SAINT S TANISLAUS R C C OMAN ATHOLIC HURCH 51 LANSDALE AVENUE, LANSDALE, PA 19446 Telephone: 215.855.3133 • Fax: 215.855.5478 Mater Dei School: 215.368.0995 • Religious Education Office: 215.855.9893 Email: [email protected] • Web: Like us on Facebook: St. Stanislaus Lansdale MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday Vigil: 5:15pm; Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) Daily: Monday through Friday 6:30am & 8am in the Parish Center Chapel; Saturday 8am in the Church CATHOLIC MASS IN SIGN LANGUAGE: 4th Sunday of the month in the Chapel MASS INTERPRETED IN ASL: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays, 9am Mass CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: During 11am Mass each Sunday MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Following Saturday 8am Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 8:30am to 9am; 4pm to 4:45pm and other times by appointment. BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated Sundays after the 11am Mass. Parents and godparents are expected to participate in a pre-baptismal formation session which is offered on the third Monday evening of every month, except August and December, at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact the Church at least 6 months in advance of the planned wedding date. No other arrangements should be made until the couple meets with a parish priest and the date and time are reserved. Attendance at a Marriage Preparation program is required in accord with Archdiocesan policy. Further information will be provided at the time of the meeting with a priest. PASTORAL STAFF PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Penny Mitchell PASTOR EMERITUS MATER DEI SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Miss Diane E. McCaughan Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Murray PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Philip M. Forlano Rev. Michael G. Mullan, LC IN RESIDENCE Rev. Gregory J. Hamill DEACONS Deacon Charles G. Lewis Deacon C. Stephens Vondercrone Deacon Raymond C. Wellbank Deacon Mathieu Tielemans, Retired COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Leona Russell DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Peggy Dominick DIRECTOR OF PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Sr. Barbara A. McGahan, RSM DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Bill Wilson PARISH SERVICE MINISTERS Sr. Dolora Curley, OSF Mrs. Frances W. Mordell WELCOME We welcome all to join us for worship and invite you to become a part of our parish family. We encourage you to full and active participation in our parish life. New members are asked to call the Parish Center to schedule an appointment for registration. Registration is required for admission to our programs of Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, First Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Marriage. Eligibility certificates for Sponsorship for Baptism and Confirmation are issued to registered parishioners who are practicing Catholics. HOURS OF OPERATION The Saint Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel is open for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Parish Center is open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 9pm, closing from 12pm to 1pm for lunch and from 5:30pm to 6:30pm for dinner; Friday from 9am to 5pm, closing from 12pm to 1pm for lunch; Saturday from 9am to Noon and Sunday from 8:30am to 1pm. Priests are available after building ho ur s f o r emerg en cies . Cal l 215.368.0220. Sunday, October 12, 2014 ~ The Twenty–eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time OCTOBER 12, 2014 Dear friends / Mis queridos amigos, What’s going on at the end of that gospel parable this week? In the familiar story of the wedding banquet where everything is ready but the guests do not show up, the host resorts first to finding out why the invited guests were not there, then goes ahead and invites people to come whom his servants find on the byroads. But one guest comes to share in the banquet without being properly dressed. Many have speculated why he committed the fashion faux pas. Somehow the host spotted the outsider right away, and he sent him away. He may have looked like he belonged, but he did not know the host or family. Many of us look and talk like we belong in the inner circle of God, close enough to be invited to this Eucharistic banquet. We try to belong – going back to some religious practices that fell away over the years, starting up a spiritual program in search for a closer relationship with God – but lose interest or get tired and give up. In our search for God, all of us must first see the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we see the saints in search for God and try to imitate them. If, however, we are as faithful as Moses, or as poor as St. Francis, or as compassionate to the poor as St. Vincent de Paul that does not always enable us to see God. Instead, we see other people seeing God. We need to do that with our own eyes, not rely on second-hand sight. It was BECAUSE Moses saw God in the burning bush, and because Francis heard God’s challenge to rebuild from the cross at San Damiano, that they found God for themselves. God is always there, waiting to be found. It takes close personal attention to discover God in the messiness of life. Like puzzles that contain hidden objects in the lines, we have to sense their presence before we can see them. We begin to see it when we are confident it is really there. You and I cannot just conjure up God on our own. Even if we contemplate as well as John of the Cross, as delicately as the Little Flower, or as intensely as Ignatius of Loyola, God still remains silent. Why? Because they all learned their prayer language by first seeing God. If only there was an easy way to do this, but we all know there is none. We can choose to pursue other, more comfortable (and easier) pleasures. Unfortunately these fail to satisfy the deep longing programmed in us for God. Sure, it can be a nice life to charge on after those other things, but ultimately, not the best one. