Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 1 of 12 Dates for your Calendar From the Year Prep, 2, 4, 6 Deputy Sport News PCA News Skoolbag App From the Principal From the Year 1, 3, 5, 7 Deputy Student Achievements Absentee Notifications Community Notices Issue 812 12 November 2014 DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR Fri 14 Nov Twilight Markets - 5:30pm - 9:00pm, Windaroo SS Campus Mon 17 Nov Junior Assembly Yrs Prep - 3 - 2:15pm - Lone Pine Hall - all welcome Tues 18 Nov Prep Orientation Session 1 - 9:30 - 11:00am - by appointment only Tues 18 Nov Prep Orientation Session 2 - 11:30am - 1:00pm - by appointment only Thurs 20 Nov Summer Music Concert - 6:30pm - Lone Pine Hall Fri 21 Nov Prep Orientation Session 3 - 9:30 - 11:00am - by appointment only Fri 21 Nov Prep Orientation Session 4 - 11:30am - 1:00pm - by appointment only Fri 21 Nov Year 7 - Graduation - Last day for payment Mon 24 Nov Senior Assembly Yrs 4-7 - 2:15pm - Lone Pine Hall - all welcome Mon 24 Nov to Fri 7 Dec Year 4 & Yr 3/4D Swimming - Aqua Logan, Eagleby Tues 25, Wed 26 & Thurs 27 Nov Prep Excursion - Jacobs Well Tues 25 Nov End of year Music Concert - 6:30pm Lone Pine Hall Wed 26 Nov 2015 Year 6 - Camp Goodenough - Last day for payment 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 2 of 12 Mon 1 Dec Junior Assembly Yrs Prep 3 - 2:15pm - Lone Pine Hall - all welcome Tues 2 & Wed 3 Dec Year 2 Historical Village Excursion Mon 8 Dec Windaroo Idol Finals - 9:15am - Lone Pine Hall Tues 9 Dec Year 6 Graduation - 5.15pm - Lone Pine Hall Wed 10 Dec Year 7 Graduation - 5:15pm - Lone Pine Hall Thurs 11 Dec Years P - 5 - Science Show Thurs 11 Dec Years 6 & 7 - Ten Pin Bowling Excursion Fri 12 Dec Last day of school 2014 Tues 27 Jan 2015 First day of school 2015 Wed 4 - Fri 6 Feb 2015 Year 6 - Camp Goodenough It is important to notify the school of student absences daily Advise teacher in person or by note Email to [email protected] Use the Skoolbag Application for iPhone or Android Ring the Absentee Line on 3382 4370 FROM THE PRINCIPAL As this is our third last newsletter of 2014, I thought it appropriate to discuss with our Year 6 & 7 parents the transition from Primary to Secondary School that their child will be undertaking in 2015. This may also be of interest to our other parents. Can you remember when you started secondary school? If you were like most people, you probably felt a mixture of emotions. Sadness because leaving primary school signified the end of a terrific era, and excitement in the prospect of secondary school and the new experiences on offer. For most adolescents, starting secondary school is a positive time, although some students may experience a little anxiety about attending a different, larger school with more students and more specialist facilities. Secondary school also involves new and unfamiliar organisational arrangements to those they are used to from primary school. Being the youngest students, adjusting to the different ‘culture’, changing classrooms for each 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 3 of 12 subject, reading a timetable, altering eating habits and carrying books around is difficult enough without the added task of making new friends. Some kids take these new experiences in their stride, but it is natural to have some difficulty making the transition from primary to secondary school. The transition also occurs at a time when there is a great deal of change in a child’s life. Children at this stage feel the need to belong and be accepted by their peers; they are at different stages of physical maturity, often self conscious and subject to mood swings. Most secondary schools go to great lengths to ensure that there is a smooth beginning, with familiarisation programs and school visits for Year 6 & 7 children. These programs can really make a difference, but here are some practical suggestions that parents can use to help make the transition to secondary education happy and successful. Be prepared: The transition process is much easier when kids are prepared for secondary school. Having the correct books and uniform is important on the first day. Blending in rather than standing apart is their main aim in the early days. Be supportive: Talk to your child about change and reassure him or her that it is normal to feel unsure and anxious in new circumstances. Some kids may brush you off with a “she’ll be right” attitude but don’t be fooled by the bravado. Most will be feeling fairly unsure of themselves. Show confidence in their ability to cope; confidence is catching. Communicate with the school: Contact the year-level co-ordinator if you have concerns about how he or she is settling. If it is your eldest who is starting, then secondary school will be relatively new for you too. It will take time for you to