 N. Marsalis 330 N. Marsalis 330 N. Marsalis 2324 S. Vernon 3410 S. Polk St. 2121 S. Marsalis Ave. 2727 Knoxville St. 2550 W. Illinois Ave. 4111 W.l!linoisAve. 1515 S. Ravinia 1220 Newport Ave. 3901 Meredith 3101 Raydell Pl. 2419 Gladstone City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip C6di!Jo f)OStal 75202 75203 75203 75203 75224 75224 75216 75211 75233 75211 75211 75224 75211 75211 75211 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Distrito 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Precinct Recinto 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4107 4113 4114 4115 4300 1014 1015 1018 1069 1070 1073 1074 1075 1078 1112 1119 1120 1122 1130 1131 1132 2034 2200 3005 3006 3008 3010 3011 3016 3019 3020 3089 3090 3094 4009 4010 4011 4014 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 Location Ubicaci6n Winnetka Elementary School John F. Peeler Elementary School Dallas County Sub-Courthouse Dallas County Sub-Courthouse Preparing The Way Ministries Sunset High School John H. Reagan School Stevens Part( Elementary School Rosemont Elementary School James Hogg Elementary School Kessler Part( United Methodist Church James Hogg Elementary School Harrell Budd Elementary School Mountain View Church Of Christ Lelia P. Cowart Elementary School James Hogg Elementary School Cockrell Hill City Hall Multiple Careers Magnet Center Multiple Careers Magnet Center Ben Milam Elementary School - Dallas ISO Grace United Methodist Church Grace United Methodist Church Junius Heights Baptist Church Samuel! Grand Recreation Center Samuel! Grand Recreation Center Bayles Elementary School Junius Heights Baptist Church St. Luke Community United Methodist Church Robert E. lee Elementary School- Dallas ISO Grace United Methodist Church Multiple Careers Magnet Center Grace United Methodist Church Grace United Methodist Church Henry W. longfellow Middle School John S. Bradfield Elementary School Reverchon Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center Dallas County Courthouse - Allen Exall Part( Recreation Center St. Edwards Catholic Church Bill J. Priest Institute James Madison High School Irma Rangel-Young Women's School Reverchon Recreation Center St. Edwards Catholic Church James Bowie Elementary Schooi-OISD David G. Burnet Elementary School Stephen Foster Elementary School Stephen Foster Elementary School Sudie Williams Elementary School North Part( Community Development Corporation K. B. Polk Center Maple Lawn Elementary School Maple Lawn Elementary School Arlington Part( Recreation Center Maple Lawn Elementary School Bethany Presbyterian Church OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA Dt: LA StECRtETARIA Dt: LA C/UDAD 7 Address Direcci6n 1151 S. Edgefield Ave. 810 S. Llewellyn 410 S. Beckley 410 S. Beckley 2442 W. Jefferson Blvd. 2120 W. Jefferson Blvd. 201 N. Adams Ave. 2615 W. Colorado Blvd. 719 N. Montclair Ave. 1144 N. Madison Ave. 1215 Turner Ave. 1144 N. Madison Ave. 2121 S. Marsalis Ave. 4111 W. Illinois Ave. 1515 S. Ravinia 1144 N. Madison Ave. 4125 W. Clarendon Dr. 4528 Rusk Ave. 4528 Rusk Ave. 4200 McKinney Ave. 4105 Junius St. 41'05 Junius St. 5429 Reiger Ave. 6200 E. Grand Ave. 6200 E. Grand Ave. 2444 Telegraph 5429 Reiger Ave. 5710 E. R. L. Thornton 2911 Delmar Ave. 4105 Junius St. 4528 Rusk Ave. 4105 Junius St. 41 05 Junius St. 5314 Boaz 4300 Southern 3505 Maple Ave. 3505 Maple Ave. 600 Commerce 1355 Adair St. 4033 Elm St. 1402 CQrinth St. 3000 MLK Blvd. 1718 Robert B. Cullum Blvd. 3505 Maple Ave. 4034EimSt. 330 N. Marsalis 3201 Kinkaid Dr. 3700 Clover Ln. 3700 Clover Ln. 4518 Pomona 4619 W. University Blvd. 6911 Victoria 3120 Inwood Rd. 3120 Inwood Rd. 1505 Record Crossing 3120 Inwood Rd. 4523 Cedar Springs City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Cockrell Hill Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas DaUas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip C6digo postal 75208 75208 75203 75203 75211 75208 75208 75211 75208 75208 75208 75208 75216 75211 75211 75208 75211 75204 75204 75205 75246 75246 75214 75223 75223 75228 75214 75223 75206 75246 75204 75246 75246 75209 75205 75219 75219 75202 75204 75226 75215 75215 75210 75219 75226 75203 75220 75220 75220 75209 75209 75209 75235 75235 75235 75235 75219 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November .C, 2014-4 de noviembre ds 2014 District Dlstrito 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Precinct Recinto 4022 4023 4032 4033 4086 4087 4088 4100 4102 4103 4104 4105 4118 4119 4120 3001 3002 3003 3004 3050 3051 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3063 3077 3078 3088 3092 3098 4026 4027 4050 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4059 4060 4065 4066 4067 4076 4090 4093 4111 4112 4113 4300 3016 Location Ubicaci6n Esperanza Medrano Elementary School Address Direcci6n 2221 Lucas Dr. 1505 Record Crossing Arlington Park Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center Dallas Fire Station #1 Grauwyler Park Recreation Center Bachman Therapeutic Recreation Center Bachman Therapeutic Recreation Center Esperanza Medrano Elementary School Reverchon Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center Grauwyler Park Recreation Center Bachman Therapeutic Recreation Center Bachman Therapeutic Recreation Center T. W. Browne Middle School T. W. Browne Middle School T. W. Browne Middle School Daniel Webster Elementary Schoof H. I. Holland Elementary School@ Lisbon Fountain of living Word Chun::h Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center William Hawley Atwell Law Academy Adelle Turner Elementary School Mark Twain Vanguard T. G. Terry Elementary School T.l. Marsalis Elementary School St. Luke Presbyterian Church Rl. Thornton Elementary School New Tech High School @A. Maceo Smith Ronald E. McNair Elementary School Park in the Woods Recreation Center Pai'X in the Woods Recreation Center Daniel Webster Elementary School Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center H. I. Holland Elementary School@ lisbon Eladio R. Martinez Learning Center Eladio R. Martinez Learning Center Park in the Woods Recreation Center Bilhartz Elementary School- Gym Arnold Middle School Leslie Stem mons Elementary School Leslie Stem mons Elementary School Palabra De Vida Charley Taylor Recreation Center Nancy Jane Cochran Elementary School Arcadia Park Elementary School Anson Jones Elementary School George Peabody Elementary School Stevens Pai'X Elementary School leslie Stemmons Elementary School Leslie $Iemmons Elementary School Leslie Stemmons Elementary School leslie Stemmons Elementary School Mountain View Church of Christ Cockrell Hill City Hall Bill J. Priest Institute OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETA RIA DE LA CIUDAD 3505 Maple Ave. 1901 Irving Blvd. 7780 Harry Hines Blvd. 2750 Bachman Dr. 2750 Bachman Dr. 2221 Lucas Dr. 3505 Maple Ave. 3505 Maple Ave. 3505 Maple Ave. 3505 Maple Ave. 7780 Harry Hines Blvd. 2750 Bachman Dr. 2750 Bachman Dr. 3333 Sprague 3333 Sprague 3333 Sprague 3815 S. Franklin 4203 S. Lancaster Rd. 2543 E. Ledbetter Dr. 5150 Mark Trail Way 1303 Reynoldston St. 5505 S. Polk St. 724 Green Cove Ln. 6661 Greenspan Ave. 5640 S. Marsalis Ave. 5915 Singing Hills Dr. 6011 Old Ox Rd. 3030 Stag Rd. 3150 Bainbridge Ave. 6801 Mountain Creek Pkwy. 6801 Mountain Creek Pkwy. 3815 S. Franklin 5150 Mai'X Trail Way 4203 S. Lancaster Rd. 4500 Bernal 4500Bernal 6801 Mountain Creek Pkwy. 6700 Wand! Dr. 1204 E. Marshall Dr. 2727 Knoxville St. 2727 Knoxville St. 2550 W. Illinois Ave. 601 E. Grand Prairie Rd . 