Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Metropolis of New Jersey 7004 Ridge Avenue & Mill Road, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey Holy Trinity Herald October 2014 Saint Demetrios suffered in Thessalonica during the reign of Galerius Maximian (c. 306). He belonged to one of the most distinguished families of the province of Macedonia and was widely admired not only because of his noble ancestry and grace of bearing, but also for virtue, wisdom and goodness of heart surpassing that of his elders. The military expertise of Saint Demetrios led Galerius, as Caesar of the Eastern Empire, to appoint him commander of the Roman forces in Thessaly and Proconsul for Hellas. But for all this, Demetrios remained ever aware of the underlying realities of life. Since faith in Christ had touched his heart, all the glory of this world meant nothing to him, and there was nothing he preferred to teaching and preaching the word of God. Despite the persecution directed against Christians by the Emperor, Saint Demetrios brought a large number of pagans to the faith. His words convinced them because they saw in the righteousness, peace and brotherly love that marked his life an illustration of the truth of which he spoke. The Emperor Maximian had just won a series of brilliant victories over the Scythians and was on his way back to Rome when he halted at Thessalonica to receive the acclamations of the populace and to offer sacrifices in thanksgiving to the idols. A number of pagans, envious of the success of the Saint, took advantage of the Emperor's presence in the city to denounce Demetrios as a Christian. Maximian's astonishment gave way to violent indignation when he was told that Demetrios' was making use of his official position to spread the faith. Demetrios was summoned and confined in a cell, located in the basement of nearby baths. Maximian arranged for games and gladiatorial combats to take place in the amphitheater of the city. He had brought with him a man of gigantic stature and Herculean strength called Lyaios, a Vandal by origin. Such was this man's strength and skill in single combat that no one could withstand him. There was in the city a young Christian called Nestor, who observing the empty pride of the Emperor in the victories of his champion, made up his mind to show him that real power belongs to Christ alone. He ran to the baths where Demetrios was imprisoned and asked for the protection of his prayer in going to confront the giant. The Martyr made the sign of the Cross on the brow and the heart of the boy, and sent him like David before Goliath. He reached the amphitheater just as the heralds were crying out on all sides for any who would stand against Lyaios. Advancing towards the Emperor, Nestor threw his tunic to the ground and shouted, "God of Demetrios, help me!" In the first encounter, at the very moment the giant rushed upon him, Nestor slipped aside and stabbed him to the heart with his dagger. There was uproar and amazement at the marvel, and people asked Saint Demetrios themselves how a mere child, relying neither on strength nor weapons, could so suddenly have brought down the barbarian. Rather than yield to the sign of the sovereign power of God, the Emperor flew into a rage and ordered the immediate arrest of Nestor and his beheading outside the city. He had heard Nestor calling upon the God of Demetrios and, supposing the Saint had used some kind of witchcraft, Maximian ordered his soldiers to go and thrust Demetrios through with their lances, without trial, in the depths of his prison cell. There were some Christians, including Demetrios' servant Lupus, present at his martyrdom, and when the soldiers had gone, they reverently buried the Saint's body. It was God's will that the grace with which He filled Saint Demetrios should remain active even after his death. This is why He caused to flow from his body a myron with a delightful scent, which had the property of healing all who took it as an unction, with faith in the