We would like to thank the following local businesses who have contributed $150 to RSVP this fall. If you visit any of these establishments, please extend your appreciation of their support for RSVP. Pizza Inn, Mullins Funeral Home, and Sisson and Ryan, Inc. A presentation on Learning More about The Crossings at Blacksburg will be held on Wednesday, October 22 at 10 am at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. This is a great way to learn about the new facility being constructed on N. Main Street in Blacksburg. They will also discuss volunteer opportunities. Refreshments provided. Call RSVP to preregister and if you need transportation. RSVP of Montgomery County and Radford October 2014 Volunteer News & Opportunities On November 7, RSVP volunteers will be delivering flower arrangements to veterans throughout Montgomery County, especially those who are residing in local nursing and assisted living homes. We want to honor those who have protected our freedom in recognition of Veterans Day on November 11. If you would like to sponsor a veteran, the cost of each arrangement is $7.50. Please call RSVP at 382-5775 to place your order. The next New Volunteer Orientation is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21 from 9:3011:30 am. If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend a session, mark your calendar to join us to learn more about RSVP. Robert Lambert with the Community Health Center of the NRV will provide information on their organization and available volunteer opportunities. Call to register and if you need transportation. It is time to think about your Medicare Part D Drug Plans again. Every January, all Medicare drug plans change. Even if you are happy with your current plan, you need to determine if it will still be the best one for you in 2015. If you fail to make a change during Open Enrollment, you may be stuck in a plan that doesn’t work best for you next year. The NRV Agency on Aging VICAP Program will be assisting Medicare Beneficiaries beginning October 15th through December 7th. Call the Agency at 980-7720 to receive a form to fill out so that the VICAP staff can research the Medicare Part D plans that are available to you. These forms are also available in the RSVP office. If they find a plan that will better suit your needs, they will schedule an appointment for you. During this appointment, you can choose to make a change based on the information that the staff member presents to you. If they determine that your existing plan works for you in 2015, they will send you a “No Change” letter. Don’t forget to come by and pick up some quilt raffle tickets for yourself and take some to sell. We also have a basket with items that a female might enjoy that we will be raffling. Both drawings will be done at our holiday volunteer appreciation party on December 5 from 2-4 at St. Paul United Methodist Church Activity Building. Volunteer Opportunities: Please consider helping with any of the following opportunities by calling the number listed, the RSVP office at 382-5775 or emailing [email protected]. A Project Linus Blanket Day is set for Saturday, October 4 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Grove United Methodist Church in Radford. Call Penny Sweet at 230-6209. The Meadowbrook Library is in need of volunteers to assist with the children’s activities for the annual Fall Harvest and to bake cakes for their cake walk. RSVP will also have a table. This fun event will be held on Saturday, October 4 from 10-2. If you’d like to enter a pie in the Pie Contest, call RSVP for the rules. Page 2 October Birthdays: 01 Shirley Huffman 01 Jan Marks 03 Frances Poole 03 Fran West 04 Judy McNabb 04 Betty Pettit 06 Roy Thompson 07 Donna Thompson 08 Joan Hansler 08 Shirley McPherson 09 Dale Mull 10 Phyllis Lutz 10 Rebecca Pennington 10 Penny Sweet 12 Danny Loop 13 Mary Adkins 16 Lee Brown 16 Joan Efird 17 Eugenia Taylor 18 Beth Bodnar 19 Myra Lux 20 Jill Songer 20 Mary West 24 Pat Lovern 25 Dorothy Meredith 26 Brenda Spangler 30 Anna Dalton Get Well Soon: Margaret Crate Wenona Gardner Thelma Shelor Mary Sifford Condolences: We are saddened by the loss of Betty Doyle, a dedicated employee with RSVP for 12 years. Coordinating the Reading Rangers Program was her primary focus, but she assisted in every aspect of RSVP. Encouraging children to enjoy reading was her passion. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to her children, grandchildren and friends. RSVP of Montgomery County and Radford Volunteer Opportunities A Blood Drive is scheduled for Monday, October 13 at Christiansburg Recreation Center from 9 am to 2 pm. To donate blood, call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE to schedule a time. Good Samaritan Hospice invites you to attend their volunteer training sessions being held every Monday in October at their office on 1160 Moose Drive in Christiansburg. Time: TBD. Pre-registration is required by calling or emailing Deborah Lovelace at 381-3171 or [email protected]. The Blacksburg Museum & Cultural Foundation is looking for folks interested in greeting visitors and introducing them to the Alexander Black House and Cultural Center. Contact Lori Jones, volunteer coordinator, at 540-558-0745 or email [email protected]. The Salvation Army is seeking volunteer tutors for an afterschool tutoring program for students K-5 two days per week from 4:15 -5:00 pm. A background check is required. Contact Neva Sales at 392-3233 to learn more. AARP Tax Aide Program is seeking volunteers to serve as tax preparers in 2015. Free tax training is provided. Local volunteers assisted over 1,100 individuals with their taxes this year. We are seeking RSVP volunteers who would like to serve on the RSVP Advisory Council for the 2015-2016 term. If you are interested or know someone who would be, please contact one of the Nominating Committee members, Deborah Lovelace, Phyllis Lutz, Shirley Peterson, Lou Reynolds or RSVP before November 12. The Montgomery County Christmas Store will begin this year’s operation on Saturday, November 1 and will be open each Tuesday and Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm for volunteers to assist with setting up the store and for accepting donations. Contact Merilyn Armstrong at 381-0585 or [email