SAINT JOHN CANTIUS PARISH 825 N. CARPENTER STREET CHICAGO, IL 60642-5405 THE CANTIAN 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 19th Sunday after Pentecost Pastoral Staff Rev. C. Frank Phillips, C.R. Rev. Joshua Caswell, S.J.C Rev. Nathan Caswell, S.J.C. Rev. Brendan Gibson, S.J.C. Rev. Scott Haynes, S.J.C. Rev. Robin Kwan, S.J.C. Rev. Kevin Mann, S.J.C. Rev. Scott Thelander, S.J.C. Rev. Albert Tremari, S.J.C. Telephone Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor & Youth Director Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Fax Web Site 312-243-7373 312-243-4545 CANTIUS WEBSTORE: Catholic Books, DVDs, CDs and media Parish Office Hours: Daily 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Parish Office Closed Saturdays, Sunday, Holy Days and Legal Holidays DIVINE OFFICE MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Tridentine Low Mass Ordinary Form Ordinary Form Tridentine High Mass (Latin) (English) (Latin) (Latin) MONDAY—FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. Ordinary Form (English) 8:00 a.m. Tridentine Low Mass (M-F) (Latin) SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Tridentine Mass (Latin) Anticipated Mass, Ordinary Form (English) WEDNESDAY AND FIRST FRIDAYS 7:30 p.m. Tridentine Mass (Latin) Choir and orchestra Mass schedules are available upon request or check the web-site SUNDAY 6:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Matins and Lauds Rosary, Vespers Compline MONDAY—FRIDAY 6:30 a.m. Matins and Lauds 11:45 a.m. Mid Day Prayer 4:30 p.m. Rosary, Vespers 7:00 p.m. Compline @ 8:15 p.m. Wednesday SATURDAY 7:55 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Matins and Lauds Rosary, Vespers Compline after Mass CONFESSIONS: BAPTISMS: When requested 4:30 p.m. Saturday Before all Masses on Sunday Arrangements must be made in advance MARRIAGES: Call the parish or view our web-site for guidelines before any arrangements are made Sunday, October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Tridentine Mass 19th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday October 19 St. John Cantius [T] 7:30 a.m. † Paul Mermal req. Valerie & Mark Sander 9:00 a.m. † Helen Kaczmarek 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Monday 7:00 a.m. Chapel Tuesday 7:00 a.m. Chapel Wednesday 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. req. Joseph Kaczmarek † Patrick Colgan req. Noreen Colgan † Stella Konopka Req. Maryann † Henry J. Konopka req. Maryann Scheckel Family Req. John & Teri † Lydia Vogelsinger req. Darius Vogelsinger October 20 [St. John Cantius –T] Pro Populo † Rosemary Ozga req.. Mitchell Guzick October 21 [Bl. Karl of Austria † Catherine H. Robbins req. John Aiura Family Mary Lou Pederson & family req. Same October 22 [St. John Paul II] † Steve Kaczmarek req. Joseph Kaczmarek Intention of Living members of the Perpetual Mass Association † Intention of Deceased members of the Perpetual Mass Association † Poor Souls in Purgatory req. Guzick Family Lv. Alan Han-conversion to the Faith Thursday 7:00 a.m. Chapel Friday 7:00 a.m. Chapel Saturday 8:30 a.m. req. Elodie Han October 23 † Sharon Hapanovich req. Dayna Solari Aseel Hanne req. Same October 24 Mary Lou Pederson & Family req. Same Poor Souls—especially most forgotten req. D&L Tutwiler October 25 Aseel Hanne req. Same Blessings for M/M David Tutwiler req. M/M Rudy Geter Anticipated Masses 5:00 p.m. † 5th DA Nardino Tommassini req. Lisa D’Ambrosio † Mary Lou Pederson & Family req. Same COLLECTIONS October 19 October 26 World Mission Sunday Little Sisters of the Poor The Little Sisters of the Poor The Little Sisters of the Poor will be at St. John’s on October 25-26. Their home on North Lakewood Ave., is one of over 190 Homes operated by the Little Sisters of the Poor in 31 countries throughout the world. Your support will enable them to continue their mission of caring for the elderly poor in a spirit of joy and dignity. Any assistance you are able to give will be deeply appreciated. Blessings on you and your families St. Gregory the Great Schola Cantorum Each Sunday members of the St. Gregory the Great Schola Cantorum render the Gregorian Chant Propers and Ordinaries at the 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 12:30 pm Masses. We are in need of volunteers in the Schola to keep this portion of the Treasury of Sacred Music alive. Men interested or wishing to find out more about the Schola should contact Brother Matthew at 312-243-7373. 40 Days for Life Join fellow parishioners of St. John Cantius in standing up for LIFE! 40 Days for Life is a campaign of fasting, prayer, and vigil outside of abortion clinics that has saved thousands of babies from abortion, saved mothers and families from the pain of abortion, and even converted clinic workers. We will be filling all the hours of OCTOBER 30th outside the Albany Medical Surgical Center late-term abortion facility at 5086 N. Elston Ave., Chicago (just off of I-94 between the Cicero and Wilson exits). Parking is available across the street from the clinic, by the 10-foot-tall image of the Divine Mercy. To sign up for an hour, please visit the Respect Life table in the vestibule after mass, or contact Darlene at 773-844-1508 or [email protected]. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 FORTY HOURS DEVOTION is a graced Beginning of Forty Hours Devotion time for our parish family every year. It is a time for us to come before the Blessed Sacrament and thank God for his graces, to make reparation to Him for our past sins, to pray for the sick and to beg God’s blessing and protection of our city and nation. Join us in adoration and spend some time with our Eucharistic King in the Blessed Sacrament. 