7 Asia-Pacific Users Group Meeting 23

7th Asia-Pacific Users Group Meeting
23rd October 2014 – Level 5, Riverside Centre, Brisbane CBD
- 0850
- 0900
Welcome and Introduction
Session 1
- 0930
Keynote Speaker
► To be Announced.
- 1000
What’s new in VISUM 14
► David Ng, PTV Group
- 1030
What’s new in VISSIM 7 and VISTRO 3
► Julian Laufer, PTV Group
- 1100
Morning Break
Session 2
- 1130
What’s new and forthcoming in VISWALK 7
► Brett Little, PTV Group
- 1200
Modelling of Car Park Operations in VISSIM
► Adnan Sheik, GHD
- 1230
Developing a Simulation Model of State Highway 1 in Five Minutes
► David Leahy, MWH
Session 3
- 1400
Sunshine Transport Modelling
► Sal Ahmed and Bryan Li, GTA Consultants
- 1430
Managing model refinements: Tools for Demand Disaggregation
► Vikas Sharma, Bitzios Consulting & Guy Boughton, Sunshine Coast Council
- 1500
International Case Study: Road Safety and Accident Prediction in Switzerland
► Timo Hoffman, PTV Group
Afternoon Break
Session 4
- 1600
Advanced Signal Controller Actuation
► Edwin Chan, VicRoads
- 1630
Network-Wide Optimisation of Transit Signal Priority
► Mehdi Bagherian, University of Queensland
- 1700
Exploring the Effects of Heterogeneity on Pedestrian Flow
► Ronald Galiza, Brisbane City Council
- 1710
Website, Support, Maintenance and Close Discussions
- 2100
Evening Social Event
Version 3, subject to change
7th Asia-Pacific UGM Workshops
24th October 2014 – Level 18, Riverside Centre, Brisbane CBD
Red Room
0900 - 1000
1000 - 1100
Amber Room
Green Room
Scenario Management
Introduction to VISTRO
Pedestrian Planning
and Modelling for
London 2012
Host: David Ng
Host: Nate
Host: Brett Little
VISSIG and Signal
Public Transport
Modelling in VISUM
Road Infrastructure
Safety Management
with PTV Visum Safety
Host: Julian Laufer
Host: David Ng
Host: Timo Hoffmann
Scenario Management
Introduction to VISUM
(for VISSIM modellers)
Road Safety Impact
Assessment using
Crash Prediction
Models with PTV
Visum Safety
Host: David Ng
Host: Julian Laufer
Host: Timo Hoffmann
Road Infrastructure
Safety Management
with PTV Visum Safety
Connecting VISUM and
Experiences in
Host: Timo Hoffmann
Host: Julian Laufer
Host: Brett Little
Scenario Management
Pedestrian Planning
and Modelling for
London 2012
Moving from VISSIM
5.40 to VISSIM 6
Host: David Ng
Host: Brett Little
Host: Julian Laufer
Road Safety Impact
Assessment using
Crash Prediction
Models with PTV
Visum Safety
Matrix refinement in
Introduction to VISTRO
Host: Timo Hoffmann
Host: David Ng
Host: Nate
Morning Break
1130 - 1230
1230 - 1330
Afternoon Break
1430 - 1530
1530 - 1630
7th Asia-Pacific Users Group Meeting
23rd October 2014 – Level 5, Riverside Centre, Brisbane CBD
- 0850
- 0900
Welcome and Introduction
Session 1
- 0930
Keynote Speaker
► To be Announced.
- 1000
What’s new in VISUM 14
► David Ng, PTV Group
- 1030
What’s new in VISSIM 7 and VISTRO 3
► Julian Laufer, PTV Group
- 1100
Morning Break
PTV outline the new elements introduced within VISUM 14, to explore the enhancements in
transport and land use planning including the detailed measures within the software.
PTV outline the new elements within VISSIM 7 to explore for the enhancements in the microsimulation software following from last year’s release of VISSIM 6.
Session 2
- 1130
What’s new and forthcoming in VISWALK 7
► Brett Little, PTV Group
This presentation will include three elements. Firstly, recent developments in Viswalk already
in place but may not be widely known about. Secondly, what is new in the recently issued
Viswalk 7 and lastly, what is planned for the future development of Viswalk.
Modelling of Car Park Operations in VISSIM
► Adnan Sheik, GHD
- 1200
This paper presents a description of a complex car park operation work which GHD has
completed on behalf of their client in Queensland. Adnan has developed a micro-simulation
traffic model of over a 300 space car park. The purpose of the micro-simulation traffic model
was to assist in the development and application of a suitable strategy to control the car park
operation using boom gates without causing a detrimental impact on the adjacent road
network. A three-hour dynamic assignment car park model was developed in Vissim which
included over 300 on-road and off-road car park spaces on either side of an access road.
