Den Danske Forening Heimdal April 2014 Getting ready for Easter with decorative eggs and colourful chicks Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 Contributions We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the May issue is 18 April 2014. We reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. Editor: Lone Schmidt Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: [email protected] Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756 394 Skype: Email: [email protected] From the Editor Make sure you have a good look at the kitchen next time you visit the club, it’s looking spectacular. Phase one of the project was surprisingly pain-free, read more in Søren’s report inside the newsletter. We’re heading into another busy period with the March Café Danmark, Sunday lunch, Himmerland concert and private hall hires coming up before Easter and will take a break from the demolition work. In May we’re looking forward to seeing the play ‘Kærestebreve’ – the show in Brisbane is a result of our cooperation with DACE. Make sure you get to the club before Easter to secure some Easter eggs or other chocolates – the big golden Anthon Berg box would make a nice gift for Mother’s Day (if you can stop yourself from opening it). Have a Happy Easter with family, friends and lots of chocolate eggs. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Lise & Henrik Kirk, Tennyson Tony Cotter, Belmont Ulla Filholm & Peter Gilroy, Underwood What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark 28 March 2014 from 6 pm Come visit Café Danmark and meet up with new and old friends. The ‘smørrebrød’ menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, ‘leverpostej’, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese on the menu. And hot dogs. The bar offers Tuborg and Carlsberg beer varieties imported from Denmark just for us as well as several Australian brews. If you like a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and sparkling on offer. And check out our tempting selection of Easter eggs flown in from Denmark! It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads, organic biscuits and crisp breads direct from Britt’s Organic Bakery. Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Heinz Meats, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as her own goodies including remoulade. Order in advance and pick up at the café. Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 Check their Facebook page for events or ring Iben (see details inside the newsletter) Sunday Easter Lunch Påskefrokost 13 April 2014 12.30 pm for 1 pm start Enjoy a traditional Danish Sunday lunch at the club – see the details in the newsletter and book early. Give a voucher to friends and family as a surprise Easter egg! Queen’s Birthday Easter goodies pick-up - bar’s open, coffee & tea 16 April 2014 3 – 8 pm Eskil Romme & Himmerland in Concert (see flyer inside the newsletter) 17 April 2014 Doors open at 6 pm Play ‘Kærestebreve’ 10 May 2014 Dansk Legegruppe Vores danske legegruppe mødes hver fredag i Heimdals lokaler fra 9.30 til kl 11.30. Aldersgruppen er fra 0 til 5 år, søskende til yngre børn er selvfølgelig velkommen i ferierne. Vi starter altid med formiddagskaffe og hjemmebagte boller, efterfølgende varierer aktiviteterne med fri leg, hoppeborg, tegning og sanglege mv. Vi skiftes til at medbringe boller og tilbehør. Vi betaler $2 hver gang per familie, medlemskab af Playgroup Queensland og den danske klub Heimdal er en betingelse. Nye medlemmer er meget velkomne til at komme og være med. For yderligere information kontakt: Iben [email protected] 0434 933 953 Study & Stay in Australia? Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training…. IAE Study In Australia is owned and operated by a Dane – Riborg Andersen – a former teacher and senior government employee, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education and training. We are a professional International Education Agent, with over 18 years’ experience. Did you know that when Denmark decided that it wanted every senior secondary student to have an international experience, the Danish Undervisningsministeriet invited Riborg, as the only Australia representative, to run workshops for Danish secondary schools seeking to establish relationships with international counterparts, to encourage their students to have an international study experience? Using our knowledge and expertise, we help Danish (and many other international students) to come and study in Australia. Do you have family or friends in Denmark wanting to come and study in Australia? We are here to help. For individual students, we can help you to find a suitable school, college or university taking into account a student’s academic background, family/friendship ties in Australia, their strengths and interests, budget and aims. We place students into primary and secondary schools, TAFEs and universities all over Australia. For Danish schools, colleges and universities, we can help you to identify suitable partner institutions in Australia, and develop successful Study Abroad programs. Over the years, we have established such programs between Australian institutions and schools/colleges in Aalborg, Aarhus, Skanderborg, Silkeborg, Køge and Roskilde among other places. Tell us what your aims are, and we can find the best way forward. Did you know Australia now offers a 485 Graduate Visa for students graduating from any 2-year Australian Bachelor or Master’s degree, and wanting to stay in Australia for another 2 years to work and/or play? Want to know more? Ask us. And the best news …We do not charge any service fee, as we are paid by the Australian schools, colleges and universities. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact: Riborg Andersen [email protected] or phone 07 3852 5511 PÅSKEFROKOST ‘EASTER LUNCH’ Sunday 13 April 2014 12.30 pm for 1 pm start Photo: Soren Hoimark Easter is traditionally a great time to enjoy a Danish smorgasbord – invite your friends and family along to an Easter feast at the Danish Club. It’s delicious with many favourites on the menu including smoked eel, pickled herring, roast beef, smoked salmon, fish wedges with remoulade, roast pork with red cabbage, leverpostej, rullepølse and cheese. The bar is stocked with Tuborg and Carlsberg brews from Denmark and a variety of snaps – how does a cold Red Aalborg or Jubilæum sound? Price: $40 for members and $45 for guests (children under 12 $20/$22.50). All tickets must be booked and pre-paid by Tuesday 8 April 2014. Email Lone Schmidt at [email protected] or ring on 0437 612 913 to make your booking. Payment by EFT to Suncorp Bank, BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 in the name of Danish Association Heimdal Payment details: 13Apr14, your name and membership number Or send a cheque made out to Danish Association Heimdal to the treasurer: Lone Schmidt 24 Ashley Road Chermside West QLD 4032 Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje. For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: [email protected] HEINZ MEATS TRADITIONAL SMALLGOODS Continental butcher and deli 611 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Ph: 07 3391 3530 (parking behind shops) Lammekød Dansk udskæring på bestilling Grisekød Oksekød Pålæg og røgvarer blandt andet: Hamburgerryg Medisterpølse Ost: Røget flæsk Knækpølse Havarti Spegepølse Wienerpølse Esrom Rullepølse Leverpostej HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 8am - 5:30pm, Saturday 8am - 1pm CLOSED: Sunday & Monday Eskil Romme and Himmerland in Concert at the Danish Club Thursday 17 April 2014 It has been a year since Himmerland visited Australia and New Zealand on a 22 days long tour that included the National Folk Festival in Canberra. It was a huge success and a great experience, and ever since we have been wanting to go back to Australia. Now it is happening: Himmerland has been invited to perform at the FolkWorld Fairbridge Festival in West Australia from 25-27 April 2014. In the festival program we are described as "adrenaline-infused Scandinavian roots music with an African heartbeat". On our way to Fairbridge we will also perform a few gigs in Brisbane and the Sydney area, one concert at the National Folk