Reflecting on our faith … Issue No. 16: 17 October 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Ps 96:1,3,4-5,7-8,9-10; 1st Reading: Is 45:1,4-6; 2nd Reading: 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Gospel: Mt 22:15-21 This week’s readings show us that the friction between the Pharisees and Jesus is building up. The Pharisees try to trick Jesus with a question that will either implicate Him on religious grounds or, if not, on political grounds. However, Jesus replies by sidestepping the trap with a response, “Give to Caesar’s what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.” Today, we can sometimes feel trapped. We can be faced with the dilemma of how to be a good Christian in a secular world where the laws may often be unchristian. However, true Christians will strive to be good citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and that way we will neither fail in our duty to God nor in our duty to our fellow human beings. Adapted from Daily Gospel 2014, Fr J A Bitoy, MCF; Fr A J Chupungco, OSB FROM THE PRINCIPAL With a fortnight now gone the holidays are very much a distant memory for most of us. Nonetheless I hope they provided everyone with an opportunity to relax and recharge their ‘batteries’ for the final term of 2014. Term 4 always seems to go quickly, possibly because it has such a busy calendar. Often we can be lulled into a false sense of security and convince ourselves that the year is all but over, turning our attention to things like Christmas and the next lot of holidays. If we fall into this trap, however, we run the very real risk of missing out on the great opportunities that the intervening months can provide. Such an attitude can cause us to not give our best to the job at hand. For us here at the College that means that our core business – teaching and learning – is very likely to suffer. The fact is that at this point we have approximately 20 per cent of the school year remaining and the next two months can make the difference between 2014 being a successful or unsuccessful one for us. What sort of a year will 2014 be for you? For many of us that decision needs to be made NOW! Major Projects continue to progress well On my return I was very heartened to see the progress made on the various projects happening at the College at the moment. I thank everyone for their patience, understanding and effort in preparing the Administration Building for the next phase of the ICT Project. This was a major part of the project and thanks to the long hours put in by Mark Juric and his team at Cabling Services it has been successfully completed. The building project continues at pace and the framework for the new Food Technology space has now been put into place. The work on the decking/verandas for the portables is close to completion and we are now in a position where we can soon finalise the landscaping plans which will complement this part of the project. Left: Principal, Greg Wade, and Acting ICT Manager, Nathan Tomic, cutting the cables to the old IT system in the Administration Block Server Room. Right: Construction continues at pace on the new Food Technology Building. RIP – Danielle La Macchia The return to Term 4 was tinged with the sad news of the sudden death of one of our ex-students Danielle La Macchia. Danielle had successfully completed Year 12 and was in her first year of a tertiary Fashion Design course. She had received numerous awards as recognition of her obvious talent in this area. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the La Macchia Family – please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Anyone experiencing personal problems can contact Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service on 1800 445 511, or Lifeline telephone counselling on 13 11 14. Please also pray for … The Murone Family – Alyssia Murone’s (8N) grandfather, Antonio Murone, passed away recently. Channel 7 News Report – Monday, 6 October I trust that by now you have all received my correspondence (via email) regarding the news report which featured on the 6.00pm bulletin of Channel 7 News on Monday 6 October. I also hope that my comments in that letter put in perspective the incident (where a student brought a Taser to school) which caused our College to be named in that report. For those who may not have read the letter I repeat the main points: It is against school rules for students to bring any dangerous items to the College The College places the highest of priority on student safety and wellbeing, and has appropriate processes, protocols and support mechanisms in place to ensure this. I repeat here my conclusion to that letter: Can I once again reassure all in our community that Catholic Regional College North Keilor is a safe and supportive environment in which to learn and work. And, while in my personal opinion very much over dramatised and alarmist, I have included a link to the Seven News story. As always if any parent wishes to discuss this or any other matter I can be contacted