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Could you imagine sorting through the mail and finding a special-looking envelope nestled in the pile with all bills and circulars? It contains a formal dinner invitation from God. An RSVP is requested. Will you attend? Maybe there’s a conflict with a game-day sporting event; or you will be away on a vacation you spent a lot of money on; the kids need to be somewhere; or you simply want to spend the day relaxing in bed. Who wants to get dressed up? One of the largest religious groups in the country is made up of inactive Catholics. Even those who consider themselves “active” miss God’s banquet of love on a rather regular basis. We must be careful to remember that because people stop coming to Mass does not mean they have lost their religion. Everyone has a grasp of the sacred that is pre-religious, an innate sense of God that is nurtured by ritual and association with others of like belief. The Mass is Roman Catholicism’s most sublime religious experience, but unfortunately some people never get to know it well enough to understand and appreciate it. They think – by temperament, by experience, or by education – they can get by without it. The Church, however, is a family, and families welcome members even if they are absent or estranged. Undoubtedly this is a task of ongoing evangelization, and I realize I am “speaking to the choir” if you are reading this. You actually come to Church! But the challenge is still there for us all to be credible witnesses to Christ in the world, and to invite by word and example the less-committed Catholics in our families and among our friends back to Church. A family includes even those who do not come to family gatherings. Like Tom Bodett in the Motel 6 commercials: “We’ll leave the light on.” +++++++++++++++++++++++ Significant progress has been made in completing another planned maintenance item previously discussed in the parish bulletin. Replacement of the sacristy roof is finished, and a date for conversion of the priest house heating system to allow for natural gas or oil has been scheduled for early November. The HVAC system in the main Church will be changed over to heat within the next two weeks. After that we will not be able to turn any air-conditioning on, only heat. The new sacristy roof will end the problems we encountered when the ice melted after last winter’s deep freeze, causing numerous leaks in the sacristy bathroom, boiler room, closet, and altar server changing room. Thank you for your generosity in the green envelopes which enabled this repair! Although not “flashy,” it was desperately needed. HAVE A GREAT WEEK, EVERYONE! PAGE - 2 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK TODAY SANCTUARY FLOWERS Flowers on the Blessed Mother Altar this weekend are in honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Tom & Kathy Francis. ANNUAL SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS RAFFLE The Sisters of St. Francis will be selling chances after Masses today. All proceeds will benefit retired Sisters and various sponsored ministries. The Grand Prize is $5,000 plus 8 winners for smaller amounts. The drawing will be November 25, 2014. Only $2 for 1 chance; $5 for 3 chances or $10 for 6 (1 Book). Thank you for your past kindness and God bless you for any help you can give this year. THIS WEEK ROSARY SERVICE The next Altar & Rosary Society Rosary service takes place on Monday, October 13 at 2 pm at Golden Living. All are welcome. LIVING ROSARY On Wednesday, October 15, we will pray a Living Rosary in the Church. In order to be seated, please plan to arrive no later than 7 pm; we will begin our prayer promptly at 7:15 pm. Anyone interested in participating is invited to call LaVerne Scheetz at 267.577.1833. OCTOBER G.I.F.T. PROGRAM: See Page 4. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Monday: Tuesday Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Is 25:6-10; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 Gal 4:22-27, 31-5:1; Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17; Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thes 1:1-5; Mt 22:15-21 Sunday, October 12 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 11 am Mass 11 am Secular Franciscans @ Cahill room Monday, October 13 7 pm 33 Days to Morning Glory @ lobby Tuesday, October 14 1 pm Seniors @ lobby meeting room 7 pm PREP parents @ Chapel 7 pm Spanish Prayer Group @ Cahill & McDonough rooms 7:30 pm G.I.F.T. @ lobby meeting room Wednesday, October 15 9 am Garden Club @ Church grounds 6:45 pm PREP @ school, gym 7 pm Cub Scout leaders @ Cahill room 7:15 pm Living Rosary @ Church 7:30 pm RCIA @ lobby meeting room Thursday, October 16 1:45 pm Legion of Mary @ Cahill room 6:15 pm Children’s Choir @ Church 6:50 pm Bingo @ gym 7 pm Bereavement @ Cahill room 7 pm New Beginnings @ lobby room 7 pm One Thing is Three @ Schade & St. Stanislaus rooms 7:30 pm Adult Choir @ Church Friday, October 17 6 pm Cub Scouts @ gym Saturday, October 18 8:30 am Confessions until 9 am 10 am Scarecrow Festival @ School 4 pm Confessions until 4:45 pm NEXT WEEKEND Scarecrow Festival ~ All Welcome. See Page 6. Cub Scout Popcorn Sale after Masses CYO/Parish Youth Ministry Fall Mass, 5:15 pm The Children’s Choir will sing at the 11 am Mass Altar & Rosary Society Blessing, 11 am Mass Collection: World Mission Sunday. There will not be a separate collection. Please place your donation in a designated envelope in the regular Sunday Offering basket. Please see the letter from Archbishop Charles Chaput on Page 8. OCTOBER PRAYER Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Divine Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. PAGE - 3 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA OCTOBER 12, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday 6:30 am Deceased Members of the Vencius Family Requested by John Vencius Anna Korn Requested by the Albert Family 8 am Tuesday 6:30 am 8 am St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr Raymond Zelt John Florentino Requested by Carman & Amelia Vare Wednesday 6:30 am St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church 8 am Thursday Kathleen & Robert Kirby Requested by the Weigle Family Phoebe Anne Requested by Annie Rex St. Hedwig, Religious; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin Sandra Pepka Requested by Joanne Madden Christopher Michael Maynard Requested by the Haytko Family 6:30 am 8 am Friday 6:30 am St. Ignatius of Antioch Helen Schenk Requested by Mary Ann Kurnik Elizabeth Scrimshaw 8 am Saturday 8 am St. Luke, Evangelist Florence J. Migliaccio Requested by Husband, Neil Sunday, October 19, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 am Martha Rymar Requested by the Husson Family 9 am Mary Nicoloso (Anniversary) Requested by the Family 11 am Mildred Mulgrew (5th Anniversary) Requested by the Family Miraculous Medal Novena Prayers follow the 8 am Saturday Mass. The Rosary is prayed after daily Mass. All are welcome! WEDDINGS We extend our best wishes and promise of prayers to St. Stanislaus parishioners who are preparing for marriage, especially: Emily Sutton & Louis Marquet, III Kim Haas & Charles Bleasdale PAGE - 4 Please pray for the sick who carry the cross of illness especially: Daniel Abaldo, Sister Ann Teresa, RA, Robert Berk, Dolores Bonner, Ruth Bossert, Joe Burns, Helen Daly, Bernadette Donnelly, Hugh Donnelly, Christopher Eckler, Robert F. Eckler, Michele Fenstermacher, Patricia Hendricks, Baby Stephen Patrick Joyce, Andrea Kelly, Larry Kelly, Jr., Richard Kelly, James Krynski, Bernadette Kubej, John Merry, Margaret Mindell, Jay Murphy, Edward Nemchik, Gladys Nemchik, Phyllis Owoc, Todd Ramsey, Frank Rieg, Sister Mary Joan Rice, RA, Lucille Salerno, Patty Scatena, David Stewart, Dot Thayer, Ken Tucker, Thomas VanBell, Justin Wisniewski, Frank Yevak, Bill Yourl. If you wish to place a particular family member or friend on the Bulletin list for a period of three weeks, please call Maureen Fillenwarth or Fran Mordell at the Parish Center, 215.855.3133. If you wish to place a name on our Prayer Line, call Chris & Bethann DeCree at 215.256.0260, or Fran Mordell. WE REMEMBER OUR DECEASED: Our parish family expresses prayerful condolences to the loved ones of: Michael Dempsey. OCTOBER G.I.F.T. PRESENTATION Fire Upon the Earth: The Call of the New Evangelization for Your Life. Jesus came to set our hearts on fire with His divine love and then sent us into the world to spread that fire among our brothers and sisters. This mission from the Lord is called evangelization. Pope Francis reminds us that none of us are exempt from this mission and that to live it will bring great joy to our lives. Come learn what the new evangelization is all about, why it will bring you joy, and how you can live it. Our presenter is Meghan Cokeley, Director of the Office for the New Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Please join us on Tuesday, October 14 at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center lobby meeting room. Refreshments follow the presentation. There is no cost to attend. Ushers will continue to conduct the Archdiocesan October Count during Masses each remaining weekend in October. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration St. Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel Make known to me your ways, Lord; teach me your paths. Psalm 25: 4 Come spend an hour with our Lord. Urgent Hours of Need Sunday, 12 noon Thursday 7 am Friday 11 pm For more information about becoming an adorer or substitute, contact Sue Gillen at 215.362.8643 or [email protected]. METANOIA YOUNG ADULTS NEWS Metanoia Young Adults is an active community of Catholic young adults in Montgomery County, PA. The group supports Catholics in their 20s and 30s who are looking to deepen their faith and meet fellow Catholics in the area. Our Ministry includes: Theology on Tap, faith based meetings, community service, retreats, and outdoor events and activities. Visit or email [email protected] for more information. Upcoming Events: October 14: Bible study at Corpus Christi at 7:30 pm; October 21: Theology on Tap at Appalachian Brewing Co., Collegeville at 7:30 pm. TREASURE INFORMATION Weekly Parish collection: October 5, 2014: $20,845* October 6, 2013: $20,411 *Contributed in 596 envelopes and 18 loose checks. Parish Debt Reduction collection: October 5, 2014: $2,408 October 6, 2013: $3,073 MAJOR BILLS PAID SINCE OCTOBER 5, 2014 Payroll & Related: $23,379 Church Maintenance: $1,409 Church Supplies: $1,101 PAGE - 5 ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY NEWS The Altar and Rosary Society is looking for new members. If you think you’d like meeting with others to not only help keep our Church looking its best but also develop great friendships and share our faith, then the Altar and Rosary Society may be for you! All adult parishioners are invited to join us at our next meeting on October 20 at 7:30 pm in the Cahill room of the parish Center. You can also contact Terri Gurecki at 215.393.1574 or [email protected] for more information. All members, present and past, are invited to join us on Sunday, October 19, as we attend the 11 am Mass as a group. CHARISMATIC MASS "My strength and my courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior." Isaiah 12:2. We will meet again to praise and thank our God on October 28 for a CHARISMATIC MASS, celebrated by Msgr. Tracy, at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center Chapel. If you would like more information, please call Dianne Spotts at 215.855.9740. SENIOR CLUB Meetings: Tuesday, October 14 and Thursday, October 23 at 1 pm in the Parish Center. Questions? Call Lois Prezuhy at 215.855.0522. Trips: Monday October 20 - Mohegan Sun Casino, Wilkes Barre, PA. The bus leaves parking lot at 9:30 am. Wait list only Tuesday November 25 - American Music Theater Christmas Show & Luncheon at the Revere Inn. The bus leaves parking lot at 10:30 am. Wait list only. May 18-22, 2015: Montreal & Quebec, Canada. Includes 2 nights in Montreal, 2 nights in Quebec, 4 full breakfasts, 4 dinners, city tours of Montreal & Quebec. Visit Notre Dame Basilica, Monmorency Falls, Ste Anne DeBeaupre Basilica and more. Price per person for double occupancy is $799 which includes baggage handling, taxes and gratuities. If interested, call for brochure. For information, call Rosemary at 215.368.4645. Reminder: Photo ID required for all Casino trips. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA OCTOBER 12, 2014 Mater Dei Matters “It’s What’s Inside That Matters” For information on Mater Dei Catholic School call 215.368.0995, email [email protected] or visit All are invited celebrate autumn at the First Annual Scarecrow Festival on Saturday, October 18 from 10 am to Noon in the front yard of Mater Dei School. Come vote for your favorite scarecrow made by a Mater Dei Family. Snacks, cider and fun for all ages! MATER DEI GOLF OUTING Swing Into Action and support Mater Dei at the 3rd Annual Mater Dei Golf Outing on October 17 at Pine Crest Country Club. Prizes awarded. Registration and lunch begin at noon; 1 pm shotgun start; 6 pm cocktails, dinner and awards. Cost is $125 per golfer and includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, cocktails and dinner. $30 per non-golfer for cocktails and dinner only. R.S.V.P. ASAP. For information please call 215.368.0995. ATTENTION CRAFT FAIR VENDORS! Registrations are being accepted for both the St. Rose and St. Stanislaus Christmas Craft Fairs, to be held on November 9th and December 7th, respectively. Visit the Mater Dei web site at or send an email to [email protected], for more information. Discount for registering for both fairs! Coordinator of Religious Education (PREP): Mrs. Leona Russell Office Phone Number: 215.855.9893; Email: [email protected] NEW Volunteer Openings on Wednesday nights – We are in need of one catechist and one aide for PREP on Wednesday nights. The catechist opening is in 4th grade. Please call Leona Russell for information or to apply. Your reward will be eternal! Thank you! Fall Snack Bag Food Drive This year our PREP and Mater Dei Catholic School students are joining together to collect food items that will be used to put together snack bags which will be donated to the Nutritional Development Services of the Archdiocese to be distributed to families in need. The drive will continue through October 22. If you would like to learn more or make a contribution, please contact the Religious Education office. Thank you to all who are helping to make a difference in the lives of these children! Mark your calendar… First Reconciliation Parent Meeting – Tuesday, October 14 at 7 pm (in the Chapel in the Parish Center). This meeting is mandatory for parents of 2nd grade students who will be preparing to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on December 4, 2014. (This includes parents of the children who attend Mater Dei and who are parishioners at St. Stanislaus as well as those of our PREP children in the grade 2 classes.) Our guest speaker for the evening is Fr. Michael Mullan. Living Rosary – Wednesday, October 15 at 7:15 pm in the Church All are invited to join the PREP students and their families in our Living Rosary Prayer Service to pray for peace in our world. Each decade of the Rosary will be lead and represented