Document 326137

READ TO ACHIEVE HOUSE BILL 230 Carolyn Guthrie, Director K-­‐3 Literacy Regional Consultants HB 230 Clarifica.ons Reducing the minimum length of reading camps •  Camps now referred to as reading camp •  Reading camp shall: -­‐ offer at least 72 hours of reading instruc.on to yield reading outcomes for par.cipants -­‐ allow volunteer mentors to read with students at .me other than during the 72 hours of reading instruc.on -­‐ the 72 hours of reading instruc.on shall be provided over no less than 3 weeks for students in schools using calendars other than year-­‐round calendars HB 230 Clarifica.ons Student AIendance in Summer Reading Camps •  parents or guardians of students not reading proficiency shall be encouraged to enroll their student in a reading camp –  Parent/guardian shall make the final decision regarding student reading camp aGendance –  LEAs shall provide a least one opportunity for students not in a reading camp to demonstrate reading proficiency appropriate for third grade students – assessment (RtA or local) –  PorMolio process approved by the SBE HB 230 Clarifica.ons Revises Good Cause ExempLons •  Limited English Proficient: students with less than two school years of instruc.on in an ESL program •  Students who demonstrate reading proficiency appropriate for third grade students on an assessment approved by the SBE (took out wording on when to administer) •  Mul.ple reten.on language stays the same •  PorMolio: Student reading porMolio and review processes used by LEAs shall be approved by the SBE HB 230 Clarifica.ons Revises Good Cause ExempLons •  Students with whose IEPs indicate: -­‐ the use of NCEXTEND 1 -­‐ at least a two school year delay in educa.onal performance (see guidance from EC division) -­‐ receipt of intensive reading interven.ons for at least two school years HB 230 Clarifica.ons PorNolios •  Can be developed all year •  A single piece of evidence can show mastery of two standards This slide will change based on what the final budget bill looks like. An Advisory group from the field (probably chosen by RESA directors or Regional Leads) will help develop and implement the local porMolio processes approved by the SBE. HB 230 Clarifica.ons AlternaLve Assessments •  SBE shall: -­‐ provide several valid and reliable assessments to LEAS upon request -­‐ approve valid and reliable assessments submiGed by LEAs -­‐ establish achievement level ranges for each approved assessment -­‐annually review all assessments to ensure ongoing relevance, validity and reliability HB 230 Clarifica.ons Retained Student Placement •  Retained in third grade Accelerated reading class – third grade standards and curriculum •  Placed in 3/4 TransiLon Class with Retained Reading label – fourth grade standards and curriculum •  Placed in 4th Grade Accelerated reading class with Retained Reading label – fourth grade standards and curriculum HB 230 Clarifica.ons Mid-­‐Year PromoLon •  Students in 3/4 Transi.on or 4th Grade Accelerated Classes have chance for mid-­‐year promo.on by November 1 •  Regardless of the outcome, the students con.nue in the same classes and receive the same support the 4th grade year •  Proficient students have label removed •  Students who are not proficient maintain the label but con.nue working towards showing proficiency •  A\er November 1, the principals can grade and classify for students proficiency to have the label removed