The Marble Church, Copenhagen Palm House at the Botanical Gardens, Copenhagen Den Danske Forening Heimdal November 2014 Gardens at Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen (Images: Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 Contributions We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails with stories, news and photos to the editor for publication. The closing date for the December issue is 20 November 2014. We reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. November (G20). I won’t mind some snow for that cosy Christmas atmosphere, but guess that’s out of the question. Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: [email protected] Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756 394 Skype: Email: [email protected] . From the Editor After a very busy period in the lead-up to the festival in September it’s been lovely to have some quiet time in October before the Christmas season starts. I’m trying to master ‘Mailchimp’ to use for club emails, you’ll see the results eventually. Also, Soren, Bente and I will be presenting Danish food at two events by the Brisbane City Council libraries at Mitchelton (1 November 2014) and Ashgrove (8 November 2014) and then of course we have the Christmas ‘Store Kolde Bord’ – on Sunday 9 November. After that we’ll be on the fast track towards Christmas, with an extra holiday for Brisbanites on Friday 14 WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Henning & Jennifer Beck, Labrador Jan Lauridsen, Karalee What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark Friday 24 October 2014 from 6 pm It’s time for the first Christmas stalls to start you thinking about Christmas. Buy lots of chocolate for your friends! Our ‘smørrebrød’ menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, ‘leverpostej’ and roast pork on the menu. And hot dogs. The bar offers Tuborg and Carlsberg beer varieties imported from Denmark – just now we have Tuborg Christmas Brew (‘Julebryg’) and Rød Tuborg. If you like a glass of wine with your food, we have whites, reds and sparkling by the glass. Faxe Kondi, Tuborg Super Light and Faxe non-alcoholic beer is also available. And then check out our tempting selection of Danish licorice, chocolates and other goodies! Get delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads, organic biscuits and crisp breads direct from Britt’s Organic Bakery. Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Heinz Meats, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as her own goodies, sometimes including remoulade. Order in advance and pick up at the café. Store Kolde Bord Sunday 9 November 2014 12.30 pm for 1 pm start Enjoy a traditional Danish Sunday lunch at the club with family and friends. Book early. Café Danmark Friday 28 November 2014 From 6 pm With Christmas stalls! Juletræsfest (Christmas Party) Saturday 13 December 2014 2 – 5 pm Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 Check their Facebook page for events or ring Iben on 0434 933 953 Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: [email protected] HEINZ MEATS TRADITIONAL SMALLGOODS Continental butcher and deli 611 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Ph: 07 3391 3530 (parking behind shops) Lammekød Dansk udskæring på bestilling Grisekød Oksekød Pålæg og røgvarer blandt andet: Hamburgerryg Medisterpølse Ost: Røget flæsk Knækpølse Havarti Spegepølse Wienerpølse Esrom Rullepølse Leverpostej HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5:30pm, Saturday 8am - 1pm CLOSED: Sunday & Monday JULEFROKOST ‘CHRISTMAS LUNCH’ Sunday 9 November 2014 12.30 pm for 1 pm start Photo: Soren Hoimark The Christmas season will soon be upon us and what better way to celebrate than by enjoying a Danish smorgasbord with family and friends – invite them along to a delicious lunch at the Danish Club. There are many favourites on the menu including smoked eel, pickled herring, roast beef, smoked salmon, fish wedges with