12 October 2014 (Harvest)

12th October 2014 (Harvest)
Please join us for coffee after the 10am service. If
you are a visitor or new to the area please make
yourself know to a service leader or to someone at
the back of church.
Collect for today:
Eternal God, you crown the year with your goodness and you
give us the fruits of the earth in their season: grant that we
may use them to your glory, for the relief of those in need and
for our own well-being; through Jesus Christ your Son our
Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
8am – Holy Communion
Celebrant: Sergiy Preacher: Jane Server: John
10am – Worship for All
Leader: Malcolm Handley Preacher: Rev Sergiy Diduk
6pm – Holy Communion
Celebrant: Sergiy
Prayer Ministry:
Music Introit:
Preacher: Jane
Leader: Sergiy
We plough the fields and
For the beauty of the earth
All creatures of our God
and King
All things bright and
Come ye thankful people,
Prayer focus for the coming week:
 For the nations of the world and their leaders, that they may work
together to uphold peace and justice, and fight evil and corruption.
May your wisdom direct them to find peace and harmony.
 Pray for all who are suffering from the Ebola virus and for those
taking care of them and those developing drugs to relieve it.
 Pray for all who worship at St Mary Magdalene’s, unite us by the
Holy Spirit, help us to love and to be the servant of each other.
Equip each one of us to do the work that you are calling us to do to
enable your kingdom to grow in this place and in this town. We pray
for all those we know who need your healing touch. Surround them
with your love and give them the peace of knowing you are with
 Pray for our families and our friends, and our neighbours and all
those who live around us. We ask that you surround them with your
love and help them to be aware of your presence in their lives.
Those bereaved of: Margaret Slavell, Maurice Hill, James Berry.
Those in particular need: Carol Woodward, Ann, Doug & Grace Healey,
Lindsay, Olivia Meads, Ann Dove, Susan Moor, Jack Bust, Janet Watson,
Pat & John Henshaw, Anne Bettison.
To be married: Jonathan Turner and Penelope Lamb, Jason Riley and
Gailelaine Shipley.
What’s on this week
2.00 pm
9.00 am
10.15 am
6.45 pm
7.30 pm
7.30 pm
Wednesday 9.00 am
9.00 am
6.00 pm
12.30 pm
1.00 pm
8.30 am
10.30 am
12.30 pm
3.00 pm
4.30 pm
Sunday – 18th after Trinity
8.00 am
10.00 am
6.00 pm
Home Group – 149 Beardall St
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion – George
WOW – Church
Baptism Prep - JGC
Bible Study Group - JGC
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Baptism and Wedding Bookings – JGC
Lunchtime Service – Ann
Christmas Tree Festival planning meeting
Quiet Prayer
Ann Kowalski licensing – Southwell Minster
Celebration Lunch for Ann – JGC
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Evening Prayer
Dates for your Diary
Sat 25th Oct 10am-12noon Mothers’ Union Coffee Morning
Sat 25th Oct
Big E Day
Wed 29th Oct 10am-12noon The Big Draw – JGC
Sat 1st Nov
9am-12noon Church clean up morning
Sat 22th Nov
Christmas Fair
Traidcraft Products are on sale this morning, please support if you are
able. Thank you.
Jumble Sale - Again, my thanks to everyone who contributed in any
way to the sale last week. A total of £1438 was raised - a fantastic
result! Keep on bringing us the items to sell and if you want to join us as
a helper we would be really happy. Margaret
Mothers’ Union Meeting this Thurs 16th October @ 2.30pm in the
JGC, with Dorothy Taylor ‘My Doll Collection’.
Prayer Ministry If you would like to share a joy, a sorrow, a concern,
then people will be available to pray with you in the north aisle after you
have received communion or after the service.
Church Clean up Morning On Sat 1st November, all hands to the deck
for a clean up of Church and grounds. 9am-12noon. Please come even
if you can only offer half an hour.
2015 Church Diaries now for sale in Church, just £1 each. Ideal
stocking fillers or to slip into pocket or handbag.
Ann Kowalski Ann will be licensed as Reader on Saturday 18th
October at 10.30 am at Southwell Minster. Please come and support
her as she enters this important ministry both for her and the parish.
There will be a celebration ‘Bring and Share’ lunch for all after the
service, in the JGC. Please see Beryl for more details.
Christmas Fair - 22nd Nov. Margaret Hosking is happy to co-ordinate
this event but would be grateful for a couple of people to help organise
the raffle & plan things. There will be a short meeting after the 10am
service on 5th Oct when all who intend to have a stall or are interested
in helping can share ideas. If you are unable to attend please contact
Margaret so that your thoughts can be included. Let's make this event a
fitting tribute to Anthea & Eileen.
Passionate about Parenting? Sat 1st Nov 9.30 am – 3.00 pm @ the
Tudor Barn, Warsop – organised by the Mothers’ Union and Diocesan
Education Team. Guest speaker and workshops, free event, with lunch.
If you are interested, please ask Kathryn for an application form/details.
It's our 20th Wedding Anniversary on Wednesday, 29th October and
we will be celebrating by having our wedding blessed by Kathryn. If any
of you are free on that date at 11am you are very welcome to join us,
there will be tea, coffee and cake afterwards (Tess, Noah and Bram are
making a wedding cake for us - we forgot to have one for our original
wedding!). As a family we don’t really like any fuss, so we’ll be keeping
it plain and simple. Dress code - come as you are, no need to dress up!
Hope to see you there - Sarah and Andrew Wheatley.
Detached Youth Project. Eleanor Rice is the new Keyworker for
Nottingham Youth for Christ working in Hucknall. Churches Together
are setting up a detached youth project to reach out and build
relationships with young people who are out on the streets on Friday
evenings. Volunteers are needed from 7 – 9 pm on Friday evenings and
we are hoping to get two or three volunteers from each church. If you
are interested and/or would like more information please come to a
meeting at Central Methodist Church on Tuesday 7 th October at 7:30, or
contact Eleanor at [email protected]
Gardeners Required After many years of faithful service, Ken is giving
up tending the churchyard (really retiring this time!). Please consider if
you can offer an hour or two occasionally or regularly to help our small
but committed group of gardeners – Trevor, Peter, John and Linda.
Speak to one of the churchwardens if you can help.
Forthcoming events at St Peter & St Paul’s:
Fish and Chip Supper 7 November @ 7pm. All Welcome. Only £5 per person
inc. a pudding. See Rita or Angela for more information and invite your friends
and family.
Christmas Promise Auction We are trying something different this year – instead
of the Christmas Fayre we will be hold a wonderful evening of food, talents, fun
and tombolas. 29th November @ 6pm – All Welcome – bring friends and
family to a great evening. Let us know what you can offer to another gardening, cooking, sewing, cleaning, ironing… anything helpful and giving.
This talent will then be auctioned to the highest bidder – all proceeds to church
Children’s Christmas Cinema Party 13 Dec @ 2pm. A Christmas Cinema
event FREE for all the family with party food and a gift for every child.
Contact Details
Revd Canon Kathryn Herrod – 0115 964 1499 (day off Monday)
Email: [email protected]
Revd Sergiy Diduk: - 0115 998 4385 (day off Friday)
Email:[email protected]
Associate Priest: Revd. George Knowles – 0115 955 9822 [email protected]
Church Wardens: Mr. Ian Raynor – 0115 953 5949 [email protected]
Dr. David Hosking – 01773 812721 [email protected]
Church Website: www.hucknall-parish-church.org.uk
Notice sheet:
Chantelle Barnett:[email protected] - 07926 540193
Team Rector: