Cover Sheet Church of St. Raphael-Holy Angels 3500 South Broad Street Hamilton, N.J. 08610 Bulletin # 911176 Weekend of May 7th, 2006 Contact Usha @ Ph#609-585-7049 Or Fax#609-585-5876 With any inquiries. Thank you. Usha [4] four inserts to follow. Page 1 Sunday May 7th 2006 - Fourth Sunday of Easter Together, we pray for the sick, those in hospice, the hospitalized and the homebound of our parish: Mass Intentions Monday, May 8, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Rev. Msgr. John Dombrowski, Helen Sikucinski & Family - Veronica Maziarz, Helen & Dorothy Gepper & Mary Ann Bogdan 7:00 p.m. - A Special Intention, Diane M. Fair Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Michael Dietrich, John Margicin 7:00 p.m. - Fare-Farley-Marino Families Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Frank Dienes, Wife - Joseph Del Bargo, Jean Noto 7:00 p.m. - Holy Name Society Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:30 a.m. - Ronald Krecicki, Terri R. & Family 7:00 p.m. - Veronica Maziarz, Doris & Robert Bogdan 7:00 p.m. - John N. Hornyak, Olga Hornyak Friday, May 12, 2006 [ First Friday] 7:30 a.m. - Georgianne Miele, M/M Anthony J. Miele 7:00 p.m. - Shirley J. Kelly, M/M Charles Kelly Saturday, May 13, 2006 [Vigil:5th Sunday of Easter and Our Lady of Fatima] 8:00 a.m. - Barbara & Irma Jacob, Margaret Mc Bride - Yvette Langevin, Family 5:00 p.m. - Theresa French, Children [SR] Sunday, May 14, 2006 [Fifth Sunday of Easter and Mother’s Day] 7:30 a.m. - Anna & Bill Voloski, Tom & Pat Voloski [SR] 8:30 a.m. - Edgar Lanzoni, Marion Lanzoni [HA] 9:30 a.m. - Frank Piano, Vicki Cicia [SR] 10:30 a.m. - For The People of the Parish [HA] 11:30 a.m. - 31st Wedding Anniversary for Chris and Franny Kozicz [SR] 5:00 p.m. - James Beach, Wife and Family [SR] Give me a faithful heart, likeness to Thee, That each departing day henceforth may see Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness done, Some wanderer sought and won, Something for Thee. S.D. Phelps Dymphna Agos August Angioletti Alice Aquilino Robert Benson Whitney Bivens Fred Bogdan Michael Bridge John Cairo Jean Cairo John Catana Carl Catanese Nicholas Cirillo Deacon Thomas Daily Anthony Davis Joan De Lorenzo Josephine De Marie Larry Driver Jason Dzbenski Robert Esposito Anthony Fabrizio Frances Fedeli Tony Feldenzer Loretta Ferri Doreen Forberg Helen Finn Rev. J.C. Garrett Anatoli Gischlar Mary Gusz John Hartmann Madison Hernandez Claire Hofmann Paul Hohman Jack Hornyak Sandy Iglesias Diana Infantine Anthony J. Intorelli Linda Iorio Jennifer Jimmerson Fr. Eugene Keenan Pat Kelly George Kmetz Joseph Krawiec Page 2 Marie Lee John Margicin Patti Menichelli Lucy Millerick Margaret McBride Anna Modica Fred Morelli Anna Rose Mucci Jan Niedermaier Robert J. O’Boyle Lucy O’Malley Elizabeth O’Neill Albert Paul Phyllis Pelke Janet Peterson Bunny Posner Elaine Ragano Regina Procell Ray Pental Rocco & Evelyn Ranalli Carl Reinhardt Jr. Mary & Louis Revesz Helen Sabo Michael Serenelli Natalie Severino Matthew Shea Dorothy Smith Chris Somma David Terry Concetta Testa Katie Thomas Stanley Thompson Robert Tilton Kevin Tucci Felix Tuccillo Sr. George Tylus James Widmann Helen Woloszyn Madelene Woodrow Frances Womack Bernadette Wierzbicki John Zubricky My soul doth glory in your love, O Lord, My soul doth glory in your love, O Lord. Music Notes From Pastor’s Notes St.Raphael Music Ministry : JESUS IS LORD! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, All of today’s readings work together to reveal and proclaim Jesus’ sacrifice of love for us. Jesus told the Jews that he, the good shepherd, would freely lay down his life for us- his sheep (John 10:11). Later on, he would tell his disciples that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (15:13). Jesus perfectly demonstrated that love when he died on the cross, offering up his life for each one of us. It is staggering to think that if you were the only person in the world, Jesus would still have freely given his life to save you. It was this realization that gave Peter the boldness to tell the chief priests that there is no other name – no person – under heaven capable of bringing us salvation (Acts. 4:12) What great cause for rejoicing we have! God’s wisdom, though