by different groups within our Parish community. With all that is going on in our world today, all the prayers we can offer are greatly needed. PAGE - 6 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Youth Minister: Mrs. Peggy Dominick; Phone: 215.855.3133; Email: [email protected]; Web:, Youth Ministry tab FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: SEARCH ST STANS YOUTH MINISTRY CYO FALL LITURGY CYO Fall Liturgy Saturday, October 18 at the 5:15 pm Mass. Any CYO fall sports students interested in helping with being a greeter, Offertory gift bearer, or assisting the ushers are asked to contact Mrs. Dominick. MANNA SERVICE DATES FOR OCTOBER All 6th to 8th graders are invited to help serve the evening meal from 3:30 pm to 6 pm at Manna, located at 713 Main Street in Lansdale, on October 13 and 21. Contact Mrs. Dominick; Permission Form required. CROP WALK Come join the Saint Stanislaus Youth Group team for the Crop Walk, helping to raise funds and awareness to combat hunger at home and around the world! The date is Sunday, October 19. Noon registration at Trinity Lutheran Church. The Walk begins at 1 pm. Raise funds for Church World Services and Manna on Main Street. Bring a canned good to stock the food pantry at Manna! Please contact Mrs.. Dominick ASAP for a pledge envelope if you would like to be a walker. Open to students in Grades 6 to 12, and parents! Let's be a supportive team for his event. We will make posters and signs to carry as we walk to show our support. Contact Mrs. Dominick if interested in making signs on Friday, October 17. CATHOLIC HEART WORK CAMP Saint Stanislaus will be sending 12 students in grades 9 to 12 to Groton, Massachusetts June 21-27, 2015. Why participate in Catholic Heart Work Camp? Serve those less fortunate. Revitalize communities and beautify homes for the elderly, disabled and those who cannot afford needed repairs. Engage in your Catholic faith in whole new way. Meet other teens from different communities. Enjoy a week of service, music, and FUN!! Experience God in a new and profound way…You will not be disappointed! Learn more at an information meeting on Wednesday, October 22 at 7 pm in the Mater Dei School cafeteria. $85 holds your spot. Contact Mrs. Dominick with questions, or visit DECISION POINT FOR STUDENTS GRADES 8 TO 12 AT ST. ROSE OF LIMA Join teens for youth-oriented themes based on episodes from Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly, Thursdays from 7 to 8 pm in the Father Murphy Room at St. Rose of Lima. There is no cost to attend. Pizza provided! Contact Mrs. Dominick for more information. CYO WINTER SPORTS REGISTRATION IS UNDERWAY FOR BASKETBALL FOR GRADES 4-12 Grade 4 instructional; Grades 5/6 Junior Varsity; Grades 7/8 Varsity; Grades 9,10,11,12 high school teams. Register online at Students in grades 4 through 8 must be enrolled in a Catholic School or PREP to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Mack at [email protected]. The cost is $75 per child. Check future bulletins for tryout dates. LANSDALE CATHOLIC ICE HOCKEY YOUTH OPEN HOUSE The Lansdale Catholic Ice Hockey Club will hold a free open house for students in grades 3 thru 8. Come out to Hatfield Ice on Mondays October 13 and 20 beginning at 6 pm. Any boy or girl (of any skill level) attending an area Catholic school who is interested in playing or just trying hockey is encouraged to attend (equipment provided). We have teams for both experienced and beginning players. For more information call Joe Volpe at 215.407.7111 or email [email protected]. REGIONAL KAIROS The second and third Regional Kairos retreats for public school and homeschool high school juniors and seniors will take place December 26-29, 2014 and February 12-15, 2015. Kairos is a 4 day, 3 night retreat helping high school aged kids to grow deeper in their faith. The price for this retreat is usually $300 but with the Philadelphia Education Fund grant, we are able to offer it for $60. If you are interested in signing up or learning more, please visit or email at [email protected]. PAGE - 7 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA OCTOBER 12, 2014 Text of a letter received from Archbishop Charles Chaput: October 12, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ.” Pope Francis begins his message for this year’s celebration of World Mission Sunday with these words. And he quickly offers us the way to make a joy-filled, life giving difference: “World Mission Sunday is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands.” On October 19, our Archdiocesan family celebrates this “privileged moment” joining with our brothers and sisters around the world who will gather at the Lord’s Table to celebrate, with great joy, our common vocation as Missionaries. Our prayers and concrete gestures of solidarity will help build local churches, like the church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, and churches across the globe. Through the work of missionaries in these churches, and their witness to Christ, the needy receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Your prayers and material support will help the Pontifical Mission Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Holy Father’s chief missionary arm, to provide resources to missionaries who proclaim the Gospel and offer help to our brothers and sisters throughout 1,150 mission dioceses. As I said in the past, “We need to bring Jesus Christ to the whole world and the whole world to Jesus Christ. Our mission flows straight from the inner life of the Trinity. God sent His Son. The Son sends His Church. And the Church sends us. We need to be missionaries.” No work of the Church is more central to her reason for being. I thank you in advance for your generous response to the needs of others. Pope Francis encourages us to take joyful part in the Church’s mission to all the nations, as we live our lives grounded in love for Jesus and concern for the needs of the most disadvantaged. May World Mission Sunday offer each one of us an opportunity to accomplish both, as we share the joy of the Gospel and help all people in need with our fervent prayer and our generous hearts! Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M., Cap. Archbishop of Philadelphia Here at St. Stanislaus we will take up the World Mission Sunday collection at Masses next weekend, October 18 & 19. There will not be a separate collection. Please place your donation in the regular Sunday Offering basket in a designated envelope. Thank you for your generosity to this Appeal. NEWS FROM AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School Open House ~ Sunday, October 19, 1 – 4 pm; 8th Grade Entrance/Scholarship Exam ~ Saturday, October 25 (Alternate Date: October 26), 9 am – 12:30 pm. Registration is available online at for all events. Mount Saint Joseph Academy High School Open House ~ Sunday, October 19, 12 - 3 pm ~ Pre-register at; Scholarship/ Entrance Exam ~ Saturday, November 1, 8 am. For more information please call the Admission Office at 215.233.9133 or visit La Salle College High School Open House ~ Sunday, November 9 from 11 am to 2 pm; 8th Grade Scholarship/Entrance Exam ~ Saturday, December 6. Visit for details. Saint Joseph’s Preparatory High School Open House ~ Sunday, November 2 from 10 am to 2 pm; 8th Grade Scholarship/Entrance Exam ~ Saturday, November 15 or Sunday, November 16 at 8:30 am. Students must be applicants. Visit for more information. PAGE - 8 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME XXVIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO - 12 DE OCTUBRE DE 2014 El Padre de nuestro Senor Jesucristo ilumine los ojos de nuestro corazón, para que veamos la herencia gloriosa que Dios nos ha reservado. (Efesios 1, 17-18) Intención de la misa: (Para ofrecer una misa por una intención anunciada, hable con Padre Forlano) Lecturas del Domingo 1) Isaías 25, 6-10 Salmo 22, 1-3a. 3b-4. 5. 6 Habitaré en la casa del Señor, por años sin término. 2) Filipenses 4, 12-14. 19-20 3) Mateo 22, 1-14 Parábola del banquete nupcial (Mateo 22, 1-14) Dios mío, me invitas, me llamas incansablemente a tener un encuentro misterioso en el amor. Tu iniciativa me conmueve. Ayúdame a elevar mi corazón hacia Ti para saber corresponder a tanto amor, participando dignamente en este banquete de la oración. Reflexión: Podría sonar demasiado extraño este evangelio porque, ¿cómo es posible que alguien rechace la invitación a una boda donde habrá vino, música y buen ambiente? Al menos hoy día son pocos los que rechazarían esta oferta tan especial. Pero es claro que esta parábola Cristo nos la dibujó así para que comprendiésemos que todos estamos invitados a participar del gran banquete que celebrará en el cielo. Sólo nos hace falta cumplir un requisito que el evangelio lo pone como algo externo pero que en realidad en las bodas se le da demasiada importancia y es el vestido. Es necesario e indispensable entrar con el ajuar apropiado al gran banquete que Cristo nos invitará, este ajuar es la vida de gracia. Por eso expulsaron de la boda al hombre que no llevaba el traje apropiado, porque no estaba en vida de gracia. Y la gracia, como la llama santo Tomás de Aquino, es "nitior animae" es decir, esplendor del alma, presencia de Dios en nuestra alma. Es claro que Jesús no puede habitar en un lugar en donde no tiene amigos, y tampoco nosotros nos deberíamos atrever a presentarnos a la boda que Él organiza cuando no le tenemos por amigo. Esto es la vida de gracia, conservar su amistad y por tanto rechazar enérgicamente todo lo que pudiese ofenderle: revistas indecentes, películas deshonestas, compañías perjudiciales, ofensas a nuestros padres o hermanos, críticas etc. Es difícil conservar esta amistad con Cristo, pero si realmente lo tenemos por amigo no nos atreveremos a ofenderle, sino que al contrario nos esforzaremos por ser cada día mejores amigos de Él. (Autor: Misael Cisneros | Fuente: Octubre es el Mes Respetemos La Vida “Cada Uno de Nosotros es Una Obra Maestra de la Creación de Dios” No importa cómo el mundo nos considere o considere a los demás, tratemos a cada persona como la obra maestra que es. “Incluso los más débiles y vulnerables, los enfermos, los ancianos, los no nacidos y los pobres, son obras maestras de la creación de Dios, hechos a su imagen, destinados a vivir para siempre, y merecedores de la máxima reverencia y respeto”. - Mensaje del Papa Francisco en ocasión de La Jornada por la Vida RESPETEMOS LA VIDA SANACIÓN POST-ABORTO Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está sufriendo después de un aborto, ayuda que no juzga confidencial está disponible : Tema Serie del Proyecto Raquel nacional gratuito artículo: 888-456-HOPE (-4673) o visite .Los hispanohablantes pueden visitar ¿Cómo le