Holy Name Primary School Newsletter Issue 1, Term 4, 2014 16 October, 2014 Dear Parents and Carers, A very warm welcome to all students, parents, volunteers and friends of Holy Name community a short but actionedpacked Term 4. I trust that you all enjoyed the holiday break with your families taking some downtime to relax. I certainly enjoyed my extended holiday and have enjoyed sharing many of the amazing sites and experiences of South America with the students, staff and the parents I have seen since my return. MATHEMATICS SUCCESS: Congratulations to our students who participated in the ICAS Mathematics Competition. Our results were outstanding and are a testament to the level of teaching and learning happening at Holy Name. Distinction: Lachlan Taylor and Declan Coleman Credit: Matthew Taylor, Ryan Coleman, Andre Campomayor, Emmanuel Amreis, Cameron Melano, Elijah O’Keefe, Jessica Lindley, Tony Xuan, Marcus Landers, Ethan Payne. Merit: Alex Chen, Ben Hockings Participation: Kaitlyn Murray, Mia Atley, Phoebe Chen, Nathanael Jorgensen, Hailee Connor, Amoul Ayuen. GOLDEN STUDENTS: Our new Behaviour Policy introduced at the beginning of this year is based on a 4 levels – Golden, Orange, Blue and Red. It has been very successful in informing students of appropriate standard of behaviour and raising the standard of mutual respect and care for each other. The goal for students is to strive to be a “Golden Student” all term so as to be a part of the ‘Golden Activity’ at the end of the term. As this term is the final term of the year the Golden Activities are rather special. The Yr 6/7 class are invited to go to Dreamworld and the P-5 classes are being treated to a performance at the Empire Theatre. Please encourage and assist your child to make sensible choices about his / her behaviour as it is the aim at Holy Name to support all students to be ‘Golden Students’. PUPIL FREE DAY: Monday October 20 is a pupil free day. The teachers and staff are all involved in professional development. Extend, afternoon care has informed me that the service will not operate. GRANDPARENT’S DAY: The wonderful presence of Grandparents in the lives of our students is being celebrated at Holy Name on Friday October 24 with a Prayer Ceremony being presented by the Prep students. This will commence at 10 am and will be followed by a ‘shared morning tea’. All students are invited to bring their grandparents along for this special morning tea. If your family is able to attend the morning tea, please bring a plate to share. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS READER’S CUP: Catholic Schools will gather at Holy Name on Thursday October 30 to contest the Reader’s Cup. Congratulations to all students who qualified for this competition. Please encourage your child to continue reading in preparation for the day. WHOLE SCHOOL TESTING: This is a screening program overseen by Mrs Cash, Learning Support Teacher where all students from Prep to Yr 7 complete screeners and tests in the area of Literacy and Numeracy. The data collected from these tests informs teachers of the student’s academic progress and is used for curriculum planning for the next academic year. SWIMMING PROGRAM: The Prep- Yr 3 students will commence their swimming program later this term at the Glennie Aquatic Centre. The dates along with a permission note will be send home with your child. Please contact your class teacher or the office if you do not have this information. The cost of the swimming program is $50 per student. This cost will be on Term 4 school fees for P-3 students. SCHOOL EXCURSIONS: This term the Yr 6/7 students have been offered the opportunity to attend a day trip to Dreamworld. A information note and permission slip has been given to all students. The cost of this trip is $36 per student and will be paid to the class teacher on return of the permission slip. The P-5 students will attend a performance at the Empire Theatre. The cost of $9 per student will be on the Term 4 school fee invoice. P&F SUPPORT: The generous support of the dedicated P&F Association to the Term 4 student excursions is very notable. The P&F is funding the cost of the bus for all students. This very generous support for the Dreamworld trip is $32 per student. These funds come from the many fund raising events that the P&F organise throughout the year such as the Art Show and School Discos. I thank the P&F for their generosity on behalf of the students of Holy Name. SCHOOL FEES: The Term 4 school fee invoices have been posted to all families today. Please ensure that you pay the total amount by the due date. It is imperative for the efficient operation of the school that all families honour the payment of fees. LITERACY SHARING: The success of our Reading and Writing coach, Mrs Angela Ehmer from Literacy Solutions has drawn the attention of other Catholic Schools. Teachers from St Saviour’s Primary will visit some classrooms at Holy Name to view the Reading and Writing inaction in our classrooms. I thank our teachers for sharing their expertise with their fellow colleagues. INTENTIONS FOR 2105: 2015 is fast approaching and an accurate indication of student numbers is required to plan class groups and classrooms. If your intentions for 2015 have not been made clear to me please do so immediately. I do hear ‘rumours’ which is not helpful for future planning. All families are asked to discuss any change or possible change in your child’s education with me. For us as the educators of your child, it is indeed sad to have a student transfer from Holy Name during these formative years. Also it is now a data collection requirement that we record the movement of all students. As part of the transfer process, the school’s SAS data system requires the next school be listed for student transfer / student movement process (The system also requires a previous school, if not a Prep enrolment, to be listed as well as part of the enrolment process). This information is also used in a Student Movement Data Collection which the school must complete for QCEC each year. An accurate indication of student numbers for 2015 allows for planning including budgeting and classes and for the distribution of Point of Exit Survey letters provided by the Toowoomba Catholic Education Office. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. SAFETY CONCERN: It has been brought to my attention that used needles without caps were found in Bridge Street last week. The teachers have spoken to the students about the steps to take if they see unsafe objects. Please address this topic with your child /children to ensure their understanding is clear. The children are not to touch the object, but inform an adult so as to ensure the safe removal of the object. Thank you for your support. TOUCH FOOTBALL COACHING: The Touch Football coaching will start this Tuesday 21 October at 3.30pm on the school Oval. Please note the change of day from Thursday afternoons to Tuesday afternoons. Students MUST be collected from the oval by 4.15pm. A number of students returned permission slips to take part in this ‘free’ coaching. All students are welcome to join. God, Bless, Kathy DATE CLAIMERS: • • • • 20 October 28November 30 October 30 October Pupil Free Day – CTJ Day Board Meeting 6.00pm Catholic Schools Readers Cup in MEAC Red Food Day for Daniel Morecombe Foundation P&F Meeting 6pm School Library • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 November 10 November 17 November 21 November 24 November 25 November 27 November 28 November 27 November 3 December 4 December 5 December Remembrance Day Liturgy P – 3 Swimming P – 3 Swimming P – 3 Swimming P – 3 Swimming Empire Theatre Show – P – Yr 5 ‘WELCOME DAY’ Prep Orientation Day & all classes move to their year level for 2015. Swimming Carnival – Starting at 12 noon Christmas Concert 6.00pm Dreamworld – Yrs 6 & 7 Graduation Mass and Assembly Last Day 2014 School Year STUDENTS OF THE WEEK – Week 10: Congratulations to the “Students of the Week” for Week 10: Prep: Adrian Murchie and Ava Kelly Year 1: Nate Cupples & Aliyah King Year 2: Amoul Ayuen Year 3: Year 4: Mika-Belle Steel & Joseph Athian Year 5/6: Mollie Hancock Year 6/7: Alexander Chen, Elijah O'Keefe and Nyok Kag Deng APRE NEWS: Welcome back to all of our families and friends for Term 4. Sacramental Program Our sacramental program has kicked off into its first stage, First Reconciliation. Due to the great response we are running two sessions for the students, Monday 5:30pm and Wednesday 3:30pm, both sessions are held in the school library due to the renovations in the Church. Students will be blessed with a Reconciliation Mass in the coming weeks in our Church. You are most welcome to come and pass on your congratulation to these students. If you are interested in these programs please come in and see me. I will be able to support you with any needs you may have. Grandparents Day Prayer Celebration To recognise the special contribution Grandparents make in the lives of our young children, Miss Chester, Mrs Jaeger and the Preppies will be hosting a special celebration next Friday at 10:00 a.m in the MEAC. This will be followed by a shared morning tea in the Prep/Year 1 area (please bring a plate of food to share). We can’t wait for our Preps to share their first prayer celebration with us! Come and join us in the hall for this special prayer service. Remembrance Day Liturgy Please join us on Tuesday 11th November, at 11:00am for our Remembrance Day Prayer Celebration hosted by Mr Dowden and the Year 5/6 class. This is a time of prayer and a chance to remember those who have fallen, giving the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Lest We Forget. As you can see we have a busy time ahead of us. The important thing is to spend the time and let the love of Jesus into our hearts and minds, especially during a period when our actions and words can made a great deal to our friends and loved ones. Warm blessings to you all for the rest of the term. Yours in faith, Mr Red APRE CLASSROOM NEWS: Prep: Welcome to Term 4! Don’t blink too much, this term will go super quick. We had a wonderful first week back and students were obviously rested up well ready to get back into learning. Please ensure you read all notes that come home as they have important information about events that happen in the classroom. Homework was sent home this week as well as home readers. Please find some time to complete this with your child to support them and us in their education. This term we start swimming and more information will come closer to the date. Our Science unit this term is called ‘On the move’ and students have been exploring how things move. In Maths we are looking at numbers more closely and how they relate to other numbers. We are talking about numbers that come before, after etc. We have been using a grid with numbers from 1-25 and talking about where they go on a grid. Please continue your wonderful work with at home with your child. Many thanks for your continued support. Miss Chester & Mrs Jaeger Year 1: Welcome back everyone. We hope you had some time to enjoy the company of family and friends over the holidays. This term the students will look at Mary and why she was so important in the life of Jesus. We will begin to learn some