it seems foolish to the human mind, triumphs even in the darkest moments. Who but God could destine that Jesus, the beloved Son, would be rejected by his own people and be abandoned by his closest followers? He was even forsaken by God himself! But this is the unfathomable wisdom of God. He loved us so much that he willingly sacrificed his only Son, whom he loved above anyone or anything else, just to bring us back to his embrace. It is just as the first letter of John declares: “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God” (1John 3:1). During those times when things seem dark and hopeless, we must look to God’s hand. Even in the unexpected events of life, he is at work, drawing us closer to himself. There are times when his wisdom is so far beyond us that our only response can be faith and trust. In these moments, he invites us to pray: “Jesus, I trust in you.” When troubles and darkness surrounds us, we can proclaim: “Father, you hold me in your hands.” When life seems unbearable, we can look to the cross and say: “Lord, you died for me personally. Help my unbelief.” Let us pray: “Holy Spirit, be my comfort. Be my strength today and reveal to me the glorious gospel of Christ. I abandon myself to you and trust you with all that I am and all that I have. Amen.” In Jesus and Mary, Father Jeff Kegley Pastor We are busy preparing for Pentecost and all the liturgies that lead up to it! All choirs are in need of more members…consider being a ringer or singer. See “This Week at St. Raphael-Holy Angels” for listing of days and times for rehearsals. Please consider sharing your gifts and talents in this are needed! There are still CD’s available…”How Sweet The Sound” can be purchased for $15.00 each. Please see Lori or contact the rectory and leave a message. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Food Pantry Our pantry is always in need of all types of nonperishable food items such as cereal, pasta, rice, potatoes, canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned fish, juice, snack foods etc. Please consider donating just one item each time that you come to church. By doing so, you will make a positive difference in the lives of those whom we serve. Upcoming “Reach Out Saturdays” are May 20th and June 3rd. “The duty to meet the needs of the unfortunate is not only the responsibility of politicians, businessmen, or charitable organizations, but also of all who can in any way alleviate the poverty of others” Pope John Paul II: Words To Live By-July 6, 2000 St. Raphael-Holy Angels Fall 2006 Trip To Italy! The parish of St. Raphael-Holy Angels is sponsoring TWO [2] pilgrimage trips to Italy. September 9-17, 2006, includes Rome, Assisi, Sienna & Florence. November 1-11, 2006 includes Rome, Assisi, Florence, Padua & Venice. Call Sister Sandra at the rectory - 609-585-7049 for information and reservations. Page 3 For you gazed on your servant with compassion, and you reached out and took me by the hand. In The Words of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI On the Resurrection "The Central Event of Christianity" FOR APRIL 29th AND APRIL 30th 2006 During Eastertide, the liturgy offers us numerous incentives to strengthen our faith in the risen Christ. On this Third Sunday of Easter, for example, St. Luke recounts that the two disciples of Emmaus, after having recognized "the breaking of the bread," left full of joy for Jerusalem to inform the others what had happened to them. And, in fact, while they were speaking, the Lord himself appeared showing his hands and feet with the signs of the passion. In face of the apostles' incredulous surprise, Jesus asked that he be given baked fish and he ate it before them (cf. Luke 24:35-43). In this and other accounts there is a constant invitation to surmount incredulity and to believe in Christ's resurrection, as disciples are called, in fact, to be witnesses of this extraordinary event. Christ's resurrection is the central event of Christianity, a fundamental truth that must be reaffirmed with vigor at all times, as to deny it in different ways, as has been attempted and continues to be attempted, or to transform it into a merely spiritual event is to make our faith vain. "If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:14). In