6000 Keeneland Pkwy. 1300 N. Justin Ave. 3901 Meredith 3101 Raydell Pl. 2615 W. Colorado Blvd. 2727 Knoxville St 2727 Knoxville St 2727 Knoxville St. 2727 Knoxville St. 4111 W.lllinoisAve. 4125 W. Clarendon Dr. 1402 Corinth St. 8 City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Grand Prairie Dalla5 Dallas Dallas Grand Prairie Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Cockrell Hill Dallas Zip Cod/go postal 75219 75235 75219 75207 75235 75220 75220 75219 75219 75219 75219 75219 75235 75220 75220 75233 75233 75233 75233 75216 75216 75232 75232 75232 75232 75232 75241 75241 75241 75241 75237 75249 75249 75233 75232 75216 75212 75212 75249 75236 75051 75211 75211 75233 75051 75211 75211 75211 75211 75211 75211 75211 75211 75211 75211 75211 75215 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembra de 2014 District Distrito 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Precinct Recinto 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3054 3056 3057 3058 3059 3061 3072 3097 3098 4036 4037 4038 4039 4040 4041 4043 4044 4046 4047 4048 4057 4058 4072 4107 4108 4109 4110 1083 1085 1088 1090 1091 1092 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 Location Ubicaci6n Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church F. D. Roosevelt High School F. D. Roosevelt High School The Way, The Truth & The light Christian Church The Way, The Truth & The Light Christian Church Oliver W. Holmes Middle School Good Street Baptist Church Christ for the Nations Institute Student Center John Neely Bryan Elementary School John Neely Bryan Elementary School W. W. Bushman Elementary School John W. Carpenter Elementary School Christ for the Nations Institute Student Center South Oak Cliff High School Clara Oliver Elementary School H.l. Holand Elementary School@ lisbon Fountain of living Word Church Elisha M. Pease Elementary School William Hawley Atwell Academy Mart< Twain Vanguard T. G. Terry Elementary School T. l. Marsalis Elementary School St. Luke Presbyterian Church New Tech High School@ A. Maceo Smith Tommie Allen Recreation Center Clara Oliver Elementary School H.I. Holand Elementary School@ lisbon The Union Church The Union Church Harrell Budd Elementary School Bexar Street Baptist Church Roger Q. Mills Elementary School Bexar Street Baptist Church The Union Church Clinton P. Russell Elementary School Clinton P. Russell Elementary School Boude Storey Middle School Clinton P. Russell Elementary School Kiest Recreation Center Kiest Recreation Center Dallas County Sub-Courthouse Harrell Budd Elementary School Bexar Street Baptist Church Boude Storey Middle School Boude Storey Middle School Colonial Baptist Church Urban Part< Elementary School Forester Field House San Jacinto Elementary School Annie Webb Blanton School Edward Titche Elementary School John Ireland Elementary School Nathaniel Hawthorne School Nathaniel Hawthorne School W. W. Samuell High School Fred F. Florence Middle School OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 9 Address Diracci6n 1403 Morrell Ave. 1403 Morrell Ave. 525 Bonnie View Dr. 525 Bonnie View Dr. 1702 Denley Dr. 1702 Denley Dr. 2001 E. Kiest 3110 Bonnie View Rd. 444 Fawn Ridge Dr. 2001 Deer Path Dr. 2001 Deer Path Dr. 4200 Bonnie View Rd. 2121 Tosca Ln. 444 Fawn Ridge Dr. 3601 S. Marsalis Ave. 4010 Idaho Ave. 4203 S. lancaster Rd. 2543 E. ledbetter Dr. 2914 Cummings St. 1303 Reynoldston St. 724 Green Cove ln. 6661 Greenspan Ave. 5640 S. Marsalis Ave. 5915 Singing Hills Dr. 3030 Stag Rd. 7071 Bonnie View Dr. 4010 Idaho Ave. 4203 S. Lancaster Rd. 3410 S. Polk St. 3410 S. Polk St. 2121 S. Marsalis Ave. 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. 1515 Lynn Haven 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. 3410 S. Polk St. 3031 S. Beckley 3031 S. Beckley 3000 Maryland Ave. 3031 s. Beckley 3080 Hampton Rd. 3080 Hampton Rd. 410 S. Beckley Ave. 2121 S. Marsalis Ave. 2018 S. Marsalis Ave. 3000 Maryland Ave. 3000 Maryland Ave. 6459 Scyene Rd. 6901 Military Pkwy. 8233 Military Pkwy. 7900 Hume Dr. 8915 Greenmound Ave. 9560 Highfield Dr. 1515 Jim MHier 7800 Umphress Rd. 7800 Umphress Rd. 8928 Palisade Dr. 1625 N. Masters City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip C6diao oostal 75216 75216 75203 75203 75216 75216 75216 75216 75224 75216 75216 75216 75224 75224 75216 75216 75216 75216 75216 75232 75232 75232 75241 75241 75241 75241 75216 75216 75224 75224 75216 75216 75216 75216 75224 75224 75224 75216 75224 75224 75224 75203 75216 75216 75216 75216 75227 75227 75227 75227 75227 75227 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de E/eccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dalles November 4, 2014 - 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Precinct Distrito 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Recinto 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1113 1135 3082 2000 2001 2012 2074 2076 4000 4001 4003 4004 4005 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4019 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4033 4060 4065 4076 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4094 4097 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Location Ubicacion Fred F. Florence Middle School E. B. Comstock Middle School Pleasant Grove Branch library B. H. Macon Elementary School B. H. Macon Elementary School William Anderson Elementary School William Anderson Elementary School Richard Lagow Elementary School Richard Lagow Elementary School H. Grady Spruce High School Fireside Drive Baptist Church Richard Lagow Elementary School Fireside Drive Baptist Church John Ireland Elementary School Fred F. Florence Middle School W. A. Blair Elementary School Webb Chapel United Methodist Church Thomas C. Marsh Middle School Walnut Hill Elementary School Valley Ranch Elementary School Webb Chapel United Methodist Church Caillet Elementary School Caillet Elementary School Marcus Recreation Center Marcus Recreation Center Park Forest Branch Library David G. Burnet Elementary School David G. Burnet Elementary School David G. Burnet Elementary School Stephen Foster Elementary School Stephen Foster Elementary