intercession of the Saint. Time and again, during sixteen hundred years, Saint Demetrios has given proof of his benevolent care for the city of Thessalonica and its inhabitants. He has defended them from the attacks of barbarians, he has preserved them from plague and famine, healed the sick and comforted the afflicted. Page 1 CHURCH SERVICES October 5, Sunday Evening Great Vespers 7:00 pm St. Thomas (at Cherry Hill) 5 Oêôùâñßïõ, ÊõñéáêÞ ÂñÜäé ÌÝãáò Åóðåñévüò 7:00 ìì Áãßïõ ÈùìÜ (óôï Cherry Hill) October 6, Monday Divine Liturgy 9:00 / 10:00 St. Thomas (here) 6 Oêôùâñßïõ, ÄåõôÝñá Èåßá Ëåéôïõñãßá 9:00, 10:00 Áãßïõ ÈùìÜ October 17, Friday Evening Great Vespers 7:00 pm St. Luke (at Broomall) 17 Oêôùâñßïõ, ÐáñáóêåõÞ ÂñÜäé ÌÝãáò Åóðåñévüò 7:00 ìì Áãßïõ ËïõêÜ ôïõ Åõáããåëéóôïý (óôï Broomall) October 18, Saturday Divine Liturgy 9:00 / 10:00 St. Luke the Evangelist (here) 18 Oêôùâñßïõ, ÓáââÜôïv Èåßá Ëåéôïõñãßá 9:00, 10:00 Áãßïõ ËïõêÜ ôïõ Åõáããåëéóôïý October 20, Monday Divine Liturgy 9:00 / 10:00 St. Gerasimos of Cephalonia 20 Oêôùâñßïõ, ÄåõôÝñá Èåßá Ëåéôïõñãßá 9:00, 10:00 Áãßïõ Ãåñáóßìïõ October 23, Thursday Divine Liturgy 9:00 / 10:00 James the Apostle 23 Oêôùâñßïõ, ÐÝìðôç Èåßá Ëåéôïõñãßá 9:00, 10:00 October 25, Saturday Evening Great Vespers 7:00 pm St. Demetrios (at Wildwood) 25 Oêôùâñßïõ, ÓáââÜôïv ÂñÜäé ÌÝãáò Åóðåñévüò 7:00 ìì Áãßïõ Äçìçôñßïõ (óôï Wildwood) October 28, Tuesday Divine Liturgy 9:00 / 10:00 Feast of the Holy Protection 28 Oêôùâñßïõ, Ôñßôç Èåßá Ëåéôïõñãßá 9:00, 10:00 November 1, Saturday Divine Liturgy 9:00 / 10:00 Holy Unmercenary Healers 1 Íïåìâñßïõ, ÓáââÜôïv Èåßá Ëåéôïõñãßá 9:00, 10:00 Áãßùv Áváñãýñùv GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING On Sunday November 2nd, after the Divine Liturgy, we will be holding our Fall General Assembly. Nominations for our Parish Council will take place. Please take time to come to this meeting. Page 2 Page 3 PHILOPTOCHOS BID N BUY NEWS & WISH LIST Dear Parishioners, Philoptochos’ annual Bid N Buy will be held Saturday, November 1, 2014. We are starting to collect donations because we need extra time this year to make the baskets due to the unavailability of some of our members. If anyone, is creative and can help please let me know. Remember, our wish list is not set in stone. We will accept anything even if it is not on the list. We only ask that it be new and in its original packaging. If you do not have time or do not know what to donate, we can do the shopping for you with a cash donation. Since our event is being held in November, hopefully it will give everyone a little more time to help us with the donations. If you have any questions, I am usually at church or you may contact me at [email protected] Thank you for your help, Elaine Thanasoulis Bid N Buy Chairperson Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 SCHOOL BLESSING & GOYA OATH Page 8 RELIGIOUS ED SEMINAR Page 9 Page 10 ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Shoprite Gift Cards The Philoptochos is selling Shoprite Gift Cards and would appreciate your support. For every $100.00 dollars we sell, we get $5.00. Cards are available in $50 increments. Demi Zalman, our chairperson, will be at church on Sundays after the service with the cards for anyone to buy. Write your check to "Holy Trinity Philoptochos" or use cash. If you do not see Demi in church any Philoptochos sister will be able to help you find out who has the cards that day. We are excited to announce a new way to give your Business or Service a face in our church community. We are opening up the opportunity to advertise your place of business in our church bulletins. The most important aspect of this opportunity is that not only will it enhance and promote your business but ALL of the money collected for advertising will go to the church. We are confident that this advertising opportunity will improve the exposure and revenues of your business. If you have an interest in obtaining more details we encourage you to speak to Athena Sacco [email protected] or 609-653-6775) or