devolveré al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? (Salmo 116:12) 10/5/14 - Colecta: $455.06 Asistentes:145 ¡Gracias por su generosidad! ¿Es mi ofrenda una señal de agradecimiento a Dios y una participación en su caridad? Para un consejo o una cita, hable con Padre Forlano después de la misa o puede contactarlo a 215-855-3133 ext. 111 al Centro Parroquial de San Estanislao. También, se puede comunicar con Padre Forlano por correo electrónico: [email protected]. PAGE - 9 Por favor, rueguen por los enfermos. Carlos Benavides, Max Ho Mo- rales, Benjamin Hernandez, Saulo Guarin, Victor Alarcou, Analiz Florez, Roman Rivera, Magdalena Mendoza, Concepción Sampeño, Yeinaldo Benitez, Elsa Roig, Esteban Tellez, Guadalupe Salinas, Imelda Peña, Josefina D’Hoy, Eliseo Berrio, Edwin Anglero, Manuel Hernandez, Marylin Alvarez, Filigonio Gomez, Viviana Aviles, Adela Alvarez Aguilar, Gregorio Montano, José Santiago, Lidia Escobosa, Juan Hernandez, Rene, Victor Manuel, Ligia Espinoza, Xitlaly. Escri- ba los nombres en la hoja de peticiones antes de la misa, y aquí se incluirán en el boletín la semana que viene. ACTIVIDADES Y FORMACIÓN EN LA FE Instituto de Ministerio Eclesial (IME) ofrece un programa de certificación de tres años para el laicado católico. Participará en un apasionante estudio de la fe católica y en la comunión cristiana; recibirá formación espiritual en preparación para ministerios y enriquecerá el conocimiento que tiene de su Iglesia. Sólo $30 por persona ($5 por clase), con clases en español una noche por semana. Las clases del Año 1 comenzarán el día lunes 13 de octubre. Lugar: San Patricio, Norristown, la oficina parroquial, 7-9:30 pm, 703 Green St. Inscripción e información: Hna Ann McAlpin, 610-272-4500. Grupo de Oración se reúne todos los Martes a las 7:00 PM en la capilla en el centro parroquial. Para más información, favor de contactar a Carlos Zuluaga, (954) 309-1771. Quinceañeras - esta bendición al cumplir quince años de una joven da testimonio de su acción de gracias y de compromiso de vivir una vida cristiana. Por eso, la joven ya debe ser confirmada o debe estar inscrita en un programa de educación religiosa en preparación para recibir el sacramento de confirmación el año de su Quinceañera. Una clase de preparación es un requisito antes de la celebración. La próxima clase es sábado, el 1 de noviembre. Hable con Padre Forlano con un mínimo de seis meses por anticipado para fijar una fecha. Favor contactar Angelica Santillan o Diana Zuluaga para registrarse por la clase, 954296-1420 o [email protected]. LOS SACRAMENTOS Bautismos – Clases bautismales serán el primer Domingo de cada mes después de la misa. Inscríbase por anticipado con el Padre Forlano. La próxima clase bautismal es el 2 de noviembre. Todos los que necesitan bautizar a un niño o una niña o quieren ser padrino o madrina deben asistir. Normalmente, se celebran los bautismos durante la misa del segundo y cuarto Domingo del mes. Para ser padrino/madrina o recibir una carta de elegibilidad, una persona tiene que ser: 1) Un Católico practicante con un mínimo de 16 años de edad y haya recibido todos los sacramentos de iniciación - bautismo, confirmación, y comunión; 2) Registrado en la parroquia o bien conocido en la comunidad de la Iglesia; 3) Casado por la iglesia católica o soltero sin vivir en unión libre; 4) Hay que asistir a la Misa; 5) Deben tener sus propios hijos confirmados si tienen la edad. El Sacramento de Reconciliación se ofrece los sábados a las 8:30 a.m. y 4:00 p.m. y los domingos 12:30-12:50 p.m. o por cita con Padre Forlano. El Matrimonio – hable con Padre Forlano al menos con seis meses antes de la fecha anticipada de la boda. Clases matrimoniales son requisitos antes de casarse por la Iglesia. El Instituto Católico Móvil ofrecerá el taller “Pre-Caná” varias veces durante el año en la Parroquia de San Martin de Tours, Roosevelt Blvd. & Cheltenham Ave., Filadelfia. Para inscribirse o informarse (215) 667-2820/2824 o [email protected] o [email protected] 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA CARPET • TILE • WOOD Hanna Eadeh Rug Co. Mohawk Smart Strand Carpet Contact J.E.M.’s Sparkle & Shine Professional NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL $11.95 sq. yd. installed w/pad 215-362-6800 CAROL M. LAUCHMEN P.C. Attorney at Law • Prompt, Personal Attention Real Estate & Zoning • Wills & Estate Planning Residential/Commerical Family Law • Estate Administration PAHIC# 008212 Personal Injury • Small Business & Corporations John Nales • Fully Ins. • Lic.#9757 HANDYMAN 388 Main St., Harleysville, PA 19438 215-256-4300 E-mail: [email protected] Services for a free estimate! ROOFING Cleaning • House Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning • Upholstery SIDING • Laundry • Bathroom & Bedroom Cleaning WINDOWS John Maurer, Parishioner 215-760-1301 | PAINTING GERALD F. GLACKIN 215-368-5200 267-885-3376 “Fellow Christian” Over 80 Years of Compassionate Care ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLS * ESTATE ADMINISTRATION* REAL ESTATE * ZONING (215) 362-8644 2031 N. BROAD ST., STE 137 LANSDALE $250.00 OFF Any Complete Excellent Nursing Care Rehabilitation Therapies Independent Living Personal Care Apartments • Memory Support Daily Mass in our Historic Chapel PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING Roofing or Siding Job With value of $2500.00 or