School Stephen Foster Elementary School Stephen Foster Elementary School Arlington Park Recreation Center Arlington Park Recreation Center l. G. Pinkston High School Amelia Earhart Elementary School Eladio R. Martinez Learning Center Eladio R. Martinez Learning Center Amelia Earhart Elementary School L. G. Pinkston High School L. G. Pinkston High School C. F. Carr Elementary School Dallas Fire Station #1 Nancy Jane Cochran Elementary Arcadia Paril Elementary School Stevens Park Elementary School Eladio R. Martinez Learning Center Sidney Lanier Elementary School Sidney Lanier Elementary School Anita Martinez Recreation Center Anita Martinez Recreation Center Grauwyler Park Recreation Center Bachman Therapeutic Recreation Center Bachman Therapeutic Recreation Center Park Forest Branch Library David G. Burnet Elementary School OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD Address Direccion 1625 N. Masters 7044 Hodde St. 7310 Lake June Rd. 650 Holcomb Rd. 650 Holcomb Rd. 620 N. Sl Augustine 620 N. Sl Augustine 637 Edgeworth Dr. 637 Edgeworth Dr. 9733 Old Seagoville 8805 Fireside Or. 637 Edgeworth Dr. 8805 Fireside Dr. 1515 Jim Miller 1625 N. Masters n20Gayglen 2536 Valley View 3838 Crown Shore Dr. 10115 Midway Rd. 9800 Rodeo Dr. 2536 Valley View 3033 Merrell Rd. 3033 Merrell Rd. 3003 Northaven Rd. 3003 Northaven Rd. 3421 Forest Ln. 3200 Kinkaid Dr. 3200 Kinkaid Or. 3200 Kinkaid Dr. 3700 Clover Ln. 3700 Clover Ln. 3700 Clover Ln. 3700 Clover ln. 1505 Record Crossing 1505 Record Crossing 2200 Dennison 3531 N. Westmoreland 4500 Bernal Dr. 4500 Bernal Dr. 3531 N. Westmoreland 2200 Dennison 2200 Dennison 1952 Bayside 1901 Irving Blvd. 6000 Keeneland Pkwy. 1300 N. Justin Ave. 2615 W. Colorado Blvd. 4500 Bernal Dr. 1400 Walmsley Ave. 1400 Walmsley Ave. 3212 N. Winnetka Ave. 3212 N. Winnetka Ave. 7780 Harry Hines Blvd. 2750 Bachman Dr. 2750 Bachman Or. 3421 Forest Ln. 3200 Kinkaid Dr. 10 City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Fanne!S Branch Dallas Dallas Irving Fanners Branch Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip COdigo postal 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 75234 75244 75229 75063 75234 75229 75229 75229 75229 75234 75220 75220 75220 75220 75220 75220 75220 75235 75235 75212 75212 75212 75212 75212 75212 75212 75212 75207 75211 75211 75211 75212 75208 75208 75212 75212 75235 75220 75220 75234 75220 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Distrilo 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 Precinct Recinto 4098 4099 4101 4116 4117 4120 1063 1064 1065 1067 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1091 1092 1093 1100 1112 1113 1114 1119 1134 1303 3012 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3036 3040 3045 3072 3090 1100 1101 1108 1109 1111 LocaUon UbicsciOn Stephen Foster Elementary School Sudie Williams Elementary School Dallas Fire Station #1 Anita Martinez Recreation Center Arlington Park Recreation Center Bachman Therapeutic Recreation Center George W. Truett Elementary School George W. Truett Elementary School George W. Truett Elementary School Zack Motley Elementary School Bayles Elementary School S. S. Conner Elementary School S. S. Conner Elementary School Owenwood United Methodist Church Colonial Baptist Church Colonial Baptist Church Edna Rowe Elementary School Urban Park Elementary School Owenwood United Methodist Church Skyline High School Forester Field House Forester Field House Annie Webb Blanton School Edward Titche Elementary School Nueva Vida Life Assembly E. B. Comstock Middle School Junius Heights Baptist Church John Ireland Elementary School Owenwood United Methodist Church St. Luke Community United Methodist Church Forester Field House George W. Truett Elementary School Evangelist Temple Church Bill J. Priest Institute Martin Luther King Jr. Learning Center Park South YMCA James Madison High School Irma Rangel-Young Women's Leadership School Irma Rangel-Young Women's Leadership School Irma Rangel-Young Women's Leadership School James Madison High School Mt. Herob Baptist Church Mt. Herob Baptist Church St. Paul Baptist Church Lincoln Instructional Center Evangelist Temple Church Evangelist Temple Church F.D. Roosevelt High School Good Street Baptist Church Gethsemane Baptist Church Tommie Allen Recreation Center St. Edwards Catholic Church E. B. Comstock Middle School Pleasant Grove Branch Library H. Grady Spruce High School Fireside Drive Baptist Church Fireside Drive Baptist Church OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 11 Address Direcci6n 3700 Clover Ln. 4518 Pomona 1901 Irving Blvd. 3212 N. Winnetka Ave. 1505 Record Crossing 2750 Bachman Dr. 1811 Gross Rd. 1811 Gross Rd. 1811 Gross Rd. 3719 Moon Dr. 2444 Telegraph 3037 Greenmeadow 3037 Greenmeadow 1451 John West Rd. 6459 Scyene Rd. 6459 Scyene Rd. 4918 Hovenkamp 6901 Military Pkwy. 1451 John West Rd. 7777 Forney Rd. 8233 Military Pkwy. 8233 Military Pkwy. 8915 Greenmound Ave. 9560 Highfield Dr. 10747 Bruton Rd. 7044 Hodde St. 5429 Reiger Ave. 1515 Jim Miller 1451 John West Rd. 5710 E. R. L. Thornton 8233 Military Pkwy. 1811 Gross Rd. 2627 Dorris St. 1402 Corinth St. 1817 Warren Ave. 2500 Romine 3000 MLK Blvd. 1718 Robert B. Cullum Blvd. 1718 Robert B. Cullum Blvd. 1718 Robert B. Cullum Blvd. 3000 MLK Blvd. 3306 Carpenter Ave. 3306 Carpenter Ave. 1600 Pear St. 5000 Malcolm X Blvd. 2627 Donis St. 2627 Donis St. 525 Bonnie View Rd. 3110 Bonnie View Rd. 4600 Solar Ln. 7071 Bonnie View Rd. 4033 Elm St. 7044 Hodde St. 7310 Lake June Rd. 9733 Old Seagoville 8805 Fireside Dr. 8805 Fireside Dr. City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Mesquite Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip COdiCJO DOStal 75220 75209 75207 75212 75235 75220 75228 75228 75228 75150 75228 75228 75228 75228 75227 75227 75227 75227 75228 75227 75227 75227 75227 75227 75217 75217 75214 75217 75228 75223 75227 75228 75215 75215 75215 75215 75215 75210 75210 75210 75215 75215 75215 75215 75215 75215 75215 75203 75216 75216 75241 75226 75217 75217 75217 75217 75217 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014 - 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Distrito 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Precinct Recinto 1124 1136 3013 3014 3015 3030 3031 3053 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3079 3080 3082 3083' 3093 3099 1000 1045 1047 1048 1051 1052 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1068 1075 1078 1079 1082 1115 1116 1121 1125 1133 1137 Location Ubicaci6n Fireside Drive Baptist Church Richard Lagow Elementary School Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Thurgood Marshall Recreation Center R. l. Thornton Elementary School New Tech High School@ A. Maceo Smith J. N. Ervin Elementary School Ronald E. McNair Elementary School David W. Carter High School Umphrey Lee Elementary