St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Rochester, New York October 12, 2014 SATURDAY OCTOBER 11 Vigil: Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Blessed John XXIII, Pope 4:00 p. m. Amelia Leib (Tony and Peggy Leib) SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. Blasé Pesce (Wife and Family) 11:00 a.m. Polish Mass Living and deceased members of the Polonia Civic Center on the commemoration of Pulaski Day 1:30 p. m . Latin Mass Angelina (Sister, Mary Toliento) MONDAY OCTOBER 13 8:00 a.m. Columbus Day Thaddeus H. Antczak (Genevieve Rodgers) TUESDAY OCTOBER 14 Calistus, Pope and Martyr 5:30 p.m. Living and deceased members of the Ladies Society Followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Praying of the Rosary WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15 Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 8:00 a.m. Valentine Palis (Bernie Palis family; Bonnie, Kathie, Jim and Bill) 5:30 p.m. Mieczys aw Lysik (Wife and Children) Followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Praying of the Rosary THURSDAY OCTOBER 16 Hedwig, Religious; Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin A very warm welcome is extended to all who have come to St. Stanislaus Church to worship. We are grateful to our parishioners and we welcome our guests who visit us this weekend! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 8:00 a.m. Ted, Edward, Louis, John and Edmund Jedrzejek and deceased members of the family (Kathy Jedrzejek) 5:30 p. m. Irena and Zbigniew Go ebiowski (Sister Adela) Followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Praying of the Rosary SUNDAY FRIDAY - OCTOBER 17 MONDAY Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr 8:00 a. m. Sally Chwiecko (Vicky Cetner) 5:30 p. m. Theresa and Stanislaw Kierecki (Daughter and Grandsons) Followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Praying of the Rosary SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 Luke, Evangelist Vigil: Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. Intention of St. Stanislaus parishioners Bernard Pogrow (Wife and Family) SUNDAY OCTOBER 19 World Mission Sunday Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 a.m. Bronis aw and W adys awa Roman and Jan and Stanis awa Hoholuk (Children) 11:00 a.m. Polish Mass Henry Kupicha (Family) 1:30 p. m . Latin Mass Prospera Scardino (John and Daniela Knick) Holy Father s Prayer Intentions for October: Universal: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. For Evangelization: That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. OCTOBER 12 After Polish Mass commemorating Pulaski Day Coffee Hour in the Auditorium After Polish Mass: Polish Self Support Organization meeting (Parish Hall) OCTOBER 13 Parish Office closed Columbus Day No Religious Education Classes - Columbus Day Recess 7:30 p. m. - Northeast Freedom AA Group (Auditorium) TUESDAY _ OCTOBER 14 6:30 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY Confirmation Class OCTOBER 15 8:30 a.m. Mass Book open for year 2015 1:00 p.m. Golden Age Club 5:30 p.m. Polish Choir practice 6:30 p.m. Parish Council meeting (Religious Education Center) 7:00 p.m. Polyphonic Choir practice SATURDAY OCTOBER 18 10:00 a.m. Polish School 6:00 p.m. 95th Anniversary of Polonia Civic Center with Dance and Awards Dinner (Auditorium) SUNDAY OCTOBER 19 No Parish activities St. Stanislaus Kostka Church XXVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time What better way is there to express our Christian unity than by sitting down together to share a favorite dish, or a special festive meal. We probably all know from our own personal experience of the delightful moments that take place when we gather with family and friends to celebrate and enjoy each other s company. Bonds of friendship are strengthened over meals whether they are simple or elegant. The Eucharist is the Church s atttempt to share in the banquet of the Lord. Not only does He prepare for us a feast fit for a king, but he also offers us His Son as nourishment. It is perhaps a good time ot examine our celebration of the Eucharist, to see if it reflects the ideal banquet of the nations on Mt. Zion that we read about in Isaiah. Does our Eucharist open its doors to all? As we celebrate the supper of the Lord, we try to express our unity with all of our sisters and brothers. Our sharing and unity will always fall short of the degree to which Jesus shares with us. Are we caught up in distinguishing rich from poor, black from white, acceptable from unacceptable? Only when we can sit at the table and share in honest fellowship with anyone and everyone, is the Eucharist what Jesus intended it to be. It appears we have a long way to go. October Devotions October is dedicated in a Catholic Church to Mary the Blessed Mother, and to praying the Rosary. Every Tuesday through Friday throughout the month we will have a Mass at 5:30 p.m. and directly after Mass we will have the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and will pray the Rosary. Please join us in prayers to the Blessed Mother. All Souls Day Remembrance Wypominki During the month of November, we remember in a special way our loved ones who have already finished their earthly journey and have entered the new life, but who are forever in our hearts. All Souls Day Remembrance Wypominki are one of the religious practices in which we commit to God s care our dear departed loved ones. The envelopes for All Souls Day Remembrance - Wypominki , are to be found in the pews and at the entrances to the Church. Please fill them out with the names of your loved ones, for which you would like to have the prayers said during the special mass, and return them with the Sunday collection or to the parish office. Please turn them in by Monday, October 27th. Altar Flowers and Vigil Lights There are many ways to remember our dear departed. We have Mass in their honor and we pray. Another way is to make a donation for the altar flowers in their memory to commemorate their anniversary, some special happening in their lives or just in remembrance or monthly vigil lights. At the same time we add a special beauty to the Eucharist. Please contact the Parish office (467-3068) if you would like to make a donation of altar flowers or monthly vigil lights. Rochester, New York October 12, 2014 Please Pray for Please pray for all those in hospitals, who are ill or recovering from surgery, and all those ailing at home, in hospice or in nursing homes. Please keep in your prayers: Marilyn Adams, Phillip Michael Adams, Phyllis Adamski, Marylu Balacki, Fred Beauchamp, Arlene Bialaszewski, Dolores Biddle, Marjorie Boeker, Peter Bonenfant, Leonard Brozak, Ian Joseph Bruckhaus, Janice Bubb, Carmen Caiazzo, Joseph Camptone, Carol Capidone, Norma Coleman, Carl Conde, Elaine Costello, Linda Cranston, Nolan Cybulski, John Flannery, Hania Ferenc, Peter Gierczak, Eleanore Golomb, David Hawn, Eliodora Hernandez, Florence Hoy, Debbie Husted, Paul Iezzi. Kathy Jedrzejek, Carl Juda, Connie Kawka, Joseph Kociuba, Danuta Kolacz, Krzysztof Kotkowicz, Chester A. Krol Sr., Amelia Kuras, Norma Leblanc, Irene Lichwiarz, Ruth Mance, Joseph Mattioli, Anne May, Kathleen McHugh, Jim Mills, Justina Montanez, Iwona Muszak, Emily Nakas, Maria Nawrocki-Dzyban, Cheryl Neilson, Kathy Nielson, Stella Noga, Susan Oberle, Thomas I. Orczyk, John Ozminkowski, Cristine Paradowski, Vincent Parks Jr., Bernie Pensek, Mary Pogrow, Geenevieve Rodgers, Bob Quist, Ann Reeder, Zofia Robaczynski, Shirley Rojek, Maria Romanowski, Tom Schramil, Genevieve Skiba, Stephen Skura, Sharon Smith, Trudy Swol, Lydia Tata, Nancy Tychoniewicz, Gary Walczak, Barbara Webster, Tadeusz Witkowski and Józef Zawitkowski. To add a loved one s name to this prayer list or to take someone off the prayer list, please call the parish office at 467-3068. Just 1 Can Ministry Fall Request With the summer over the Sister Regis Food Cupboard is still in desperate need of your donations. To help fill the shelves, we are asking everyone to bring in just ONE specialty food item (although ALL foods will be accepted) each weekend. During the weekend of October 18-19, the specialty food for the Fall Just One Can Food Drive for each person to bring just one can of TUNA! A Great Gift Idea! Do you need a gift for that special person? How about a gift that can keep giving throughout the whole month a church lottery ticket! The three-digit number on a $5 lottery ticket is good for the whole month. The ticket will fit inside the card you send to that special person(s). Tickets are available in the back of church after the weekend Masses and in the rectory during business hours. ARPP Driver Safety Course The AARP Driver Safety Course will be offered by Janet Masetta on Saturday, November 1. The session is from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at Saint James School at 109 Brockley Road in Rochester. Pre-registration is required. For details of cost, locations and any other questions, please contact Janet at 342-8143. St. Stanislaus Kostka Church XXVIII Niedziela Zwyk a W dzisiejszej liturgii s owa najpierw us yszymy proroctwo Izajasza o uczcie mesja skiej, na któr Pan Zast pów zaprosi wszystkie narody. B dzie ona si sk ada z najprzedniejszych potraw i najwyborniejszych win. Obietnica proroka realizuje si w przypowie ci o zaproszonych na uczt z Mateuszowej Ewangelii. Zaproszeni na uczt weseln go cie lekcewa zaproszenie Gospodarza i wybieraj inne ziemskie sprawy. Zagniewany Gospodarz ka e zaprosi wszystkich spotkanych na drogach. My tak e jeste my zaproszeni na Uczt Baranka. Przyj cie tego zaproszenia niesie ze sob konieczno rezygnacji z wielu naszych planów, przyzwyczaje i ca ego ziemskiego sposobu my lenia. Je li zdob dziemy si na to ujrzymy Boga, który jak wed ug swego za wiadcza w. Pawe w Li cie do Filipian bogactwa zaspokoi wspaniale w Chrystusie ka d nasz potrzeb . Rochester, New York October 12, 2014 Mass of Remembrance for Our Parishioners It has become a tradition in our church to have a special Mass of Remembrance in November. It is our annual commemoration of parishioners who have died during the past year. This special Mass will take place on Friday, November 7th at 6:30 p.m. Please join us to pray together for our dear departed. After the Mass of Remembrance will have a reception for the parishioners, their families and friends. Next Week: World Mission Sunday! Miesi c Pa dziernik jest po wi cony Matce Naj wi tszej Królowej Ró a ca wi tego. W naszym Ko ciele odbywa si Nabo e stwo Ró a cowe od Wtorku do Pi tku o godzinie 5:30 p.m. Zapraszamy Parafian do modlitwy. Next Sunday, Pope Francis calls every Catholic in the world to celebrate our vocation to be missionary. It s World Mission Sunday! As Catholics around the world here at home and in the missions gather at the Eucharist around the table of the Lord. We are to pray for the Church s worldwide missionary work. We pray for those awaiting the Good News of our Lord s great love for us and for the missionaries who offer the poor and suffering the lift of Christ. We offer financial help through the Society of the Propagation of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses all over the world. Msze wi te na Rok 2015 Mass Scheduling for the Year 2015 W t rod 15-go Pa dziernika rozpoczniemy przyjmowanie intencji mszalnych na rok 2015 od godziny 8:30 rano w Biurze Parafialnym. Po informacje prosimy dzwoni do Biura Parafialnego 467 3068. This Wednesday, Wednesday, October 15th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. we will begin scheduling Mass intentions for the year 2015. We ask parishioners to come to the parish office in person. Nabo e stwo Ró a cowe Wypominki Modlitwa za Zmar ych Miesi c Listopad jest po wi cony pami ci modlitewnej, za naszych bliskich i drogich nam osób - zmar ych, tych, którzy yli z nami i razem z nami d wigali rado ci i smutki codziennego ycia. Ka dego roku w naszym Ko ciele odprawiamy Msze wi te w ich intencji, a tak e odczytujemy ich Imiona. Koperty na Wypominki s wy o one przy wej ciu do Ko cio a. Prosimy wypisa imiona swoich drogich zmar