Networking Event – Cheese Masterclass

Networking Event – Cheese Masterclass
Thursday 16th October 2014
5.30pm – 7.30pm to include Cheese Masterclass with networking
Venue: Burges Salmon, 1 Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0ZX
This event is
hosted by:
Join us for a networking event with a difference.
The Women in Property masterclass will start with some networking and then
Ben will take us through the history of cheese from the first recording all the
way up to present day. You will learn about how different cheeses are made
before launching into a tasting of 8 hand-picked artisan cheeses. Wine and
soft drinks will also be provided.
The SW Student
Awards are
sponsored by:
Ben Axford is the former founder of the CheeseWorks, the multi-award winning
Cheltenham cheese shop. His cheese masterclasses have been held around the
country including at the BBC Good Food show and he has written for a number
of national magazines.
We regret that in the event of non-attendance the ticket price cannot be
To Apply: Please fill out and return the attached form together with your cheque
(payable to "Women in Property") to:
Natasha Cottell, Wates Construction, Equinox North, Great Park Road,
Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4QL
[email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Networking Event – Cheese Masterclass
Cost: Members £25.00 – Non Members - £30.00
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Women in Property
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