remoulade, roast pork with red cabbage, leverpostej, rullepølse and cheese. The bar is stocked with Tuborg and Carlsberg brews from Denmark and a variety of snaps. Price: $40 for members and $45 for guests (children under 12 $20/$22.50). All tickets must be booked and pre-paid by Tuesday 4 November 2014. Email Lone Schmidt at [email protected] or ring on 0437 612 913 to make your booking. Payment by EFT to Suncorp Bank, BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 in the name of Danish Association Heimdal Payment details: 9Nov14, your name and membership number We can advise on freight Australia wide! 0411 297 236 [email protected] FEEL AT HOME WITH SBS DIGITAL RADIO Listen to the Danish language every Thursday at 4pm Choose one of the many platforms: SBS Digital Radio 3, Digital TV (channel 39), Live on Demand via phone and Androids apps Streaming Online at Danish/Swedish/Norwegian/Finnish Via Podcast Further information on Error! Hyperlink refd. Soren Hoimark is the local contact for DABGO. The group meets at the Danish Club on the 1st Wednesday of the month (next meeting date is 5 November 2014 at 6 pm). Visit the DABGO website to join and get more information. A big thank you to Karsten Thomsen for donating the postman’s cap to match the uniform. Holiday rental at Miami, Gold Coast: 2 brm apt. $550/4 nights. Close to beach and all amenities. Phone: Hanne 0402 398 515. Steen Selmer is the local representative for Danes Worldwide – contact him via [email protected] AQUA in concert at the Eatons Hill Hotel on 31 October 2014 – tickets through Oztix. Our library is available to all members and contains many wonderful books by Danish authors – you may have read them once, but they are always worth another read. See the article on Leif Panduro in this issue. Mark Sunday 22 March 2015 in the calendar, the playgroup will be organising a garage sale or ‘loppemarked’ at the club. Empty your cupboards and come in and give it a go – more information to follow. Saturday 15 November 2014 is the date for the Christmas bazaar at the Danish church in Mount Gravatt. Membership fees are now due, get your payment in before the president rings! Contact details for the Royal Danish Consulate General in Brisbane Consul General Lars Kirk Suite 525, Level 5 Toowong Tower 9 Sherwood Road Toowong QLD 4066 07 3374 3062 [email protected] Been thinking about cleaning up the yard, trimming the trees, fixing the picture hooks or cleaning up around the house? Give Henning a call straightaway! Leif Panduro Leif Thormod Panduro blev født den 18. april 1923 på Frederiksberg i København. Han var uddannet tandlæge, men kunne ikke finde ud af økonomien og gik konkurs. Fra 1962 kunne han dog leve af sit forfatterskab. Leif Panduro modtog Kritikerprisen i 1963, De gyldne laurbær i 1970 og Det danske Akademis litteraturpris i 1971. Han døde den 16. januar 1977. Bøger af Leif Panduro 1957 - Av min guldtand (roman) 1958 - Rend mig i traditionerne (roman) 1960 - De uanstændige (roman) 1961 - Øgledage (roman) 1963 - Fern fra Danmark (roman) 1964 - Fejltagelser (roman) 1965 - Den gale mand (roman) 1966 - Vejen til Jylland (roman) 1968 - Farvel Thomas (tv-spil) Hård barndom 1970 - Daniels anden verden (roman) Leif Panduro voksede op hos slægtninge og på børnehjem. Hans far blev skudt af modstandsbevægelsen under krigen, fordi han var nazisympatisør. Hans mor blev sindssyg. 1971 - Bella og Et godt liv (tv-spil) 1971 - Vinduerne (roman) Denne opvækst var medvirkende til, at Panduro led af angstanfald, og at han i en periode gik i psykoanalyse. 1972 - Amatørerne (roman) Bøger som terapi 1973 - Den ubetænksomme elsker (roman) Hans bøger blev en måde for ham at bearbejde sine problemer på. Gennem de psykiske problemer han selv havde, udviklede han en helt særlig evne til at forstå andre mennesker. 