adjust to the school’s culture and communication methods. You can learn a lot about the school by talking with your child and encouraging him or her to share their experiences. I trust that this gives you discussion points with your child about high school. Prep Class Visits - Prep Orientation Day This takes place next week on Tuesday 18 November from 9:00am – 11:00am and Friday 21 November from 9:00am – 11:00am. We look forward to meeting our new students of Prep 2015. Smoking On or Near School Grounds I have received a number of phone calls regarding parents smoking outside or near our school gates and grounds. Please consider our children's health and safety and refrain from smoking directly outside or near our gates and fences. Your co-operation with this would be appreciated. Bobby's Inspirational Quote “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving” Oswold J Smith 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 4 of 12 Bobby Harding - Principal FROM THE YEAR Prep, 2, 4 & 6 DEPUTY Student Council Christmas Community Project - Christmas Food Hampers Don’t forget to support our Christmas Community Project and help our local community group ‘Wesley Mission’ by donating non-perishable items for hampers. We are asking each family to include something special in your weekly shop that can be added to your child’s class Christmas hamper. What a wonderful opportunity to teach our children the importance of helping those in our community in need. Let’s all get into the spirit of Christmas and make the Windaroo SS Christmas Community Project the biggest it has ever been and bring a little bit of happiness to those in need. Big Buddy Program 2015 At Windaroo State School we have an outstanding program where we train interested students who would like to ultimately become “Big Buddies” (playground friends for younger students). Next year will be the ninth year that this program has been implemented at Windaroo. Last Monday our Year 5 students attended an information session to learn about the role and responsibilities of being a Big Buddy for 2015. Interested students were asked to complete a Big Buddy ‘Expression of Interest’ application. Consultation with each child’s teacher, behaviour history of each student, leadership qualities, as well as their personal application are all factors that determine who will be selected to be trained this term in readiness for the start of the 2015 school year. The students selected will engage in three Big Buddy training workshops this term and two/three in the early part of term 1 next year after the proposed Year 6 camp. After this training we schedule one Big Buddy workshop in school time each term to touch base with the students involved and continue to support them with strategies that they require to fulfill their roles as Big Buddies. Each month we hold a Big Buddy morning tea in the Rewards Room to allow an opportunity for the Big Buddy students to debrief and for the school to say thank you to them for the job that they do in performing their Big Buddy responsibilities. Usually the group in training consist of a maximum of 20 students who then need to further demonstrate their ongoing commitment to remain part of the program and actually work with younger students in the playground during lunch times. Students have been made aware that this is a commitment and that their behaviour and commitment through the training program and at school is essential for them to graduate in the New Year as endorsed “Big Buddies”. The training provides useful strategies, discussion opportunities, role-playing scenarios, as well as on the spot playground training. This is a wonderful supportive program that provides our older students with responsibilities and real life experiences in helping and assisting our younger children while in the playground. For students not 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 5 of 12 selected in this round, there will be another opportunity in the middle of next year to offer an expression of interest. Any student who has already placed an expression of interest will not need to complete a new one. Student Absences School absenteeism and truancy can impact significantly on students' learning and wellbeing. Research shows that in Queensland, higher student attendance is associated, on average, with higher student achievement. Additionally, attending school every day helps children to build social and emotional skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience. Under the law, you must make sure your child is enrolled and attends school on all school days unless there is a reasonable excuse. Schools must monitor attendance of students and follow up with parents and caregivers any unexplained absences. You can use several methods to notify the school of your child's absence. These