the days that followed the Lord's resurrection, the apostles remained gathered together, comforted by the presence of Mary and, after the Ascension, persevered with her in prayer, awaiting Pentecost. The Virgin was for them mother and teacher, a role she continues to carry out for Christians of all times. Every year, during Eastertide, we live this experience more intensely and, perhaps, precisely for this reason, popular tradition has consecrated the month of May, which normally falls between Easter and Pentecost, to Mary. Therefore, the month that begins tomorrow helps us to rediscover the maternal role that she carries out in our lives so that we may always be docile disciples and courageous witnesses of the risen Lord. Let us entrust the needs of the Church and of the world to Mary, especially at this moment marked by not a few shadows. Invoking also the intercession of St. Joseph, who we remember particularly tomorrow, thinking of the labor world, we address her with the Regina Caeli prayer, which enables us to relish the comforting joy of the presence of the risen Christ. 1ST COLLECTION 2ND COLLECTION CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES TOTAL $16,429.53 $ 3,374.60 $ 190.65 _________ $19,994.78 “ Heavenly Father, help me remember to rely on You; to place my acts of service into Your hands; and, in peace, to await Your blessings”. Exclamations of Thanks by Gail Marsh Prayer for Fourth Sunday of Easter God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, though your people walk in the valley of darkness, no evil should they fear: for they follow in faith the call of the shepherd whom You have sent for their hope and strength. Attune our minds to the sound of His voice, lead our steps in the path He has shown, that we may know the strength of His outstretched arm and enjoy the light of His presence forever. Almighty and ever living God, give us new strength from the courage of Christ our shepherd, and lead us to join the saints in heaven, where He lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN VATICAN CITY, APRIL 30, 2006 Page 4 SUNDAY MAY 7TH IS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Please pray that our young men and women will sense God’s presence and answer His call to serve their brothers and sisters through the priesthood and religious life. Great are you God, and holy is your name. Your mercy reaches to the end of time. PARISH MINISTRY EVENTS... RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Classes have now concluded for this school year, and will resume in the fall. Re-registration forms were sent home with the children this week. Please return the completed forms to the Religious Education Office ASAP! New registrations will be taken beginning on May 22nd. See future bulletins for further information regarding new registrations. May God bless all who helped to make our Religious Education program a success this year! The Holy Name Society – Our next scheduled meeting will be on Wed, May 10th in the parish center. There will be no meetings after May 10th, but they will resume in September, 2006. The Elderberry Club – We meet at 1:00pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Parish Center. Parishioners 55yrs and older are invited to join us. Our next meeting will be on Wed., May 17th. The Rosary-Altar Society– Save the Date! Annual Communion Breakfast Sunday, October 1st, 2006 After the 9:30am Mass Knights of Columbus –On May 13 and May 14, Mothers Day weekend, Council # 6213 will hold its Annual Rose Sale after all Masses in honor of the unborn. Please be generous to this worthy cause. What Is Mystagogy? Mystagogy completes the formal initiation process of R.C.I.A. It lasts from Easter Sunday until the end of the Easter Season, fifty days later, on Pentecost Sunday. Those who have just shared in the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil are now called “neophytes”. This means they are new converts, or “ones who are beginners” [Webster’s New Dictionary]. During this time, they reflect on what they have just experienced, and look ahead as to how they may now share in the mission of Christ. The newly-initiated focus on the Gospel, the Eucharist, and deepening their faith in the