at the College at any time on 9361 5900. CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 2 World Teachers Day Friday, 31 October is World Teachers Day. This is an opportunity to recognise the important role teachers play in the development of our students. As for our staff I can vouch for the fact that there are many occasions when they go above and beyond the call of duty to assist and encourage students to achieve their goals. We will acknowledge this at this College in an appropriate way on the day. College Calendar – Term 4 As I indicated above, the Term 4 calendar is very tight. Please familiarise yourself with the details as published later in this newsletter (See ‘Important Dates and Information’ on page 7). Important Information for Year 10 students and Parents: The Year 10 Graduation Mass is being held at Emmaus Church, Sydenham Road, Sydenham on Thursday, 27 November, commencing at 7.30pm. More details about this important occasion for the Year 10 students and their families will be provided during the course of the term, however in the meantime parents of Year 10 students should also note that there will be no classes for Year 10 students on the following day: Friday, 28 November. The next formal commitment that the Year 10 students will have is when they are required to attend CRC Sydenham on Monday, 1 December to Friday, 5 December (inclusive) for their Year 11 transition. Working Bee – Tomorrow: Please consider! We have a number of jobs planned for the Working Bee tomorrow (18 October starting at 9.00am) and would be most appreciative of any assistance you could give. Please consider coming along to lend a hand even if it is for only an hour or so. As usual we will conclude the day with refreshments and the customary barbecue lunch at around 12.30pm. I hope to see you there. Arts Week: 28 October – 1 November I remind all in our community that Arts Week is coming up soon. Much planning has already been done to ensure that it will continue to be one of the most exciting events on our College calendar. I urge everyone at the College to get involved in whatever way they can to make it a success. Highlights of the week will include a Dance Performance Evening on Wednesday, 29 October at ‘The Crate’ Theatre at CRC Sydenham from 7.00pm, as well as Arts Night beginning at 7.30pm on Thursday, 30 October. See more details under ‘What’s Happening In and Out of the Classroom’ later in this newsletter. SACCSS Athletics Success Congratulations to the Athletics Team Members, Keith Whaley (Sports Coordinator) and the staff who supported the team, on winning the Junior Girls, Junior Boys and overall Junior Aggregate competition, as well as finishing second in the Intermediate Aggregate competition at the SACCSS Division 2 Athletics Championships on the last Tuesday of Term 3. We believe this may have been the first time the College has collected both the Junior and Intermediate pennants in the Athletics competition. A great effort – well done to all who played a part. Thanks Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank John Coshan and Eryn O’Mahony for the leadership they provided, along with everyone else who contributed to the smooth running of the College, in my absence in the last week of Term 3 – in schools, it is always, a team effort. Mr Greg Wade, Principal CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 3 FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, STUDENT WELLBEING Sunsmart has come into effect A reminder that the Sunsmart Policy has come into effect this term, meaning students must wear protective hats that shade the face in outdoor activities during PE, Sport, Camps and Excursions, as well as at recess and lunchtimes. Students who are not wearing their hat will be required to stay indoors for the duration of recess or lunchtime, under teacher supervision. Skin and Sun Talks On Thursday, 9 October, students from Years 8 and 10 had a presentation on ‘Skin & Sun Care’. Jennifer Ashley from Fresh Ed talked to the students about the importance of looking after their skin through cleansing and moisturising, coping with skin problems and the importance of preventing skin damage through UV exposure. The presentation about sun exposure and the damage it can cause to young skin was very pertinent as Term 4 requires all students to be Sunsmart. A statistic that was of great concern was that students aged 15-25 are at the highest risk of melanoma. Jennifer emphasised that taking responsibility and care of their skin was the most important thing they can do to prevent skin cancer as they get older. Mr John Coshan, Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, TEACHING & LEARNING Year 10, 2015 Bring Your Own iPad An explanatory letter and associated information has been sent home with current Year 9 students regarding the option of (Year 10, 2015) students bringing their own iPad to school to use as a learning tool. Please note students will also have the option of borrowing an iPad from the College on an