more $100.00 OFF Any Painting Job With value of $1000.00 or more • Not to be accumulated Coupon Must Be Presented Time of Order St. Mary Manor 701 Lansdale Avenue • Lansdale, PA SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT • FREE ESTIMATES 215-368-0900 Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM Where Beautiful Landscapes Begin Dr. Richard Lizerbram Dr. Ira Silverman Lawn Mowing/Applications • Mulching Shrub Trimming • Lawn/Driveway Drainage Hardscaping • Lawn Renovation Landscape Design/Installation Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. PODIATRIC PHYSICIANS 215.345.1385 Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults Invisalign Certified 1300 Horizon Dr., Suite 117, Chalfont, PA 215-997-0200 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 CARING FOR ALL OUR ST. STANISLAUS FAMILIES 2032 North Broad Street Lansdale, PA 19446 215-855-6500 • [email protected] 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF 20% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Licensed Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair & Insured ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.866.264.8444 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, Or Personal Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Jim Finnen this week Direct number: 610-653-2145 1-800-333-3166 extension #145 126 St. Stanislaus, Lansdale (THIRD) Rt. D John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Stan Stockmal Auto • Life Health • Home Gary’s Plaza 439 S. Broad St. Est. 1966 • Voted Best by Reader’s Choice FAMILY DENTISTRY By Appointment 855-3421 601 East Main Street (Across From St. Stanislaus) Sony Trinitron CARL’S TV & APPL. Call 855-3736 Main and Line Streets, Lansdale HILLCREST SHOPPING CENTER • 664 E. MAIN ST. • LANSDALE (215) 855-9068 Zenith INTEQ 855-1153 VIP BARBERSHOP Carmen C. Rocco, DDS Carmen C. Rocco, Jr., DDS Constance Buffett, DDS Agent 248-1323 SALES & SERVICE 322 W. Main St. Lansdale 215-368-3922 Diocese Member McClard Construction HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST Carpentry • Electrical • Plumbing NO JOB TOO SMALL Rob McClard - Our Lansdale Neighbor 610-755-1100 ASSOCIATES IN HEARING - HEARING AID SPECIALIST Patricia L. Reiff, AUD/CCC, Director 100 W. Main St., Suite 105, Lansdale 215-855-4217 East Norriton Women’s Healthcare Joann Sansone, DO • Grace Adofo, MD Dominick Giuffrida, DO Jeffrey Blatt, MD Margaret Toth, CRNP • Katherine Schneider, CRNP For all women’s healthcare needs, please call 610-239-8970 for an appointment Francesca Kotey, CNM Obstetrics: Individualized Pre-natal Care & Delivery Gynecology: Specializing in Robotic Surgery Accepting new patients and offering evening and weekend appointment hours 325 West Germantown Pike, Ste. 300 • East Norriton, PA 19403 All Our Fresh Flower Bouquets Are Hand-Picked, Hand-Designed & Hand-Delivered. We Guarantee It! Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd. Soudertown, PA 18964 Parishioner 215-799-0515 Harleysville 215-256-9290 Lansdale 215-855-9258 since 1985 OLD FORGE MOTORCARS Music Full Service Repairs & Maintenance Instruction All Levels On All Makes & Models All Instruments 215-631-1776 1101 N. Broad St. All Styles PA 046600 Attends St. Stan’s David Hartl Over 20 Years University Arts Faculty Remodeling • Kitchens • Baths • Basements • Electrical • Plumbing Joe Isabella’s Contracting Senior Citizen Discount 215-361-6013 • 215-721-9399 D.E. Walker & Son, Inc. Heating and Air Conditioning Worth Iron THE RAILING DOCTORS WROUGHT IRON • RAILINGS • GATES Construction • Handyman Svc. Landscaping NO JOB TOO SMALL [email protected] 267-281-3542 RIGHTWAY BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 215-288-7486 Fuel Oil • 24 Hour Service • Service Contracts Heater and A/C Installations Licensed & Insured WATERPROOFING CO. Quality & Customer Service Since 1950 Third Generation FREE INSPECTION PA Lic. #006806 Frank Sobieski says: “We are pleased to have D.E. Walker serving St. Stan’s Parish and to be available for all member families” 510 Beaver Street • North Wales • (215) 699-4012 PATRICK MCCARTHY • Lic # PA104910 HANDYMAN SERVICES GUTTER CLEANING 215-322-7400 267-663-7382 • 888-HOUSEDOC • Lansdale EMERT RECYCLING (215)855-7690 x Cash Buyers of all Grades of Scrap Copper • Brass • Alum. • Steel • Alum. Cans Present This Ad For Your Free Gift 2700 Richmond Road Hatfield, PA $ Choose Quality ~ Discover Value Continuing Care Retirement Community Independent Living Personal Care Skilled Nursing Respite Care Come see why so many of your friends and neighbors are moving to Elm Terrace Gardens 126 St. Stanislaus, Lansdale (INSIDE) Rt. D So. Broad & Sumneytown Pike Friendly & Complete Automotive Service WEST POINT DELI PLUS at Gulf Gas Station at the Church of the Messiah 1001 Dekalb Pike, Lower Gwynedd • 215-699-1572 Dr. Susan Ellis, L.P.C. • Nancy Clark, L.C.S.W. 215-361-5600 Licensed & Insured PA 050067 215-699-8207 • So. 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STEPHEN M. HOWARD ESQ., CPA Riemenschneider Insurance Agency Additions • Garages • Basements Parishioner 215-393-1293 RALPHS CORNER SHPG CTR. 215-855-4995 After Church Special 1.00 OFF $ LARGE PLAIN PIZZA 101 Cowpath Rd.• 362-1401 Not combined w/any other offer • Expires 12/31/2014 Local Diocese Member 10% OFF WITH AD 25 S. 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