School Martin Weiss Elementary School David W. Carter High School Singing Hills Recreation Center Comerstone Temple Baptist Church Tommie Alten Recreation Center Highland Hills United Methodist Church Tommie Allen Recreation Center Tommie Allen Recreation Center David W. Carter High School Cornerstone Temple Baptist Church Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center W. A. Blair Elementary School Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Kleberg-Rylie Recreation Center Cornerstone Temple Baptist Church Dan D. Rogers Elementary School Highland Meadows Elementary School Martha T. Reilly Elementary Martha T. Reilly Elementary Alex Sanger Elementary School Lochwood Branch library Casa View Elementary School Casa View Elementary School Charles A. Gill Elementary School St. Pius X Church Parish Bryan Adams High School Reinhardt Elementary School Alex Sanger Elementary School W.H. Gaston Middle School Edwin J. Kiest Elementary School George W. Truett Elementary School Chartes A. Gill Elementary School Samuel! Grand Recreation Center Bayles Elementary School S. S. Conner Elementary School Colonial Baptist Church St. Pius X Church Parish Edwin J. Kiest Elementary School living Water Church of God living Water Church of God S. S. Conner Elementary School Edwin J. Kiest Elementary School OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD Address Direcci6n 8805 Fireside Dr. 637 Edgeworth Dr. 1515 Edd Rd. 1515 Edd Rd. 1515 Edd Rd. 1515 Edd Rd. 1515 Edd Rd. 5150 Mark Trail Way 6011 Old Ox Rd. 3030 Stag Rd. 3722 Black Oak Dr. 3150 Bainbridge Ave. 1819 W. Wheatland Rd. 7808 Racine Dr. 8601 Willoughby Blvd. 1819W. Wheatland Rd. 1909 Crouch Rd. 2817 Cherry Valley 7071 Bonnie View Rd. 3800 Simpson Stuart Rd. 7071 Bonnie View Rd. 7071 Bonnie View Rd. 1819 W. Wheatland Rd. 2817 Cherry Valley 1515 Edd Rd. 1515 Edd Rd. 7720 Gayglen 1515 Edd Rd. 1515 Edd Rd. 2817 Cherry Valley 5314 Abrams Rd. 8939 Whitewing Ln. 11230 Lippitt Ave. 11230 Lippitt Ave. 841 0 San Leandro Dr. 11221lochwood Blvd. 2100 N. Farola Dr. 2100 N. Farola Dr. 10910 Ferguson Rd. 3030 Gus Thomasson 2101 Millmar 10122 Losa Dr. 8410 San Leandro Dr. 9565 Mercer Dr. 2611 Healey Dr. 1811 Gross Rd. 10910 Ferguson Rd. 6220 E. Grand Ave. 2444 Telegraph 3037 Greenmeadow 6459 Scyene Rd. 3030 Gus Thomasson 2611 Healey Dr. 11110 Shiloh Rd. 11110 Shiloh Rd. 3037 Greenmeadow 2611 Healey Dr. 12 City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip C6digo postal 75217 75217 75253 75253 75253 75253 75253 75232 75241 75241 75241 75237 75232 75232 75232 75232 75241 75241 75241 75241 75241 75241 75232 75241 75253 75253 75217 75253 75253 75241 75214 75238 75218 75218 75218 75228 75228 75228 75228 75228 75228 75228 75218 75228 75228 75228 75228 75223 75228 75228 75227 75228 75228 75228 75228 75228 75228 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Precinct Location DistJito Recinto Ubicaci6n 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1300 2036 2040 2061 2062 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1049 1128 1129 1707 2020 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2066 1003 1008 1010 1029 1032 1033 1035 1036 1037 1127 2004 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Address Direcci6n Ed Vanston Middle School Skillman Southwest Branch Library St. Andrews Presbyterian Church lake Highlands Elementary School lake Highlands Jr. High Emeritus At lake Highlands Victor Hexter Elementary School White Rock Elementary School L. L. Hotchkiss Elementary School Dan D. Rogers Elementary School Ridgewood Recreation Center Northridge Presbyterian Church lakewood Elementary School Northridge Presbyterian Church Bath House Cultural Center Hamilton Park Pacesetter Forest Meadow Junior High School New Mount Zion Baptist Church Moss Haven Elementary School Moss Haven Elementary School Richland College Audelia Creek Elementary School Audelia Creek Elementary School Richland College A.M. Aikin Elementary School A.M. Aikin Elementary School Lake Highlands High School Dallas Fire Station #57 Dallas Fire Station #57 A. M. Aikin Elementary School Skyview Elementary School Merriman Park Elementary School Highland Meadows Elementary School Highland Meadows Elementary School Merriman Park Elementary School lake Highlands High School Highland Meadows Elementary School A.R. Davis Elementary School Arthur Kramer Elementary School lake Highlands High School Northlake Elementary School - Richardson lSD lake Highlands Elementary School Lake Highlands Junior High School Wallace Elementary School Emeritus at Lake Highlands White Rock Elementary School Hamilton Park Pacesetter Lee McShan Jr. Elementary School Lee McShan Jr. Elementary School Richland College Northwood Hills Elementary School Spring Valley Elementary School RISD Academy RISD Academy RISD Academy RISD Academy Nathan Adams Elementary School OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 13 3230 Karla 5707 Skillman St. 3204 Skillman St. 9501 Ferndale 10301 Walnut Hill ln. 9715 Plano Rd. 9720 Waterview St. 9229 Chiswell Rd. 6929 Town North Dr. 5314 Abrams Rd. 6818 Fisher Rd. 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 3000 Hillbrook St. 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 521 E. Lawther Dr. 8301 Towns St. 9373 Whitehurst 9530 Shepherd Rd. 9202 Moss Farms ln. 9202 Moss Farms Ln. 12800 Abrams Rd. 12600 Audelia Rd. 12600 Audelia Rd. 12800 Abrams Rd. 12300 Pleasant Valley 12300 Pleasant Valley 9449 Church Rd. 10801 Audelia Rd. 10801 Audelia Rd. 12300 Pleasant Valley 9229 Meadowknoll 7101 Winedale Dr. 8939 Whitewing Ln. 8939 Whitewing Ln. 7101 Winedale Dr. 9449 Church Rd. 8939 Whitewing ln. 1621 McCallum Dr. 7131 Midbury 9449 Church Rd. 10059 Raven sway 9501 Ferndale 10301 Walnut Hill Ln. 9921 Kirkhaven 9715 Plano Rd. 9229 Chiswell Rd. 8301 Towns St. 8307 Meadow Rd. 8307 Meadow Rd. 12800 Abrams Rd. 14532 Meandering Way 13535 Spring Grove Rd. 13630 Coit Rd. 13630 Coit Rd. 13630 Coit Rd. 13630 Coit Rd. 12600 Welch Rd. City Zip Ciudad C6digo postal Mesquite Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Garland Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75150 75206 75214 75238 75238 75238 75218 75238 75231 75214 75214 75214 75214 75214 75218 75243 75243 75243 75243 75243 75243 75243 75243 75243 75243 75243 75238 75238 75238 75243 75243 75231 75238 75238 75231 75238 75238 75042 75230 75238 75238 75238 75238 75238 75238 75238 75243 75231 75231 75243 75254 75240 75240 75240 75240 75240 75244 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso d& Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014-4 de noviembre de 2014 District Distrito 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Precinct Recinto 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2022 2023 2024 2041 2042 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2077 2079 2000 2001 2002 