Developing a Simulation Model of State Highway 1 in Five Minutes
► David Leahy, MWH
- 1230
A significant amount of time in the model development phase can be the building of the road
network. This task is often time consuming and mistakes can be easily made. Asset
management databases are a rich dataset of the ‘near to real time’ attributes of the road
network; location, number of lanes, lane width, gradient and surface condition. This
presentation outlines an approach used to efficiently build a highway network model from an
asset management database.
7th Asia-Pacific Users Group Meeting
23rd October 2014 – Level 5, Riverside Centre, Brisbane CBD
Session 3
Sunshine Transport Modelling
► Sal Ahmed and Bryan Li, GTA Consultants
- 1400
GTA Consultants was commissioned to understand the impacts of the proposed road
infrastructure upgrades and land use changes within and surrounding the major activity
precinct in Sunshine. Two levels of transport models have been utilised to ensure a complete
study and robust modelling assessment.
1. Strategic modelling (using VITM) was used to inform the microsimulation model on any
changes to travel patterns and trip distribution as a result of predicted land use and road
network changes in the future
2. Micro-simualtion modelling (using VISSIM) was used to undertake a more detailed traffic
assessment, at an operational level, using the dynamic assignment method in VISSIM.
Key challenges to overcome in this assessment were as follows:
Integration between VITM and VISSIM
Dynamic assignment method in VISSIM
Managing model refinements: Tools for Demand Disaggregation
► Vikas Sharma, Bitzios Consulting & Guy Boughton, Sunshine Coast Council
- 1430
Strategic models developed for large metropolitan or regional areas are used to plan long
term transport infrastructure planning. Increasingly, they are also used as the starting point
to develop more detailed models to plan for short to medium term solutions. Sometimes
known as mesoscopic models, these models are enhanced by including additional network
elements (links and nodes) as well as more Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) to create a finer, more
detailed zoning system. Since travel demand in strategic models is stored using matrix trip
tables, a change in the number of zones necessitates re-estimation of all the input trip
tables. This needs to be done in a manner which not only fully conserves the trip pattern of
the coarse zone system but also subdivides the demand into finer zone system in line with the
underlying demographics and land use. Fair amount of matrix calculation as well as spatial
analysis has to be performed to achieve a satisfactory matrix split which meets both these
To increase efficiency of this process and reduce time spent in spatial and matrix processing, a
Python based tool was developed using Visum as the platform. Final aim of this endeavour
was to streamline the process of mesoscopic model development and reduce the average
turnaround time for such projects.
International Case Study: Road Safety and Accident Prediction in Switzerland
► Timo Hoffman, PTV Group
- 1500
This presentation gives an overview of infrastructure road safety management in Switzerland
and explains how crash prediction modelling is used for road safety impact assessment (RIA)
in Swiss transportation planning. The City of Zurich applied the new RIA method within a pilot
project examining the implementation of a city bypass motorway and the accompanying
traffic calming measures. The accident costs were estimated by the newly published accident
prediction model which was directly implemented in PTV Visum Safety. The results could be
validated with real accident data collected before and after construction of the motorway
section. The case study shows that RIA is a suitable method to support strategic decisions on
large infrastructure investments.
Afternoon Break
7th Asia-Pacific Users Group Meeting
23rd October 2014 – Level 5, Riverside Centre, Brisbane CBD
Session 4
Advanced Signal Controller Actuation
► Edwin Chan, VicRoads
- 1600
Use of Partial Inter-stages for Pedestrian Operated Signals, Diamond Right Turn Overlap
Operations at Signalised Intersections
Detector and timer functions for Tram Priority Operations and Puffin Pedestrian Operated
Modelling Signal Phase Timing Features including Time Gain and False Green functions
Network-Wide Optimisation of Transit Signal Priority
► Mehdi Bagherian, University of Queensland
- 1630
Transit signal priority (TSP) is widely accepted as a viable solution to reduce the delay of
transit services at intersections. TSP changes signal timing settings in favour of buses, with
possible marginal negative impacts on the traffic stream in the non-prioritized approach.
Travel time value and variability of both private cars and transit services are affected through
TSP implementation. Despite significant past research related to TSP deployment and
operation, less attention has been given to the planning phase of this strategy. Specifically,
there is a need to shift from the local or coridor level studies to a network level analysis. In
addition, there is no mathematical formulation that considers the impact of TSP deployment
as a generalized cost function. In this paper, a framework to find optimum settings and
location of TSP treatments is presented.
Exploring the Effects of Heterogeneity on Pedestrian Flow
► Ronald Galiza, Brisbane City Council
Similar to vehicle traffic, pedestrian flow can also be classified as heterogeneous. Pedestrian
micro-simulation models were developed to generate fundamental diagrams for commuteronly traffic and commuter-older adults combination. Data for model input, calibration and
validation were collected for the micro-simulation models. Results showed the importance of
considering heterogeneity in pedestrian walkway design.
