Parish Office South Street Cockermouth Cumbria CA13 9RU Opening Times Wednesday Thursday Friday Cockermouth Area Team 9.30 am to 4.00 pm 9.30 am to 4.00 pm 9.30 am to 12.00 noon Tel: 01900 829926 An Answering Machine will take [email protected] messages at other times. If you require any photocopying this can be done by either leaving the details of how many and what size, stating which church it is for or if it is personal, in the letter box of Christ Church Rooms or by calling in during office hours. Any work left will be done on Friday morning ready for collection/distribution. Please send items for future notice sheets to the: Parish Administrator (Sue Lake) to be received by Wednesday noon. Parish Web site: Praying and Working together to share the Light of Christ Welcome Today’s Services 19th October 2014 Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Readings: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 & Matthew 22:15-22 All Saints 9.30 am Morning Prayer & Baptism Hymns 152, 435, 498 & 167 Is the place to visit for details about the 4 churches in the team and to check the rotas and Parish Diary. Please don’t forget to check the rotas each week for any amendments. If you can’t do your duty please telephone the office BEFORE THURSDAY to let us know. We welcome the family and friends of Olivia Rose Irving to her baptism today. Services for Sunday 26th October 2014 Christ Church, Cockermouth 8.00 am All Saints 9.30 am 4.00 pm Cottage Hospital Service 10.45 am Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion (Crèche available) Christ Church, Great Broughton Christ Church, Cockermouth 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.45 am 4th Sunday Service and Baptisms 10.45 am Holy Communion & Baptism We welcome the family and friends of Daisy May Graham to her baptism today. St Bridget’s Christ Church, Great Broughton 10.45 am 11.00 am Holy Communion The teenage Christian youth group for the parish (all Year 7 and above welcome) meets Sunday 19th October 2014 St Bridget’s 11.00 am Morning Prayer FOODBANK Our stocks are low on these items this week Our Appeal for this week: Fruit Juice UHT 1 ltr,UHT Milk (not skimmed) &Tinned Meat Parish Clergy Adrian Thompson 01900 821288 [email protected] Day Off Monday Pastoral Counsellor Elizabeth Brough 01900 823117 [email protected] Licensed Lay Ministers Chris Albon Ann Peate Lucy Thompson Andy Walsh 01900 826125 01900 829616 01900 821288 01900 823895 Holy Communion & Sunday School [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] If you can, please stay for coffee after the service which will be served in the Church at All Saints, St. Bridget’s and at Christ Church, Cmth; it’s a good opportunity to meet and chat together. Place: Time: Christ Church Rooms 7.45 pm - 9.15 pm For further details please contact Jeremy or Julie Hastings on 01900 821094 Cockermouth Area Team Memorial Service at All Saints on Sunday 2nd November at 3.00 pm This service is an opportunity for those who have been bereaved to come along and share in a service of remembrance. It is also open to anyone who would value the opportunity to give thanks for the life of someone they have known. There will be an opportunity within the service to light a candle in their memory. Christ Church, Cockermouth 10.00 am Holy Communion on a Wednesday morning will now only take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month until Further Notice. The next Service will be Wednesday 12th November. DIARY for week beginning 20th October 2014 Monday 20th 9.45 am What sort of SHAPE are you? (The Garden 11.30 am House, Rose Cottage, Lorton Road) 10.00 am Prayers at Ten (All Saints) 12.00 noon Age UK Friendship Group (St Bridget’s) Wednesday 22nd 7.45 am Parish Call to Prayer (All Saints) 1.00 pm Bridekirk Baby Club 3.00 pm (St Bridget’s Church Room) 7.30 pm Kirkgate Home Group (45 Kirkgate) 7.30 pm Belle Vue Home Group (7 Belle Vue, Papcastle) 8.00 pm Slatefell Home Group (5 Gable Avenue) Saturday 25th 10.00 am 4th Sunday set-up (Christ Church, Cmth) NOTICES FOR ALL SAINTS All Saints' Gift Day and Renewal of Giving We will shortly be sending out letters to the congregation and the wider community inviting people to contribute to our Gift Day and to review/renew their existing contributions to the work of the Church. On Saturday 1st November the Church will be open from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. to welcome people and receive gifts and tea/coffee will be available. KEEPING CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND VULNERABLE ADULTS SAFE WITHIN OUR CHURCH COMMUNITY Did you read about Baby P, the Jimmy Saville affair, Rolf Harris’ offences, the abuses at nursing homes such as Hillcroft and the exploitation in Rotherham and wonder how it could ever have been allowed to happen? As a Church Community we need to do our best to ensure that we can support victims of abuse and ensure that we do not create an environment where unsuitable people can have opportunities to work with vulnerable groups. Carlisle Diocese has recently introduced a rigorous process to ensure anyone working with children or vulnerable adults – even in a voluntary capacity is appropriately appointed (as happens in schools and other groups). Over the next few weeks we will be ensuring everyone currently in this position has completed the appropriate process and making good any gaps. In addition there is free training, developed by NSPCC, available to support people working in these roles – this is essential for anyone currently working with children and vulnerable adults in our churches (including all lay readers and ministers). All sessions run on Saturdays 10.00 am – 1.00 pm We will need a team of stewards so if you can help please sign the list at the back of Church. A visiting team of bell ringers from Aberdeen will be ringing the bells too. 29th November 2014 - Cockermouth On Sunday 2nd November at 9.30 we will be celebrating All Saints Day (which is our Patronal Festival) with a sung Communion Service when we will present our gifts and offerings. Please come and support us on both days - we would love to see you. 17th January 2015 - Penrith Christ Church, Drovers Road, Penrith CA11 9EL The Annual Team Memorial Service for bereaved people in the wider parish (all four Churches) will also be held at All Saints' Church on Sunday 2nd November at 3.00 p.m. We will offer tea/coffee/biscuits after the Service and pastoral and prayer ministry will be available for anyone who wishes. We would welcome help from all our Churches with this Service - please contact our Churchwardens. 