12:30pm — Solemn High Mass External Solemnity of St. John Cantius Resurrection Choir and Orchestra 2:00 pm — Rosary and Solemn Vespers 3:00 p.m to 12:00 pm — Exposition\Adoration MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 Patronal Feast of St. John Cantius 6:30 am — Matins and Lauds (Morning Prayer) 7:00 am — Conventual Mass (English Mass) 8:00 am — Tridentine Mass 9:00 am to 11:45 — Continued Adoration 11:45 am — Chanted Midday Prayer 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm —Continued Adoration 4:30 pm — Rosary and Chanted Vespers TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 6:30 am — Matins and Lauds (Morning Prayer) 7:00 am — Conventual Mass (English Mass) Mass in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria 8:00 am — Tridentine Low Mass 9:00 am to 11:45 am — Continued Adoration 11:45 am— Chanted Midday Prayer 12:00 p.m to 4:30 pm — Continued Adoration 4:30 pm — Rosary and Chanted Vespers 5:00 pm to 12:00 am — Continued Adoration WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Conclusion of Forty Hours Devotion 6:30 am — Matins and Lauds (Morning Prayer) 7:00 am — Conventual Mass (English Mass) Mass in honor of St. John Paul II 8:00 am — Tridentine Low Mass 9:00 am to 11:45 pm — Continued Adoration 11:45 am — Chanted Midday Prayer 12:00 pm to 7:00pm — Continued Adoration 7:00 pm — St. Monica Novena 7:30 pm — Tridentine High Mass 9:00 pm — Procession with the Blessed Sacrament, Solemn Benediction, and Compline Thanks to Daniel Scheutz for a splendid recital of Baroque music on 10-11-14. He was joined by Susan Klotzbach, piano, and Joan Schuetz, soprano. It was a splendid evening featuring music of Handel, Bach, and Purcell. The Patrons of Sacred Music raised $375 on this happy occasion for the music program. St. Joseph's Guild "Ite Ad Joseph" The St. Joseph's Guild will meet to do more cleaning on Saturday, November 8th following the 8:30 am Mass. Please meet in the Cafe for doughnuts, coffee and work assignments. Even if you can only come for an hour, it would be a great help as there is a lot to clean in these buildings. All are welcome to come! For those interested in participating, please bring work clothes and a lunch. For more information, please contact Myles Ahearn email: [email protected] Cell: 219.742.8431. MANNA GIFT CARDS Don’t have time to go shopping? Can’t think of a great gift? Problem solved – consider a Manna gift card for yourself, family, friends, special days or holidays, or the Angel Tree for children & needy families – EASY AS PIE Purchase gift cards in the Vestibule at the BIRETTA MINI-BOOK STORE COUNTER Sundays from 8:15 am to 1:30 pm A selection of gift cards are available on sight or you can choose from a list of vendors. Orders may be placed on Sundays and available for pick-up the following Sunday. Not only does this purchase ease your shopping pains but also allows St. John Cantius to enjoy a small percentage of the purchase price from each of the vendors participating in this program. Thank You! St. John of Kenty To most Catholics in this country, St. John from Kenty—otherwise know as John Kanty or John Cantius—is an obscure saint, but even in Europe, probably few people know of St. Pope John Paul II’s deep and lifelong devotion to this professor saint. Only thirteen miles from the Holy Father’s own birthplace, John was born in the small southern Polish town of Kenty on June 24, 1390. At the age of 23, he registered for studies at the Jagiellonian University, located in the not too distant city of Krakow—then, the capital of the Polish Kingdom. Founded 1364 by royal decree, it was the same university at which astronomer, Nicolas Copernicus, would study almost 80 years later. Enrolled in the Department of Liberal Arts, John became a doctor of philosophy in 1418. During the following three years, he undertook further studies in preparation for the priesthood, while supporting himself by conducting philosophy classes at the university. Immediately following ordination, he accepted a position as rector at the prestigious school of the Canons Regular of the Most Holy Sepulcher in Miechow. That such a school would offer him this position at his relatively young age was evidence of John’s exceptional intellect and talents. It was there in conducting formation classes for the young novices that he became firmly grounded in the writings and spirituality of St. Augustine. In 1429, a position became vacant in the Philosophy Department at the Jagiellonian University. John quickly returned to Krakow for the Job, taking up residence at the university where he remained until his death. He also began studies in theology and after 13 long years of study intertwined with teaching and administrative duties as head of the Philosophy Department, He finally received his doctorate. Later, after the death of his mentor, the eminent theologian Benedykt Hesse, John assumed directorship of the university’s Theology Department. As most learned men of his day, John spent many of his free hours hand copying manuscripts of the Holy Scriptures, theological tracts, and other scholarly works. Although only 26 volumes have survived to our time, their total of over 18,000 pages is a testament to his exceptional industriousness. During the course of his