ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS CHURCH, PELSALL Sunday 19th October 2014—Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity Holy Communion : 8-00 am Family Eucharist : 10-00 am We extend a warm welcome to all who have come to worship. The Church is fitted with a loop system for the hard of hearing. Please switch your aid to the ‘T’ mark. The small chapel on the left hand side of church (The Ark) has books/pencils etc for younger children, please feel free to let them use this during the service Toilets are situated in the entrance to church on the right as you came in. After the 10-00 am service, you are invited to join us over a (free) cup of tea or coffee in the Church Centre. Invitation to Confession Post Communion Prayer God the Father forgives us in Christ and heals us by the Holy Spirit. Let us therefore put away all anger and bitterness, all slander and malice, and confess our sins to God our redeemer. We praise and thank you, O Christ, for this sacred feast: for here we receive you, here the memory of your passion is renewed, here our minds are filled with grace, and here a pledge of future glory is given, when we shall feast at that table where you reign with all your saints for ever. The Collect Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us your gift of faith that, forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to that which is before, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Blessing God the Holy Trinity make you strong in faith and love, defend you on every side, and guide you in truth and peace; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen. Readings First Reading: Exodus 33: 12-end; Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10; Gospel: Matthew 22: 15-22; in Church 7-00 pm 7-00 pm Tuesday: 9-00 am Morning Prayer (ALL welcome) 2-00 pm Burial Sheila Jones Bell ringing practice Evening prayer Wednesday: 10-00 am Eucharist 1-00 pm Funeral Michael Crowshaw 7-00 pm Singing Group Friday: Saturday: 106 45 221 681 900 88 359 City of God As the deer pants for the water God is working his purpose out This world you have made Think of a world Brother sister let me serve you Jesus shall reign WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK Monday: Thursday: Hymns at 10-00 am (CA) yellow book 11-00 am Funeral Trevor Kemp 5-30 pm till 7-00 pm Parish Office 7-30 pm Eucharist 7-00 pm Choir practice in Church Hall Monday 9-00 am till 12-00 noon Fordbrook Bowling Club Tuesday: 5-30 pm till 8-30 pm Zumba class Wednesday: 9-30 am till 11-30 am Slimmers World 4-30 pm till 7-30 pm Slimmers World Thursday: 9-00 am till 12-00 noon & 1-00 pm till 4-00 pm Fordbrook Bowling Club 5-30 pm till 8-30 pm Slimmers World Friday: Saturday: In the unlikely event that the church has to be evacuated in an emergency please leave the building by the main doors at the rear of church or as directed by the wardens Sunday 19th October 2014 Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity 6-30 pm Evensong First Reading: Proverbs 4: 1-18; Second Reading: Mark 10: 35-45; Psalm: 142 (page 529) Please remember in your prayers this week the years mind of:19th Miriam Taylor, Stephen Dyke HYMNS Please see board At front of church 25th Lucy Glover CONCERT in Church by Willenhall Operatic Society Saturday 1st November at 7-30 pm tickets £5-00 NOW on sale CHRISTMAS MARKET SATURDAY 15th NOVEMBER 10-00 am till 2-00 pm in the Church Hall This is a big fund raiser for church so come along and grab a bargain for Christmas, with Craft stalls, Home made jams, chutney and pickles, Plants, Gifts and cakes. Bring the children along to tell Father Christmas what they would like for Christmas. We are again appealing for bottles for the bottle stall and tombola prizes. If YOU can help in any way please see Fr. Carl or wardens. ALSO don’t forget to have some tickets for the GRAND DRAW CHRISTMAS DINNER Friday 12th December Menu And Booking envelopes Are NOW at the back of church Thought for the week Prayer is the voice of faith The winning number in the draw last week was:- Next Sunday: 26th October 2014 Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity Sidespersons: 8-00 am: M. Simpson. 10-00 am: J. Keen, E. Weston. 6-30 pm: 8-00 am: Holy Communion 10-00 am: Family Eucharist 6-30 pm: Evensong Readings: 8-00 am: J. Ramsay. 10-00 am: J. Davenhill, E. Weston. 6-30 pm: A. Bagnall. Eucharistic Readings First Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-4, 8-12; Second Reading: Colossians 3: 12-17; Gospel Reading: TBC Intercessions: Brasses: Coffee: M. Wright, J. Davenhill. Flowers: Please take this sheet home with you for reference during the week ahead.
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