- 1700
- 1710
Website, Support, Maintenance and Close Discussions
- 2100
Evening Social Event
7th Asia-Pacific UGM Workshops
24th October 2014 – Level 18, Riverside Centre, Brisbane CBD
► Scenario Management in VISUM
This workshop shall outline how to operate the scenario manager in VISUM, included worked examples to identify
modifications, bring modifications together into scenarios and immediately compare results in both tabular and
graphical formats.
► Introduction to VISTRO
VISTRO is a solution primarily focussed for fast traffic impact assessments, including multiple land uses and
intersections. This workshop shall take you through an example covering trip generation, trip distribution, traffic
assignment and optimisation and mitigation strategies contained within the software.
► VISSIG and Signal Optimisation
VISSIG is an internal phase structure for advanced fixed time signal modelling within both VISUM and VISSIM. This
workshop shall take you through the procedures to develop a VISSIG file and to then explore phase split optimisation
within VISSIM. The workshop shall include explorations of building time of day programs, as well as converting
interstage libraries into pua text format for adaptive signal modelling.
► Public Transport Modelling in VISUM
This workshop shall introduce some of the advanced public transport modelling measures within VISUM including
examples from across the globe. Topics shall provide for timetable based modelling, perceived journey time,
hierarchic stop structures, multiple fare systems, import of ticket data for model calibration and considerations of
rolling stock measures for capacity constrained techniques.
► Moving from VISSIM 5.40 to VISSIM 6 and 7
This workshop will discuss how VISSIM modellers with familiarity in VISSIM 5.40 can easily operate the latest releases
of VISSIM 6 and VISSSIM 7. The session shall outline the new interface and network objects for faster development
and operational analysis.
► Introduction to VISUM (for VISSIM modellers)
As a transport modelling package, VISUM provides for some enhanced network analysis measures that provide for
easy to build solutions in a VISSIM structure. This workshop will introduce how quickly a network can be developed
by exploring the connectivity of VISUM, as well as the easy to use list structure, filters and detailed design
considerations. This session will outline data storage in the model and use of customised fields for model refinement.
► Pedestrian Planning and Modelling for London 2012
All aspects of planning for pedestrians within the London 2012 Olympic Games will be described, along with the
associated modelling. Also how this local level modelling fitted into the overall planning processes and the various
levels of modelling as well as the political decision making processes.
► International Experiences in VISWALK
Case studies from around the World, show casing the use of Viswalk in a variety of different locations and
disciplines. Showing how Viswalk has benefited the projects and assisted decision makers and technical teams make
difficult and often sensitive decisions.
► Road Infrastructure Safety Management with PTV VISUM Safety
PTV Visum Safety is a Visum module which enables transportation planners and road safety experts to easily
integrate crash data into PTV Visum and thus allows the easy integration of Road Infrastructure Safety Management
in the transportation planning process. In this workshop, we will demonstrate how historical crash data can be used
to evaluate the network wide road safety situation using Network Safety Management (NSM) methods including
Black Spot Management (BSM) features which provide powerful reports. You will learn why the PTV Visum Safety
solution with its direct linkage to transport models has more potential for deeper analysis of road safety and
transport issues than standard GIS based approaches.
7th Asia-Pacific UGM Workshops
24th October 2014 – Level 18, Riverside Centre, Brisbane CBD
► Road Safety Impact Assessment using Crash Prediction Models with PTV VISUM Safety
With increasing accuracy of transportation models and improving quality and availability of crash data, the
development of Crash prediction models (CPMs) to estimate safety outcomes of transportation planning scenarios is
feasible. In fact, road safety as a key perfoTraining Oct 30, 2014rmance indicator is going to play a bigger role
in the evaluation of future planning alternatives and supports the decision process on the strategic level.
In this workshop, you´ll learn about the possibilities and outcomes of crash prediction models in general with specific
examples of existing and established CPMs. In more detail we will give you an insight how you can use PTV Visum
Safety to evaluate road safety outcomes. Furthermore, we will take the first steps to develop our own crash
prediction model with an example use case.
► Connecting VISUM and VISSIM
The workshop will explore the connections between VISUM and VISSIM including the adaptive network modelling
processes conducted by teams across the globe. This session will discuss the value of processing scenarios in VISUM
prior to running multiple simulation options.
► Matrix Refinement in VISUM
As the matrix is a very important component of any transport model, this workshop will outline how to utilise the
internal editor using measures and controls to refine a VISUM matrix. This topic will advise on strategies gained from
experiences as how to best make use of the facilities within VISUM for a more enhanced matrix, without
immediately exaggerating the value of short distance trips