1974 - Den bedste af alle verdener (noveller) Han udtalte fx, at han følte stor medlidenhed med mennesker, der løj. De gjorde det nemlig, fordi de havde et problem, der gjorde, at de blev nødt til at lyve. 1972 - Selma, William og Benny (tre tv-spil) 1975 - Høfeber (roman) 1975 - Bertram og Lisa og Anne og Paul (to tv-spil) 1977 - Louises hus (tv-spil) 1977 - Hvilken virkelighed (artikler) Kendt og elsket Panduro skrev både romaner og tv-spil. Begge genrer gjorde ham meget kendt og elsket som forfatter. (kilde: Historien om Tom’s Skildpadde Rygtet siger, at den oprindelige Skildpadde er baseret på en tegning af Vilhelm Hansen, der også er far til den berømte tegneseriefigur Rasmus Klump. Tegningen af Skildpadden var Vilhelms første udkast til netop tegneserien Rasmus Klump. Forlaget kunne i første omgang ikke bruge forslaget og forkastede idéen. Vilhelm var dog selv godt tilfreds med tegningen, og Toms fik fingrene i den og den første chokoladeskildpadde blev udviklet. Senere kom Skildpadden alligevel med i Rasmus Klump-serien i en birolle som Pilskadde. Mangel på råvarer i efterkrigsårene Efter 2. verdenskrig begyndte der at komme flere kakaobønner til Danmark, så chokoladefabrikkerne kunne begynde at se på en fornyelse af deres sortiment. Toms gik efter produkter, der lagde mindst muligt beslag på de dyrebare kakaobønner. Samtidig ville man udvikle produkter, der kunne tage markedsandele fra konkurrenterne. Det gjaldt nemlig om at få så mange rationeringsmærker som muligt, for de dannede grundlag for bevillingen af råvarer. Frøen som inspiration Galle & Jessen havde stor succes med deres chokolade Frø. Toms lod sig inspirere af denne succes og besluttede at fremstille en Skildpadde med romcreme, da chokolade med en anelse spiritus var populært. Skildpadde på 16 g I oktober 1948 kunne sælgerne fra Toms præsentere en vaskeægte nyhed – en 16 g skildpadde, som kunne sælges for 20 øre. Den fandt hurtigt sin plads i forretningernes sortiment. Det var nu ikke nogen kunst, enhver nyhed blev modtaget med kyshånd! Drømmen om at stjæle markedsandele fra Galle & Jessen blev ikke rigtig til noget, for det viste sig hurtigt, at de to produkter kunne sælges side om side. Dog hoppede frøen lystigt af sted ud af forretningerne i samme omfang som tidligere, mens skildpadden kravlede sindigt bagefter med en fornuftig omsætning. Chokoladerationering slut I 1950 stoppede chokoladerationeringen og chokoladefabrikkerne kunne indlede en decideret konkurrence. Toms havde blandt andet fokus på de markedsandele, der kunne flyttes fra frø til Skildpadde. Som tiden gik, forblev mønsteret det samme, Toms havde et acceptabelt salg af Skildpadder; men Galle & Jessen bevarede deres altdominerende rolle med deres frø. Andre firmaer drømte om at støde frøen væk fra tronen. Anthon Berg barslede med en mariehøne, Cloetta med en hare. Toms prøvede endnu en gang midt i 50’erne ved at relancere Skildpadderne i en flot disk-venlig salgskarton samtidig med, at der blev produceret en ny gaveæske i et moderne design. Lige meget hjalp det, Galle & Jessen forblev kongen af det lille dyr med creme i maven. Alle udmeldte deres ”smådyr” undtagen Toms, som trods alt havde et produkt, der udgjorde så mange tons, at Skildpadden fik lov at blive. Toms flytter til Ballerup I 1960 og årene derefter fik Toms på grund af fabrikkens udflytning til Ballerup meget andet at tænke på. I 1965 kom skildpadden tilbage i søgelyset, da dens salgstal begyndte at dale. Problemstillingen var nu en helt anden. Man skulle ikke bekrige frøen, men finde en løsning for at bevare egen markedsandel. Konklusionen blev, at folk havde fået lidt flere penge mellem hænderne, så der var basis for at fremstille flere 50 øres produkter. Kæmpe Skildpadden blev udviklet Toms besluttede, at en Skildpadde i dobbelt størrelse måtte være sagen. Dog mente man, at en stor Skildpadde med romcreme ikke var børnevenlig. Derimod havde man succes med en karamelfyldning, og i 1967 kunne Toms præsentere Kæmpe Skildpadden på 28 g med både karamel- og romcreme. Den nye Skildpadde solgte ikke så godt i starten, men efter at man pakkede den i den velkendte stanniol indpakning