any other parish council member. We thank you in advance for your participation and support. As the needs of our community are rising, the Philoptochos is hoping that this initiative will provide added funds to help meet our ever-growing charitable requests. Please consider buying these cards and help us raise money to help others. PARISH WEB SITE Our new web site has now been activated. www.holytrinityeggharbor.com Please visit the site often for updated information. Group leaders should submit their group’s information to the church office ASAP so that all the tabs can be activated. Scheduling Meetings and Events In order to avoid scheduling conflicts all parish ministries and organizations must call the church office to schedule all meetings and events. Phone Directory for Holy Trinity The church phone number is: 609-653-8092 The extensions are: Father George: #12 Church Office: #16 TLC Front Desk: #13 Fellowship Hall Kitchen: #28 Commercial Kitchen: #29 LET US KNOW YOUR EMAIL SO YOU CAN BE UP-TO-DATE ON THE LATEST NEWS AT HOLY TRINITY SEND YOUR EMAIL TO: [email protected] Page 11 PARISH NEWS BIBLE STUDY PARISH REGISTRY Our Bible Study group will meet on Tuesday, October 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th at 7:00 pm. All parishioners are strongly encouraged to share in this wonderful experience. We encourage all parishioners to send in their stewardship envelopes as soon as possible. It is very important that stewardship cards be filled out and sent to the church so that we may keep all of our records current. We thank the 160 families who have sent in their stewardship cards for the year 2014. Let us strive to give more generously than last year so that we can continue to strengthen this wonderful program Prayer Service: On September 13th, a prayer service was held for Spiros A. Malaspina, husband of Kimberly Malaspina. May our Lord grant him eternal rest and peace in his heavenly kingdom. Confirmation: On September 16th, Jordan Exadaktilos, wife of John Exadaktilos, was confirmed in our Greek Orthodox faith. Her sponsors are Ari & Ana Frangias. We pray that Jordan enjoys a life of spiritual growth, joy, and blessedness. WEDDING: On September 25th, Stephen Sheil and Jane Connolly were married. Their sponsor is Anthony Ramphos. We pray that Stephen & Jane enjoy a lifetime of spiritual growth, joy, and love. COME RECEIVE THE LIGHT PROGRAM RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION STEWARDSHIP UPDATE If anyone is interested in donating $50 a week or $200 a month so that the Come Receive the Light program can stay on the air, please contact the church office or Demi Zalman. Holy Communion is offered to those baptized Orthodox Christians who have prepared themselves for the reception of the Sacrament by prayer and fasting. Blessed Bread is available for all our visitors at the very end of the Divine Liturgy. PARISH COUNCIL There will be a Parish council meeting on Monday, October 6th at 6:30 pm and Monday, October 27th at 6:00 pm. COFFEE HOUR If you would like to host the coffee hour on a Sunday please call or email Faten Dib. (609-226-2691 or [email protected]) . If you are hosting the coffee hour please make sure that all products are nut free. We have children with severe nut allergies. Thank you! GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS Gamblers Anonymous will be meeting on Tuesday nights from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at the church. SUNDAY SCHOOL There will be a Sunday School teacher’s meeting on Sunday, September 19th immediately following Sunday School. GOYA The GOYA will meet on Sunday, October 5th after the Divine Liturgy and Sunday School. INTRODUCING ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY 5 sessions with Father George to learn the basics of our faith. The 1st discussion is on Wednesday, September 24th. See flyer on page 20 for more details. NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUP MEETING There will be a Philoptochos meeting on Sunday, October 