extended loan. Parents/Guardians, please read this information very carefully and return the required paperwork by Friday, 24 October. Parent Portal – Assessment Update Please make some time each week to monitor the Parent Portal as you will be able to identify where your child is succeeding and where they require further support. Teachers will also indicate via the Portal when work is overdue and when additional work needs to be completed Subject Selection for Year 10, 2015 Subject Selection for 2015 is now finalised. CRC Sydenham will contact families directly regarding enrolment forms and holding deposits. There will be a half day Orientation at Sydenham for all students studying a VCE or VET subject in 2015. This will occur on 3 December. Excursion letters will be distributed later in the term. CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 4 Examinations are fast approaching It is five weeks to Semester 2 Examinations so students should begin their study program now. Their first task is to collect all the relevant notes and assessment tasks into one folder. They should then read through these notes, highlighting key points and making overall summary notes. Year 10 Examinations will be conducted from Monday, 24 November to Wednesday, 26 November and Year 9 Examinations will be conducted from Wednesday, 26 November to Friday, 28 November in the College Hall. There are many distractions at this time of year so it is essential that students take this process very seriously. The examinations not only provide feedback to parents, students and teachers as to how well students can perform under pressure but importantly also provide students with immediate feedback as to how they best study and prepare for these examinations. These study and organisational skills are absolutely crucial as the students make the transition to VCE, where external examinations are a major component of their assessment. This year students will have a designated study day prior to the examinations. This is an opportunity to study at home and managing this independent study is an important component of the examination process. Year 9 Study Day is Tuesday, 25 November and Year 10 Study Day is Friday, 21 November. Ms Eryn O’Mahony, Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning FROM THE FAITH DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR Ignite Conference 2014 During the September holidays, Miss Phoebe Maluyo, Miss Tara Ciantar and I took 15 of our students to Brisbane to experience the Ignite Conference. And what a wonderful experience it was! The students (and the staff) had an amazing time celebrating our Faith alongside 1300 other young people from all across Australia. Read for yourself what some of our young people had to say about the Conference and have a look at the two poster pages attached to this newsletter for photographic highlights: Ignite was an amazing experience and one I won't forget! You learn so much about the Catholic faith, God and how people have encountered Him in their lives. One of my favourite parts of the conference was when my small group leader Joanna shared her experience with God during the Rally and how she had many material things in her life and still felt incomplete because she didn't have God as a key importance. Through reconciliation she was able to deepen her relationship with God and find happiness and joy in her life. Her talk was really inspiring and one that made me reflect on what's really important. Geraldine Vytilingam, 9N During the Term 3 holidays 15 students and three teachers from CRC North Keilor had the opportunity to attend the Ignite conference held in Brisbane. Teachers and students all had the opportunity to experience God in depth and hear inspirational people talk about their own experiences with their Faith and The Trinity. Throughout the entire event we had the opportunity to attended keynotes, workshops, rallies, Masses, performances by other students, as well as listen to talks by various people, and adoration. We also witnessed interviews by four of the students from North Keilor (Anuki E, Geraldine W, Alexandra W, Maggie D) with people attending the conference that had experienced Christ and delivered the word in a strong and passionate manner. Likewise these people and many of the other speakers have touched many people by their experiences and work. The entire experience left each and every one of us feeling vibrant, refreshed and in deeper connection with the Catholic faith. Magdalena Dolic, 9M CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 5 One – Awake My Soul Rally on Sunday, 26 October As a follow up to Ignite, we have arranged to attend the One – Awake My Soul Rally which is being organised by the Archdiocesan Office for Youth. In fact, our students will be one of the groups presenting a drama at this event. I would like to take this opportunity to invite Year 9 and 10 students who would be interested to come along. There will be a bus leaving the College at 3:15pm on the 26th