blev den hurtigt populær, og lige så hurtigt fik den sit øgenavn ”den gravide Skildpadde”. De to Skildpadder solgtes nu side om side, men mens Kæmpe Skildpaddens popularitet voksede støt, sygnede Skildpadden på 16 g hen og blev taget ud af sortimentet i 1973. Den klassiske Galle & Jessen Frø nåede at blive 100 år i 2002, hvorefter den blev afløst af en Toms Frø i større udgave, men en anden fyldning, som levede frem til 2011. I 2004 udviklede Toms en Mini Skildpadde på 10gr. Fyldet er det samme som i Kæmpe Skildpadden. Dansk Legegruppe Vores danske legegruppe mødes hver fredag i Heimdals lokaler fra 9.30 til kl 11.30. Aldersgruppen er fra 0 til 5 år, søskende til yngre børn er selvfølgelig velkommen i ferierne. Vi starter altid med formiddagskaffe og hjemmebagte boller, efterfølgende varierer aktiviteterne med fri leg, hoppeborg, tegning og sanglege mv. Vi skiftes til at medbringe boller og tilbehør. Vi betaler $2 hver gang per familie, medlemskab af Playgroup Queensland og den danske klub Heimdal er en betingelse. Nye medlemmer er meget velkomne til at komme og være med. For yderligere information kontakt: Iben [email protected] 0434 933 953 Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. IAE Study In Australia is owned and operated by a Dane – Riborg Andersen – a former teacher and senior government employee, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education and training. We are a professional International Education Agent, with over 18 years’ experience. Did you know that when Denmark decided that it wanted every senior secondary student to have an international experience, the Danish Undervisningsministeriet invited Riborg, as the only Australia representative, to run workshops for Danish secondary schools seeking to establish relationships with international counterparts, to encourage their students to have an international study experience? Using our knowledge and expertise, we help Danish (and many other international students) to come and study in Australia. Do you have family or friends in Denmark wanting to come and study in Australia? We are here to help. For individual students, we can help you to find a suitable school, college or university taking into account a student’s academic background, family/friendship ties in Australia, their strengths and interests, budget and aims. We place students into primary and secondary schools, TAFEs and universities all over Australia. For Danish schools, colleges and universities, we can help you to identify suitable partner institutions in Australia, and develop successful Study Abroad programs. Over the years, we have established such programs between Australian institutions and schools/colleges in Aalborg, Aarhus, Skanderborg, Silkeborg, Køge and Roskilde among other places. Tell us what your aims are, and we can find the best way forward. Did you know Australia now offers a 485 Graduate Visa for students graduating from any 2-year Australian Bachelor or Master’s degree, and wanting to stay in Australia for another 2 years to work and/or play? Want to know more? Ask us. And the best news …We do not charge any service fee, as we are paid by the Australian schools, colleges and universities. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact: Riborg Andersen [email protected] or phone 07 3852 5511 ‘Fiercely feminine and deeply powerful’ – Agnes Obel Marking the first time the talented songstress will tour Australia, Danish singer/songwriter Agnes Obel brings her masterful skills behind the piano and in front of the mic to audiences at the Old Museum. With her mother a brilliant musician and her father a collector of instruments, it’s only natural that Agnes mastered the piano from a very young age. By the release of debut album Philharmonics in 2010 Agnes was announced as a force to be reckoned with. Drawing comparisons to Joni Mitchell, Carole King and admitted influence French composer Erik Satie, Philharmonics sold over 450,000 copies