Festival in Canberra, and a couple of concerts in Melbourne. All in all we'll be touring Australia from the east to the west from April 17-27. We are greatly looking forward to introducing the very new material we are working on right now, to a new audience. Join us for Himmerland’s only performance in Brisbane. Where: When: Doors open: Show starts: Tickets: Payment: Bookings: The Danish Club, 36 Austin Street, Newstead Thursday 17 April 2014 6 pm 7 – 7.30 pm $15 – concessions $12 To Suncorp Bank BSB 484-799 Account # 02495 1468 Account name Heimdal Reference: Your name/membership number/ [email protected] or 0437 612 913 Bookings are strongly recommended; any unsold tickets will be available at the door. Danish smørrebrød/open sandwiches and hot dogs will be available from 6 pm. The bar is open and we’ll also serve coffee/tea and a variety of cakes and pastries. Magnum PEST CONTROL Cockroaches │Spiders│ Ants│ Rodents│ Fleas│ Wasps Termite Inspections & Treatments “Come on Bug, Make My Day” Allan & Ilse Day Owners ph: 1300 73 88 58 mob: 0401 021 182 [email protected] Fully Licensed & Fully Insured Toms gennem tiden 2012 Toms Gruppen køber tyske Hanseatische Chokolade og dermed overtages de to brands Hachez og Feodora. Toms Gruppen opretter Toms Polska og etablerer et pakkeri i Leszno i Polen. 2009 Toms opnår fuld sporbarhed på import af kakao fra tre udvalgte distrikter i Ghana. Det vil sige, at Toms nu har fuld kontrol over, hvor den enkelte kakaobønne kommer fra. Dette hænger sammen med Toms’ tiltag på CSRfronten, hvor man fokuserer på at forbedre kakaofarmernes forhold og vilkår. 2008 A XOCO butik åbner på Gl. Kongevej 115 - Dansk Chokoladegastronomi. Hvert eneste stykke A XOCO chokolade er fremstillet af vores egne eksperter. Vi håndterer alle dele i processen fra kakaobønne til råchokolade, hvilket giver os fuld kontrol over hvert eneste smagsfremmende trin i chokoladefremstillingen. A XOCO by Anthon Berg kræser for smagsoplevelsen og inviterer dig ind i chokolade-gastronomiens enestående verden. 2007 Toms etablerer Anthon Berg Inc. i USA. 2006 Toms lancerer en række af sine kendte produkter i en sukkerfri udgave med mellem 15 og 30% færre kalorier og er derved først på markedet med både lys og mørk sukkerfri pålægschokolade. Endvidere lanceres en sukkerfri variant af den klassiske mørke Guld Barre og flere populære Pingvin lakrids og vingummiprodukter. Samme år forener Toms to af Danmarks klassikere: Olsen Banden og Guld Barre ved at introducerer ”Tomsen Banden” på TV. Guld Barre vil for første gang i historien fremtræde med fyld. 2002 Helt i Victor B. Strands ånd bryder Toms alle branding-lærebøger med reklameuniverset "Familien Tomsen", der går sin sejrsgang over de danske fjernsynsskærme og skaber fornyet opmærksomhed omkring Toms originale produkter. Samme år erhverves AB Webers Konfektureindustri i Habo, Sverige, der producerer sukkervarer og især er kendt for sin "Ferrari-bil". 2001 Toms frasælger Tørsleff som led i en ny strategi med fokus på chokolade og sukkerkonfekture. Toms køber BONBON i Holme-Olstrup, og dermed også BOGØ Chokolade. Toms Gruppen køber Englands største uafhængige producent af vingummi, Parr’s Quality Confectionery Company. 1998 Administrationsbygningen udsmykkes med mosaikkunst af Lin Utzon. Toms sælger fabriksbygningerne på Lyngbyvej og flytter produktionen til Avedøre Holme. 1991 Toms overtager Liverpool-firmaet Taverner’s, som er specialist i drops, karameller og skumprodukter af bedste engelske kvalitet. 1985 Toms modtager en fornem international pris: »The Candy Kettle«. 40% af produktionen går til eksport. 1983 Den 16. september afgår Victor B. Strand ved døden. 1979 Den 7. maj modtager Toms »Kong Frederik den Niendes Hæderspris« for fortjenstfuld indsats for dansk eksport. Prisen overrækkes af Prins Henrik. 1974 Toms har 50 års jubilæum og skænker medarbejderne 250.000 kr., som sættes i en jubilæumsfond. Gerda og Victor B. Strands fond oprettes for at sikre virksomhedens fremtidige udvikling på en sund økonomisk basis. 1971 Koncernen overtager Galle & Jessen, Danmarks ældste chokoladefabrik. 