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2406 2902 All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Location Ubicaci6n Ewell D. Walker Middle School Unity Church of Dallas Unity Church of Dallas George B. Dealey Vanguard Arthur Kramer Elementary School George B. Dealey Vanguard Benjamin Franklin Middle School Benjamin Franklin Middle School Presbyterian Medical Office North Parkhill Junior High School Dallas Fire Station #7 Prestonwood Elementary School Prestonwood Elementary School Spring Creek Elementary-Richardson ISO Northwood Hills Elementary School Anne Frank Elementary School Anne Frank Elementary School Anne Frank Elementary School King of Glory Church Spring Valley Elementary School Park Central Baptist Church Ewell D. Walker Middle School Anne Frank Elementary School Frankford Town Homes (Denton County) Timberglen Recreation Center (Denton County} Dan F. Long Junior High School (Denton County) Presbyterian Medical Office North Parkhill Junior High School Brentfield Intermediate School Texas A&M Research and Extension Center Parkhill Junior High School James Bowie Elementary School - Richardson ISO James Bowie Elementary School • Richardson lSD Dallas Fire Station #7 Prestonwood Elementary School Prestonwood Elementary School Spring Creek Elementary - Richardson lSD Keller Springs Baptist Church Addison Fire Department Akin Elementary School Aldridge Elementary School Allen Municipal Courts Facility Armstrong Middle School Benton Staley Middle School Blue Ridge ISO Administration Building Bowman Middle School Brinker Elementary School Carpenter Middle School Carpenter Park Recreation Center Celina ISO Administration Building Christ the Servant Lutheran Church Christ United Methodist Church Clark High School - Plano Clark Middle School Collin College - Higher Education Center Collin College Central Park Campus Collin College Preston Ridge Campus OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 14 Address Direcci6n 12532 Nuestra Dr. 6525 Forest ln. 6525 Forest ln. 6501 Royal Ln. 7131 Midbury 6501 Royal Ln. 6920 Meadow Rd. 6920 Meadow Rd. 17110 Dallas Pkwy.- Ste. 120 16500 Shadybank Dr. 6010 Davenport 6525la Cosa 6525 La Cosa 7667 Round Rock 14532 Meandering Way 5201 Celestial Rd. 5201 Celestial Rd. 5201 Celestial Rd. 6411 LBJ Freeway 13535 Spring Grove Rd. 7777 LBJ Freeway 12532 Nuestra Dr. 5201 Celestial Rd. 18110 Marsh Ln. 3810 Timberglen Rd. 2525 Frankford Rd. 17110 Dallas Pkwy.· Ste. 120 16500 Shadyt>ank Or. 6767 Brentfield 17360 Coil Rd. 16500 Shadybank Dr. 7643 La Manga Dr. 7643 La Manga Dr. 6010 Davenport Rd. 6525 La Cosa 6525 La Cosa 7667 Round Rock 3227 Keller Springs Rd. 4798 Airport Pkwy. 11 00 Springwood 720 Pleasant Valley 301 Century Pkwy. 3805 Timberline 6927 Stadium Dr. 318 W. School St. 2501 Jupiter Rd. 3800 Clark Pkwy. 3905 Rainier Rd. 6701 Coit Rd. 205 S. Colorado 821 S. Greenville Ave. 3101 Coit Rd. 523 Spring Creek 4600 Colby Dr. 3452 Spur 399 2200 University 9700 Wade Blvd. City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Carrollton Addison Wylie Richardson Allen Plano Frisco Blue Ridge Plano Plano Plano Plano Celina Allen Plano Plano Frisco McKinney McKinney Frisco Zip C6digo postal 75230 75230 75230 75230 75230 75230 75230 75230 75248 75248 75248 75248 75248 75248 75254 75254 75254 75254 75240 75240 75240 75230 75254 75287 75287 75287 75248 75248 75248 75252 75248 75248 75248 75248 75248 75248 75248 75006 75001 75098 75080 75013 75074 75033 75424 75074 75093 75023 75024 75009 75002 75075 75023 75035 75069 75071 75035 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election -Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas • Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014 • 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Distrito Precinct 12 All All All All AU All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All AU All All All A It All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All 1000 1001 1002 1008 1009 1011 1012 1049 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Recinto Location Ubicaci6n Collin College Spring Creek Campus Collin County Elections Office Community lSD Technology and Conference Center Davis Library Dr. Pepper Star Center at Craig Ranch Eldorado Country Club First Baptist Church - Branch First Baptist Church Farmersville. Youth Building Ford Middle School Fowler Middle School Frisco Senior Center Haggar Elementary School Harrington Library Heritage High School Hunt Middle School John and Judy Gay Library John Q. Hammons Center· Courtyard Marriott Josephine City Hall lavon City Hall Liberty High School Lovejoy High School Lowry Crossing City Hall Lucas City Hall McKinney Fire Station #7 McKinney Senior Recreation Center Melissa City Hall Mitchell Elementary School Murphy City Hall Old Settlers Recreation Center Parker City Hall Parr Library Plano lSD Administration Center Plano Senior Center Princeton High School Prosper ISO Administration Renner-Frankford Library Royse City Lady Bulldog Gymnasium Ruth Dowell Middle School Seis Lagos Community Services Association Shepton High School Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church Smith Library Stonebridge United Methodist Church Suncreek United Methodist Church Texas Star Bank Toyota Stadium Weston Community Center Whitt Elementary School Woodcreek Church Dan D. Rogers Elementary School Dallas Fire Station #37 Vickery Baptist Church Lee McShan Jr. Elementary School Vickery Baptist Church Vickery Baptist Church Dallas Fire Station #37 Merriman Park Elementary School OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA C/UDAD 15 Address Direcci6n 2800 Spring Creek Pkwy. 2010 Redbud Blvd .• Ste. 102 615 FM 1138 7501 Independence Pkwy. 6993 Stars Ave. 2604 Country Club Dr. 7011 FM 546 201 Fannersville Pkwy. 630 Park Place Dr. 3801 McDennott Rd. 6670 Moore St. 17820 Campbell Rd. 1501 18th St. 14040 Eldorado Pkwy. 4900 Legendary Dr. 6861 W. Eldorado Pkwy. 210 East Stacy Rd. 108 West Hubbard 120 School Rd. 15250 Rolater Rd. 2350 Estates Pkwy. 1405 S. Bridgefarmer Rd. 665 Country Club Rd. 861 lndapendene Pkwy. 1400 S. College 3411 Bar1<er Ave. 4223 Briargrove 206 N. Murphy Rd. 1201 E. Louisiana 5700 E. Parker Rd. 6200 Windhaven Pkwy. 2700 W. 15th St. 401 W. 16th St. 1000 E. Princeton Dr. 605 E. Seventh St. 6400 Frankford Rd. 1412 FM 1777 301 Ridge Rd. 222 Seis Lagos Trail 5505 Plano Pkwy. 1310 Avenue "I'' 300 Country Club Rd. 1800 S. Stonebridge Dr. 1517 W. McDermott Dr. 402 w. White St. 9200 World Cup Way 117Main St. 7520 Woodcreek Way 3400 E. Renner Rd. 5314 Abrams Rd. 6742 Greenville Ave. 5814 Ridgecrest Rd. 8307 Meadow Rd. 5814 Ridgecrest Rd. 5814 Ridgecrest Rd. 6742 Greenville Ave. 7101 Winedale Dr. City Ciudad Plano McKinney Nevada Plano McKinney McKinney Princeton Farmersville Allen Plano Frisco Dallas Plano Frisco Frisco McKinney Allen Josephine Lavon