ushlma e. {xi,5 tltotlTsD il'nTJfitrtg$ l|6rsdtrt''lrrnkr&,kllncrt G- lo Oaaa-{er+ $6cffi toc Regd. Office I lbxce,llente fsmplex, Near Ant-pam Cinema, Kfrokh*ra, Ahrnedab*d " s8s 021, tndia" Ph*neila-;91 'y9-.6r77t80i(l . F*xr9,l .7,9-2?77V86t . t.rrail;[email protected] Cll{ ; l9s$$9et1 9f2plC0rSS?5} Daie :2$th Ootoher, 2OJ:,1 The Executive Director Bom bay Stsck Exchange rlimited Th6 Exequ*ive',Director Phirsze Jeejeebhoy Tow ers. Limited DalalStreet, Exchange Ftaza, Eandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (Ear;t), Mumbai- 400 051 Mumbai - 400 001 National ;Stock Exchange of India Tlie Executirre Director Ahrnedabad Stock Exelhange Llrnited Kamdhenu Complex, PanjaraBole, Ambavadi, Opposite College, Ambavadi Ahmedabad - Sahajanand 38001 5 Dear Sir, R*f: Oisclosure under Regulation 13{6} o-f Securities and Excftaxge Board {Prohibition of lnsider'lilrading} Regulationsr t gg2 of lndia Pursuant to Regulation '[!t!] of Securities and Exehange tsoard of lndia (Prohibition of tnsider Trading) Regulations, tgg2 {hereinafter r:efened to as SEBI Regulations', for diselssure of lqjonnalion receirred uncfer R€gulations 13{1), we w*sh to inform,you that Arth Tiadihg private lir*ited have ecquired 'lfre,Cumulative Redeer,nablg F'referenca Shares carrying voting r'rghts [pursuant to opelqtian of section 87{2} of the Compar.ries,Act, Seition 47{21 oftne Companies {ct, 20131 of Ashima Lt{-, the company lis;ted on your esteemed stock exchanges through an off-mar,lret purchase on 17s October,2014. The Conrpany has, rec.eived intimation from Arth Trading Private Lirnited, the aeguirer of the Shares under Regulatiori 13(1) on Saturday, the 1Bh October, 2014. In thi*_c_o*nection please fiRd enclssed herewiih the disetrosute as per regulation f 5{6) of the said SEBI Regulations. Request youto lrindly talre the same on re@rd and obligp. T:hanking you, Yours faithfully, Encl: As above. T X Ftt Vi*it us at ht!p:l/wwrr.**h$rna,ln N f. Fmn A Securitie* afid Ercfiang€ Baa# €f lffiie (PFshffin df insider Trading) Regu tggzlRegelation 13 fi) ard PN tFsg$FSa$ & le {6} - t}etdb of a-qry*ei$s1 of SA er .a- Ffril-nl &' $fs HllW 's fifj p!*er sd$w eharehotder with . E*$&n tngng ,l*6. ,,* '9s, 'S.,gh$Fstf ,v,s&-grlg8b ffi*l*M ' *ha6e in a ,Bete Rwipt all #rffif Telephone Nurnber Gf Pat r0f sf' s{lr #iqn ts' s. S€ISF esfl paay st Sffiiieilisn fsnsoif,$J Ar& TradW,&l$qts tl*rltsd 3$9, 3}g Fhsr, Jalarxam Cornplex Gitff Msndh" R@, Ahrtle@d SS$'ffi Ph: 078 - 2532m75 NIL $' qS 'i 1$?6 sd, a$l4 Rid€{rel*rh, Sm1ffi*r*e. (kh Frc*l $s* fu,{.Wi. ,{S;'S7. } rtr wl Mi 17iF qf *nr t AW$eltL$fi) I AidD PAN; AAACA9722E tlil t$:ffi'W ,r red€n@ 1196 H{ttc* Prcfierenca Srafes .klW- cf ,t€9:,Y@$ tS-{S & {S bosr & PrfureteU $ali*dl ehcsd TAfi*,sSJe-?% P-AS€ 1 sf g I I Mode {ma@ d ssrtlultig$ Wr.etlp-*El BryHqS stha@ li agb€qe rlght$/ prefererrtlal qffer e.q$i*itisrr etc.) Trcding ts tll€ffiher *mugh whsm *te tr* , r$ras EslKf{gq sn u*ieh the trade ,SW q$ent$y relse N-4. N-A Bt4g tj$*s executed wis, sa*utsd #st d Acquisition Nll- RWi$t ns. of,sgTM, [tts l€t h$fit ffi Redaerneble Cumulative tlw$a€*isn of App,iffi$6 FlpfeFer!€* $*rarw str mark$ wliieh qelryeffi have vot*rrg righb sn aeeount af *peratier.t of $eefips S?{e} of pirtv*te$ f.prrlpqfib$ A€t pla$d *mlistd FreS* r. $trsres 't9$6 tnsw'se$isn 4?{A} Ef tfii Compafti€s Act. 2013) Plase: Ahrnedebad. g*te :1$ul€etcbga2sl* Fqe?sf?
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