mysteries of the Church. The neophyte figuratively “graduates” on Pentecost: however, ALL fully-initiated Christians continue a “mystagogical journey” throughout the rest of our lives, personally, as well as together in community as part of the Body of Christ. Here at St.Raphael-Holy Angels, our neophytes continue to meet weekly during Mystagogy, discussing various topics. Please stop by to see their photographs that are proudly displayed at both church entrances. Most importantly, please continue to pray for each of them. We are blessed to have them here with us! Usher Ministry - Are you interested in becoming an Usher? Being a part of the Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality ministry is a wonderful way of being involved with the preparation for Mass by welcoming our parishioners and visitors to our two churches, taking the collections and assisting in their needs. If you are 18 or older and would like to become an usher, please see one of the Ushers after Mass or call the Rectory and leave a message for Deacon Rich. Please see an Usher if you have an emergency or if you are disabled and need assistance. Also if you are disabled with special needs, see an Usher before Mass regarding receiving Communion. Social Concerns - Our regular 2nd Tuesday BINGO for the residents of the Mercer County Geriatric Center begins at 6:15pm. Meet on the 2nd Floor of the Center [Hamilton Ave. near the intersection of Klockner Road]. We will be finished around 8:00pm. This month we are planning to have a special “shopping bag” Bingo. Lots of volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Please call Kathy Wooley at 585-4307 for more information. Page 5 Ah, the lowly you raise-to the heavens, and the proud-hearted have no part with you. LET US CELEBRATE! Come celebrate with St.Raphael-Holy Angels Parish Saturday, June 3, 2006 as we express a tribute to our Pastor, Father Jeffrey Kegley on the 10th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood. Mass at 5:00pm on Saturday June 3, 2006 immediately followed by a reception in the Parish Center. The 10th Anniversary Committee will be publishing an Anniversary Journal as a memento of this event. We invite everyone to express their sentiments, and/or write a special note as a commemoration to our Pastor. The prices of the ads are: $200.00 for a full page $100.00 for a half page $ 50.00 for a quarter page $ 25.00 for an eighth page $ 10.00 for a booster Please send your ad to: Ad Journal Committee C/O The Religious Education Office St. Raphael – Holy Angels Parish 151 Gropp Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08610 Please make checks payable to: St. Raphael-Holy Angels 10th Anniversary Celebration. Any questions please call Mike Scannella at 585-5300 or Dennis Heffernan at 585-7049. Page 6 Ah, how you fill the hungry with your love. With empty hands the rich are sent away. SCHOOL AND SPORTS NEWS... St. Raphael’s Lucky Number Calendar winning numbers Week ending Saturday, April 29, 2006 Date of Winning Number Winning Number __________________________________________________ Sunday, April 30, 2006 019 Monday, May 01, 2006 308 Tuesday, May 02, 2006 823 Wednesday, May 03, 2006 521 Thursday, May 04, 2006 273 Friday, May 05, 2006 802 Saturday, May 06, 2006 380 St. Raphael School –Computer Camp We have a few more spaces left for our camp! For application and registration, call Sandra Poole @ 585-4155. Camp runs from July 3rd-August 11th 9:00am to 2:00pm [before and after care provided] THANK YOU! St. Raphael School would like to thank everyone who purchased tickets and attended our Thunder Night Out on Friday , April 28th. Almost 300 people enjoyed a beautiful evening with fireworks, food and fun, and YES! the THUNDER WON! A special thank you to all our parents and other volunteers who helped to coordinate this program and to sell 50/50’s. Your generous efforts are what made this A Successful St. Raphael School and Parish Event! Congratulations to our student winners, who sold many tickets. First place: Danny Danko, 5th grade who got to throw out the first pitch Second Place: Hunter Dargay, 1st grade Tie for Third place: Samantha Costa, 5th grade and John Sullivan, Kindergarten. Are you a college student looking to earn