Sunday, October 19th, 2014 19th Sunday After Pentecost Anniversary Sunday - 157 Years as a Congregation Seasonal Colour: Green Musical Prelude Greeters: Pauline Newton & Judy Hunt Nursery: Nancy Davis/Andrea Gillan Word of Greeting Accompanist: David Parisi Life and Work of the Church Media Console: Sam Kloppenburg Call to Worship (on screen) Refreshments: Jim & Linda Bristow Lighting of the Christ Candle Sung Response “Born in Human Likeness” #47 MV Prayer of Approach (unison - on screen) * Hymn “Jesus Loves Me” #365 VU Children’s Message Rev. Isaac Mundy Lord’s Prayer (unison) Response “You Shall Go Out With Joy” #884 VU Ministry of Music Siloam Choir & Siloam Sounds Bell Choir “Proclamation of Gratitude”, by Mark Austin & David Angerman Scripture Lessons Deuteronomy 15:7-11 Reader: Brent Bamford Matthew 22:34-40 Reader: Lawrie Cousins Message “Making a Difference in Small Ways” Kevin Smith * Hymn “Praise to the Lord the Almighty” #220 VU Prayers of the People The Offering Offertory Music “Serve the Lord with Joy”, by Mary McDonald Siloam Choir * Offertory Hymn “The Kingdom of God” #146 MV * Offertory Prayer * Hymn “Spirit, Open My Heart” #79 MV * Commissioning & Benediction * Sung Response “Go, Make a Diff’rence” #209 MV (chorus & 2nd verse) Musical Postlude * congregation is invited to stand as you are able Rev. Sheila Macgregor, Lead Minister & Minister of Worship & Pastoral Care Rev. Isaac Mundy, Minister of Youth, Young Adults & Families Rev. Stan McDonald, Minister Emeritus Rev. Wib Dawson, Minister Emeritus Dr. Todd Wieczorek, Director of Music LIFE & WORK Sunday, October 19, 2014 10:30am Worship & Sunday School 11:45am Refreshments in Narthex Monday, October 20, 2014 9:00am Quilters - O’Brien-Sproule LC 9:30am Early Years - Tolpuddle Hall 7:00pm Photography - O’BrienSproule LC Tuesday, October 21, 2014 9:30am Bible Study - O’Brien-Sproule LC 1:30pm Knitting - O’Brien-Sproule LC Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:30am Line Dancing. Cost: $4.75 1:00pm Bridge – O’Brien-Sproule LC 7:00pm Study Group - Choir Room Thursday, October 23, 2014 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal Siloam United Church seeks to be an inclusive welcoming community. Our baptism, communion, membership and marriage rites are open to all who seek to walk in the way of Christ regardless of age, gender, race or sexual orientation. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL, especially to those who are visiting with us for the first time! We trust this service will be a blessing to you & yours. Please join us following worship for refreshments. We invite you to sign the guest book & make yourselves known to the greeters. If you would like a visit from one of our ministry team, or know someone who wishes a visit, please call 519-455-9201. ***** For our Anniversary Service this week, Siloam welcomes several members of the Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the province of Ontario. They are here with their Grand Superintendent, Brent Bamford and their District Chaplain, Lawrie Cousins, both members of Siloam. Our guest speaker is a Past District Deputy Grand Master of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario, Kevin Smith from Woodstock. He is accompanied by his wife Linda and we are delighted to have them with us. The sympathy of the congregation is extended to Bill O’Reilly & his family on the recent death of his wife, Jan. ***** Siloam’s Santa Shoppe Bazaar - Saturday, November 1st - 10am-1pm - Free admission - come and enjoy a wonderful array of crafts, baking, attic treasures, deli, woodcrafts, sewing, knitting and more! Tea, coffee, juice and light lunch available. If you are donating items, the committee will be here on Friday, October 31st between 9am-5pm to receive items. Baking items will also be received on Saturday from 8am-9:30am. ***** Helpers Needed! If you enjoy making pastry in preparation for the November 1st bazaar, please contact Margaret Smith at 519-645-0142. We will be making meat pies on Friday, October 24th starting at 9am and would appreciate your help. ***** Children’s Table at the Santa Shoppe Bazaar - Saturday November 1st - contributions of small items for the children’s room would be greatly appreciated & can be dropped off at the church office anytime. Volunteers (youth and/or adults!) are also needed for the Children’s Room that day. For more information, please contact Alliene Dowswell at 519-660-4043. Christmas Eve 2014 - Please note that there will be two services on Christmas Eve: 4pm Children & Family Service and 8pm Candlelight Service. ***** Siloam Soul Groove Choir - Attention school aged youth who love to sing, or would like to learn! We meet Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:15am with music teacher, Carla Lord, & perform once a month. For more info, please contact the office. ***** Plunger to Picture will continue Monday, October 20th from 7-9pm in the O’Brien-Sproule Library-Chapel.. For optimum learning please bring your camera, camera manual (if possible) notebook & pen. Lessons are concentrated on basic use of your camera, photography vocabulary, and the study of images. Night photography is also studied. The course will run 4 to 6 weeks. All are encouraged to attend & all those in need of a review are welcome! If interested please contact Jim Bristow @ 519 453 3423 or [email protected] ***** COMING IN NOVEMBER! "Jesus Christ: Who Is This Man? The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus". Video based John Ortberg Bible Study. 