across Europe. It achieved Platinum status in France and Belgium, Gold in Holland and five times platinum in her native Denmark, where it spent seven consecutive weeks at #1. Her second album Aventine cemented Agnes’ place as a masterful composer, perfectly framing her piano and vocals with cello for a deeper, richer sound that never compromised the delicate intimacy that had made her debut so unique. Aventine once again scored Agnes a #1 in her homeland and reached top ten albums charts all through Europe, also soaring to #28 on the US Billboard Top Heatseekers chart. If critics weren’t already paying attention to Agnes, they were now, as Aventine collected near universal acclaim. Agnes is as adept a performer as she is a composer and once on-stage can translate the intimacy and tension of her harmonies into a spellbinding display of raw talent and a master class of live performance. Having mesmerised audiences throughout Europe, Agnes Obel’s Australian performances are a rare opportunity to see a remarkable talent in an exceptional venue. Presented by Frontier Touring Agnes Obel will be performing at the Old Museum in Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill, on Tuesday 25 November 2014 Do you need Danish beer, snaps, chocolate or licorice? We can help you find it. Price list Beer Tuborg ‘Green’ 24x33cl (bottles) Tuborg ‘Red’ 24x33cl (cans) Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans) Tuborg Julebryg 24x33 cl (cans) Tuborg ‘Gold’ 24x33 cl (cans) Carlsberg Black Gold 24x33cl (cans) $ 60 $ 65 $ 55 $ 60 $ 60 $ 60 Snaps Jubilæum 100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl Skåneakvavit 100 cl Aalborg Porse 70 cl $ 70 $ 70 $ 65 $ 60 $ 55 Aalborg Dild 70 cl Brøndum 70 cl $ 55 $ 55 Bitters Gammel Dansk 100 cl Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl 1-Enkelt 100 cl $ 65 $ 50 $ 65 Other Blå Ga-Jol 100 cl (original) Gul Ga-Jol 100 cl (salt) Grøn Ga-Jol 70 cl (salmiak) Faxe Free 24x33 cl cans $ 55 $ 55 $ 55 $ 35 How to order and pay: By email [email protected] By phone 0437 612 913 Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp Bank BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL INC Fish balls, chocolate, licorice and other goodies – mainly from Denmark 100 g containers / $2.50: Toms Ama’r bidder Toms Heksehyl Toms Chokofanter Haribo Pinocchiokugler Haribo Salminger Haribo Lakridsmasker Haribo Labre Larver Haribo Saltbomber Haribo Lakridsæg Carletti Saltlinser Carletti Lakridspinde Toms Pålægschokolade (milk or dark) 45 g Haribo Super Piratos 425 g Haribo Matador Mix 500 g Haribo Click Mix 425 g Haribo Rotella 500 g Pingvin Poletter 140 g Pingvin Heksehyl 140 g $ 2.50 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 Pingvin Blue Jeans 140 g $ 4.00 Pingvin Lakrids 140 g $ 4.00 Pingvin Seksløbermix 140 g $ 4.00 Pingvin Blanding 300 g $ 6.00 Pingvin Stangmix 300 g $ 6.00 Pingvin Tommestok 25 g $ 1.00 Bon Bon Hurlumhej mix $ 7.00 350 g Toms Bridgeblanding 250 g$ 6.00 Haribo Matador Mix 140 g $ 4.00 Ga-Jol Blå, sort, gul 2 x 23 g $ 3.00 Odense marcipan 200 g $ 7.50 Odense nougat 100 g $ 3.50 Odense dessert pistaciemasse 200 g $ 7.00 Lykkeberg Fiskeboller 400 g $ 4.00 ABBA fish balls (375 g tins) $ 5.00 Bouillon, lobster sauce or shrimp sauce AMANDA cod roe (200 g) $ 5.00 CHOKOLADE Anthon Berg Marcipanbrød 40 g Anthon Berg Plum in Madeira 275 g Anthon Berg Apricot in Brandy 275 g Anthon Berg Apricot in Brandy Anthon Berg Luxury Gold 400 g Anthon Berg Opera Mints 350 g Anthon Berg Opera Mints 150 g Toms Kæmpeskildpadder 4 x 28 g Toms Kæmpeskildpadder 28 g Toms Snebolde 139 g Toms Orangegrene 75 g Toms Orangebuer 75 g Toms Aakander 125 g Toms Mimoser 125 g PRIS 2.00 10.00 10.00 1.50 25.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 1.50 6.