One Parish, Two Communities Parish Newsletter Our Lady Help of Christians St Ambrose’s 49 Nicholson Street, East Brunswick Telephone: 9380 1844 Fax 9388 0170 Email: [email protected] Website: 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Telephone 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH TEAM PRIESTS OF THE PARISH: Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Mr Philip Cachia, SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s WEEKDAY MASSES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s RECONCILIATION: St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS: By appointment 6.00pm Saturday Vigil, 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English). 10.30am Sunday. Tuesday to Thursday at 9.15am, Friday at 9.00am Tuesday to Saturday at 10.00am 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING – YEAR A RESPONSORIAL PSALM The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit. He guides me along the right path; he is true to his name. You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing. 23 NOVEMBER 2014 Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our father David! Alleluia! EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II RECENTLY DECEASED: Monsignor Jim Murray ANNIVERSARIES: Giovanna Falvo, Libertino Falvo, Tony Perri, Janyce Page-Masci, Rosa Petruzzeli, Katherine Banon, Robert Hardstaff WHEN DID WE SEE YOU … ? This week’s gospel is the final passage in Matthew’s gospel before the passion narrative – the death and resurrection of Jesus. As such, it provides a powerful end point to the teaching ministry section of the gospel. In many ways this passage can be seen as a summary of Jesus’ vision for the Kingdom – a world in which the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked and the imprisoned are treated with respect and dignity as a child of God. This is exactly what Jesus himself did throughout his ministry and it is what all Christian people are called to do. Like the virtuous people of the passage, there are many times when we do not know the good work that we do. There are many times when our positive interaction with another person can be the difference between hope and despair for that person – and we may never know the difference we have made in their life. The challenge presented by Jesus is that whenever we see a person in need our response to them should be as if we were responding to Jesus himself. But what of the times we fail to respond to the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked and the imprisoned? Who are they for us? … That irritating person who we’ve never been able to get along with? … That person who’s just arrived in the country and can’t speak the language properly? … That kid who always looks dirty and nobody talks to? … That girl who’s no good at relating to other people and everyone avoids her? … The homeless man in the street who asks for money? … The asylum seeker fleeing their country who didn’t go through all the right channels to immigrate? … Lord, when did we see you, and not come to your help? — Greg Sunter WEEKDAY MASSES Weekday Masses are as normal this week: AT OUR LADY’S Tuesday to Thursday – 9.15 Mass Friday – 9.00 Mass AT ST AMBROSE’S Tuesday to Saturday – 10.00 Mass BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE November is the month in which we especially remember and pray for our loved ones who have died. The Book of Remembrance in the sanctuaries of both Our Lady’s and St Ambrose’s churches is there for you to write in it the names of your deceased relatives and friends for whom you wish to pray. If their names have previously been written in the book, there is no need to write them again. The Book of Remembrance will remain in each church until the end of November, reminding us to pray for all those named in it. ADVENT REFLECTION GROUPS Advent begins next Sunday. The following Scripture reflection groups for the Sunday Gospels of Advent will be held in the parish over the next four weeks. All are welcome: • On Tuesdays (in Italian) with Sr Julita, starting this week 25 November at 10.30am in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House • On Wednesdays (in English) with Sr Diane, starting this week 26 November at 10.30 in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House. • On Thursdays (in Italian) with Sr Julita, starting this week 27 November at 9.45am in the Community Room at Our Lady’s. ADVENT RECONCILIATION On this Friday, 28 