UNIVERSITY OF KABIANGA ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED OFFICE OF DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR, (ACADEMIC & STUDENT AFFAIRS) ANNOUNCEMENT 2ND GRADUATION CEREMONY ON FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER, 2014 1. DATE University of Kabianga wishes to inform ALL candidates who qualified for the conferment of various Degrees and award of Diplomas of University of Kabianga during the 2013/2014 Academic Year, Parents /Guardians, Stake holders and the general public that the Graduation Ceremony will take place on 14th November, 2014 starting at 9.00 a.m. at the Main Campus, Graduation Pavilion. 2. CONFIRMATION FOR GRADUATION AND REGISTRATION It is the duty and responsibility of each graduand to confirm his/her examination results and the accuracy and order of names from the respective Schools. Prospective graduands are informed that those who will not have met all requirements for graduation, including clearance of fees and other levies by 1st November, 2014 will not be included in the graduation list. All graduands are expected to register for graduation after confirming their status with the respective schools latest 8th November, 2014. NOTE: Graduands are not expected to introduce NEW names other than those used DURING admission into the University. 3. REHEARSAL All graduands who wish to participate in the ceremony MUST attend the rehearsal on 13th November, 2014 at 9.00 a.m. Each graduand will be issued with three (3) invitation cards for their guests. The cards will be collected from respective Deans’ of Schools offices on or before 13th November, 2014. Persons without invitation cards will not be allowed into the Graduation Pavilion. Innovation and Excellence 4. GRADUATION/CONVOCATION FEE Each graduand will be required to pay a compulsory Graduation/Convocation fee of Ksh. 500. Convocation meeting will be held on the rehearsal day immediately after the rehearsal. 5. GRADUATION ATTIRE All graduands will be required to be in academic regalia during the ceremony. The academic gown will be available for hire and issue from 10th November, 2014 to 13th November, 2014 at Ksh. 3,000 for Undergraduate and Diploma graduands and Ksh. 3,500 for Post Graduate graduands. Graduation regalia will be obtained from the Admissions Office. 6. RETURN OF GOWNS All hired gowns must be returned by Wednesday 19th November, 2014. Academic attire returned after the deadline shall attract a penalty fee of Ksh. 1,000 per day. 7. ACCOMODATION All graduands will be expected to make their own arrangements for accommodation. 8. PAYMENTS All payments should be made to University of Kabianga, Co-operative Bank, Kericho Branch – Account Number 01129046214700. 9. PUNCTUALITY On the material day, graduands and their guests will be expected to have taken their seats by 8.30 a.m. Those arriving late will not be allowed into the graduation Pavilion. 10. ENQUIRIES For more information please contact the office below. DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR ACADEMIC & STUDENT AFFAIRS Tel:020 2172665,020 2343814 Innovation and Excellence
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