LASER-COM COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Andrew CHURCH #: 913008 CONTACT PERSON: Lucí Santos PHONE #: (626) 792-4183 FAX/MODEM#: (626) 792-4456 CELEBRATING 125 YEARS 1886-2011 Honor, Celebrate, Embrace Fifth Sunday of Easter May 22, 2011 Most Reverend Bishop Oscar Solis to Celebrate Gospel Mass MASS SCHEDULE In English Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sundays: 8:00 AM, 9:30,12:30 PM, 5:00 Monday-Saturday: 8:15 AM En Español Domingos: 6:30 AM, 11:00, 2:00 PM Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes: 5:30 PM PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul Sustayta, Pastor ..... (626) 204-2104 Rev. Oliver Ortega, Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus, Rev. Msgr. Tobias English General Number ..................... (626) 792-4183 Carol Clark, Pastoral Assistant ................. 109 Bookkeeper .................................................. 103 Esther Luna, Assistant to the Pastor....... 104 Lucí Santos, Administrative Secretary..... 101 Pastoral Care ............................................... 200 Teresa Minera, Confirmation ................... 203 José Chavez, Youth Ministry .................... 204 Juan Gomez, Fuente de Vida ................... 205 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. Alicia Hernández, CVD, Director ..... 201 Lorena García, Assistant ........................... 202 The celebration continues! All are invited to join us when the Most Reverend Bishop Oscar Solis comes to St. Andrew to celebrate a very special Gospel Mass on Sunday, June 12, at 5:00 p.m.. This event is sponsored by the African-American Ministry in keeping with our 125th Anniversary themes Honor, Celebrate, Embrace. As a parish, we are blessed to be enriched by a diversity of cultures which give life to our faith community. Come and be inspired by this spirit-filled celebration. Para esta información en español, favor de leer la página 8. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Sr. Daleen Larkin, SNJM……(626) 796-7697 Fax…………………………..(626)796-1931 CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays/Sábados: 3:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Baptisms are held once a month. Applications can be picked up at the Pastoral Center. Una vez al mes. Las aplicaciones se completan en el Centro Pastoral. PASTORAL CENTER 140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 CHURCH 311 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103 Please visit for more information about our parish. St. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” -John 14:6 Online Giving ANNOUNCEMENTS What are the benefits for me in using Online Giving: ♦ Saturday and Sunday, May 28 & 29, Second Collection for Archdiocesan Retired Priests. Parishioner Benefits ♦ Saturday and Sunday, May 28 & 29, Diamond Celebration. ♦ Pastoral Center closed Monday, May 30, Memorial Day. ♦ Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, no 5:30 p.m. Mass. ♦ Sunday, June 12, Gospel Mass, 5:00 p.m., with Bishop Oscar Solis, Celebrant. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ No need for checks and allows for better year-end record keeping for tax purposes. Financial planning allows you to align your paychecks with your parish offertory schedule Allows you to give even if you are unable to attend parish services. Contribution amount is easily adjusted. Credit card option allows you to take advantage of any benefits such as airline mileage or cash bonuses. No need to share confidential account with parish staff; enter if directly into Online Giving secure site. TOGETHER IN MISSION-2011 UPDATE Parish Goal: Amount Pledged: Amount Needed to Reach Goal: $ 78,357.55 $(62,757.00) $ 15,600.55 Amount Received on Pledges: Amount from 2nd Collection: Total Collected: $ 28,392.65 $ 1,765.00 $ 30,157.65 Cash Needed to Reach Goal: $ 48,199.90 WELCOME! Welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents, visitors or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you! If you are not a registered member of our parish, have a new address, or would like to have your name removed, please fill out this form, place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Thank you. You may also register on our website at Name: Phone Number: Address: Email: Yes, please send me envelopes 2 New Address/New Number Moving-Remove from list FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 22, 2011 125th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT SERIES An elegant summer evening out Thank you Fr. Oliver! Saturday, July 23, 7:30p.m. Mariachi Sol de Mexico