1965 Besøgsafdelingen bliver etableret og har siden modtaget mere end en halv million gæster. 1961-62 Den nyopførte fabrik i Ballerup - tegnet af Arne Jacobsen - tages i brug i en 22.000 km² stor fabrikshal og en 3.000 km² stor administrationsbygning på en grund på 22 hektar. Høeghs Lakrids opkøbes af Tørsleff og indlemmes i koncernen, hvor den hurtigt omdøbes til Pingvin Lakrids. 1960 Københavns Rådhus og Frederiksberg Rådhus smykkes med Toms Guld Barrereklame til fordel for Flygtningehjælpen. Toms Guld Barre sponsorerer Top-10-listen på Radio Mercur. 1958 Toms forventer vokseværk i de kommende år og erhverver en byggegrund i Ballerup. Guld Barre-løbet i speedway på Charlottenlund Travbane etableres med stor succes og presseomtale. 1957 Danskerne præsenteres for den første TV-reklame ved fjernsynets indsamling til fordel for Ungarn. Naturligvis er Toms med, og Tivoligarden præsenterer Guld Barren for fuld musik. 1954-56 Toms i Sverige etableres med eget lager og salgsorganisation. Victor B. Strand er på opkøb og erhverver virksomhederne Anthon Berg i Teglværksgade (1954), Helvetia i Rådmandsgade (1954), Reichardt på Nygårdsvej (1955) og Østrup-Jeppesen på Rentemestervej (1955). Anthon Berg fortsætter med at producere på Østerbro, de øvrige datterselskabers produktion henlægges til Prags Boulevard. Reichardt og Helvetia bliver til en salgsafdeling. 1955 Virksomheden beskæftiger nu 150 medarbejdere. Som det første firma går Toms på gaden med sporvognsreklame. Linie 1 kører rundt med en lysreklame på taget for cremehunden Bonzo. 1952 I marts ophæves rationeringen, og Toms er på gaden med et færdigsyet sortiment. For sent opdager konkurrenterne, at de er sejlet agterud på grund af for lang passivitet. 1950 Toms bliver tildelt prædikatet "Leverandør til Det Kongelige Danske Hof". 1949 Der indføres chokoladerationering. For at strække kakaobønnerne mest muligt anvendes chokoladen kun til overtræk. Derfor bliver det forskellige cremevarer, der skal prøve at tilfredsstille befolkningens lækkersult. 1947 Gennem en eksportordre til de amerikanske styrker i Tyskland opnår Toms en tildeling af kakaobønner. Ordren bevirker, at Toms udvikler Yankie Bar. 1946 Trods nedgang i produktionen ansætter man A.N. Neergaard som administrerende og teknisk direktør. Hans hovedopgave er at modernisere og reetablere maskinparken. En klog disposition der bevirker, at virksomheden er klar til at producere den dag, det igen er til at få råvarer. 1943 På grund af 2. Verdenskrig er kakaobønnerne sluppet op. Toms prøver at fortsætte produktionen med erstatningsprodukter. Omsætningen nærmer sig et nulpunkt. 1942 Victor B. Strand - med Tørsleff i ryggen - overtager Toms. 1933-38 Pålægschokoladen ser dagens lys og bliver i begyndelsen solgt via slagtere og viktualiehandlere. I 1938 begynder produktionen af Guld Barre. 1930-33 Toms får et par store kunder inden for skibsproviantering samt Daells Varehus. Desuden åbner man egne butikker og får en aftale med DSB om forpagtning af kioskerne på Hovedbanen og Nørreport Station. 1925-29 Toms begynder produktion af egne produkter på Prags Boulevard 47-49 på Amager. Sortimentet er mest bolsjer, karameller og tyggegummi. Det er svært at opnå anerkendelse blandt købmænd og konfekturehandlere. Derfor må man tage til takke med små ordrer hos bagere og ismejerier, som de »fine« fabrikanter ude på Østerbro ikke gider beskæftige sig med. For at overleve opsætter firmaet en masse automater, hvor varerne kan trækkes for 10 eller 25 øre. 1924 Apotekerne Hans Trojel og V. H. Meyer stifter Toms Chokoladefabrik. Tom dannes af sammensætningen af deres efternavne T og M. Firmaet fungerer som grossist med salg af andre fabrikkers produkter. (kilde: FEEL AT HOME WITH SBS DIGITAL RADIO Listen to the Danish language every Thursday at 4pm Choose one of the many platforms: SBS Digital Radio 3, Digital TV (channel 39), Live on Demand via phone and Androids apps Streaming Online at Danish/Swedish/Norwegian/Finnish Via Podcast Further information on Error! Hyperlink refd. enu/Search/danish SBS On Demand SBS On Demand is a free video service that lets you watch full episodes and clips of some of your favourite shows including