ST ANDREW’S CHURCH SCHOOL, TAUNTON Grove Terrace, Taunton TA2 6HA 01823 275906 email: [email protected] website: NEWSLETTER 6 10th October 2014 Dear Parents and Children HOT SCHOOL MEALS th New menu forms have been sent home for the three weeks commencing Tuesday 4 November, as rd st Monday 3 is an INSET DAY. These forms must be returned by Tuesday 21 October at the very latest, if you have any queries please see the staff in the school office. HARVEST FESTIVAL – SUPPORTING ‘SOMERSET EMERGENCY VOLUNTEERS’ WHO COORDINATE THE FLOOD RELIEF EFFORT – MONDAY 13 OCTOBER 2pm All parents and friends are welcome to join us for our school Harvest Service in St Andrew‟s Church on Monday at 2.00pm. This year, our Harvest gifts and sponsorship money will go to Somerset Emergency Volunteers, which provides support for people in emergency situations. Clubs Please note the following clubs will not run next week due to fixtures off the school site Girls football - Monday Year 3/4 football – Wednesday Year 1/2 football – Thursday DJ CLUB th Please note that next week‟s DJ Club (Thursday 16 October) will be the last one this half term. STAN’S PICTURE PALACE th „Frozen‟ will be shown on Friday 17 October @ 3.30pm in the School Hall. The film is suitable for KS1 & KS2. Entrance £1 includes a drink and popcorn. Children may bring some spare change to buy a sweet treat if they wish. Please note that parents are still required to collect children as normal, at the end of the school day, and take them to the hall. NEWSPAPER CLUB On Thursday Jack Clarke, Gugu Mlotshwa, Ben Jones, Katie King and Astrid Kiernan, members of our Newspaper Club, were lucky enough to visit the Somerset County Gazette to pick up a few tips in preparation for their forthcoming newspaper which will go to press shortly! They learned how the editorial team source, write and sub stories for the newspaper and the website; watched the advertising sales teams at work; found out how the paper is distributed; and were talked through the production team's job. Mrs Burke accompanied the children and said: “they hoped to put the experience to good use when they create their own newspaper, St Andrew's Primary Planet.” Jack Clarke said: "I enjoyed the editorial department - it seems a very exciting job and I was interested to see the reporters doing shorthand." Gugu, said: "I enjoyed everything. The advertising department was very interesting and it was good to see the different types of advertisers." A big „thank you‟ to the Somerset Gazette for allowing the children to visit. Watch out for the first edition on St Andrew‟s Primary Planet in the near future! PARENTS’ CONSULTATION EVENINGS – 21 AND 23 OCTOBER The St Andrew‟s Teaching team invite parents to meet with them on 21 or 23 October to discuss their child‟s progress so far this year, to enable them to work together to benefit the children for the future. This does not apply to foundation stage children in Tone and Avon, as they have had „home visits‟ this half term. Times of appointments will be on display in the hall entrance (up the steps with the yellow rail) from Monday next week. Call in to sign up for an appointment. Parents can also sign up for a meeting with Mrs Goddard (SEND Lead). SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS All children had their individual and siblings photographs taken on Thursday. Clive of QPC Photographix will be bringing in the photographs shortly, if you are not happy with the photo, or your child was absent, you will be able to call into his studio (on the Kingston Road „high path‟) for a no cost re-shoot. DATA COLLECTION SHEETS AND CONSENT FORM FOR RECORDING AND USE OF IMAGES Please remember to return these duly completed to the school office, and don‟t forget to sign them. ST ANDREW’S CHURCH CHRISTMAS MARKET – CRAFT STALLS AND TREE-COLLECTOR WANTED! The Church Christmas Market is this year in the church on Saturday 6 December, and tables are available for any craftspeople or party planners who would like to sell their wares on that day. Also needed, is someone with a trailer who may be able to collect the large tree (20 foot) from Combe Florey and deliver it to the church on Thursday 4 December. For more information on the stalls, or collecting the tree, please see Louise Jarmain or contact Alison Perry on 01823 278571. KEY STAGE ONE REWARD At the end of each half-term children are rewarded for good behaviour by an End of Term Reward. On Thursday 23 October the KS1 reward will follow this term‟s theme and all children will be able to come to school dressed as a prince, princess or knight. WANTED Mrs Higham would like some egg boxes for Avon Class please. If you collect any over the weekend please bring them to Avon Class on Monday. GOLD BOOK Each Friday in our assembly we celebrate things that have happened in school during the week and recognise some pupils for doing something „extra special‟ during that week. It might be that they have tried really hard at something they have found difficult, have completed a special piece of work or made a good contribution in the classroom, or they may have been particularly kind or helpful. These children‟s names are recorded in our „Gold Book‟, a certificate is given to them and a sweet treat is given to them. Their names are mentioned in the newsletter, and the reasons as to why they have received special mention are recorded on the noticeboard in the school entrance. Over the past few weeks, the children who have appeared in the Gold Book have been: Avon Class Sheppey Class Cary Class Huntspill Class Somer Class Brue Class Exe Class Sports Hubert Jacaszek Jesse Rice Liam Penetra Jakub Gebarowski Cameron Hawkins Max Healey William Rowles Alfie King Bertie Budge Lucy Williams Abi King Danni Cooper Dainora Aleksandraite Grace Thistlethwaite Astrid Kiernan Jose Chamberlain Montie Budge Bradley Aldridge * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ellie Allan George Chorley Lydia Addicott Chelsea Bevan Eliza Rowles Kira Thompson Sofia Nichols Jacob Hyslop Safiya Gorgulu Jessica Fisk Piper Rice Owen Trego Matthew Bawler Oliver Cook Jasper Aykroyd Mollie Rendell Leila Jones * Samuel Hines * * * * Millie Markham Tilly Croney Alaia Stephens Kamil Rozalski * * * * * * * * Melanie Porter-Gray Asha Savery Taylan Gallagher Mia Doherty Rebecca Mahon Ebony Moon Anvika Biju Patryk Gluszkiewicz * Aidan Culverwell Many congratulations to them all – and keep up the good work! Yours sincerely Paul Sheehan Headteacher ‘With Great Pleasure' an evening of poetry chosen and read by Jeremy and Sheila Harvey with Actress and Broadcaster Penelope Lee. On Tuesday 14 October at 7.00 pm in St Andrew's School Hall. Tickets £5 include light refreshments. Proceeds to St Andrew's Church. Contact Parish Office 01823 332531 for tickets. PAST PUPILS’ REUNION Friday 12 December 2.00pm Past pupils of the school aged from 16 - 160 are invited to come to our hall to meet with others and to pore over the registers and log books, enjoy a cup of tea and some entertainment, and visit the school of today. Please tell any past pupils you know who may be interested – we hope to see many friends then. Come along and take a trip down memory lane! Just turn up – or call school for more information.
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