ych i zwróci je na tac lub do Biura Parafialnego do Poniedzia ku, 27 Pa dziernika. Msza wi ta za Zmar ych Parafian Ka dego roku w Ko ciele wi tego Stanis awa jest odprawiana Msza wi ta za Zmarlych Parafian i wszystkich, których pogrzeb odby si w naszym Ko ciele od Listopada poprzedniego roku, az do chwili obecnej. Zapraszamy rodziny zmarlych, przyjaciól i znajomych do uczestniczenia w Eucharystii w Pi tek 7-go Listopada o godzinie 6:30 wieczorem. Po Mszy wi tej zapraszamy na kaw i ciasto w auditorium dla obecnych na Mszy w. Wieczny odpoczynek racz im da Panie Polonia Civic Center Obchodzi 95 Rocznic ! Polonia Civic Center b dzie obchodzi b dzie 95 rocznic w przysz sobot 18-go pa dziernika Zabaw w auditorium w. Stanis awa, o godzinie 6-ej wieczorem. Do ta ca b dzie przygrywa Melody Lane . Bilety w cenie $25.00 s do nabycia na plebanii, Credit Union, Polish Deli lub dzwoni na numer: 323-2106. Do zobaczenia! Catholic Ministries Appeal Attitude of Gratitude As we begin this year s CMA we sincerely appreciate your generous gift in the previous years. We ask you to prayerfully consider making the gift again this year. It is your caring spirit and commitment to your faith that makes our parish strong. Our goal for our parish this year is $44,180. Starting next week we will print the names of the donors and the total amount collected each week. The joy we receive from giving is at the heart of the theme for this year s annual CMA Attitude of Gratitude. CMAngels Tidbit! The CMA campaign is a yearly fundraiser. If you can t donate this year, start planning for next year s appeal now! Many bank and credit unions start Christmas Club accounts in October. Consider opening one just for the CMA. For as little as $5.00 a month, you can set aside your donation for the 2015 Campaign. Next October, you ll have a check for $60 to send in and you will be a CMAngel! Please keep praying for the success of this year s campaign. Blessings to all! Sacrament of Healing & Forgiveness Presented by: Sr. Carole Proia, SSJ Day of Prayer conference to be held Tuesday, October 21, 2014 9:00am 3:00pm (ending with mass at 2:00pm) Notre Dame Retreat House (5151 Foster Rd., Canandaigua, NY) Please call 585-394-5700 to make a reservation for this day. The fee is $25.00 which includes conference and lunch. St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Our Gifts to God Offering: Attendance: Saturday 4:00 p.m. $ 1,678.00 113 Sunday 9:00 a.m. $ 1,432.00 143 11:00 a.m. $ 1,049.00 204 $ October 12, 2014 "Polonia's Anniversary - October 18th for the weekend of October 4-5, 2014 Rectory Rochester, New York 740.00 Additional Votive Candle for October Thank you for your continued generosity ! Marriage Banns Meredith Bidzerkowny and Bradly Constantino Polonia Civic Center will observe its 95th Anniversary with Dance and Awards Dinner on October 18th in the main auditorium of St .Stanislaus. For your listening and dancing pleasure "Melody Lane" will provide the music. Reception at 6:00 p.m. and Dinner at 7:00 p.m. Tickets at $25.00 per person are available at the Polish Deli, Rectory and Credit Union or by calling 323-2106. Come help us celebrate! II Parish Office Closed Parish office will be closed on Monday, October 13th in observance of Columbus Day. Altar Flowers The floral centerpiece at the main altar for this weekend Masses is offered in loving memory of Amelia Leib, offered by Peggy and Tony Leib. The Votive Candle in Our Lady of Cz stochowa and Saint John Paul II Shrine is burning for Sta Hoholuk, that he will be returning to good health very soon, offered by the Polychonic Choir. The Votive Candle on the Blessed Mother altar is burning in loving memory of Christine Chodak, offered by Chuck and Judi. Sympathy In your Christian charity you are asked to remember in your prayers Francis Kasinowski, William Pospula and John Van Auken, whom God has called to eternal life. May they rest in peace, and may the risen Lord strengthen their families at their time of loss.
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