The Killing and Clown. There are also a number of movies available, good to know if you have run out of DVDs one day. Soren Hoimark is the local contact for DABGO and the group meets at the Danish Club on the first Wednesday of the month (next date is 2 April 2014 at 6 pm). Visit the DABGO website to join and get more information. Danish theatre is heading to Brisbane and we’re proud to announce that the play ‘Kærestebreve’ will be performed at the Danish club on 10 May 2014. Printer We have a Brother MFC-9450 CDN printer for sale at a very reasonable price. Colour and duplex printing. Ring Lone or Soren on 0437 612 913 for details. Scandinavian Festival 2014 This year’s festival will be held on Sunday 14 September 2014. Mark your calendar and be prepared to hear more soon. Contact details for the Royal Danish Consulate General in Brisbane Consul General Lars Kirk Suite 525, Level 5 Toowong Tower 9 Sherwood Road Toowong QLD 4066 07 3374 3062 [email protected] Miami, Gold Coast: 2 brm apt. $550/4 nights. Close to beach and all amenities. Phone: 0402 398 515. Café Danmark in April coincides with ANZAC Day and has been cancelled. Danes Worldwide Steen Selmer is the local representative for Danes Worldwide – contact him via [email protected] If you like our dining tables at the club, we can help you source one. Talk to Soren or Lone. Our Easter shipment with julebryg, fresh Tuborg, Faxe Kondi and licorice has been delayed, and will now arrive early April. We’ll have a special event at the club Wednesday 16 April 2014 (the Queen’s Birthday) where you can come in, say hello and pick up your Easter goodies. Check out the attached order form. Easter Eggs Some of us on the committee (I won’t name names) cannot help drooling when we think about marcipan eggs, plum in madeira chocolates, old-fashioned Toms Guldbarre or even ‘pålægschokolade’ – thin slices of chocolate that you eat on rye or white or buns. And we thought it would be a great idea to have a selection of Easter eggs and other chocolates airfreighted to us. Now they’ve arrived – the price list is attached separately. Come and get your Easter treats at Café Danmark or at the special pickup day on 16 April 2014. For Easter decorations, we also have decorated paper eggs, chenille chicks and little painted timber eggs (see photos on the front page and inside) – they are certainly cute. Easter eggs Anthon Berg Chocolate eggs 100 g Anthon Berg Almond eggs 100 g Anthon Berg Fugleæg 138 g Anthon Berg Fugleæg m/nougatskal 138 g Anthon Berg Marcipan eggs w/nougat 3x30 g Anthon Berg Marcipan eggs 3x30 g Anthon Berg Mørk halvskal med fyldt chokolade 250 g Chenille Påskekyllinger (8) Trææg m/ophæng (6) Æg m/papir decoration (6) Price $4.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $20.00 $5.00 $6.00 $5.00 Project New Kitchen As you all know, we regularly apply to the Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) run by Queensland Government to re-distribute part of the revenue from gambling activities in Queensland back into the community for funding of various activities, and we were elated when the grant amount of $32,250 was unexpectedly deposited into the club account in January. The grant covers new appliances including fridge, dishwasher and oven and building works such as tiling, stainless steel bench tops, sink and new cupboards. Since then the committee has thought long and hard about how to obtain the best result for our kitchen and reviewed and rehashed plans: Monday 10 March the committee volunteer team of Alan, Lone, Soren and Henning commenced work by demolishing the wall between the existing kitchen and the adjoining kids’ room with the purpose of adding a 3 x 4 m section to the kitchen. The photos show the highlights of day 1 and 2. Alan has a builder’s certificate and knew exactly how to go about removing the existing wall and floor, so after less than two weeks, we have the kitchen expansion in place with walls, ceiling, tiling, lighting/power, stove/oven re-located – and just waiting for the kitchen benches and tops to be completed and installed. The play room is almost back in order with only the