12th, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Our annual Bid-n-Buy is on Saturday, November 1st. See pages 4, 5 & 6 for more information. The Nar-Anon Family Groups are a worldwide fellowship for those affected by friend or family member’s drug addiction. As a Twelve-Step Program, they offer help by sharing experience, strength, and hope in a safe and anonymous forum. If you are or know someone who is impacted by someone else’s drug addition, please let them know about this meeting. Meetings are held every Thursday at 6:30pm. JOY HARVEST COSTUME PARTY WEB PAGES FOR ORTHODOX BOOKS & RADIO This year’s Costume Party will be on Friday, October 24th. We are in need of volunteers to help with this event. More information to follow. Please speak with Antonia Ballias or Katerina Christakos for more information or to volunteer. Conciliar Press: www.conciliarpress.com Light & Life: www.light-n-life.com Holy Cross Press: www.holycrossbookstore.com St. Vladimir’s Press: www.svspress.com The link for Ancient Faith Radio and Ancient Faith Talk: http://ancientfaith.com/ PHILOPTOCHOS BLOCK PARTY The Annual Fall Block Party will take place in Ocean City on Saturday, October 11th. Once again, we are expecting all parishioners to come out and lend a hand for the good of our parish. GREEK SCHOOL OXI DAY PROGRAM This year’s OXI Day program will be held on Sunday, October 26th immediately following the Divine Liturgy. NATIONAL CHURCH MUSICIANS SUNDAY We want to thank the choir and chanters for their dedicated service to our church during the year. ÌÐËÏÊ ÐÁÑÔÇ Ôï åñ÷üìåíï Ìðëïê ÐÜñôç èá ãßíåé óôéò 11 Ïêôùâñßïõ, óôï Ocean City. Ïðùò êÜèå ÷ñüíï, ÷ñåéáæüìáóôå ðïëëÜ ÷Ýñéá ãéá íá Ý÷ïõìå åðéôõ÷ßá. ÇÌÅÑÁ ÔÏÕ Ï×É Ôá ðáéäéÜ ôïõ Åëëçíéêïý ìáò ó÷ïëåßïõ èá ìáò ðñïóöÝñïõíå ôï åôÞóéï ðñüãñáììá ôçò åðñôÞò óôéò 26 Ïêôùâñßïõ ìåôÜ áðü ôçí Èåßáí Ëåéôïõñãßáí. Page 12 O C T O B E R 2 014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 Greek School Friday 3 Modern Greek 7:30 pm. Saturday 4 Gym Rental Orthodoxy 101 7:00 pm. 5 Divine Liturgy 8:15 am 9:30 am Church Musicians Sunday GOYA Mtg. BB Here 3:00 F.H. Rental Vespers at St. Thomas 12 Divine Liturgy 8:15 am 9:30 am 6 Divine Liturgy 9:00am 10:00am Thomas the Apostle 7 8 Greek School TLC Meet & Greet 6:00 pm. Parish Council Mtg. 6:30 pm Greek School Greek School Bible Study 7:00 Orthodoxy 101 7:00 pm. PB&J Club 5:30 pm Modern Greek 7:30 pm. 13 14 15 16 FH Rental Day FH Rental Day Flu Clinic 3-5 pm Gym Greek School Plateia Night 6:00-7:00 F.H. Biblical Greek 7:30 pm Greek School Greek School Greek School Gym Rental Bible Study 7:00 Divine Liturgy 8:15 am 9:30 am 10 20 Divine Liturgy 9:00am 10:00am St. Gerasimos 21 Mission Presentation 22 23 Greek School Greek School S.S. Teacher’s Mtg. Divine Liturgy 9:00am 10:00am James the Apostle Vespers 7:00 St. Luke’s Broomall 24 Bible Study 7:00 Modern Greek 7:30 pm. 30 31 28 Divine Liturgy 9:00am 10:00am Feast of the Holy Protection 29 Metropolis Ambassador Banquet Greek School Greek School Greek School Parish Council Mtg. 6:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 Orthodoxy 101 7:00 pm. Page 13 Divine Liturgy 9:00am 10:00am St. Luke Gym Rental 25 Gym Rental Orthodoxy 101 7:00 pm. 27 18 F.H. Rental Costume Party & Make A Difference Night Greek School 26 Divine Liturgy 8:15 am 9:30 am OXI Day Poems Gym Rental 17 F.H. Rental Gym Rental 11 Ocean City Block Party Philoptochos Meeting 19 9 Vespers St. Demetrios Wildwood ELEVATION OF THE HOLY CROSS Page 14 Plateia Night One or two hours per week of Greek School is not enough. Add to the task of learning the language the fact that there are games, songs, dances and foods which round-out the Greek experience we would like the kids exposed to, and it seems impossible to make any meaningful progress. So, this year, starting Thursday, October 16th, we will have a Plateia Night ('a night in village square'), where many of these things are learned by young visitors to Greece. It is open to all students and their parents, and will feature a variety of activities, with