life in Krakow, John became well know among the city’s residents for his generosity and compassion toward the poor, always sacrificing his own needs in order to help those less fortunate. He felt a special affinity toward need students at the university, helping to care for their spiritual, physical, and academic needs, Whether it was in the classroom or in the pulpit, everyone knew him as a staunch defender of the faith and enemy of heretics. During these Forty Hours of Devotion, let us pray through the intercession of St. John Cantius for all our church leaders, our new Archbishop and for all who teach the Catholic Faith in Seminaries, Colleges and other institutions. Blessed Karl of Austria Archduke Karl was born on 17 August 1887 in the castle of Persenbeug in Austria. His parents were the Archduke Otto and Princess Maria Josefa of Saxony. Emperor Franz Josef was Karl's greatuncle. When Karl was 8 years old, a famous nun in Sopron, Hungary, prophesied that the child “must be enveloped in prayers, for he will be emperor someday and will have to suffer greatly. He will be a special target of hell.” As a result, Count and Countess Wallis, who were charged with the education of Karl, founded a small prayer circle in 1895. This prayer circle later became the League of Prayers with thousands of members worldwide. In 1911, Karl married Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma. They led a happy and exemplary married life and were blessed with eight children. They both were devout Christians and often prayed together. Karl's main goal in this life was to understand and fulfill God's will. After the death of his father and the assassination of his uncle Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, Karl became heir to the throne of the AustroHungarian Empire. He became emperor during World War I, on 21 November 1916, after the death of Emperor Franz Josef. On December 30th of the same year he was crowned Apostolic King of Hungary. When Karl ascended the throne, he vowed to do everything to ban the horrors and sacrifices of the war. He tried to halt the bloodshed, but all his attempts failed due to his adversaries and his German allies. Nevertheless, Emperor Karl reduced the cruelty of the war: he forbade the use of poisonous gases on the eastern front and the bombardment of the civilian population, and forbade his troops to plunder. He banned dueling and abolished “binding”, a form of punishment, in the army. During the war, he organized soup kitchens, had horses from the imperial stable haul coal for the population of Vienna, fought against corruption and usury, and introduced price control, to make life easier for the poor. He and his family lived on official wartime rations. Emperor Karl instituted the first ministry for social assistance and health in the world, to take care of disabled soldiers, immigrants, refugees, the unemployed and the wives and children of the deceased soldiers. After the monarchy collapsed in 1918, Karl refused to abdicate. He declared, “My crown is a sacred deed entrusted to me by my God. I must never give up this bond or my people.” In November 1918, he temporarily renounced the exercise of his imperial prerogatives. In March 1919, the imperial family was expelled from Austria, after Switzerland had agreed to grant them asylum. The following days, the National Assembly of Austria declared the confiscation of all their properties and personal belongings. Moved by his coronation oath and by Pope Benedict XV's request, Emperor Karl returned twice to Hungary in 1921, to regain the throne: once by train, disguised, and once by plane. These attempts failed, due to the betrayal of the Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy, whom Karl had helped to appoint, and due to the King's wish to avoid civil war. After the second attempt Karl and Zita were arrested and taken to the Abbey of Tihany as prisoners. In November 1921, they were exiled to the island of Madeira, where they lived in a humid house in poverty. The children arrived a few months later. In Madeira, Emperor Karl felt that God asked of him one last and total sacrifice for the peace and unity of his peoples: the sacrifice of his life. He told Zita, “God has given me the grace so that there now remains nothing on this earth that I would not be willing to sacrifice out of my love for Him and for the benefit of the Holy Church.” On the 9 March 1922, the Emperor fell sick with a fit of shivers, coughing and extreme difficulties in breathing. During the 3 weeks of fatal illness he never complained, and prayed without ceasing. He forgave all those who conspired against him. His last words were, “Thy will be done, Jesus, Jesus, come! Yes – yes! My Jesus, as Thou willst. Jesus... Jesus!”, and on the 1st of April, this blessed Christian man, emperor, husband and father of eight gave back his pure soul to God. His body was laid to rest in the beautiful church of Nossa Senhora do Monte in Funchal, the capital of Madeira. Emperor Karl of Austria governed with Truth and Charity, always keeping the Catholic Faith as his guiding light. Let us pray for all Civil Leaders throughout the world but especially in our own country, that they may be enlightened by the words of the Gospel, change their hearts and minds to conform their wills to doing God’s will as they conduct their activities in the service of their fellow man. Catholic Physician for Catholic Vision THOMAS J. 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