walls needing plastering and painting, but the large storage unit has been expertly reassembled by Alan’s son Rene, who built it originally. Next step will be the removal of the breakfast bar dividing the kitchen from the lounge, and relocation of fridges into the new area, which will free up an area for urns/coffee as well as an overdue dedicated hand wash facility away from the food preparation and dish cleaning areas. The change will allow us the space required to clean dishes again and once completed we can stop using paper plates and plastic cutlery – probably just one more Café Danmark with paper and plastic. Another part of the new kitchen will be 2 mobile units, which will serve partly as additional preparation areas, partly as storage and serving area. It will give the kitchen crew more flexibility and improve working conditions. With the mobile refrigeration unit we will increase our capacity to safely store food between preparation and serving. Once the work has been completed, we will have a super gleaming kitchen facility that will make us all very proud. Meanwhile we ask for your patience with any temporary issues in connection with this major change to our facility – we are doing all we can to avoid disruption to members and our regular users of the club facilities but it is virtually impossible to keep all traces of demolition, plastering, and tile cutting completely under control. Due to our commitments and current activity level at the club, next major stage will probably not commence until after Easter where the kitchen renovation team intends to strike again. If anybody has a concrete saw available and knows how to operate it, please contact Soren 0431 881513 – we believe we need some expertise and equipment for the next stage. Also if anybody would like to give a hand just by cleaning floors during/after the building activities, please let me know – it all helps. Do you need Danish beer, snaps, herring or licorice for Easter? We can help. Price list Beer Tuborg ‘Green’ 24x33cl (bottles) Snaps Jubilæum 100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl Aalborg Export 70 cl O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl Aalborg Porse 70 cl $ 55 $ 70 $ 70 $ 50 $ 65 $ 55 Aalborg Dild 70 cl Brøndum 70 cl $ 55 $ 55 Bitters Gammel Dansk 100 cl Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl 1-Enkelt 100 cl $ 65 $ 50 $ 65 Other Blå Ga-Jol 100 cl $ 55 How to order and pay: By email [email protected] By phone 0437 612 913 Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp Bank BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL INC Herring, fish balls, chocolate, licorice and other goodies – mainly from Denmark VIKING herring (550 g jars) $ 8.00 Onion Herring, Matjes or Anchovy Spiced ABBA fish balls (375 g tins) $ 5.00 Bouillon, lobster sauce or shrimp sauce AMANDA cod roe (200 g) $ 4.50 100 g containers / $2.50: Haribo Stafetter Pingvin Poletter Carletti Saltlinser Fazer Skolekridt Bon-Bon Lossepladsen170g$ FC Kongen af Danmark $ Pingvin Poletter 140 g $ Ga-Jol gul 2 x 23 g $ DAIM 2-pk 56 g $ Tyrkisk Peber 150 g $ Fazer Salmiakki Mix 180 g $ Raspberry&Blueberry Jam (Swedish) 450 g $ 4.00 2.50 4.00 3.00 2.00 3.50 4.50 5.00 New supplies are on their way Kevin Magnussen bliver nummer to i Formel 1 i Melbourne marts 450 m løbet ved VM i vinter-is-svømning i Rovaniemi i Finland. Der var en dramatisk dag, da Mette som den første dansker nogensinde svømmede den lange 450 m distance i det kun 0,1 grader varme vand. Mette med bronzemedalje og certifikat Danmarks nye Formel 1-stjerne er Kevin Magnussen, som er født og opvokset i Roskilde. Han fik en drømmedebut forrige søndag, da han blev nummer to i Grand Prix’et i Melbourne. Brrrrr – is-svømning i Finland 52årige Mette BL Thomsen gennemførte midt i Da hun ankom til svømmestadiet, havde to dykkere netop reddet en mandlig svømmer op af vandet. Han havde fået hjertestop i første heat og fik hjertemassage på stedet, før han blev kørt af sted til hospitalet. (kilde: We can advise on freight Australia wide! 0411 297 236 [email protected]
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