the goal of giving the kids a venue to use some of the Greek they are learning. We will do songs, games, cartoons, dances, and may even have some Greek sweets. Ask the children what they have enjoyed the most over the last few years of Greek School, and your answer will likely include some of the extra-curricular things. Please see the monthly Herald and weekly newsletter for the upcoming Plateia Nights. MODERN GREEK Many people have lamented missed opportunities to learn the Greek language. Others often want to learn, but have no recourse but to use little more than Rosetta Stone. Still others have children learning the language, and would like to keep pace with them. This course is designed for anyone and everyone in those categories; specifically those with little or no experience with Greek. We will be starting from 'alpha;' a total beginner's course. Our objective is to be increasingly able to speak, write and read. There is currently no textbook required. Please see the monthly Herald and weekly newsletter for the upcoming days that this class is offered. BIBLICAL GREEK Have you ever looked at the Liturgy books in church, and wondered what was written on the Greek pages on the left? Or tried listening to the choir, chanters or gospel, only to tune out the Greek parts? Most of us have and do. To better understand the Greek used in church and the Bible, there will be a Biblical Greek class offered at church. The goal of the class is to focus on the language used, and not the content/message (we have Bible Study for that). Koine /kee NEE/. This form of Greek is not only the language of the New Testament, the Church Fathers and most of the Divine, it was widely spoken by Greeks and non-Greeks alike throughout the Greek and Roman worlds; the lingua franca of its day. The hope is to demystify this Greek, and to make more accessible both the language and , through it, the church experience. The class will be taught under the assumption that students know little to nothing of Greek (though all are welcome). Please see the monthly Herald and weekly newsletter for the upcoming days that this class is offered. For more information, please contact: George Plamantouras– Teacher: 609-573-5592 Lisa Mitoulis – Parish Administrator: 609-653-8092, ext. 5 Page 15 CONSTANTELOS DEDICATION AT STOCKTON Page 16 CONSTANTELOS DEDICATION AT STOCKTON Page 17 CONSTANTELOS DEDICATION AT STOCKTON Page 18 GOYA BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Oct 5 3:00 game at Egg Harbor (Boys JV) Oct 5 4:00 game at Egg Harbor (Girls) Oct 5 5:00 game at Egg Harbor (Boys V) Oct 12 5:00 game at Upper Darby (Boys V) Oct 19 2:00 game at Cherry Hill (Boys JV)) Oct 19 2:00 game at Cherry Hill (Girls) Oct 19 4:00 game at Cherry Hill (Boys V) Nov 2 3:00 game at Egg Harbor (Girls) Nov 2 4:00 game at Egg Harbor (Boys V) Come out and support our Kids! How to Host the Coffee Hour Requirements: Desserts, Milk 1 gallon, Orange Juice Set up in coffee room: 1. Prepare coffee urn with # of cups and amount of water. Instructions are pasted inside the door of one of the cabinets. Switch on the coffee. 2. Place coffee cups, plates napkins, forks, spoons on the counter and milk jugs, basket of sugars. Everything is in the drawers. 3. Take out the money box and place it on the counter. After coffee is served: Please clean up everything. Empty urn and clean. Count money. Place in envelope marked PHILOPTOCHOS COFFEE HOUR, DATE, NAME OF VOLUNTEER AND AMOUNT. Money is either given to Niki Burlotos or slipped under the Father George's office door. Donuts can be picked up free at Minos if you call at 6pm on Saturday evening to request donuts to be put aside. Minos opens at 7.00am on Sunday, pick up any time after that. Coffee hour need not be an elaborate affair. It is NOT a competition as to who serves the best spread. Some ladies love to bake, others do not have the time. We are thankful to anyone who volunteers just to host a simple coffee hour. St. Stephen the Deacon Service Project Volunteer Opportunity