money for the summer? ST. RAPHAEL SCHOOL PTA SPRING CLEANING DRIVE Please continue to make your donations to the St. Raphael School PTA bi-annual used clothing drive. We are collecting all wearable clothing [Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s], shoes, and accessories [Handbags, Belts, Scarves, Ties and Hats], also soft household items [Bedding, Curtains, Tablecloths, Towels], and stuffed animals. Please drop off these items [in bags] at the front of St. Raphael School, 151 Gropp Ave., Hamilton, NJ, on Saturday May 20, 2006 from 8:00am to 11:00am. The American Used Clothing Corporation will then pick them up. Our school earns 10 cents per pound. Questions? Call Karen Arizini at 609-265-2775. On behalf of our school staff, students and faculty, we thank you for your kind support. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Parish Sports Association-Fundamentals are the Key basketball camp to be held in the gym at the St. Raphael campus. The camp will run for five separate weeks, June 1923, June 26-30, July 3-7 (except the 4th of July), July 1013 and July 17-21, from 9 am to 3 pm (plus free before and after care). It is open to boys and girls in grades 2-8 and will feature clinics by Ewing HS coaching legend Emil Wandishin and Nottingham High’s Nate Webber & Mike Kelliher. For registration contact Vince Peroni, Parish Athletic Director, at 585-5479. ST. RAPHAEL SCHOOL 2ND ANNUAL GOLF OUTING May 19th, 2006 Registration - 7:30AM Shotgun Start - 9:00AM At Cream Ridge Golf Club, Cream Ridge, N.J. Entry Fee - $110.00 per golfer includes 18 Holes of Golf, Continental Breakfast, Cart, Tee Gift Package, Lunch, Cocktails, Dinner, Awards and Door Prizes. Important: Extended deadline for entry-May, 10th. Return form below with payment to the school, 151 Gropp Ave. Trenton, NJ, Att’n: Hope Costa. For more information, call Hope at 609-581-8926 or 609-585-7733. NAME:___________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________ _________________________________________________ PHONE:__________________________________________ I will attend. Enclosed is my check of $110.00 I am unable to play golf but I will support this event... We need young energetic people who would like to earn some money for the summer by painting our school. If you are interested call Dennis as soon as possible at Tel. # 609-585-7049. Attend dinner for $50.00-Cream Ridge Green’s Café Be a hole sponsor for $100.00 - Name on hole sign. Page 7 You will always be mindful of your mercy, as you promised your people long ago. Community Events... Cathedral High School 50th Reunion Class of 1956 Save the date! October 1st, 2006. St. Raphael-Holy Angels Bereavement Support Ministry Continues It’s Three Week Program On Understanding Grief We are looking for Cathedral High School graduates of the Class of 1956.Please send us your current address [even if you think we already have it] and also those of your classmates, if you know of them. For more information contact Janet Haney @ 609-585-9798 or send e-mail to [email protected] Week Two - May 9, 2006 After the 7:00 PM Mass [in the Rectory] Are you a Catholic Struggling with Infertility? The Office of Family Life/Respect Life with the parish of Holy Cross, Rumson, is pleased to offer an Infertility Conference to assist Catholic couples struggling with infertility. Learn about a new medical system called NaPro Technology [an effective reproductive technology approved by the Church] at an infertility conference on Thurs, May 11, 2006 Holy Cross Church 30 Ward Avenue, Rumson, N.J. at 7:00pm. Presenters will include Leonie Watson, M.D. of Fertility Care Consulting in Mountainside,NJ, and Fr. Michael Manning,M.D., Pastor of Holy Cross, Rumson, and Coordinator of Respect Life Ministries for the Diocese of Trenton. Stay for a coffee reception where married couples who have used the program successfully will be present to answer your individual questions about their experience resolving infertility. For information call Lori at 732-842-0348 Ext.123 or visit The Diocese of Trenton Office of Catholic Schools is searching for a Coordinator of Educational Development. The successful candidate will have proven skills in the areas of development plans, soliciting major and