and returning at approximately 8:45pm following this event. If you would like to book a spot on the bus, please see Mrs Stephenson. Homebase Masses for Term 4 The Homebase Masses continue during this term and our celebrant this term is Fr O’Reilly. If you would like to come along to any of these Masses, you would be most welcome. There is a slight change to the schedule this term so please see the table below. We also had a change in celebrant this week and it was delightful to welcome Fr Tom Cleary to the College for his first time. Date Class Lesson/Time 9 October 9 October 15 October 15 October 22 October 22 October 23 October 30 October 30 October 9G 9 O’R 9L 8D 7N 9N 9M 8G 8L Period 3 (11.00) Period 4 (11:50) Period 3 (11.00) Period 4 (11:50) Period 3 (11.00) Period 4 (11:50) Period 3 (11.00) Period 3 (11.00) Period 4 (11:50) Mrs Theresa Stephenson, Faith Development Coordinator CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 6 PARENTS & FRIENDS NEWS Christmas is just around the corner … In fact, it’s only 68 days! Save the Date – End of Year P&F dinner All are warmly invited the P&F end of year dinner; to be celebrated this year on 19 November at Galli Winery. The cost of the meal, which includes 3 courses and a glass of wine is $30 per head. Please RSVP to the College Office on 9361 5900 or via email to [email protected] no later than 12 November. P&F Christmas Raffle A call out to anyone who is able to donate items for the P&F Christmas Raffle. Also, if you have any suggestions regarding organisations we might be able to approach to seek donations, please provide contact details to the College Office. All donations and ideas will be gratefully received. Mrs Joanne Pegoraro, President IMPORTANT DATES AND INFORMATION 17 October: 20 – 21 October: 23 October: 27 – 31 October: 28 October: 30 October: 3 November: 4 November: Year 10 Reflection Day NITOR Trip to Sydney College Tour: 9.00am Arts Week Dance Performance at CRC Sydenham: 6.45pm for 7.00pm (part of Arts Week) Arts Night at CRC North Keilor (starts at 6.30pm) School Council Holiday Melbourne Cup Public Holiday Homework Club to continue in Term 4 These supervised after-school sessions are held on a Wednesday from 3.20 – 4.20pm and the Learning Centre and aim to provide students experiencing difficulty with their homework with teacher assistance. Students may also use this opportunity to catch up on work missed through absence. Please note: These homework sessions are optional. The next two sessions are: Wednesday, 22 October: Wednesday, 30 October: PE and Health; Maths Science; Maths Mrs Nella Sharp Domain Leader – Mathematics College Fees (voucher) due dates for 2014 Remaining Voucher due date for 2014 is 7 November. Would it be easier for you to pay your account online? At the bottom of the school statement parents receive each month are the College’s bank account details should you wish to pay accounts using your Internet banking facility. Alternatively, you can contact Cathy Smith (Monday – Wednesday) or Pam McLaughlin (Wednesday – Friday) on 9361 5900 to obtain further information. CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 7 Overdue accounts for Year 7, 8 and 9 Laptops Parents of Year 7, 8 and 9 students who have not yet paid their account, could you please do so as soon as you can; they were due by 18 September. Thank you. Ms Cathy Smith, College Bursar Canteen Roster 20 October: 21 October: 22 October: 23 October: 24 October: 27 October: 28 October: Rita Cassar Neda Jurjevic Angela Carbone * Vacant Anna Toncic Lina Difalco * Vacant 29 October: 30 October: 31 October: 3 November: 4 November: 5 November: 6 November: Linda Miceli * Vacant Linda Miceli Student-free day Melbourne Cup Day Christine Buttigieg * Vacant Start time is 10.30am. Please sign in at the College Office upon arrival. If you can spare a couple of hours and would like to help out in the Canteen, please contact Marree or Randa on 9361 5900. Thanks! Mrs Marree McSweeney, Canteen Manager Monday, 27 October kicks off CRC North Keilor’s annual Arts Week! Wednesday, 29 October, will be an evening of high quality, high energy DANCE! This year, Arts Week is changing it up a little, with a night dedicated to showcasing both Year 9 and VET DANCE class students who bring forth and entertain you with their hard work and talents at our Dance Performance evening. Doors will open at 6.45pm, with a gold coin donation on entry very much appreciated, with the show beginning at 7.00pm sharp. Family and friends are all encouraged and welcome to attend, allowing you the opportunity to see what your child has been working so hard towards. We look very much forward to seeing you there for what will be a wonderful and entertaining evening. Location: Crate Theatre Catholic Regional College Sydenham 370 Sydenham Road, Sydenham Doors open: 6.45pm Show time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm On Thursday, 30 October CRC North Keilor will present an exhibition of student work in the Hall. The exhibition will open