Join the PB&J Club! Come One, Come All! Help us make peanut butter and jelly Sandwiches for Sister Jean’s Kitchen. Come to the church’s commercial kitchen on Thursday, October 9th 5:30 pm. RSVP to Georgia Psilopoulos at [email protected] Donations of peanut butter and jam are appreciated. Pizza will be served! Page 19 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS October Philoptochos Schedule Saturday, October 4: Saint Anthony's Annual Bid N' Buy Tuesday, October 7: Help with gifts for Bid N' Buy 5:30 pm, Fr. George's Reception Room. We will need help with moving gifts and wrapping. Thursday, October 9: PBJ 5:30, Main Kitchen. Pizza will be served. This is open to everyone in our community. We will need donations for peanut butter and jelly Saturday, October 11: Ocean City Block Party. Please speak to Kelly Kyriakou to sign up for a time slot to work. Sunday, October 12: Philoptochos General Assembly Meeting Saturday, October 18: Saint Nicholas' Annual Bid N' Buy Friday, October 25: Make a Difference Day. Project is coordinated with Sunday School and GOYA for Wounded Warriors. Sunday, October 26: Ambassador's Award Banquet. Demi Zalman is this year's representative for Philoptochos. Tues-Fri October 28-31: Set up for Bid N' Buy In Christ, Georgia Psilopoulos, Philoptochos President Page 20 We would like to thank the following Holy Trinity parishioners for their 2014 Stewardship Contributions (as of September 30th) If there is an omission please contact the church office. Adams, Margaret Alberico, Giovanni & Maria Angelopoulos, Angelos & Anna Maria Apalakis, Miltos & Penelope Arsenis, Jerry & Nancie Arsenis, Perry & Stacy Arsenis, Stasia Bairaktaris, Ilias & Pantelia Ballias, Antonios Ballias, Kostas & Sofia Ballias, Nicholas & Elena Ballias, Peter & Antonia Belsemes, Donna Biel Caliagas, Irene & Mark Brown, Bill & Kathleen Brown, Ron & Dianne Brown, Tina Chalikes, Sophia Chamouras, Gloria Chamouras, James Chrisanthon, Nick & Nikki Christakos, James & Zoe Christakos, Michael & Katerina Christopulos, Tula Christy, George Cipkins, Avvakums & Lydia Clontea, Adela Cokenakes, Alexsandra Conkling, Katherine Constantelos, Fr, Demetrios Costas, John & Soultana Coste, Jordan & Julia Daglis, John & Lisa Dellas, James & Catherine Dib, George & Terri Dib, Haitham & Faten Dingman, Irene Dirkes, Rob & Maria Doulis, John Eberhard, Philip & Elizabeth Efstatos, George & Donna Emmick, Fr. Paul & Matushka Maria Evangelis, Demetri & Dawn Exadaktilos, Nick & Sue Fahey, John & Stella Fifis, Marie Fotiou, Angelo Fotiou, Maria & Tony Fotiou Fotiou, Vicky & Paul Fotiou Frangos, Catherine Gatis, Athanasios & Sandra Georges, Christ & Vicky Georges, Constantine & Catherine Georges, George Georgiou, Antonios & Olga Giannaras, Demetra Gonzalez, James & Katerina Hann, Patricia Haviland, Richard & Linda Janel, Betty Kafetzis, Pavlos & Toula Kafkalas, Nick & Harykerya Kafkalas, Nicholas Kalogris, Nick & Anna Karavan, George & Julie Karavisilis, Argirios & Maria Karpathios, Emmanuel & Orsula Karpathios, Nick Katsarides, Anna Katsarides, Steven Kontonikolas, John & Asimina Kramvis, Amalia Kramvis, George & Ginny Kratsas, Jack & Dimitra Krome, Charles Kyriakou, Yiannis & Kelly Ladicos, Annette Lazarou, Zoe Lazos, Ernest Lazos, John & Maria Lazzos, Kostas & Anna Lazzaro, Vincent & Patricia Lemoniotis, Hariklia Liacopulos, Fr. George & Voula Lianidis, Stelios & Maria Malaspina, Spiros & Kimberley Mamalou, Nick & Barbara Marakos, Sophia Markouris, Alex & Katie Martin, Joe & Dorothy McCourt, Kevin & Irene Mavromatis, Panayiotis McBride, Sean & Christina McHugh Family Metris, Antonios & Madeline Michaelidis, James & Milena Michaelidis, Pashalis & Roula Mihalopoulos, Maria Millin, Joseph Missiras, Presvytera Irene Mitoulis, Chris & Lisa Mitoulis, Peter & Gena Mularz, Christopher & Catherine Mularz, Walter & Youla Ng, Smaragda Nicholaou, Anastasia Nouragas, Euripides & Paula Nouragas, Nick & Sandy Palapanis, Iakovos & Demetria Panetta, Anthony Papadeas, Peter & Sue Papaioannou, Stelios & Augoustina