STEP 1 CREATE LOGIN ACCOUNT @ BWC [IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY HAVE ONE] STEP 2 CREATE USERNAME AND PASSWORD STEP 3 REQUEST ACCESS TO TEAM PAGE FROM ADMINISTRATOR [FOR 2014-15 IT IS [email protected]] Note, you may get an email asking you to confirm account @ Sportngin Proceed to login by clicking on the Login word on BWC website Next is the tricky part…click on the icon indicated by the red arrow and if you have not selected your preferred site (because Sportngin supports 1000s of Sports websites, there is no way for it to know what you want to edit) If you there is nothing in the drop down, which should be the case then you need to add BWC to your profile. STEP 4 JOIN BWC TO YOUR PROFILE [MOST IMPORTANT PART, WITHOUT THIS YOU CAN NOT EDIT YOUR TEAM SITE] Click on the arrow point down next to your username NEXT YOU SHOULD SEE THE MENU BELOW, YOU NEED TO CLICK ON PROFILE WHICH WILL TAKE YOU TO THIS MENU Note: You should have no memberships at this point, that’s the next step, without joining to BWC you cannot access any edit modes. STEP 5 JOINING YOUR PROFILE TO BWC Click on ref circled button called Become a Member You should see the following screen, when you do click on Update Membership for Selected Profiles If all went according to design, you should now see BWC under in your profile as below STEP 6 GO TO YOUR TEAM SITE AND START UPDATING! SETUP ROSTER You should see a menu like so: Click on the tab menu called Roster You should see this: If all went according to plan you should see an option to switch between EDIT or USER Click on EDIT As soon as you do that you should see the screen refresh and see the option to add a player: Once you click on ADD PLAYER you should get the following screen: From that point it is intuitive and you can simply follow instructions, there is not much that you can mess up here, if you make a mistake simply start over again. You can also edit individual players, add pictures, numbers etc.. STEP 7 ADDING GAMES Click on the Menu tab called Game Schedule and you should see the following screen, if EDIT is not highlighted in yellow then you are good to add games and should see the option to do that if not then click on the EDIT switch. Adding games from the input screen below is straightforward all you have to is fill in the details and click Create Game (you may have to scroll down to see that option). STEP 8 ADDING OTHER CONTENT There is a lot of options for adding content here, go ahead and experiment, do not be afraid to make a mistake, you will only affect you site. A useful widget to add is a calendar for tracking practices and other team events and here is how you do that. First you should see the following in EDIT mode: Click in Add Page Element Next you will get options like so, you can copy mine or create your own and see what happens. Next you can try placing the widget in different parts of your screen, adding other content and so on. That all folks, easy as can be!
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