Frisco Lucas Lowry Crossing Lucas McKinney McKinney Melissa Dallas Murphy McKinney Parker Plano Plano Plano Princeton Prosper Dallas Royse City McKinney Wylie Plano Plano Wylie McKinney Allen Anna Frisco Weston Sachse Richardson Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip C6diao ()OStal 75074 75069 75173 75025 75070 75070 75407 75442 75002 75025 75034 75252 75074 75035 75034 75070 75002 75173 75166 75035 75002 75069 75002 75070 75069 75454 75287 75094 75069 75002 75093 75075 75075 75407 75078 75252 75189 75070 75098 75093 75074 75098 75070 75013 75409 75033 75097 75048 75082 75214 75231 75231 75231 75231 75231 75231 75231 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election ·Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Distrito 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Precinct Recinto 1126 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013 2014 2015 2018 2021 2022 2023 2025 2026 2027 2029 2030 2031 2033 2034 2077 2200 2220 2221 2222 2223 2226 4001 4002 4003 4004 4006 4007 4014 4018 4092 4094 4095 4096 4099 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 Lcx:atfon Ubicacion Vickery Baptist Church Thomas C. Marsh Middle School W.T. White High School Nathan Adams Elementary School Degolyer Elementary School Harry C. Withers Elementary School John Calvin Presbyterian Church John J. Pershing Elementary School L. G. Cigarroa Elementary School Edward Cary Middle School Walnut Hill Elementary School Lovers Lane United Methodist Church lovers Lane United Methodist Church Ewell D. Walker Middle School Northaven United Methodist Church Preston Hollow United Methodist Church George B. Dealey Vanguard Benjamin Franklin Middle School Hillcrest High School Hillcrest High School Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Westminster Presbyterian Church Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Village Country Club Village Country Club Henry W. Longfellow Middle School Ewell D. Walker Middle School John S. Bradfield Elementary School RobertS. Hyer Elementary School Robert S. Hyer Elementary School University Park School West - Gym University Park School West - Gym Preston Road Church of Christ Camet Elementary School Caillet Elementary School Marcus Recreation Center Marcus Recreation Center Degolyer Elementary School David G. Burnet Elementary School Sudie Williams Elementary School Maple Lawn Elementary School David G. Burnet Elementary School Park Forest Branch Library Degolyer Elementary School Degolyer Elementary School Sudie Williams Elementary School North Dallas High School Multiple Careers Magnet Center Multiple Careers Magnet Center Robert E. Lee Elementary School - Dallas ISO Robert E. Lee Elementary School - Dallas lSD Ben Milam Elementary School - Dallas lSD Dallas Fire Station #17 Ben Milam Elementary School - Dallas ISO Oaklawn Branch Library Oaklawn Branch library The Father's Church OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 16 Address Direccion 5814 Ridgecrest Rd. 3838 Crown Shore 4505 Ridgeside 12600 Welch Rd. 3453 Flair Dr. 3959 Northaven Rd. 4151 Royal Ln. 5715 Meaders Ln. 9990 Webb Chapel Rd. 3978 Killion Dr. 10115 Midway Rd. 9200 Inwood Rd. 9200 Inwood Rd. 12532 Nuestra Dr. 11211 Preston Rd. 6315 Walnut Hill 6501 Royal ln. 6920 Meadow Rd. 9924 Hillcrest 9924 Hillcrest 7611 Park Ln. 8200 Devonshire Dr. 7611 Park Ln. 8308 Southwestern 8308 Southwestern 5314Soaz 12532 Nuestra Dr. 4300 Southern Ave. 3920 Caruth Blvd. 3920 Caruth Blvd. 3505 Amherst 3505 Amherst 6409 Preston Rd. 3033 Merrell Rd. 3033 Merrell Rd. 3003 Northaven Rd. 3003 Northaven Rd. 3453 Flair Dr. 3200 Kinkaid Dr. 4518 Pomona 3120 Inwood Rd. 3200 Kinkaid Dr. 3421 Forest Ln. 3453 Flair Dr. 3453 Flair Dr. 4518 Pomona 3120 N. Haskell Ave. 4528 Rusk Ave. 4528 Rusk Ave. 2911 Delmar Ave. 2911 Delmar Ave. 4200 McKinney Ave. 6045 Belmont 4200 McKinney Ave. 4100 Cedar Springs Rd. 4100 Cedar Springs Rd. 2707 Abrams Rd. City Ciudad Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Zip COdiao DOstal 75231 75244 75244 75244 75229 75229 75229 75229 75220 75229 75229 75220 75220 75230 75230 75230 75230 75230 75230 75230 75225 75209 75225 75206 75206 75209 75230 75205 75225 75225 75205 75205 75205 75229 75229 75229 75229 75229 75220 75209 75235 75220 75234 75229 75229 75209 75204 75204 75204 75206 75206 75205 75206 75205 75219 75219 75214 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election • Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas • Ciudad d8 Dallas November 4, 2014 • 4 de noviembre de 2014 District Precinct Location Address City Zip Distrito Recinto UbicaciOn Direcci6n Ciudad C6diao /XJstaf 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 1050 1071 1073 1075 1076 1117 1118 1120 1131 2030 2031 2032 2033 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2068 2069 2070 2071 2201 2202 2203 2223 2224 3000 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3081 3086 3089 4021 4032 4102 4106 Eduardo Mata Elementary School Lakewood Branch Library Junius Heights Baptist Church Samuell Grand Recreation Center Eduardo Mata Elementary School North Dallas High School J. W. Ray Elementary School Robert E. Lee Elementary School- Dallas lSD Graoe United Methodist Church Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Village Country Club Village Country Club Village Country Club Stonewall Jackson Elementary School Skillman Southwest Branch Library Highland Park Department of Public Safety Unity Church of Christianity Robert E. Lee Elementary School- Dallas ISO St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Dan D. Rogers Elementary School Ridgewood Recreation Center Northridge Presbyterian Church Lakewood Elementary School JohnS. Bradfield Elementary School John S. Annstrong Elementary School Highland Park Department of Public Safety University Park School West • Gym Highland Park Middle School William B. Travis Vanguard Reverchon Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center Dallas County Courthouse ~Allen Exall Park Recreation Center Exall Park Recreation Center St. Edwards Catholic Church Reverchon Recreation Center William B. Travis Vanguard Reverchon Recreation Center Bethany Presbyterian Church Reverchon Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center Reverchon Recreation Center 7420 La Vista 6121 Worth St. 5429 Reiger Ave. 6220 E. Grand Ave. 7420 La Vista 3120 N. Haskell Ave. 2211 Caddo St. 2911 Delmar Ave. 4105 Junius St. 7611 Park Ln. 8308 Southwestern 8308 Southwestern 8308 Southwestern 5828 Mockingbird Ln. 5707 Skillman St. 4700 Drexel Dr. 3425 Greenville Ave. 2911 Delmar Ave. 3204 Skillman St. 5314 Abrams Rd. 6818 Fisher Rd. 6920 Bob-O-Link Dr. 3000 Hill brook St. 4300 Southern Ave. 3600 Cornell Ave. 4700 Drexel Dr. 3505 Amherst 3555 Granada 3001 McKinney 3505 Maple Ave. 3505 Maple Ave. 600 Commerce 1355 Adair St. 1355 Adair St. 4033 Elm St. 3505 Maple Ave. 3001 McKinney 3505 Maple Ave. 4523 Cedar Springs 3505 Maple Ave. 3505 Maple Ave. 3505 Maple Ave. Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas 75214 75214 75214 75223 75214 75204 75204 75206 75246 75225 75206 75206 75206 75206 75206 75205 75206 75206 75214 75214 75214 75214 75214 75205 75205 75205 75205 75205 75204 75219 75219 75202 75204 75204 75226 75219 75204 75219 75219 75219 75219 75219 EARLY VOTING Early voting by personal appearance for the November 4, 2014 City of Dallas special election will be conducted at the early voting locations listed below. Any qualified voter of the City of Dallas may vote early by personal appearanoe at any of the listed locations. Early voting locations are subject to change. The most current list of voting locations is available in the City Secretary's Office, and the status of a particular location may be checked by caning the City Secretary at (214) 670-3738 or accessing the City Secretary's website at htto:/lwww.ci.dallas.tx.us/cso/elections.Mml. Dates and times locations will be open for early voting are as follows, unless otheiWise indicated: VOTACION ANTICIPADA La votaci6n anticipada por comparencia personal para Ia elecci6n especial de Ia Ciudsd de Dallas del 4 de noviembre de 2014 se af&ctuar8 en lo.s lugares para votaci6n anticipada enumerados a continuaci6n. Todo votante callficado de Ia Ciudad de Dallas pued& voter anticipadamente por comparencia personal an cuafquiera de los sitios indk;ados. Los lugares de votaci6n anticipada est~n sujetos a cambio. La fists mas sctualizada de los /ugares de votaci6n sa puede obtener en. Ia Oficina de Ia Secretaria de Ia Ciudad, y e/ estatus de un Iugar determinado s& pu&de verificar 1/amando a Ia secrefaria d8 Ia ciudad a/ (214) 670-3738 o l'!flresando a Ia pllgina web de Ia Secretaria d8 Ia Ciud8d en http:llwww.ci.dallas.tx.uslcsolelgctions.htmf. Las fechas y horas en que estaran abiertos los /ugares para Ia votaci6n anticipada son como se indica abajo, a menos que se indeque lo contrario: OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFfCINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CfUDAD 17 DALtAS,TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas • Ciudad de Dalles November 4, 2014 • 4 de noviembre de 2014 DATES AND TIMES OF EARLY VOTING - FECHAS Y HORARIOS DE VOTACION ADELANTADA 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. October 20 -October 24 (Monday through Friday) 20 de octubre - 24 de octubre (lunes a viemes) October 25 (Saturday} 25 de octubre (s8bado) October 26 (Sunday) 26 de octubre (domingo) October 27 -October 31 (Monday through Friday) 27 de octubre -31 de octubre (lunes a viemes) 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. 1 p.m.- 6 p.m. 7 a.m. -7 p.m. EARLY VOTING LOCATIONS- LUGARES DE VOTAC/ON ADELANTADA DALLAS COUNTY- CONDADO DE DALLAS Location Ubiceci6n BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH {Replaces Lake Highland North Rec. Center) Address Direcci6n City Ciudsd Zip C6digo DOStal 10101 WALNUT HILL LN. DALLAS 75238 6906 CHURCHILL WAY DALLAS 75230 4125 W. CLARENDON 1100 N. CARRIER PKWY. 211 E. PLEASANT RUN RD. 201 JAMES COLLINS DALLAS GRAND PRAIRIE DESOTO DUNCANVILLE 75211 75050 75115 75116 802 S. BUCKNER BLVD. DALLAS 75217 El CENTRO COLLEGE-WEST CAMPUS (Replaces Dallas West library) 3330 N. HAMPTON RD. DALLAS 75212 GRAUWYLER PARK RECREATION CENTER IRVING CITY HALL J. ERIK JONSSON LIBRARY JOSEY RANCH LIBRARY LAKESIDE ACTIVITY CENTER LANCASTER VET. MEMORIAL LIBRARY LOCHWOOD LIBRARY MARSH LANE BAPTIST CHURCH MARTIN LUTHER KING CORE BUILDING MARTIN WEISS RECREATION CENTER MOUNTAIN CREEK LIBRARY OAK CLIFF SUB COURTHOUSE OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH RECORDS BUILDING (Main Location) RICHARDSON CIVIC CENTER 7780 HARRY HINES BLVD. 825 W. IRVING BLVD. 1515 YOUNG ST. 1700 KELLER SPRINGS 101 HOLLEY PARK DR. 1600 VETERANS MEMORIAL PKWY. 11221 LOCHWOOD BLVD. 10716 MARSH LN. 2922 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. BLVD. 1111 MARTINDELLAVE. 6102 MOUNTAIN CREEK 410 S. BECKLEY 7611 PARK LN. 509MAIN ST. 411 W. ARAPAHO RD. DALLAS IRVING DALLAS CARROLLTON MESQUITE LANCASTER DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS RICHARDSON 75235 75060 75201 75006 75149 75134 75218 75229 75215 75211 75249 75203 75225 75202 75080 RICHLAND COLLEGE - GARLAND CAMPUS (Replaces Garland City Hall) 675 W. WALNUT ST. GARLAND 75040 4004 MAIN ST. 3901 MILES RD. ROWLETI SACHSE 75088 75048 6200 EAST GRAND AVE. DALLAS 75223 127 COLLINS RD. 401 CIMARRON TRAIL SUNNYVALE IRVING 75182 75063 4500 S. LANCASTER DALLAS 75216 CHURCHILL RECREATION CENTER (Replaces Fretz Park Library} COCKREll HILL CITY HALL CROSSWINDS HIGH SCHOOL DESOTO TOWN CENTER LIBRARY DUNCANVILLE LIBRARY EASTFIELD COLLEGE-PLEASANT GROVE CAMPUS (Replaces Prairie Creek Library) ROWLETI CITY HALL ANNEX SACHSE HIGH SCHOOL SAMUELL GRAND RECREATION CENTER (Replaces St. Luke Community Life Center) SUNNYVALE TOWN HALL VALLEY RANCH LIBRARY VETERANS ADMIN. MEDICAL CENTER (Replaces Paul L. Dunbar Lancaster-Kiest Library) OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA C/UDAD 18 DALLAS. TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de E.leccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014 - 4 de noviambre de 2014 COLLIN COUNTY- CONDADO DE COLLIN Location Ubicacion ALLEN MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY CARPENTER PARK RECREATION CENTER CELINA lSD ADMINISTRATION BLDG. CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH COLLIN COLLEGE - CENTRAL PARK CAMPUS COLLIN COLLEGE - PRESTON RIDGE CAMPUS COLLIN COLLEGE -SPRING CREEK CAMPUS COLLIN COLLEGE- HIGHER EDUCATION CENTER COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS (Main Location} FRISCO SENIOR CENTER HAGGARD LIBRARY HARRINGTON LIBRARY JOHN AND JUDY GAY LIBRARY LAVON CITY HALL LOVEJOY lSD ADMINISTRATION BLDG. MARIBELLE DAVIS LIBRARY MCKINNEY FIRE STATION #7 MURPHY CITY HALL OLD SEntERS RECREATION CENTER PARKER CITY HALL PARR LIBRARY PLANO ISO ADMINISTRATION CENTER PRINCETON CITY HALL PROSPER MUNICIPAL CHAMBERS RENNER-FRANKFORD LIBRARY WYLIE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX LIBRARY Address Direcci6n 301 CENTURY PKWY. 6701 COlT RD. 205 S. COLORADO ST. 3101 COlT RD. 2200 W. UNIVERSITY DR. 9700 WADE BLVD. 2800 E. SPRING CREEK PKWY. 3452 SPUR 399 2010 REDBUD BLVD., STE. 102 6670 MOORE ST. 2501 COlT RD. 1501 18TH ST. 6861 W. ELDORADO PKWY. 120SCHOOLRD. 