Papastemelos, Athanasios & Caitlin Pappadopoulos, George Pappas, Claire Pappas, Georgia Patras, Georgia Paul, Christina Page 21 Pelandis, Michael & Chariclia Pelandis, Stavros Petranov, Martin & Vaiva Petrides, Joanna Plamantouras, John Potiris, Nick & Lia Psilopoulos, Kostas & Georgia Raftopoulos, Steve Rumbas, Peter & Janine Sacco, Brian & Athena Salerno, Andrew & Denise Salkeld, Scott & Jacqui Sarkos, Constantine & Phyllis Sarkos, Peter & Samantha Sheil, Stephen Shissias, Dean & Diana Siozopoulos, Achilleas & Maria Siozopoulos, Costas & Agoria Smith, Dennis & Tina Southrey, William & Debra Sost, Tom & Tina Szczotka, Kevin & Evdoxia Taraborelli, Nicholas & Sarai Thalassinos, Antonios & Nicole Thanasoulis, George & Elaine Thanasoulis, Thomas & Tessie Theofanopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Aris Thompson, Peter & Mary Tjoumakaris, Alex & Irene Tjoumakaris, Fotios & Kelly Tjoumakaris, Nick Tjoumakaris, Paul & Evanthea Tountas, Isidiros & Giota Tsahourides, Clete Tsahourides, Fotini Varvaro, Frank & Janice Vassil, Nicholas & Debbie Vourvahis, Andreas & Anna Weiner, Nikonia Bourlotos Yiannos, Nick & Lisa Zalman, Richard & Demetra Zervoudis, Chris Page 22 HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7004 Ridge Avenue, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey Mailing Address: P.O. Box 769, Northfield, NJ 08225 Phone: 609-653-8092 Fax: 609-653-0375 PARISH PRIEST Father George Liacopulos 609- 653-3107 Priest Emeritus: Father Demetrios Constantelos 927-5383 PARISH COUNCIL President: Brian Sacco 609-412-2305 Vice President: Yianni Kyriakou Treasurer: Anthony Panetta Recording Secretary: Caitlin Papastamelos Haitham Dib, Christ Georges, Vicky Georges, Nick Kafkalas Jr., Nick Karpathios, Michael Kent, Joseph Martin, Walter Mularz, Rami Nassar, George Pappadopoulos, Athena Sacco OUTREACH MINISTER Eugenia Kramvis 609-344-2967 PHILOPTOCHOS President: Georgia Psilopoulos 609-287-3179 Vice President: Elaine Thanasoulis 609-927-4502 Treasurer: Nikki Burlotos 609-457-1356 Recording Secretary: Donna Efstatos 609-641-6542 Corresponding Secretary: Athena Sacco 609-653-6775 SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR Athena Coste 609-391-9838 Kelly Kyriakou 609-677-0003 CHANTER Pavlos Kafetzis 609-485-0648 CHOIR DIRECTOR Presv. Voula Liacopulos 609-653-3107 Greek School George Plamantouras 609-573-5592 STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Caitlin Papastamelos CHILD CARE COMMITTEE President: Michael Kent 609-927-2320 BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Dorrie Papademetriou, Walter Mularz, Athena Sacco DANCE GROUPS Vicky Georges 609-345-2487 (Sr. Group) BASKETBALL Boys: Anthony Panetta Girls: George Efstatos 39 AND SOMETHING GROUP Father George Liacopulos 609-653-3107 FESTIVAL CHAIRPERSON GOYA President: John Liacopulos 609-350-9637 Advisors: Kelly Kyriakou 609-677-0003 Lia Bairaktaris Faten Dib Donna Efstatos JOY /HOPE ADVISORS Antonia Ballias 609-513-4063 Katerina Christakos 609-576-6767 Yianni Kyriakou 609-677-0003 ST STEPHEN THE DEACON SERVICE PROJECT Athena Coste 609-391-9838 AUDITING COMMITTEE Faten Dib, Nick Mamalou & Richard Haviland PARISH AMBASSADOR PROGRAM Richard & Linda Haviland ARCHIVES Eleni Stamelos Holy Trinity Herald Deadline is the 21st of each month. Please submit all copy or photos to Lisa Mitoulis at 653-0719 or [email protected] Page 23 HTH Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church P.O.Box 769 Northfield, NJ 08225 UPCOMING EVENTS October 5: October 11: October 24: Church Musicians Sunday Ocean City Block Party Make A Difference Night & Joy Harvest Costume Party Oxi Day Program Metropolitan Evangelos Ambassadors October 26: October 26: Awards November 1: Philoptochos Bid-n-Buy November 2: General Assembly November 8-9: St. Nektarios Services November 15: Christmas Lent Begins December 7: Parish Council Elections “He who walks with the wise grows wise, But a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20 Page 24
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