UU UU UPDATE UPDATE JUNE 13, 2014 November 14, 2014 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A WELCOMING CONGREGATION Imagination in the Service of Empathy by Rev. Ernest L. Mills, Jr. Sunday, November 16 Sunday Sermon George Bernard Shaw once asked, “Must Christ perish in every generation for those who lack an imagination?” To empathize with another’s pain and suffering, we must be able to imagine it happening to us. According to Shaw, without this imagination, this empathy, the crucifixion (suffering) continues in every generation. Please join us for worship on Sundays at 9:30 or 11:00 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship at 10:30. Sunday Children’s Programs Nursery care will be provided during both services. During the 11:00 service, Emily Atkinson will conduct Spirit Play in the classroom for children ages 4-8. Heather Layton will conduct Riddle & Mystery for youth in grades 4-9, beginning in the Sanctuary, then moving to the library. NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS Page 2 CRE Column by Heather Layton Page 3 Upcoming UUTC Events Page 4 Social Action Opportunities Page 5 Wedding Collage—at last! Page 6 Bookkeeper Search / Community Thanksgiving Service Page 7 UUTC Contact Information Heartfelt Thanks On Wednesday Earle and Ann Rabb announced their retirement from orchestrating Wonderful Wednesdays. A plant and a card are mere symbols for the tremendous appreciation that UUTC members feel for the Rabbs nine years of spearheading our amazing Wonderful Wednesday evenings of fine food, entertainment and education. We also appreciate the very many helpers who made the evenings happen— but we all know that it was Ann and Earle who initiated and inspired the events. Thanks to both of you for a great run! Youth in Focus Heather Layton, Children’s Religious Exploration Lead Teacher November is all about Youth CONs (conferences)—weekend sessions held at The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center in Highlands, NC. CONs are like summer camp for UU youth. There are workshops, crafts, music, singing, field games, dancing and a "Coffee House" at which the youth can share their personal talents. The CON environment is physically, emotionally and spiritually safe, run by supportive and enthusiastic staff. They allow the youth to live their UU values, experience nature, relax and reflect, grow as individuals and as a group, and even have good ole fun with current and new friends in a compassionate community. It provides a break from the pressures of school and home after a long fall season. CONs give our youth a bigger picture of Unitarian Universalism. They join youth from Asheville, Charleston, Athens, Charlotte, Chattanooga, and many more places, showing them that our small group is part of a larger group. The counselors or mentors are mainly college students who grew up as UUs and attended Youth CON's in their formative years. They act as wonderful role models for the new generation of UUs. It is truly a special time—and as a plus, the food is terrific! (I mean, what is cooler than ice cream sundaes for breakfast on Sunday morning?) Three of our youth will attend the Elementary CON this weekend. Vera and Ellie are fourth graders at Brevard Academy and Kate is a fifth grader at Brevard Elementary. The Intermediate CON is the following weekend and five middle schoolers will attend: Ian from Mountain Sun Community School, and Greta, Mae, Anderson, and Sofia from Brevard Academy. The High School CON is the first weekend in December. This is the first year that we will have high schoolers attending. Sara, Emily S. and Emily H. are all from Brevard High School, and will attend. The theme is "CONstellations: An experience above and beyond your normal CON." Some of the planned activities are building a planetarium, launching mini space rockets, learning to read stars like a compass, learning about the connection between astronomy and community, doing a service project, and more. Look for CON reactions from our youth in the December newsletter. We are also planning a special Sunday service led by our Youth CON participants in January. Peace to you and Happy Thanksgiving! Youth Con 2014 AFTERNOON HIGH TEA! The Loving Hearts and Helping Hands Team invites the young at heart to Afternoon High Tea at UUTC on Wednesday, November 19, at 2:00 p.m. Enjoy High English Tea with homemade desserts and warm fellowship for everyone. To make your reservation, please add your name to the sign-up sheet at UUTC or call the church office (877-6121) by November 14. We hope to see you there! Sue Null, Team Leader, invites you to join the Social Action Team at its next meeting and learn what is coming up for 2015. The Team will meet at UUTC on Monday, November 17, at 3:00 pm. SAVE THE DATE! NEXT WEEK at UUTC Social Action Team – MON 11/17 @ 3:00 pm Mindfulness Group – MON 11/17 @ 7:00 pm Men’s Group – TUE 11/18 @ 9:00 am Eclectics Jam – WED 11/19 @ 9:00 am Afternoon High Tea – WED 11/19 @ 2:00 pm Soup & Soul – WED 11/19 @ 6:30 pm Alaska, Anyone? All are invited to our annual Holiday Party Sunday, December 14 3:00 until 5:00 p.m. Virginia MacDonald and Bob Giudici are Come enjoy the holiday spirit with music, great food, and a chance to chat with new and old friends. Plan to bring a savory (always popular) or some sweets to