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23. & 24. maj 2014
Selma Lagerløfs Vej 2
9220 Aalborg Ø
act2learn og fysioterapeutuddannelsen UCN udbyder kurset:
Kurset ’The Shoulder: Theory and Practice’ er, som titlen antyder, både
teoretisk og praktisk. Der lægges meget vægt på den kliniske
ræssoneringsproces i forbindelse med såvel diagnosticering som
Som deltager vil du opnå en større forståelse af anatomi,
biomekanik, undersøgelse og evidensbaseret behandling af
denne interessante og komplicerede region af kroppen.
Dr. Jeremy Lewis præsenterer nye modeller til vurdering af
skulderregionen inklusive ’The Shoulder Symptom Modification
Procedure’ (Levis JS (2009) British Journal of Sports Medicine) og
en ny model som stadieinddeler i forhold til udvikling af rotator cuff
tendinopathy (Lewis JS (2010) British Journal of Sports Medicine).
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Kurset er evidensbaseret og baseret på omfattende klinisk erfaring i undersøgelse, diagnostik og
rehabilitering af forskellige skulder patologier. Desuden trækkes der på forskningspublikationer
indenfor en række forskellige discipliner.
Kurset, der foregår på et let forståeligt engelsk, vil være sjovt, hårdt, tankevækkende og give
mulighed for at diskutere ideer og udveksle erfaringer.
Siden 1992 har Dr. Jeremy Lewis afholdt over 250 skulder-workshops
internationalt med deltagelse af over 5000 sundhedsprofessionelle.
Han har desuden holdt forelæsninger om skulderen til en lang række
internationale konferencer.
Dr. Jeremy Lewis er uddannet fysioterapeut i Australien. Han
arbejder pt. som konsulent og som forsknings- og innovationschef for
Musculoskeletal Service på Central London Community Healthcare NHS
trust i London, England. I England er han blevet anerkendt som en af de
bedste klinikere indenfor professionen (UK Department of HealthNational
AHP Clinical Expert Database).
Dr. Jeremy Lewis arbejder med at undersøge (udrede) og behandle patienter med komplekse
skulder-problemer. Han har yderligere en ultralydsuddannelse og udfører ultralydsguidede
skulderinjektioner (inkl. intra-articular hydro-distension procedurer for stadie 3 frossen skulder)
som en del af rehabiliteringsprocessen, hvis det er påkrævet og passende. Han har gennemført
såvel klinisk- som laboratorieforskning i forhold til forskellige aspekter af skulderfunktion og
Program 23. maj 2014
9:00-9:15 Introduction and Epidemiology
9:15-10:30 Function
This session reviews aspects of clinical and functional anatomy and biomechanics of
the shoulder. Use is made of an individualised functional assessment approach to
tailor treatment planning for a patient’s individualised needs.
10:30-10:45 Coffee/ Tea Break
10:45-12:30 Assessment and Management
This clinically orientated session highlights the components of the subjective and
physical examination of the shoulder that will assist the clinician in the clinical
reasoning process. It will include the Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure
(SSMP) involving a structured algorithm to help the clinician determine what
procedures should be used in patient management. The SSMP involves techniques
to determine; the influence of scapular position on symptoms, scapular repositioning
procedures, functional glenohumeral repositioning tests, techniques to determine the
influence of the posture on the shoulder symptoms and an assessment of the cervical
and thoracic region on shoulder symptoms.
12:30-13:15 Lunch
13:15-15:00 Assessment and Management (cont.)
Continuation of the earlier session. This theoretical and practical session critically
appraises the evidence to support the use of imaging in helping to establish a
diagnosis and critically reviews special orthopaedic tests used in the assessment of
the shoulder.
15:00-15:15 Coffee / Tea Break
15:15-17:00 Assessment and Management (cont.)
Continuation of the earlier session. This final theoretical and practical session introduces neuromodulation techniques to reduce shoulder pain.
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Program 24. maj 2014
9:00-9:15 Discussion and Questions
9:15-10:00 Sensory-motor control
Theoretical and practical session exploring the importance of incorporating sensory motor education in the management of all shoulder conditions. Includes practice of techniques.
10:00-10:30 Subacromial Pain Syndrome (SPS) and Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
This practical and theoretical session involves a very detailed and in-depth review of this multi-factorial problem. The current evidence based research across a number of professions evidence regarding the aetiology and pathology of this condition will be presented in detail.
10:30-10:45 Coffee / Tea Break
10:45-12:30 SPS and Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy (cont.)
Continuation of the earlier session.
12:30-13:15 Lunch
13:15-15:00 ”Befo
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SPS and Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy (cont.)
Continuation of the earlier session.
This practical and theoretical session will explore a model for the continuum of rotator cuff tendinopathy including recommendations for EBP management. This session includes a critical appraisal of injection therapy in the management of subacromial pain syndrome and critically compares outcomes between surgical and non-surgical intervention. Multimodal management of the continuum of rotator cuff tendinopathy. Recommendations for staged progression of sub optimally loaded, normal, reactive, disrepair and degenerat RC tendon.
15:00-15:15 Coffee / Tea Break
15:15-16:30 Treatment and Rehabilitation Practical
16.30-16:45 Introduction to the Contracted Frozen Shoulder
16:45-17:00 Discussion and Summary
Tilmelding og Praktisk info
Hvornår: 23. & 24. maj 2014, begge dage 9.00-17.00
Kursusafgift: kr. 3500 inkl. forplejning formiddag, frokost og eftermiddag begge dage. Kurset holdes som et eksternat.
Arrangør: UCN act2learn & fysioterapeutuddannelsen UCN
Hvor: Selma Lagerløfs Vej 2, 9220 Aalborg Øst.
Tilmelding: - under kurser og efteruddannelse.
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