in concert at St. Andrew Church followed by Dinner catered by Abel Ramirez of El Portal Tickets are on sale after all Masses and at the Pastoral Center. $60 General seating including dinner. $100 Premier seating including VIP reception at 6:30 p.m. before the concert in the Piazza, dinner afterward. Proceeds benefit St. Andrew Parish Honor Celebrate Embrace Please Pray for these Parish Members who are Sick Por favor Ore por los Enfermos de nuestra Parroquia Teresa Sandoval Aida Montes Andres Laguna Daniel Lim Libertine Morales Rosemarie Ybarra Joanne Dixon Rosita Quintero Terry Lanni Keva Di Lorenzo Raul Espinosa Aurelia Salazar Sonny Bernanbe Presentacion Longadin Gloria Vallarta Mercedes Sifoa Blanca Parades Manuel Martinez Theresa A. Gonzalez Cindy Ethridge Angel Gallegos Alicia Alcala Delgado Jessie Mantan Majia Millad Iris Concheta Virginia Millan Manuel Gamero Luz Hidalgo Nancy VonDrasek Baby Michael Vanis Clea Reilly Melissa Guzman Alicia O. Dilig Warren Altounian Quentin Austria Mayzina Guerrero Joseph Guerra Maria Lee Tucker Carli Cruz And for the Faithful Departed Y por los Fieles Difuntos Ulysis Alfonso Alfredo & Lupe Paiz Elda Aviles Vicente Lambaren Julia Preda. Cecilia de la Torre Josefina Silva Jose & Isabel Carrillo Guadalupe Vallejo Martínez Felipe Colan-Gomez Fr. Oliver’s two-year assignment to St. Andrew Parish will end in June. We would like to extend our thanks to him for all he has done for us. A special reception for him has been scheduled for Sunday, June 19. Thank you Fr. Oliver and God bless you in your new assignment at St. Patrick’s Parish in North Hollywood!! Welcome to Fr. Jose Corral, S..J. Fr. Jose Corral of the Society of Jesus has been assigned to St. Andrew Parish as our new Associate Pastor. His appointment is effective July 1st. Fr. Corral has served in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Archdiocese of Boston for several years. He is a native of Spain. Noel & Federico Jacquez Mercedes Basulto Jinx Maes Rafael & Antonio Cruz Joseph Bima 3 St. ANDREW CHURCH, OLD PASADENA HEAVEN “The goal of religion is not to get us into heaven— but to get heaven into us.” -Anonymous Pastoral Care If you have a loved one at home or in a hospital who needs to receive the sacraments of Confession, Holy Communion or Anointing, please call the Pastoral Center at (626) 792-4183. DID YOU KNOW? KNOW THE ‘PARENT WARNING CODES’ Text messaging is an increasingly integral part of the way young people communicate with their friends. But like other forms of communication, it can expose children to outside threats and unwanted contacts, even from sexual predators. That’s why it is important for parents to monitor their child’s use of text messaging. Young people are aware of their parents’ supervision and have developed text codes in response. These parent warning codes are codes that kids use to let whomever they are talking to know that it is not safe to talk. If you see these codes, you should instantly be suspicious. For example, “MOS” means “Mom over shoulder,” and “PIR” means “Parent in room.” A helpful tutorial for parents is located at Type: “How to understand your kids’ text messages” in the search box. For further help, please call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650, or Carol Clark of Saint Andrew Parish at (626) 792-4183, Ext. 109. PEACE AND JUSTICE The works of mercy call Christians to engage themselves in direct efforts to alleviate the misery of the afflicted. The works of justice require that Christians involve themselves in sustained struggle to correct any unjust social, political, and economic structures and institutions that are the causes of suffering." Health and Health Care: A Pastoral Letter of the American Catholic Bishops ST. ANDREW SCHOOL NEWS We welcome all those interested in issues of justice and peace to join us this Wednesday, May 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center for the next St. Andrew Social Justice Ministry meeting. For more information, please call (626) 817-3149. Please join us! 4 Saint Andrew School —May 2011 Highlights ♦ May 26, Grandparents & Special Friends Day Saint Andrew School Graduation Mass Please join us for Saint Andrew School Class of 2011 Graduation Mass which will be held on Sunday, May 29, at 9:30 a.m. St. Andrew School Announces New Website: 2011-2012 Enrollment Applications Are Available Now To find our more about the outstanding Elementary School Program offered at Saint Andrew School, please visit us at our new website at To reserve your place on a school tour, please call the school office at (626) 796-7697. Enrollment