share. would like to find other UUTC folks who might be planning to take a 13-day trip exploring Alaska with other UUs, starting on July 11, 2015. Virginia interested in joining them. You can learn more about their trip with Whale Coast Alaska by clicking here. Holiday Gifts with Meaning Do you wonder what to give to people you love who don’t need a thing? You can honor them by participating the Social Action Team’s “Holiday Gifts with Meaning.” On Sundays 11/30 and 12/7 you will be able to make a donation to one or more local charities and receive an acknowledgement card to give to your loved one. The following charities will be present: Sharing House's Adopt-A-Family (provides Christmas gifts to children or seniors in low-income families who struggle financially) Free Wheelchair Mission (provides wheelchairs for impoverished people with disabilities in developing nations) Free Rein (provides therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults with autism, ADHD, or certain physical limitations) Heifer International (delivers heifers, chicks, rabbits, pigs or goats to enable families to lift themselves out of poverty) The children in your life may be enchanted to know that a donation in their name helped purchase a goat or a wheelchair or a saddle or a gift for a needy child. Reminder! November has FIVE Sundays. We will collect food for Sharing House on November 23 and 30. Baskets for your donations will be placed in the lobby. Please take a list of most-needed items from the church counter. Social Action Agency for November—UUSC UUSC, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, is our social action focus this month. It is the only one of our chosen agencies which supports people outside of Transylvania County and NC. UUSC is a leading voice for human rights and social justice in 22 countries. It focuses on civil liberties, democratic processes, economic justice, advancing workers' rights, living wage campaigns, and the right to water. UUSC also responds to disasters, defending the rights of marginalized and oppressed populations who are often left out of recovery efforts. Our children participate in this effort through Guest at Your Table. Cash or checks written to UUSC are most appreciated. Individual or family contributions of $125 or more are eligible to be matched dollar for dollar by the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock, in Manhasset, NY, doubling the impact of your gift. If you missed the joyous occasion of Elizabeth Thompson and Susan Freeman being wed on October 26, here, at last, are some photos! Thanks to Becky Young for sending them. Déjà vu: BOOKKEEPER NEEDED! Our recently-hired new bookkeeper, Paula Wesley, regretfully informed us this week that some new family matters require her attention, and she has found it necessary to resign. Mary Scott Christfield, UUTC’s current bookkeeper, will retire from her practice at the end of this calendar year. We are beginning anew a search to hire a bookkeeper. The job requires bookkeeping experience, familiarity with MS Excel and QuickBooks, and the ability to learn and work with PowerChurch. If you or someone you know has these qualifications and is interested in the position, please contact Marilynn Weber, our Personnel Team Leader, by calling 828-862-6498 or e-mailing her at [email protected]. You’re Invited! Thanksgiving Community Worship Sponsored by KOINONIA Join your brothers and sisters in Transylvania County to give thanks to God, from whom all blessings flow! Sunday, November 23, 2014 4 p.m. Hosted by Brevard First United Methodist Church. Financial and food offerings will benefit Transylvania Christian Ministries. “We are the certain and the seeking, the lifers and the newcomers, the beloved and the brokenhearted, the insiders and the rejected, all of whom have found a home in the extraordinary, yet intimate, communities of Unitarian Universalism." Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC host UUTC Mission Statement Join Us! Our mission is to create a community that Discover what it means to have a personal encourages free spiritual discovery and faith that is anchored by diversity and growth, celebrates personal and religious acceptance. Join in Sunday services with the diversity, and promotes active, responsible Unitarian Universalists of Transylvania County. involvement in the larger community. Contact information is below. K E E P U P W I T H W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G ! ! ! VIEW our church calendar. ACCESS previous issues of UUpdate. SEND news for this newsletter by close of business on Wednesdays. Please include date(s), a description, and the contact person’s name and telephone or email address. Send to [email protected]. SCHEDULE events on the UUTC calendar by sending an email to [email protected] with the date, start and end times, space to be used, and contact person. C O N TA C T U S Our minister is the Rev. Ernest L. Mills, Jr. Church office hours are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until noon. The church telephone number is 828-877-6121. Our mailing address is UUTC, PO Box 918, Brevard, NC 28712. Our email address is [email protected]. Our church is located at 24 Varsity Street, at the corner of South Broad Street in Brevard.
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