7th March 2015 - Egremont The Parish Hall, St Marys & St Michaels Church, Egremont CLEANER REQUIRED FOR THE SAINTS ROOMS Esther is now at Durham Uni so we need a new cleaner for the rooms. Do you know of anyone who would be interested in 2 hours per week (£10/h) for general cleaning duties? This could easily suit someone who is retired or a 6th former as the days and hours can be flexible. Please contact either: Mary Todd ([email protected]), 01900 823784 or Kris Longshaw ([email protected]) 07583737636 Christ Church, Sullart Street, Cockermouth, CA13 9RU 7th February 2015 - Kendal St. Thomas’ Church, Stricklandgate, Kendal LA9 4QG 21st March 2015 - Windermere The Applethwaite Centre, St Marys Church, Ambleside Road, Windermere LA23 1BA 25th April 2015 - Carlisle The Fratry, Carlisle Cathedral, Carlisle CA3 8UE Please contact the Parish Office to confirm the date you intend to attend. Any questions? Contact Angela Walsh, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator 07504 167499 Thank you so much for your work in our Parish and for your cooperation in meeting our safeguarding requirements. RYDAL HALL BOOKINGS CO-ORDINATOR (Part-time) Many thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to the Exhibition Celebrating Church Traditions at All Saints' Church. With specific responsibility for providing reception and office cover including the efficient operation of the Hall’s Booking System. This position is for 4 days a week including some Saturdays. The performance by the children of All Saints' School Choir, the displays and the refreshments were excellent. The church received £479.75 in voluntary contributions. For further details and an information pack please contact Julie Barrett (Bursar) on 015394 32050 or email [email protected]. Saturday 8th November 2014 NOTICES FOR CHRIST CHURCH COCKERMOUTH STEPPING OUT God’s call and our response Wanted for Christ Church, Cockermouth A piano in good condition. Please see Paul Sanders if you are able to help Christ Church Coffee Morning in The Rooms Saturday, 1st November 9.30 am - 11.30 am Biscuits/Cakes, Raffle, Nearly New Books, Bran Tub, Popular Mullion Stall, Cards including Christmas Cards. Charity Stall: Lots of handicraft gift ideas for Children's Renal Unit, RVI Newcastle. Many thanks to everyone who supported Helen Faulds enabling her team to raise £146.60 for PovertySwap earlier this month. We raised £207.35 for church funds. Books for our adults and children's secondhand bookstall would be appreciated. Coming soon…………. An Evening of Joyful Sounds and Sights at Christ Church, Cockermouth featuring a photographic presentation of ‘The Lakeland Fells – The 4 Seasons’ and Dimension who will sing a variety of songs for you to enjoy. Dimension are a Christian Group from Christ Church, Cockermouth who sing a mixture of worship and conteporary songs. When - Friday 28th November at 7.00 pm Money raised to support the Christ Church Mullion Appeal Fund. NOTICES FOR CHRIST CHURCH GREAT BROUGHTON Cancellation of Thursday 10.00 am Christ Church Great Broughton Holy Communion Services until Further Notice. With the building works now started at Christ Church Great Broughton and significant health and safety issues being caused my movement of materials and use of vehicles on week days, Thursday 10.00 am Holy Communion Services will now not be held until further notice and may well only restart on Thursday 8 January 2015. PARISH NOTICES AND EVENTS Churches Together in Cockermouth Design a Christmas Picture Competition This competition is open to primary aged children with prizes for the top three designs. Forms are available in each church A VOCATIONS FAYRE Inspiring Stories & Helpful Information showing opportunities in lay/ordained, informal/formal ministry. With Bishop Robert, Rev Richard Teal & Rev Sarah Moore 10.00 am - 2.45 pm Sandylands Methodist Church, Sandegate, Kendal LA9 6EU Lunch provided: for more information and Booking contact [email protected] or pick up a Booking Form from your church Cockermouth Area Team Shoe Box Appeal Leaflets will be available at the back of each church. Please take one and make up a Shoe Box so that you can bring hope and a smile to some of the world’s poorest children this Christmas. Suggested items to include: Hat, scarf, gloves, toothpaste & toothbrush, soap and sponge/flannel, comb, hair accessories, soft toy e.g. Teddy bear, tennis ball, finger puppet, jigsaw, yo-yo, building blocks, small musical instrument, cars, trucks, doll, pens, pencils, felt tip pens, crayons, sharpener, rubber, colouring book, notepad, stickers, sweets (with a sell by date to be at least March 2015), bangles, necklaces. All Shoe Boxes need to be returned to Christ Church, Cmth by Sunday 16th November. Citizens Advice Allerdale Could Volunteering Be For You? Citizens Advice Allerdale are in need of volunteers to join their team to assist at their advice sessions. Drop in sessions are held in Workington and outreach clinics throughout the locality. You would be making a huge difference to your local community, be part of a friendly, supportive and committed team while enhancing your own personal development. Feel you have what it takes to support this vital community service? If you would like to know more about the opportunities available please contact Samantha at Citizens Advice Allerdale on 01900 604735. A letter from our Bishops re the going forward of Mission Communities is available at the back of each Church. Parish Verse for 2014 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations... and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28 v 19-20
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