at 6.30pm, with awards announced at 7.00pm. Refreshments will be served by Year 10 hospitality students, along with some background music provided by instrumental students. You are invited to view the wonderful work of our creative and talented students. During Arts Week students will be able to participate in a range of workshops and activities. Sign-up sheets will be posted around the College soon. Ms Helen Smith, Domain Leader – The Arts Mrs Michelle Falzon, Dance Teacher CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 8 Royal Melbourne Show success for our students Congratulations to the following students who won prizes in the show – a fantastic effort all round! Year 7 - Choc Chip Cookies 3rd place – James Vavassori Commended –Jack Patterson Year 9/10 – Decorated Cupcakes 3rd place – Chloe Seychell Very Highly Commended – Michaela Barilla Year 8 – Gingerbread 3rd place- Shania Ly Very Highly Commended – Eshika Parekh Year 9/10-Chocolates/Sweets 1st place – Olivia Giacotta 2nd place – Kaitlin Panzarino Ms Sue Coyle, Food Technology Teacher Year 7 Italian Performance – ‘Mission Gnocchi’ On Wednesday, 22 October all Year 7 Italian students will attend the performance ‘Mission Gnocchi’ – a crazy Italian/Australian comedy cooking show. It is a fast paced show full of Italian humour, comedy, slapstick, surprises and audience participation. Year 8 Italian Excursion – 27 and 28 October As part of their Italian studies, Year 8 Italian students (including Skills Plus students) will be attending an excursion to the Veneto Club in Bulleen on Monday, 27 and Tuesday, 28 October. Here they will participate in the rotation activities of soccer, bocce and cooking. They will also enjoy a delicious pizza, pasta and gelato lunch! The excursion is all day and students will travel to the Veneto Club via bus. We will leave at 9.00am and return in time for afternoon dismissal. CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 9 Students are to wear full PE uniform with the appropriate runners. They should also bring a snack/drink for morning tea. They can bring a bag but it is suggested that it only be small, to carry their snack. Group 1 comprises 8D, 8N and Skills Plus students on Monday, 27 October. Group 2 comprises 8G, 8O and the 8L/8M mixed Italian group on Tuesday, 28 October. Ms Maria Michieli, Domain Leader – LOTE More tips on safety from the Year 10 Traffic Safety Education students … Continuing with the theme of showcasing student work whilst also imparting an important safety message, you will find Daniel Radic’s (10L) poster prepared as part of the Traffic Safety Education elective attached to this newsletter. Mrs Carolyn Harrington, Teacher – Traffic Safety Education Book sale raises funds for Indigenous literacy At the end of last term the Learning Centre had a sale of teacher reference books and old novels that are soon to be deleted from our system. We raised close to $100, which has been donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, which provides books and literacy resources for Indigenous kids and families in remote communities. Thanks to everyone who bought a book! Lunchtime learning is fun … This term a new lunchtime activity has been introduced – cross stitch. Mrs Joan Marantelli and Mrs Sharon Perry Sr Veronica Learning Centre CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 10 Year 8 Premier League Upcoming schedule Sport Cricket Netball Basketball Volleyball KCC vs CRCNK: 23 October Highgate Oval Craigieburn Leisure Centre Craigieburn Leisure Centre Kolbe Catholic College Football/Soccer DISC “Darebin” Sports Centre CRCNK vs Marymeade: 30 October Keilor Park Oval Coburg Basketball Stadium B&G: Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Leisure City Epping B: CRC North Keilor G: Keilor Park Synthetic Mr Keith Whaley Sports Coordinator DO YOU HAVE JAM JARS YOU’D LIKE TO RECYCLE? Our Food Technology students are learning how to make jam so if anyone has glass jars with metal screw lids – small to medium in size, we will gladly have them. Please leave them at the College Office for Jocelyn Peach. Thank you! CRCNK Newsletter No. 16: 17 October 2014 11 CATHOLIC REGIONAL COLLEGE NORTH KEILOR Year 7, 2016 Information Evening Wednesday 15 October at 7.30pm Parents of current Grade 5 students seeking to enrol their child for Year 7 in 2016 are invited to attend this meeting. Please note that this meeting is a parent only event. COLLEGE TOURS Experience life as a student at CRC North Keilor. Bring your child along to: Meet the Principal Visit classes in action Chat to students and staff Tours commence at 9:00am and run for approximately 1 hour. Your tour will begin with an introduction in the Chapel followed by a tour of the College’s grounds, buildings and facilities. TERM 4 TOUR DATES Tuesday 14 October Thursday 23 October Wednesday 29 October Tuesday 11 November Wednesday 19 November For bookings contact the College Office on 9361 5900 or email [email protected]
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