protected] to schedule your volunteer time. If you would like to assist during the Store’s shopping dates of December 9-13, contact Mae Hoover at 381-0585 or at [email protected]. The annual Tote Bag Holiday Project is well under way with volunteers cutting, sewing and decorating the bags to be filled for 150 Heritage Hall patients. The bags will be ready to be picked up to fill by November 1 and a list of needed items is available in the RSVP office. We are collecting bud vases to be used in our Hugs and Buds project, plastic bathing tubs that are given to patients in the hospital for the MCEAP Thrift Store and More and small used embroidery hoops for a Pointe West project, (the old wood ones are the best). Please bring them to the RSVP office. Items needed for the holiday Paper Bag Project for Head Start are note pads (ones that are received in the mail are fine), envelopes of cocoa mix or 100% juice boxes, small candy bars (no nuts) and 12 girls knit caps. Walkers are needed for our Walk-A-Thon on October 16! October 2014 Page 3 Community Events Radford Health & Rehab will host an informational program on diabetes with Carol Ballard Wednesday, October 8 at 11:30 am. Call 633-6533 to register. Lunch is provided. Find new friends in old books at the YMCA Book Fair on Friday, October 3 from 12:00-7:00 pm; Saturday, October 4 from 10:00 am-7:00 pm; Sunday, October 5 from 12:00-4:00 pm. All remaining books half price on Sunday. Over 15,000 books, games, music and more! The YMCA Thrift Store is located at 1000 N. Main Street, Blacksburg. Call RSVP if you would like to volunteer at this event. A Tailgate Party will be the theme of the Active Adult Day at Meadowbrook Community Center on Thursday, October 9 at 11:00 am. Dress in your favorite team colors and Southern Care will host a game of football trivia. Taco Soup will be provided for the luncheon and participants are asked to bring one of your favorite tailgate dishes to share. If you have unique football memorabilia, bring it for a “show and tell”. Register with RSVP or Kemvia at 382-6975 by October 6. Free. The Christmas Store will begin accepting applications to shop during the holiday season on Saturday, October 18th from 9-1; Sunday, the 19th from 1-4; Tuesday, the 21st and Thursday, the 23rd from 5-7. Call 3810585 for further information on times and eligibility requirements. We will publish the November application dates in next month’s newsletter. An AARP Driver Safety Course is being taught on Monday and Tuesday, October 13 and 14 at the Christiansburg Recreation Center from 9 am to 1 pm. Register by calling 382-2349. The fee is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. The Montgomery County Department of Social Services will begin taking applications for Fuel Assistance on October 14 and continue through November 14. You may obtain an application or further information by calling 382-6990. The next Shred-A-Thon will be held on Saturday, October 18 from 9 am to noon at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. The Blacksburg AARP Chapter public meeting is Tuesday, October 21 from 11:30 am to 1 pm in the Blacksburg Community Center. Angela Little will present information about RSVP. Bring a bag lunch and drinks will be provided. A joint Fall Luncheon is being held at the Blacksburg Community Center on Tuesday, October 7 at noon. Baked spaghetti, drinks and salad will be provided. Please bring a dessert, side dish or bread to share. For extra fun, Bingo will start at 1 pm. Please bring four quarters for prize money. Register with any Parks and Rec Department by September 30. The Montgomery County Department of Social Services is in need of Companion Providers. Providers may assist with transportation, light housekeeping, errands, cooking and companionship. Pay is $7.50 an hour. Clients are approved for 15-64 hours per month. Must pass a background check and provide references. If interested, call Social Services at 382-6990, ext. #3451. Breast Cancer Awareness Day is being held in the Christiansburg Recreation Center lobby on Monday, October 6 from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. Stop by the information table and pick up information on the importance of early detection, self-exams and register for a door prize. We will be having the RSVP Christmas Shoppe again this year and it is scheduled to open in mid-November in the RSVP Activity Room. Plan to do some of your Christmas shopping with us! RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY AND RADFORD NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Christiansburg, VA PERMIT NO. 104 210 S. Pepper Street, Suite D Christiansburg, VA 24073 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 540-382-5775 Fax: 540-381-6856 Email: [email protected] We’re on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ RSVPofMontgomeryCoandRadford Walk-A-Thon to benefit Supplies for Seniors: Anyone can join RSVP volunteers in the 7th Annual Walk-A-Thon on Thursday, October 16 at 10 am at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. Michael Barber, Mayor of Christiansburg, will be our Walk Leader. T-shirts and goody bags will be given to all walkers and lunch will be provided. A massage therapist will be available. The instructions and sponsor sheets are included in this newsletter. Registration forms can be completed at RSVP. You may walk and obtain sponsors or sponsor someone else to walk. We will have sponsors, so you can walk even if you don’t have a sponsor. All proceeds will go to purchase basic household and personal care items for 280 homebound seniors for the winter months that live in the New River Valley. Bring a friend to walk! Donations of items can be dropped off at the Christiansburg Recreation Center, the RSVP offices, the Pulaski Senior Center and the Agency on Aging. Supplies Needed: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Soap, Deodorant, Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner, Detergent, Tissues, Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer, Cleaning Supplies, Food Storage Supplies, Trash Bags, Crossword/Word Search Puzzles, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Dish Detergent, Disinfectant Wipes, Foil and Plastic Wrap
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