new prayers including the Hail Mary. In Literacy the students will be looking at different forms of poetry and getting them to create their own poems. In Geography it’s all about where Toowoomba is in the world? We will be discussing the weather conditions and graphing Toowoomba’s temperature. The new show and share roster will be out next week. It is a little different than previous rosters. The students are required to recite a short poem to the class. Further information will accompany the roster. Please fill in the permission slip for swimming and have the appropriate swim wear on the given swim days. Please continue to read and fill out your Home Read It Diaries so the students can get their certificates for the amount of nights they have been reading. If there are any questions about any of these or up-coming events please come in and see us. Have a lovely week. Cheers, Mr Red and Mrs Hohn Year 2: Welcome back to term four! The Year Two children wrote fabulous recounts last week about their holidays. It was great to see some of the children using conjunctions in their sentences and remembering to include capital letters and full stops. During term four the students will be writing persuasive texts in English. We have been learning about the three methods of appeal to an audience: Logos (logic/reason), Ethos (ethics) and Pathos (emotion). We will use these elements to persuade our readers. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for some persuasive arguments. Cheers, Sarah Anderton Year 3: Welcome back to what will be another very busy and short term. This term students will be very busy working , finishing off their Year Three work in preparedness for report cards and Year Four next year. Students will be exploring some very fun and exciting units this term. In Science students will be studying ‘Melting Moments’ in which they investigate what solids and liquids are and the properties of these. They will be doing a number of experiments to consolidate their learning along the way. In English this term students will continue their work on spelling and grammar conventions and will be exploring poetry where they will be required to write and present poetry to the class. In History this term students will be studying Australian celebrations and commemorations. This will include such things as ANZAC Day and Australia Day, learning about the history of these days and their significance. In Religion students will explore the unit ‘Who is God in My World?’ Where they will examine the images of God is sacred texts as well as the ever presence of God in our daily lives. This term the Year Three class will also be attending swimming lessons. This will be a very valuable experience for the students and they are greatly looking forward to these upcoming lessons. Notes will be heading home shortly with the dates and times of these events. I look forward to a happy and safe last term with the Year Three class. Lawson Short Year 4: Welcome back after the holidays, I hope that everyone enjoyed their break and are ready for a quick but very busy term. There is a lot to complete this term so attendance at school is important so that the children don’t miss out important information concerning assessment. This Friday, Year Four are hosting a class mass in our classroom with the parishioners and Father Ray. It would be lovely to have some of our parents attend this celebration. It commences at 9.00a.m. The children are learning about waste management this term and writing letters to the editor. We are also looking at living in a community in Religion. Congratulations to the Year 4 ICAS Competition students, Lachlan Taylor, Phoebe Chen, Jessica Lindley and Tony Xuan for their outstanding efforts!! Well done!! Denise Lindores Year 5/6: It is great to see all the students of the 5/6 classroom back after a well-earned break. Term 4 is shaping up to be as busy as ever and the students have had to hit the ground running. In English this term, we will be discussing the devices poets use to entertain people. The students will explore a variety of different forms of poetry before producing their own anthology. In Maths we have begun revising area and perimeter. The students have designed their own theme parks and dream houses and worked out the area and perimeter of the various enclosures and rooms that they have created. Geography this term will focus on Australia’s connections to the rest of the world. We will be exploring the connections that arise through trade, war, natural disasters and foreign aid. In Science the students will investigate the different types of energy that are present in our world. The will discover the origins and uses for these types of energy and the ways that our lives would be affected if we didn’t have them. Finally, in Religion, The students will be exploring the various texts that are found within the Bible. The focus on the unit will be the Psalms and the unit will culminate with the students producing their own Psalm. So, as you can see, we have another busy term on our hands. Once again, I am confident that the students of the 5/6 class will approach their work with enthusiasm and give their best effort in everything they do. Congratulations to our student of the week recipients Mollie Hancock and Mariya Pitkin. God Bless, Tom Dowden Year 6/7: Welcome to Term Four. This term is shaping up to be an extremely busy but memorable one for the graduating class of 2014! This term the Year 6/7 students will be completing a literature unit, Bridge To Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson. The students will be reading this novel in class