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 Tired of that creaking garage door? Get Steen to fix it! SCANDINAVIAN FESTIVAL 14 SEPTEMBER 2014 RAFFLE WINNERS! Description Ticket Name 1 2 3 Scanpan cookware donated by Scanpan Scanpan cookware donated by Scanpan Nilfisk Elite Superior Black vacuum cleaner donated by Nilfisk 3900 Bev Teske 2279 Anders Tuominen 2985 Lydiale 4 5 IKEA gift voucher donated by IKEA Pest treatment and termite inspection donated by MAGNUM Pest Control 3338 Marie McIntyre 1060 Paul Murray 6 Vintage Ladies 7-speed Classic bicycle donated by Reid Cycles 7 Ecco laptop bag in black leather donated by Ecco 8 Men's Vintage Roadster bicycle donated by Reid Cycles 9 Watch from Triwa donated by Triwa 10 ANT gold-plated silver ring by Björg 11 PANDORA Moments sterling silver bracelet with clips and charms donated by PANDORA 12 Gift card for Coles/Myer donated by Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics 13 Bay of Islands Family cruise (2 adults and 2 children) donated by Brisbane Cruises Pty Ltd 14 Scanpan dumpling pan donated by Scanpan 15 Scanpan dumpling pan donated by Scanpan 16 Scanpan dumpling pan donated by Scanpan 17 B&O Play head set grey donated by B&O 18 Georg Jensen 'Legacy' bread basket donated by Danish Association Heimdal 648 Mervi Lantiainen 143 Vanessa Yigithas 3476 David Skinner 968 Sven 4170 Hayley Dale 3789 Stephanie Fitje 2037 Tim Kallioinen 4 Meaghan Gately 390 Belinda Ide 3833 Lauren Milner 4212 Lene Simpson 2262 Maud J 3885 Rebecca Wright 19 LEGO Heartlake Shopping Mall donated by LEGO 20 Gift voucher for Tiny Trolls donated by Tiny Trolls 21 Gift voucher for Underwear of Sweden donated by Underwear of Sweden 3938 Suzann Payne 22 LEGO Police Station donated by LEGO 23 Hamper donated by Viking Cruises 24 Gift voucher for Copenhagen Delights donated by Copenhagen Delights 3751 Lis & Jørgen Skov 4918 Ross Gilbert 333 Tytti Ekberg 25 Gift voucher for Copenhagen Delights donated by Copenhagen Delights 4775 Elvira Jorgensen 3621 Andrew Werner 165 Ivan 26 Stockholm' package with tea and Sami bracelet donated by Swedelicious 861 P Nott 27 2 Outdoor 45x45 cushions (with fill) donated by Monica Werner Designs 566 Helene V S 28 Hamper donated by Brisbane Estonian Society 29 Gift voucher for Underwear of Sweden donated by Underwear of Sweden 391 Belinda Ide 1565 Madeleine Everett 30 Georg Jensen 2014 Christmas Decoration donated by Danish Association Heimdal RRP 31 Gift voucher for Rogue Bar+Bistro donated by Rogue Bar+Bistro 3979 Paul Rowell 32 Hamper donated by Finnair 33 LEGO Family House donated by LEGO 34 Hamper donated by Brisbane Estonian Society 35 Traditional Norwegian Rosemaling handpainted on tray donated by Norwegian Club 36 Gift voucher for $100 donated by Trambas Shoes 37 Marimekko cushion covers (2) 50 x 50 cm 38 Sødahl Design round table cloth 170 cm diameter 39 3 superb Pinot Noirs donated by Glenda Livingstone 40 Beauty product donated by Kalimna Spa 41 LEGO Heartlake High donated by LEGO 42 Wall Rack in walnut donated by Bambino Home 43 Christmas Advent Candle Holder donated by Swedes Down Under 44 ENJO cleaning products 45 LEGO Mountain Hut donated by LEGO 46 LEGO Arctic Outpost donated by LEGO 3026 Yvonne Crome 688 Russell Wheeler 2009 Narelle Petch 47 Tiger Bag donated by Heartfelt Designs 2774 Robyn Ansoul 4951 Betty Pavey 2552 Sam Hutchinson 69 Michelle Colgrave 4884 Merry-J VillesenHornum 2555 Lea Hirvela 263 Thor Harrison 1558 Lisa Molvig 4403 Amanda Watts 591 Richard von Schrenk 1165 Paul Anderson 701 Eero Lantiainen 4552 M Croft 398 Belinda Ide 48 3 lovely reds donated by F H Bertling 3800 Madeleine S 49 3 lovely reds donated by F H Bertling 3493 Eoin O'Donovan 50 Sydney Opera House 3D jigsaw puzzle 167 Emma Dummin 51 Cookbook by Annabel Langbein "simple pleasures" 52 Gift voucher for Underwear of Sweden donated by Underwear of Sweden 1496 Rich 388 Lis Harrison 53 Norwegian Reindeer Cheese cutter with accessories 1707 Monique Dall 54 Beauty product donated by Kalimna Spa 3552 Julia McLauchlan 55 Gift voucher for Feel Goodz deli café, Woody Point 3830 Arto Kykkanen 56 Gift voucher for Tea and Bisque Ceramics, Sandgate 1523 Danny 57 Holmegaard Christmas candle