prospective donors, and strong verbal and written communication skills. Interested parties should submit their resume and salary expectations to: Joseph Bianchi, Diocese of Trenton, PO Box 5147, Trenton, NJ, 08638-0147 Anchor House Annual Ride for Runaways The mission of Anchor House is to strive to alleviate the problems encountered by runaway and homeless youths, to reunite them with their families, to strengthen family relationships in stable living conditions, and to assist youth in planning a course of action which will help ensure their successful future. Anchor House is Central Jersey’s shelter for runaway, homeless and abused youths. On July 9th, 2006, over 200 cyclists and support crew members will participate in a week-long, 500 mile bicycle trip starting in Rochester, New York, culminating with a ceremony on July 15th, 2006, at Quaker-bridge Mall. Donations that are collected go directly to the shelter and its programs. Representatives from Anchor House will be collecting donations after all Masses weekend of June 24th and 25th. Please help us to help the kids. Thank you! “Who Am I Grieving?” Week Three - May 16, 2006 After the 7:00 PM Mass [in the Convent] “How Do I Start To Move Forward?” If you are grieving the loss of a loved one or would like to share your memories with others, you are invited to join us. All sessions are facilitated by certified pastoral bereavement ministers and are free of charge. For More Information call Eileen Streight at 609-888-0006 Or Deacon Bob Tharp at 609-890-1011 St. Gregory the Great Parish Continues the life in the Spirit seminar. As disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to live life differently, to be a beacon of hope and light to the world, to make peace through justice and forgiveness, to build a better world, to treat all people, in all stages of life, as we would treat Christ, to be powerfully positive in the lives of those around us, and ultimately to the generations to come. Sessions continue on May 9th through June 13th. This is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For more information, call Betsy Solan at 609-259-9589. God is Calling You! If you are a single Roman Catholic man between the ages of 18 and 40 who would like to know more about this exciting and powerful approach to life in the Lord, join us for this month’s Vocation Discernment Meeting. This month we will meet on Saturday, May 20th at 9:30am in the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, in Trenton, NJ. We will gather in the basement of the Cathedral before heading to the reserved seating in the Cathedral for the Ordination to the Priesthood. Bishop John M. Smith is ordaining three men to the priesthood. Following the ordination, there will be a special luncheon at 12:30 pm for the Men’s Discernment Group held at The Church of Sacred Heart and House of Priestly Formation in Trenton, NJ. To RSVP or for more information and details, please call Rev. Mick Lambeth at the Office of Vocations, 609-393-2801 or contact us at [email protected]. Take a chance. Come join us and find out more about this awesome way of serving the Lord. Page 8 Diocesan Events...For you smiled on your servant with compassion, and you reached out and took me by the hand. An Invitation to All Married and Engaged Couples from the Office of Family Life/Respect Life… CONNECTING OTHERS TO JESUS Building Your Marriage on the Rock: A Lifelong Spirituality of Marriage Wednesday, May 10, 2006, 7:00 – 9:00 PM St. Aloysius Parish, Jackson, NJ Presented by Fr. Britto Berchmans of the Archdiocese of Chicago Take your relationship to the next level by seeking and fulfilling God’s will….Spend a wonderful evening together and be challenged…energized…inspired! ABOUT THE PRESENTER Fr. Britto Berchmans, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago, holds multiple masters’ degrees in physics, journalism, theology and a doctorate in mass communications. He speaks extensively to groups on topics of spirituality, relationships and personal growth. Fr. Britto’s warm, charismatic and humorous style won him tremendous praise as keynote speaker at the recent National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers Conference in Chicago. “Everyone should have the privilege