inlcude: • Advise teacher in person or by note • Email the absence to [email protected] • Use the Skoolbag Application for iPhone or Android • Ring the Absentee Line on 3382 4370 If your child does not want to go to school, or is missing school without you knowing, contact your school immediately for assistance and support. Schools will: • monitor student attendance • let you know if your child is not at school • follow-up any unexplained absences with a school absence letter or phone call from a classroom teacher or Deputy Principal • use effective teaching strategies to engage your child in learning • help you with strategies to encourage your child to go to school • provide support for families 'Caring and Learning Together' Lynn Hunt & Michelle Leadbeater - Deputy Principals Prep, 2, 4, & 6 FROM THE YRS 1, 3, 5, 7 DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Summer safety message 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 6 of 12 With summer’s swimming season almost here, it’s a timely reminder for parents and carers to talk about pool safety with your child. With more than 300,000 residential pools in Queensland, drowning is one of the leading causes of accidental death in children aged five and under. Some of the causes include swimming competence, levels of supervision and the use of floatation devices. To help lower the risks of these tragedies occurring, parents should follow the ABCs of pool safety: • Always supervise your child near a pool. • Begin swimming lessons as early as possible for your child. • Close the pool gate and keep your fence maintained. For more information on the Government’s safety awareness campaign, visit Swim Australia Story Swim Australia is Australian Swimming Coaches & Teachers Association (ASCTA) Learn-to-Swim & Water Safety Industry Development division, primarily delivering products, services & professional development programs for Swim Schools. Swim Australia is endorsed by Swimming Australia Ltd (SAL) and the Federal Government’s Active Australia. Launched in 1997 by the Federal Minister for Sport and Recreation, Swim Australia’s mission is to develop "learn-to-swim" in Australia to its full potential; resulting in all Australians learning swimming and water safety in an enjoyable, safe way. To this end, Swim Australia: • Registers Swim Schools that meet industry standards as determined by ASCTA, • Promotes the many excellent benefits of learning swimming and water safety, and • Provides the Swim Australia Registered Swim Schools with products, services and professional development programs to significantly enhance their operation. Swim Australia is a division of the Australian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association (ASCTA), a nonprofit organisation Swim Australia is endorsed by Swimming Australia Ltd (SAL) and the Federal Government’s Active Australia. Swim Australia aims to: 1. To promote learning-to-swim on a national basis, with an emphasis on the life-long health, safety, fun and fitness benefits of swimming. 2. To recognise programs teaching swimming that meet prescribed guidelines. 3. To aid in the development of the teaching and management expertise of such programs. 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 7 of 12 4. To enhance the viability of such programs Valerie Paterson - Deputy Principal Yrs 1, 3, 5 & 7 SPORT NEWS Swimming Swimming for Year 4 and Yr 3/4D will commence on Monday 24 November for 2 weeks (Weeks 8 & 9). Information and invoices have gone home and you will need to return the Permission Slip and Medical Form together with your payment to the office. Last day for payment for the Swimming Program is Monday 17 November. Tracy Shaab - Physical Education Teacher STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Aussie of the Month Nominations Aussie of the Month Nominations were presented to the following students at assembly recently: Ebony M PA, Gillar S PCL, Jack D PJ, Erin K PK, Lucy W PN, Archa S PW, Semisi T 1C, Carlee G 1DM, Skye O 1G, Jayden N 1M, Briana R 1N, Isabella K 1W, Will D 2C, Amy L 2L, Jade B 2SE, Bailey G 2WA, Zane R 3H, Emily H 3O, Mikayla H 3P, Mya H 3PW. The Aussie of the Month for September was awarded to: Bailey G 2WA Merit Certificates Merit certificates were presented to the following students at assembly recently: Charlotte A 3/4D, Ava-Mae J 4GC, Shana W 4H, Hannah M 4N, Tayshon V 4S, Shaylyr M 5B, Jade R 5I, Taylah P 5R, Maddie E 5V, Dylan B 6/7T, Travis K 6C, Nikela H 6P, Paige H 6SW, Caitlin C 6W, Dakoda M 7A, Maddy S 7S Values Tokens Students who excel at displaying our school values: Bronson O PW, Lynkin B 1C, Tyler M 1M, Bailey V 2C, Siarna S 2WA, Georgia K 3/4D, Mia J 4GC, Mia D 4H, Dylan S 4N. 