holders 568 Helene V S 58 Gift voucher for Scandic Café, Maroochydore 59 Cards by Lars Vester Art 60 Cards by Lars Vester Art 61 Cards by Lars Vester Art 62 Cards by Lars Vester Art 63 Cards by Lars Vester Art 64 Cards by Lars Vester Art 65 Cards by Lars Vester Art 66 Cards by Lars Vester Art 67 Cards by Lars Vester Art 68 Cards by Lars Vester Art 69 4 candles and candle snuffer on a plate 70 Car detailing kit donated by Super Cheap Auto Redcliffe 71 Double pass for 'We are the Best' 3365 Melissa Cain 72 Double pass for 'We are the Best' 4159 Skye Ring 73 Double pass for 'We are the Best' 4283 Jennifer Nielsen 74 Double pass for 'We are the Best' 343 Kari Ovaskainen 75 Double pass for 'We are the Best' 4794 Janet Sondergaard 76 Tea towel with Christmas wreath decoration donated by KAJSA Thanks to our many sponsors for their generous donations. 4583 1405 1295 4571 283 3222 4143 3603 683 479 4049 4834 Felicity McKenzie Troy Jack Sofia Jonsson Chris Croft Rebecca Morgan Anna Saunders Britt Carla van Steenselen Marilyn Black D Livingstone Gay Wilson Chamonix O'Grady 628 Sirpa Koskela 4002 Anthony Morel Free lecture: The History of Norwegians in Australia Come and listen to historian and author Fredrik Larsen Lund! Friday 24 October @ 7pm. Venue: St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 25 Wickham Tce, Brisbane. Vikings Down Under: Based on his brand-new book Nedenunder og hjem (Down Under and Back Again), Fredrik will present the history of Norwegian settlement in Australia. During an engaging and fun one-hour talk you will hear stories about convicts and explorers, sailors and settlers, soldiers and nurses, murderers and prostitutes – and many other common men and women. Fredrik has gathered information about Norwegians in Australia for four years, and he would now like to share his results and stories with you all. For more information visit The lecture will be given in English. Anyone with an interest in the topic is welcome to this free event! Read it! 330 pages full of original stories about Norwegians in Australia. Historian Fredrik Larsen Lund has spent years researching Norwegian immigration and settlement on the Australian continent. His book Nedenunder og hjem (Vega Publ. Co., Oslo) is released in Norwegian in September 2014. It is the most comprehensive work ever published on the topic. If you come to the lecture, you can buy the book for a discounted net price of AUD 50. There are a limited number of copies available, so please order one for yourself by sending an email to [email protected]. In cooperation with the Norwegian Club of QLD Supported by Dansk for Børn Danish for Kids Lessons for kids aged 4 – 6 start on Saturday mornings 9am till 10 am on 11th October at Camira. These structured lessons are a fun way for young children to learn Danish through songs, games, books, flashcards and activities. It is a language program pedagogically designed for small children. The children have so much fun that they don’t even know that they are learning. For more information contact Pia (Danish teacher for 15 years) on 0408 733 160 or [email protected] How you can help your child learn Danish: If your child knows some Danish, read Danish story books to them. If he/she doesn't know how to speak Danish, you can read fairy tales by replacing some words with Danish words. Music is universal. Play Danish CDs in the car or at home as background music. Studies have shown that even background music can increase children's vocabulary. Playing games like hide and seek by counting in Danish. Children love watching cartoons. You can find tons of Danish cartoons available online. One of the best ways of practising Danish is giving your child opportunities to interact with other kids who can speak Danish. Join the Danish Playgroup who meet at the Danish Club every Friday, attend Sunday School at the Danish Church at Mt Gravatt or join the kids’ Danish classes.
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