November, following the 10.00am Mass, Fr Edwin who speaks Italian, Maltese and English, will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession). ADVENT VESPERS During the Season of Advent there will be the opportunity to reflectively pray the Evening Prayer of the Church (Vespers) together on a Thursday evening at 5.30pm in the Spirituality Room of St Ambrose’s Community Centre. Dates: 4, 11 and 18 December. Everyone welcome! BOOK GROUP On this Wednesday evening, 26 November from 7.00 – 8.15pm there will be the final gathering of the Spiritual Reading Book Group for 2014. We will meet in the Spirituality Room of St Ambrose’s Community Centre, and will be discussing Chapter 3 of ‘Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love’ by Sr Elizabeth Johnson. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick will take place during Mass at 11.00am on Friday 5 December at St Ambrose’s Church. This will be followed by lunch in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. If anyone needs help with transport to the Mass and lunch, please contact Our Lady’s or St Ambrose’s Parish house. CHRISTMAS STALL Next Sunday 30 November there will be a parish Christmas stall at St Ambrose’s after the 10.30am Mass. On the stall there will be Christmas cakes, jams and craft items. All donations of cakes, jams and craft will also be welcomed for the stall! CHRISTMAS RAFFLE A Christmas hamper donated by Catholic Church Insurances is the first prize in our Christmas raffle this year. Tickets will be on sale at Our Lady’s and St Ambrose’s over the three Sundays of December leading up to Christmas. COLLECTION FOR FLOWERS Today, after the 10.30am Mass, there will be a leaving collection for Christmas flowers at St Ambrose’s church. LETTER TO ARCHBISHOP HART In the Gathering Space of each church is a copy of a letter written to Archbishop Hart as a response to our ‘Facing the Truth’ meetings. This letter expresses our feelings regarding the devastating betrayal of trust by some clergy and religious, and the mishandling of this issue by bishops. It also offers the suggestion of establishing a broad-based Diocesan Pastoral Council to ensure that the wisdom of the faithful is brought to decision making within the Church in the future. If you would like to sign the letter, please do so. It will be posted to the Archbishop after next weekend’s Masses. COLUMBAN CALENDARS The 2015 Columban calendars are now on sale in the gathering space. They are $9.00. This calendar has been produced by the Columban missionaries for over 90 years and has provided important funding for the work of the missionaries in over 16 countries. You will find beautiful religious artwork and helpful liturgical information in the calendar. OPEN DAY AT MARIST CENTRE All parishioners are invited to attend the Open Day at Marist Centre Melbourne, 1 Dawson Street, Brunswick next Friday 28 November from 4.00–5.30pm. There will be an opportunity to tour the new facilities and major work completed throughout the building this year. RSVP by Thursday 20 November to [email protected]. LOURDES DAY MASS There will be a Mass of hope and comfort for the sick and fragile at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday 6 December at 10.30am. RERUM NOVARUM ORATION The 2014 Rerum Novarum Oration will be delivered by Professor Patrick McGorry AO on Monday 1 December at 7.30pm at ACU. The title is A Stitch in Time. Professor McGorry will discuss the early identification and treatment of mental illness with a particular focus on young people. Professor John Gleeson, Head of Psychology at ACU will give the Response to the Oration. All welcome. RSVP: [email protected], or (03) 9926 5727 by Wednesday 26 November 2014. PADRE PIO MASS The monthly Mass in honour of St Pio will be held at Our Lady’s church this Tuesday 9.15 am. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR NOVEMBER We pray for the people of Victoria. May our new Government to be elected be attentive to the needs of the poor in our midst. ON THE NOTICEBOARD • Updates from the Archdiocese • Brunswick Baptist Bazaar • ‘Faith Seeking Understanding’ 3 December, St Dominic’s East Camberwell • Advent Concert, 30 November, St Benedict’s Burwood PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1284.00 Presbytery: $631.80 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Isaiah 63:16–17; 64:1.3–8; 1 Cor 1:3–9; Mark 13:33–37 PAGINA IN ITALIANO MESSE QUESTA SETTIMANA Messe nei giorni feriali sono come normalmente: A SANTA MARIA Da Martedì a Giovedì – 9.15 Messa Venerdì – 9.00 Messa A SANT’AMBROGIO Martedì a Sabato – 10.00 Messa LIBRO DELLA MEMORIA Novembre è il mese in cui ricordiamo soprattutto di pregare per i nostri cari morti. Il libro della memoria è nei santuari delle chiese sia di Santa Maria che Sant’Ambrogio. Il libro è lì per voi a scrivere i nomi dei vostri parenti ed amici defunti per i quali si desidera pregare. Se i loro nomi sono già stati scritti nel libro, non c’è necessità di scrivere di nuovo. Il libro del ricordo rimarrà in ogni chiesa fino alla fine di Novembre, che ci ricorda di pregare per tutti coloro che hanno il loro nome nel libro. MESSA IN ONORE DI PADRE PIO Questo Martedì la Messa alle 9.15am a Santa Maria è celebrata in onore di Santo Pio. GRUPPI DI RIFLESSIONI PER AVVENTO Avvento inizia Domenica prossima. Ci saranno i seguenti gruppi di riflessione dei Vangeli delle Domeniche di Avvento si terrà nella parrocchia nelle prossime quattro settimane. Tutti sono benvenuti: • Ogli Martedì (in Italiano) con Sr Julita, con inizio questa settimana 25 Novembre alle 10:30 nella stanza davanti alla casa parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio. • Il Mercoledì (in Inglese) con Sr Diane, con inizio questa settimana 26 Novembre alle ore 10.30 nella stanza davanti alla casa parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio. • Ogni Giovedì (in Italiano) con Sr Julita, con inizio questa settimana 27 Novembre alle 9:45 nella Sala Comunitaria a Santa Maria. RICONCILIAZIONE PER L’AVVENTO Questo Venerdì, 28 Novembre, dopo la Messa delle 10:00, Fr Edwin che parla Italiano, altese e Inglese, sarà disponibile per il sacramento della riconciliazione (confessione). UNZIONE DEGLI INFERMI L'unzione degli infermi si svolgerà durante la Messa alle ore 11:00 Venerdì 5 Dicembre presso la Chiesa di Sant'Ambrogio. Questo sarà seguito da pranzo nel Centro Comunitario di Sant'Ambrogio. Se qualcuno ha bisogno di aiuto con trasporto per la Messa e il pranzo, si prega di contattare la parrocchia di Santa Maria o di Sant'Ambrogio. COLLETTA PER I FIORI Oggi, dopo la Messa delle 10.30, ci sarà una colletta nel uscita della Chiesa presso la Chiesa di Sant’Ambrogio per i fiori di Natale. BANCARELLA DI NATALE Domenica 30 Novembre ci sarà una banccarella della parrocchia per Natale a Sant'Ambrogio dopo la Messa dalle 10.30. Nella bancarella di Natale ci saranno torte, marmellate e oggettistica. Tutte le donazioni di torte, marmellate e artigianato saranno molto bene accolti per la bancarella. LOTTERIA DI NATALE Un cesto di Natale donato dalla Assicurazioni della Chiesa Cattolica è il primo premio nella nostra lotteria di Natale quest'anno. I biglietti saranno in vendita a Santa Maria e Sant'Ambrogio nelle tre Domeniche di Dicembre prima di Natale. LETTERA ALL’ARCIVESCOVO HART Nello spazio d’incontroi in ogni Chiesa cè una copia di una lettera scritta all'arcivescovo Hart come risposta ai nostri incontri 'affrontare la verita'. Questa lettera esprime le nostre emozioni per quanto riguarda il devastante tradimento della fiducia di certi membri del clero e religiosi e la cattiva gestione di alcuni vescovi. Offre anche il suggerimento di istituire un Consiglio Pastorale Diocesano con ampia base per assicurare che la saggezza dei fedeli è portata a fare decisione all'interno della Chiesa nel futuro. Se si desidera firmare la lettera si prega di farlo. Sarà inviata all'Arcivescovo dopo le Messe del prossimo fine settimana. CALENDARI COLOMBANO I calendari Colombano del 2015 sono ora in vendita nello spazio incontro. Essi costano $9,00. Questo calendario è stato prodotto dai Missionari Colombani per oltre 90 anni e hanno fatto importanti raccolte finanziarie per il lavoro dei Missionari in oltre 16 paesi. Troverete utili informazioni liturgiche e belle opere d'arte religiosa nel calendario. OPEN DAY AL CENTRO DEI MARISTI Tutti i parrocchiani sono invitati a partecipare al giorno di apertura del Centro Marista di Melbourne, 1 Dawson Street, Brunswick il 28 Novembre dalle ore 4.00–5.30 pm. Ci sarà l'opportunità di visitare i nuovi reparti nei quali sono compiuti i lavori in tutto l'edificio in quest'anno. (prenotazione) RSVP Giovedì 20 Novembre a [email protected]. PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER NOVEMBRE Preghiamo per il popolo di Victoria. Il nostro nuovo governo eletto sia attento alle esigenze dei poveri in mezzo a noi.
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