applications are available anytime on our new website or during school hours from the school office. QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUAMAYO 22, 2011 “Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida. Nadie va al Padre si no es por mi”. -Juan 14:6 ANUNCIOS ¡GRACIAS ♦ Sábado y domingo, 28 y 29 de mayo, segunda colecta para los Sacerdotes Retirados de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. ♦ Sábado y domingo, 28 y 29 de mayo, celebración de Diamante. ♦ Memorial Day, día de recuerdo, no habrá Misa de 5:30 p.m. ♦ El Centro Pastoral estará cerrado el lunes, 30 de mayo en honor a Memorial Day. ♦ Domingo, 12 de junio, Misa Góspel, 5:00 p.m. con el Obispo Oscar Solís. ♦ Concierto de mariachi, sábado, 23 de julio, 7:00 p.m. UNIDOS EN MISIÓN-2011 PADRE OLIVER! El puesto del Padre Oliver de dos años en San Andrés va a terminar en junio. Le queremos brindar nuestro agradecimiento a él por todo lo que han hecho por nosotros. Tendremos una recepción especial el domingo, 19 de junio para él. ¡Gracias Padre Oliver y que Dios le bendiga en su nuevo puesto en San Patricio en North Hollywood! Meta de la Parroquia: $ 78,357.55 Cantidad Prometida: $(62,757.00) BIENVENDO AL PADRE Cantidad Necesaria para Alcanzar Meta: $ 15,600.55 JOSÉ CORRAL, S.J. Cantidad Recibida de la Promesas $ 28,392.65 Cantidad Recibida de la Segunda Colecta $ Total Recibido $ 30,157.65 Cantidad para Alcanzar la Meta $ 48,199.90 1,765.00 El Padre José Corral de la Sociedad de Jesús ha sido asignado a al parroquia de San Andres como el nuevo Párroco Asociado. Su puesto será efectivo el 1o de julio. El Padre Corral ha servido en las Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles y Boston. Él es originario de España. SERIE DE CONCIERTOS DEL 125 ANIVERSARIO una noche de verano Sábado, 23, de julio, 7:00 p.m. Mariachi Sol de México-en concierto en la Iglesia San Andrés Seguido por Fiesta del Señor Abel Ramírez y el restaurant El Portal Boletos a la venta después de todas las Misas, y en el Centro Pastoral $60 Asientos Generales con cena; $100 Asientos Premier, incluyendo una recepción VIP, y cena Los donativos benefician a la Parroquia San Andrés Honrar Celebrar Abrazar 5 PARROQUIA DE SAN ANDRÉS MUY REVERENDO OBISPO OSCAR SOLÍS Donaciones por Internet (Online Giving) ¿Cuales son los beneficios para mi usando Donaciones por Internet?: Beneficios al Feligrés: ♦ No hay necesidad de escribir cheques. ♦ Puede planear su donación alrededor de su día de pago. ♦ Tiene la opción de donar aunque no pueda asistir a los servicios. ♦ La cantidad de su contribución se puede ajustar fácilmente. ♦ Puede tomar ventaja de los beneficios de las Tarjetas de crédito tal como millaje de avión o bonos en efectivo. ♦ No hay necesidades de compartir sus números de cuentea con el personal de la parroquia; simplemente pone su información que se es muy segura en Online Giving (donando por Internet). 8 ¡La celebración continua! Todos están invitados a acompañarnos a una Misa muy especial de Góspel que el Muy Reverendo Oscar Solís va a celebrar en San Andrés el domingo, 12 de junio a las 5 p.m. Este evento esta patrocinado por el Ministerio Afro-Americano en conjunto con nuestro tema del 125 Aniversario de Honrar, Celebrar, Abrazar. Como parroquia, somos bendecidos de estar enriquecidos con la variedad de culturas que le dan vida a nuestra comunidad parroquial. Vengan y sean inspirados por estas alabanzas y un espíritu lleno de celebración. SABE USTED? Conozca Los “Códigos de Advertencia” Para Los Padres Los mensajes de texto son cada vez más una parte integral en la comunicación de los jóvenes. Pero, como otras formas de comunicación, los mensajes de texto pueden exponer a los niños a las amenazas y contacto con depredadores sexuales. Es por eso que es importante que los padres supervisen el uso de mensajes de texto de sus hijos. Como los jóvenes son conscientes de la supervisión de sus padres, han elaborado códigos de texto en respuesta. Ellos utilizan estos códigos para hacerle saber a la persona con la que se comunican que sus padres están presentes. Si usted ve estos códigos, inmediatamente tome precauciones. Por ejemplo, “MOS” significa mama al hombro, y “PIR” significa padre en la habitación. Un seminario útil para los padres se encuentra en Tecleé: “como entender los mensajes de texto de sus hijos” en el cuadro de búsqueda. Para mayor ayuda, favor de llamar a la Oficina de Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650, o si desea, a Carol Clark de la Parroquia San Andrés al (626) 792-4183, Ext. 109.
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