5 Sessions Only: Tuesday, November 18th to Tuesday, December 16th, 9:30-11:30am in the O’Brien-Sproule Library-Chapel. ***** GRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP: Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 noon from October 30th to December 18th in the O’Brien-Sproule Library-Chapel at Siloam United Church. Leader: Grief Recovery Counsellor Grace Tallman. WHAT TO EXPECT IN A GRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP: * 8 weeks, 2 hour sessions * Honest sharing in a safe group environment * Support from peers and the facilitator * * Homework assignments to help you do the “work” of grieving * A work book to guide you through the grief process * * Validation of your feelings and experience related to your loss * The group is open to people who are grieving the loss of a life partner. The loss may be recent or may have happened many years ago. The main criteria for joining the group is a desire to deal with your grief and a willingness to offer support to others in similar situations. Cost: $60 per person (Financial assistance available confidentially through the Spiritual Life and Worship committee for those who require it. Please just speak to Sheila). Please phone the Church office at 519-455-9201, # 21 or email [email protected] to sign up for this program. You may also sign the sheet in the Narthex. Please pay at the office prior to the start of the program. Thank you. About the Group Leader: Grace Tallman Grace is a graduate of the King’s College Grief and Bereavement program. This past April she became certified as a Grief Recovery Specialist with the Grief Recovery Institute. She has practiced as a registered nurse in many specialties, most recently in community mental health. Grace is also a trained hospital chaplain and is currently working as a long term care chaplain in a nursing home in London, Ontario. She has had numerous personal losses which help her to better understand and empathize with others who are experiencing loss. She has been in private practice as a grief counselor for the last 5 years which has included facilitation of many grief support groups. She is committed to being there for people in the midst of their grief. ***** “Feeding Body...Feeding Soul” benefit concert in support of the Out of the Cold program. October 25th at 7:30pm at Dundas Street Centre United Church (482 Dundas Street). Freewill offering. For more info, please call 519-434-9173. ***** Hops and Hope - Join us for a great evening of fun and discussion every month while enjoying a beverage at a local pub. The next two sessions geared towards twenty-somethings and early thirtyish folks will be held at McCabe's (739 Richmond Street) from 8-10 PM on October 27th and November 17th. ***** Open Mic Coffee House - Play a tune, read a poem, sing a song, or just sit back and enjoy the fun with other high school aged youth! Mark your calendars for October 24th and November 28th for our next coffee houses taking place at the Family-Centre Carling Thames at 335 Belfield. More theme details coming soon! ELUCO (East London United Church Outreach) Food Cupboard is always in need of non-perishable food items, including cereal. The ELUCO food cupboard is open Wednesdays & Fridays from 9:30am-noon. Please contact Sharon Ashton, 519-455-9385 if you are interested in volunteering. In September, the ELUCO Food Cupboard served 58 families comprised of 100 adults & 59 children. ***** Adult Education Committee - will be meeting on Thursday, November 13th at 3:30pm in the Library-Chapel. ***** 2015 Church Calendars are now available in the office for $5 each. ***** Offering Envelopes - If you do not already receive offering envelopes & would like them, please call June Sunseth at 519-432-9948. If you would like envelopes for your child(ren)/ grandchild(ren), please contact Alliene Dowswell at 519660-4043. ***** The 77th London Pathfinders are hosting a craft and vendor boutique where you can do all your shopping in one place! Date: Saturday October 25th, 2014 Time: 10am - 3pm Place: Siloam United Church Free child care will be available while you shop! We are raising money to visit the Girl Guide World Centre Our Cabana! Chocolate Mint Girl Guide Cookies will be available! Please come out and help support our fundraising efforts. Some of the many vendors that will have a table at our event are: Aloette, Arbonne, Ausable River Soap Company, Avon, Bling Boutique, Epicure, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Partylite, Scentzy, Steeped Tea, Thirty One Gifts, Tupperware, Usborne Books, and many many more!!! If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] GREAT FIGURES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT with Amy-Jill Levine: This study will resume on Friday, November 7th at 10 a.m. in the Library-Chapel. Although this group started last winter, new members are most welcome. We will finish our Fall sessions on Friday, December 12th and then resume again in the New Year. Please register by using the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Prof. Levine’s DVD lectures help anyone to understand more about the Bible and the teachings in it. Come out Friday mornings and improve your biblical literacy and re-encounter the New Testament as a great repository of literary genius, while sharing in interesting discussions. This is the promise of Professor Amy-Jill Levine's vivid portraits of the cast of characters in the New Testament. Please speak to Sheila if you have any questions.
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