
Sunday News
12 October 2014
Welcome to Sunday Bible Study this morning. Join us for Morning Worship at 10:50 am and 6:30
pm for our Evening Worship. Our memory verse this month is Galatians 6:9. A memory card may
be obtained in your Bible Study class or from a table in the church foyer.
Anniversary at PFBC
Today Dr. Stephen Dollar celebrates his 23rd anniversary as Senior Pastor of Pine Forest Baptist
Church. God has blessed this church and his ministry in many ways through the years. We also
greatly appreciate his devoted wife, Linda, and their family. May God continue blessing his ministry.
Christmas Shoeboxes
Please help support the Operation Christmas Child as we fill and send shoeboxes
overseas to needy children as a testimony of love for Christ. Pick up one or more
shoeboxes with the instructions from the church or chapel foyer. Pack with the noted
items and bring it back by Sunday, October 19. Thank you for blessing the lives of
children with Christmas gifts!
New Pictorial Directory
We want YOU to be in our new pictorial directory. Photo dates are this week and next week,
October 14, 15, & 21-25. Schedule your appointment this morning in the church foyer or go online
to the church website (www.pineforestbaptist.org) and click on the directory.
GA’s and RA’s
GA’s for girls and RA’s for boys in grades 1-6 will meet today at 5 pm. Come for an exciting
adventure in missions around the world every Sunday afternoon. Bring your friends!
Adult Bible Study
All adults are invited to a new Bible study of “The Book of 1st John” at 5 pm in the Chapel. The
study will be led by David Hall. Everyone is welcome to participate!
Our Sunday Schedule
8:30 am - Praise Team Rehearsal (Worship Center)
9:45 am - Sunday Bible Study
10:50 am - Morning Worship Service (Worship Center)
4:00 pm- Church-wide Visitation
5:00 pm- GA’s & RA’s for Grades 1-6 (Bldg. B)
5:00-6:15 pm- Open Loft for students
5:00 pm- Beth Moore Women’s Study led by Jill Herring (107-B, Bldg. B)
5:00 pm- Adult Bible Study of 1st John led by David Hall (Chapel)
5:30 pm- Beginning Guitar Class (Conference Room)
6:30 pm- Evening Worship
7:30 pm- Youth Fellowship
All Committees Meeting
All members of all committees will meet tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm in the Chapel. We will be
looking forward at 2015 and what each committee will plan to do. Do not miss this important
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Tuesday Night Dominos and Games
All adults are invited to join us for Dominos (“42”) and for ”Hand and foot,” a canasta game, on
Tuesdays at 6 pm in the Fellowship Room.
Our Wednesday Night Schedule
This week we have a regular Wednesday Night Schedule with Business & Prayer Meeting at 6:00 pm
in the Chapel. There’s something for everyone on Wednesdays!
5:00 pm- Family Night Supper (Fellowship Room)
6:00 pm-Business/Prayer Meeting (Chapel)
6:00 pm- Orchestra Rehearsal (Worship Center)
6:00 pm- Mission Friends for 4&5-year-olds (Preschool)
6:00 pm- CROSS TRAINING for grades 1-6 (Gym)
6:00 pm- REFUGE Bible Study for all youth (The Loft)
6:45 pm- Worship Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
All adults are invited to Criss†Cross, a Bible study fellowship, on Saturday, October 18, from 6-9 pm
at the home of Wayne & Jeanie Foster, 110 Butler, on the corner of Butler and Orange streets.
Guests are always welcome! If you need free childcare, please make reservations by contacting the
church office on Monday, October 13, 8 am-5 pm.
Fall Festival Carnival for Children through 6th Grade and their Families
Our Fall Festival will be on Wednesday, October 29, 6-8 pm in the Gym. There will be free games,
prizes, refreshments, and lots of candy for the kids. Positive costumes are encouraged. We are
looking for many youth and adults to help with the booths and refreshments. Sign up in the church
foyer or see Kelly Smith if you will help. We will need lots of individually wrapped candy. For your
convenience there are receiving baskets in the church foyer and in the office area. We will also
need lots of plain cupcakes without icing. Please bring them to the kitchen on October 28 or 29.
Senior Adult Trip to Port of Houston
Our Senior Adult Ministry is planning a trip to Houston on Thursday, October 30, from 9:30 am-6:00
pm. We will have lunch at an area seafood restaurant and go on the very interesting Sam Houston
Boat tour of the Port of Houston. We have made 35 reservations and they are going fast. The cost
is $3 plus your meal. Sign up in the office or see David Hall.
For Students - REFUGE Youth Ministry
Sunday, October 5, 5:00-6:15 pm - Open Loft for Youth.
Sunday, October 5, 6:30 pm - Join us for Evening Worship followed by a
Youth Fellowship. Invite a friend to come with you tonight!
Wednesday, October 8, 6:00 pm - All Youth are invited to REFUGE BIBLE
STUDY in the Youth Loft. As always, friends are welcome to come with
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