of hearing Fr. Britto speak on marriage. He is so inspiring and real. He makes us realize that marriage can be holy in the best and worst of times, the laughter and tears, and everything in between.” Linda Richardson, Director, Office of Family Life/Respect Life, Diocese of Trenton Learn About the Spirituality of the Six Stages of Marriage: Courtship and Engagement- The God of Revelation Marriage- Jesus Christ Early Marriage- The Holy Spirit Mid-Marriage- The Christ of Emmaus Late Marriage- The God of the Covenant The Twilight years- The God of Calvary When it comes right down to it, Christian outreach and ministry to inactive Catholics and the unchurched are focused on one thing—helping us to find the real Jesus…TOGETHER! Learn new skills on how to do this, as we reflect on our relationship with God, desire to share that relationship, and learn to share God’s love with others in concrete ways. Speaker: John J. Boucher Director, Office of Parish Life Evangelization Ministry, Diocese of Trenton John holds a Masters Degree in Religious Education and has served in the Catholic Church in evangelization, spirituality and adult faith formation on parish, diocesan and national levels for over thirty years. He has published over 200 religious articles and several books and booklets. He and his wife, Therese, are parents of five children and live in West Windsor, NJ. Location: Divine Mercy Parish (Holy Cross School Cafeteria) 22 Grand and Arch Streets, Trenton, NJ Date/Time: Tuesday, May 23, 2006, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM To register (at no cost) complete the form below and mail, fax or e-mail information to: Diocese of Trenton Office of Parish Life Evangelization Ministry 701 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Telephone: 609-406-7400, ext. 5585 Fax: 609-406-7415 E-mail: [email protected] Registration fee of $15 per couple, $10 per person includes coffee and dessert. Registration Form- Building Your Marriage on the Rock St. Aloysius Parish, Jackson, NJ Connecting Others To Jesus Divine Mercy Parish, Trenton, NJ - May 23, 2006 _______________________________________________________ First Name/s Last Name/s Name:______________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Street Address City :______________ _______________________________________________________ City/Town Zip Code State:________ Zip:__________ Telephone No: ______________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________________________ Home Phone# Parish Name: _______________________________ Parish City: __________________________________ Detach and mail with check (payable to Diocese of Trenton) Office of Family Life/Respect Life, 701 Lawrenceville Road, PO Box 5147, Trenton, NJ 08638-0147, or contact Mary Beth Micharski at 609-406-7400, ext. 5573. Page 9 Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy. - This week at SAINT RAPHAEL– HOLY ANGELS Event Tuesday, May 9, 2006 Heaven’s Echo [Vocalists/Instrumentalists Needed] Contemporary Ensemble Adult Recreational Volleyball Bingo Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Cool Kidz for God [Vocalists & Instumentalists Needed] Thursday, May 11, 2006 Afternoon Hand Bells [Ringers Needed!] Evening Hand Bells [Ringers Needed] Adult Choir [Vocalists needed] Charismatic Prayer Meeting Friday, May 12, 2006– Bingo Location Time Grade 6-12 St. Raphael Parish Gym SR Parish Center. 5;30PM - 6:45PM 7:45PM - 9:15PM 7:30PM - 9:30PM 8:00PM [Doors open at 6:00PM] Grade 2-5 Information 5:30PM - 6:45PM St. Raphael St. Raphael St. Raphael 2:30PM - 3:45PM 5:30PM - 6:45PM 7:45PM - 9:00PM 7:00PM - 9:30PM SR Parish Center 8:00PM [Doors open at 6:00PM] Saturday, May 13, 2006– Our Lady of Fatima Sunday, May 14, 2006 - 5th Sunday of Easter– Mother’s day RCIA St. Raphael 9:30AM [Holy Trinity] Please pray for the deceased of our parish and their families Anthony J. Cileo Jr. Anthony R. Jannatty Jr. Altar Candles this week… For St Raphael Church In Memory of Mary Semansky Req. by her Family For Holy Angels Church In Memory of Walter Mastalesz Req. by Regina Mastalesz Altar Flowers this week… For St. Raphael Church In Memory of Robert Fleming Req. by his Wife and Children Page 10
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