and exploring various themes. The culminating activity for this unit will involve the students constructing and publishing their own book review. In Mathematics, the students have begun work on multiplication of decimals and the metric system of measurement in Year 6, and area of combination shapes and classifying triangles in Year 7. Students will be exploring the unit Revealing God’s Love in Religious Education lessons and responding to the question: How can I be the face of Jesus? In their Science unit It’s Electrifying! The students are examining electrical energy. The students are very much enjoying this inquiry based unit where hands-on investigation, co-operative learning and group work are integral. In Geography, students will be investigating the factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of the liveability of places in the unit Place And Liveability. Spelling, reading and revising mathematics tables will continue to be the focus of homework this term, as well as work on various mathematical investigations. Have a wonderful week! Kerri-ann Manthey Extend OSHC at Holy Name Primary School: Our Recap Welcome back to Term 4, and how the year has flown! After a fantastic and fun filled holiday program at Mater Dei, it is a pleasure to return to Holy Name. The first week back has been a big one, with activities such as charity posters, holiday show and shares, craft stink pencil holders and team building games. Our Extend Superstar is Jordyn (Year 1)! Jordyn has fantastic manners which she always uses at Extend. She is a great friend and always happy and smiling. This week’s activities: Monday 13th October: Beach Craft and Board Game Circuits Tuesday 14th October Construction: Recycled Materials City Game: Quick Sand Wednesday 15th October: Halloween: Pumpkin and Witch Hat Craft Giant Uno Game Thursday 16th October: Extend a Hand Christmas Card Initiative Outdoor playground Friday 17th October: Cooking: Healthy Fruit Cubes Zumba for kids Have you ‘liked’ Extend After School Care? Did you know we have a Facebook page filled with fantastic pictures and information from our services? Find out what your After School Care has been up to or get some great ideas of activities to do at home with the kids. You never know what you might find if you don’t look and like! Visit: http://www.facebook.com/ExtendAfterCare and make sure to LIKE us! Are you ready to Share Christmas? Term 4 see’s the launch of our Extend-a-Hand annual Project and we would love your children to be a part of it. We hope to empower and inspire our children by asking them to ‘Share Christmas’. Extend is teaming up with Magic Moments Foundation by participating in the Basket Brigade Program to help families in need. The Basket Brigade Program raises funds throughout the year in order to put together gift baskets for families in need with items including food, necessities, and even toys. Extend is honoured to be given the opportunity for the children in our programs to hand-craft the Christmas cards that are placed inside these baskets. We've named this the Share Christmas Project. Until Wednesday 12 November, children who attend any Extend service can contribute to the Basket Brigade by making cards for families. We encourage you to speak with your child(ren) about this worthy cause so that they can get excited and involved in our Share Christmas Project. Thank you for your support in a wonderful cause. FROM THE TOOWOOMBA CITY LIBRARY: The Toowoomba City Library is excited to host Tristan Bancks for a series of free workshops for TRC Library members, aged 8-18 on November 15. Tristan Bancks is a children's and teen author with a background in acting and filmmaking. His books include My Life & Other Stuff I Made Up, Mac Slater Cool Hunter and the Nit Boy series (about a kid with the worst case of nits in world history). His short films as writer and director have won a number of awards and have screened widely in festivals and on TV. Bookings can be made by emailing [email protected] or by calling (07) 4688 6670. See below for the workshop details. One workshop attendance per person. All participants must be current TRC Library members. TUCKSHOP MENU Childs Name and Class is to be clearly marked on the bag with their order. ALL HOT FOODS MUST BE PRE-ORDERED. First Lunch (10:30am) Hot Food (Only at First Lunch) Pie Chicken Nuggets (6) Hot dog Hot dog with cheese $3.00 $3.50 $3.00 $3.50 Foods Available First and Second Lunches Snack Food Basic Sandwiches Sausage rolls Home baking – Patty cakes/biscuits etc. Cheese sticks Yoghurt 100g (spoon included) Carrot sticks with/ without cream cheese Jumpy’s (Chips) Party Pie Garlic Bread Spinach & Ricotta Roll Cheese & Bacon Roll Cheese & Bacon Roll with Chicken $2.50 50c 80c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.00 $1.50 Ham / cheese Chicken / cheese Cheese / Vegemite Jam Egg / Lettuce $2.60 $2.60 $1.50 $1.50 $2.00 Toasted Sandwiches are Available Second Lunch (1pm) Salad Box (Only at Second Lunch) Ham or Chicken Salad Box $5.00 Includes: - Meat, Tomato, Cucumber, Beetroot, Carrot, Lettuce, Egg, Cheese and a Slice of Bread Drinks (Available Both Lunches) Ice Blocks (Second Lunch Only) Bottled Water $1.00 100% Juices $1.50 (Apple, O/Passio, Passion Punch) Flavoured Milk $1.50 (Chocolate, Strawberry) Iced Tea (Lemon, Peach, Blackcurrant and Raspberry) Mini Maids – Milk Water Fruit Pops Vanilla Tubs Polar Freeze Watermelon Fizz .40c Ka Bluey Ice $1.50 .50c .50c .70c $1.00 .30c .40c Tuckshop is only on Thursday and Meal Deal every 2nd Tuesday. NEW ITEMS AVAILABLE AS STATED IN BOLD PRINT
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