259 COUNTRY CLUB 7501 INDEPENDENCE PKWY. 861 S.INDEPENDENCE PKWY. 206 N. MURPHY RD. 1201 E. LOUISIANA ST. 5700 E. PARKER RD. 6200 WINDHAVEN PKWY. 2700W. 15TH ST. 123 W. PRINCETON DR. 108W. BROADWAY ST. 6400 FRANKFORD RD. 300 COUNTRY CLUB RD. City Ciudsd Zip COdigo nostsl 75013 75024 75009 75075 75071 75035 75074 75069 75069 75034 75075 75074 75070 75166 75002 75025 75070 75094 75069 75002 75093 75075 75407 75078 75252 75098 ALLEN PLANO CELINA PLANO MCKINNEY FRISCO PLANO MCKINNEY MCKINNEY FRISCO PLANO PLANO MCKINNEY LAVON ALLEN PLANO MCKINNEY MURPHY MCKINNEY PARKER PLANO PLANO PRINCETON PROSPER DALLAS WYLIE DATES AND TIMES FOR TEMPORARY BRANCH EARLY VOTING SITES IN COLLIN COUNTY FECHAS Y HORARIOS DE SIT/OS TEMPORALES DE VOTACION ANTICIPADA EN EL CONDADO DE COLLIN Loc:atlons and Dates Ubicaci6nes y Fechas • FARMERSVILLE CITY HALL. 205 S. MAIN ST., FARMERSVILLE, TEXAS 75442 • JOSEPHINE CITY HALL, 108 HUBBARD RD.• JOSEPHINE. TEXAS 75164 October 20- October 24 (Monday through Friday) 20 de octubre - 24 de octubra (lunas s viemes) Times Horarios 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. • LUCAS CITY HALL. 665 COUNTRY CLUB RD., LUCAS. TEXAS 75002 • TEXAS STAR BANK. 402 W. WHITE ST., ANNA, TEXAS 75409 October 27- October 31 (Monday through Friday) 27 de octubre - 31 de octubre (lunes a viemas) 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Important Note: Eligible Collin County registered voters (with an effective date of registration on or before November 4, 2014) may vote above early voting locations. at~ of the Notelmportante: Condado de Collin alagibles votsntes registrados (con feche efectiva de registracios en o antes de/4 de Noviembre de 2014) pueden votsr en cualquiera de los sitios de voteci6n anticipada indicado srriba. OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARfA DE LA CIUDAD 19 DAlLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 DENTON COUNTY- CONDADO DE DENTON Location Address City Zip Ubicaci6n Direcci6n Ciudad C6dioo DOStal ARGYLE TOWN HALL CARROLLTON PUBLIC LIBRARY CORINTH CITY HALL 308 DENTON ST. 4220 N. JOSEY LN. 3300 CORINTH PKWY. ARGYLE CARROLLTON CORINTH 76226 75010 76208 DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE (Main Location) 701 KIMBERLY DR. DENTON 76208 DOUBLE OAK TOWN HALL FLOWER MOUND POLICE AND MUNICIPAL COURT BUILDING FRISCO FIRE STATION #7 HIGHLAND VILLAGE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX JUSTIN MUNICIPAL COMPLEX KRUM ISO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING LAKE DALLAS CITY HALL LEWISVILLE MUNICIPAL ANNEX LITTLE ELM RECREATION CENTER PILOT POINT SENIOR CENTER STEVEN E. COPELAND GOVERNMENT CENTER THE COLONY GOVERNMENT CENTER TIMBERGLEN RECREATION CENTER 320 WAKETON RD. 4150 KIRKPATRICK LN. 330 W. STONEBROOK PKWY. 1000 HIGHLAND VILLAGE RD. 415 N. COLLEGE 1200 BOBCAT BLVD. 212MAINST. 1197 W. MAIN ST. 303MAIN ST. 310 S. WASHINGTON ST. 1400 FM 424 6301 MAIN ST. 3810 TIMBERGLEN RD. DOUBLE OAK FLOWER MOUND FRISCO HIGHLAND VILLAGE JUSTIN KRUM LAKE DALLAS LEWISVILLE LITTLE ELM PILOT POINT AUBREY THE COLONY DALLAS 75077 75028 75034 75077 76247 76249 75065 75067 75068 76258 76227 75056 75287 DATES AND TIMES FOR TEMPORARY VOTING LOCATIONS IN DENTON COUNTY FECHA Y HORA DE LUGARES TEMPORALES DE VOTACION EN EL CONDADO DE DENTON Locations and Dates Times Ubicaci6nes v Fechas Hor8rios • SANGER CHURCH OF CHRIST, 400 N. LOCUST ST.• SANGER, TEXAS 76266 October 20- October 24 (Monday through Friday) 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 20 de octubre - 24 de octubre (Junes a viemes) October 25 (Saturday) 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 25 de octubre (sabado) October 27- October 28 (Monday and Tuesday) 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 27 de octubre - 28 de octubre (tunes y martes) October 29 (Wednesday) 25 de octubre (miercofes) October 30- October 31 (Thursday and Friday) 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 30 de octubre - 31 de octubre (jueves y viemes) • SVORE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 100 MUNICIPAL DR.. TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS 76262 October 20- October 24 (Monday through Friday) 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 20 de octubre - 24 de octubre (tunes a viemes) October 25 (Saturday) 25 de octubre (stJbedo) 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. October 27 ·October 31 (Monday through Friday) 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 27 de octubre - 31 de octubre (tunes a viemes) • DENTON CIVIC CENTER, 321 E. MCKINNEY ST., DENTON, TEXAS 76201 October 20 - October 23 (Monday through Thursday) 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 20 de octubre - 23 de octubre (Junes 8 jueves) October 26 (Sunday) 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 26 de octubre (domingo) October 27- October 31 (Monday through Friday) 27 de octubre - 31 de octubre (tunes a viemes) 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. • SYCAMORE HALL, 307 S. AVENUE B, DENTON , TEXAS 76201 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. October 27- October 31 (Monday through Friclay) 27 de octubre -31 de octubre {tunes 8 viemes) OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 20 DALLAS, TEXAS Notice of Election - Aviso de Eleccion City of Dallas - Ciudad de Dallas November 4, 2014- 4 de noviembre de 2014 RECORD OF POSTING NOTICE OF ELECTION (AVISO DE LA ELECCI6N, NOTIFICACION DE PUBLICACION) I, the undersigned, do hereby state that the Notice of Election for the City of Dallas Election on November 4, 2014, was posted on the following dates and locations: Yo, e/ infrascrito, indica por este medio que el aviso de Ia elecci6n para Ia Ciudad de Dallas £/ecci6n e/4 de noviembre de 2014 fue fijado las fechas y las localidades siguientes: Date of Posting Fecha de Ia H aci6n October 10, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) October 10, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) Location of Posting localizaci6n de Ia Fraci6n City Hall, 1500 Marilla Street, 75201 (PCT 3008) S1gnature of Person Posting Notice La firma de Nota de Anuncio de Persona Date of Posting (Fecha de Ia Fijaci6n) October 13, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) Location of Posting (Localizaci6n de Ia Fijaci6n) Dallas County Sub-Courthouse, 410 S. Beckley, 75203 (PCT 4071) October 13, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) North Dallas Government Center, 10056 Marsh Lane, 75229 (PCT 2010) October 13, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) East Dallas Government Center, 3443 St. Francis, 75228 (PCT 1086) October 13, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) MLK JR Community Center, 2922 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, 75215 (PCT 3019) October 13, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) West Dallas Multi-Purpose Center, 2828 Fishtrap, 75217 (PCT 4029) October 13, 2014 (8 de octubre 2014) Fretz Park Branch Library, 6990 Belt Line Road, 75254 (PCT 2052) Signature of Person Posting Notice La firma de Nota de Anuncio de Persona OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY OFICINA DE LA SECRETARIA DE LA CIUDAD 21 DALLAS, TEXAS
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