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Care Page 8 of 12 Respect Co-operation Responsibility Self-Esteem Self-Reliance Congratulations to our fortnightly Value Token winners. Each will receive a Windaroo State School Values wrist band to wear as part of their school uniform. Behaviour Management Monthly Rewards Congratulations to these classes who have received no detentions in the month of October 2014. Well done to these students who have excelled in following school and class rules, as well as displaying our school values of care, co-operation, respect, responsibility, self esteem and self reliance. A healthy ice block to each of you! We are proud of you all. Well done! PA PCL PJ PK PN PW 1G 3H 6P and 6/7T PCA NEWS Michelle Lockhart - Social Media Coordinator ABSENTEE NOTIFICATIONS 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 9 of 12 It is a requirement by Education Queensland that all student absences must be explained to the school. To assist in this process and to make it easier for the parent/carer to contact us, there are now several ways you can contact the school to notify us of student absences. These include: • Advise teacher in person or by note • Email the absence to [email protected] • Use the Skoolbag Application for iPhone or Android • Ring the Absentee Line on 3382 4370 In each instance you will need to state the child's name CLEARLY, what class they are in and the reason for their absences. Your co-operation in this process would be appreciated. SKOOLBAG APP At Windaroo we can get you information ... FAST ... in your hand, on your phone!! How do we do it? Skoolbag! All phones with internet access can have this info and here's how you get it. iPhones & Androids - click on the link for instructions. Skoolbag_Parent_Instructions.pdf COMMUNITY NOTICES Fundraiser to help Rosalie S Mount Warren Park Shopping Centre in conjunction with Star Liquor will be holding a fundraiser to assist the Leukemia Foundation and in particular the Stretton Family. They will be holding cane toad races, having a sausage sizzle, face painting and will be selling slushies When: Saturday 22 November 12noon-6:00pm Where: Mount Warren Shopping Centre, Mount Warren Blvd (where IGA is) Please come and support this worthy cause. Saver Plus enrolments are closing! Join before 31 December and strengthen your financial skills with FREE financial education workshops. Plus, reward your savings efforts with up to $500 in matched funds for educational costs. SMS your postcode to 1300 610 355 or email [email protected] to find out more. 2015 Bus Pass Information SURFSIDE BUSLINES 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 10 of 12 All New Passengers for 2015 To ensure timely distribution of bus passes in the New Year, please submit your application before the end of November 2014. Important information of Existing Bus Pass Holders At the end of each school year, please ensure that the current pass is retained to be used in the new school year until the new pass is issued. Students with an existing bus pass need only re-apply for a 2015 bus pass if your child • is moving from Primary to Secondary School • is repeating a grade • is changing their home address or school Eligibility and Application Forms Information on the School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS), eligibility and application forms is available from TransLink Please return completed applications to: Surfside Buslines, PO Box 3036, ROBINA. Q 4230 Email [email protected] or Fax 5571 6556 Applications will be processed over the Christmas school holidays. Once applications are approved, bus passes are sent to school for collection. Please allow 10-15 working days from the start of Term One 2015. Prior to Government approval of bus travel assistance, all students can travel by bus to school using a TransLink gocard. A valid bus pass must be produced TO THE DRIVER or the relevant fare paid via cash or gocard. Information on fares, go cards, zones and bus timetables is available from TransLink or phone 13 12 30. LOGAN CITY COACHES We advise any student, who has changed their residential address/school or will be moving on to high school that will be using our bus services in 2015. Parent/guardian will need to contact Clarks Logan City Bus Service to check your eligibility for School Transport Assistance Scheme 2015 bus pass. As you will be required to complete a “New Application” Form. Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm 3200 9606. 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 11 of 12 300 Mt Warren Blvd MT WARREN PARK QLD 4207 (07) 3382 4333 (07) 3382 4300 (07) 3382 4370 [email protected] Our Sponsors Please click on any advertisement to email the affiliated business or view further details such as company brochures, flyers or promotions 13/11/2014 Windaroo State School Newsletter Page 12 of 12 13/11/2014
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