November 2, 2014
Commemoration of The Faithful Departed
Today is the feast of All Souls, when we
remember and pray for all those who have gone
before us in faith. In Jesus we have the hope of
future resurrection for ourselves and for our loved
ones who have died in Christ. Nothing, not even
death will separate us from the love of Christ for
we live each day in God’s love. (Please note that
we will observe the regular Sunday Mass
schedule, including the Saturday evening Mass,
for All Souls Day. There are special All Souls
envelopes at the entrance of the church.)
C.W.S. “Christmas Breakfast”
The Catholic Women’s Society is busy organizing
St. David’s 3 Annual Christmas Breakfast and
visit with St. Nicholas to be held on Sunday,
November 30 , to usher in the Advent Season.
This year we will be featuring our newly renovated
kitchen serving a hot, delicious breakfast
(pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and home
fries) where you and your family will be able to
take a free picture with St. Nick. New to this event
is a Bazaar with 15 vendors offering a variety of
goods for sale so that you can complete your
Christmas shopping. Tickets will be available for
sale this weekend after each Mass for $10 per
person. Be sure to purchase tickets soon since
there is a limited seating capacity.
Baby Bottles for Life
Representatives from Aid to Women will be at the
church this weekend to speak about this pro-life
initiative and hand out baby bottles and info.
Please return the bottles (filled!) by the weekend
of November 29 & 30th. 100% of the donations
support practical help to pregnant women in crisis.
Be a part of our November Pro-Life Project!!!
Bottle Drive
The Knights of Columbus wish to thank everyone
for all the bottles donated over the past two
weekends in support of the Ontario Special
Olympics. What a great response!!!
First Friday
This Friday, Nov. 7 , there will be Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm,
ending with Benediction. (Confessions will be
heard after the morning Mass.)
Masses at the Catholic Cemeteries
On Saturday, Nov. 8 at 2:00 pm, Holy Masses
will be offered at all our Catholic Cemeteries.
Come and join your fellow Catholics at these holy
places consecrated by the Church as the resting
place of our brothers and sisters who await the
Shepherd’s Trust
...supports the needs of our retired clergy who
have served our family of faith, enriching our lives
in our own homes, schools, churches, hospitals
and other areas of ministry. The idea of the Trust
began with a group of lay people who realized the
needs of our retired priests and offered their help
to establish the Trust as a reflection of the
gratitude and appreciation of the parishioners they
served. Through your support of the Shepherd’s
Trust, our retired priests are given the dignity of
adequate pensions, health care and other
assistance in their golden years. There will be a
special collection on the weekend of November 15
& 16 and special envelopes will be made
available. Thank you.
Portuguese Dinner - Holy Spirit Confraternity
The traditional “Matança de Porco” will be held on
Saturday, Nov. 15 at 6:30 pm in our parish hall.
The cost is $35 for adults and $15 for children
(ages 6 to 12). Come join us for a full dinner with
music and dancing. For tickets please call Joào at
416-452-4915, or Joào & Manuela: 905-417-1709.
Healing Mass
The St. David’s Prayer Group will be having a
Eucharistic Celebration and Healing Service on
Monday, December 1 at 7:30 pm with Fr. Ernie
presiding. Please join us for this evening of
prayer and praise. Everyone is welcome!!!
We Need Your Voice
All our choirs welcome new members to join in the
music ministry of our parish. Please consider
adding your voice and making a joyful noise unto
the Lord. Just speak to any of the choir leaders.
We are also in need of a keyboardist for the 9 am
Mass. Please call the office if you can help.
Youth Group
Every Friday at 7:30 pm, the youth of our parish
(grades 7, 8, 9 & 10) come together for faith and
fun. (There is also a youth retreat on the weekend
of November 22-23). Come out and bring your
friends!!! Please call the office for more info.
St. Andre Bessette Dinner Dance
Our neighbouring parish will hold its first annual
Fundraiser Christmas Dinner and Dance on
Friday, Dec. 19 at the Premier Place Banquet
Hall, beginning with cocktails at 6:30 pm and
dinner at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $60 for adults and
$25 for children (under 12 years old). Please call
905-553-1610 for tickets and/or information. Let’s
help the new parish of Maple in their efforts to
raise funds to build their church!!!!!
Commemorazione dei Fedeli Defunti
L’Uomo non può rifiutarsi di sperare, per piccole che siano le sue speranze, e anche se
la vita sembra non favorire il suo ottimismo. Ma il fondamento della speranza cristiana è
solido: resisteremo alle angosce e alle incertezze della vita, perchè Dio ci ama ormai per
sempre. Questa convinzione si basa sulla prova di amore che il Cristo ci ha dato
morendo per noi. Dopo la croce, abbiamo la certezza che colui che si è seduto a tavola
coi peccatori, ha veramente dato loro la possibilità di condurre una vita nuova, liberata, in
comunione con lui.
Commemorazione dei Fedeli Defunti
Questa domenica, 2 novembre, tutte le Messe (inclusa quella del sabato sera) saranno
offerte in suffragio di tutti i nostri fedeli defunti. Venite a pregare per le anime sante.
(Troverete buste di offerte all’entrata della chiesa.)
Società di Donne Cattoliche
Domenica, 30 novembre, si terà la vendita annuale di articoli natalizi e “stelle di natale”
nella sala parrocchiale. Ci sarà anche una bella collazione organizzata dalle donne della
parrocchia. I biglietti sono già in vendita per $10.00, dopo le Messe domenicali all’entrata
della chiesa. Potrete anche fare una foto con San Nicola. Non mancate!!!
Baby Bottles for Life
Questa domenica, 2 novembre, le bottigliette saranno distribuite dopo tutte le Messe per
raccogliere spiccioli e dare il nostro appoggio ad “Aid to Women” per difendere il diritto
alla vita. Questo sarà il progetto “pro-vita” per il mese di novembre.
Primo Venerdì
Questo venerdì, 7 novembre, ci sarà l’esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento in chiesa
dalle 8:00 am alle 7:00 pm. (Ci saranno le confessioni dopo la Messa del mattino.)
Shepherd’s Trust
L’annuale colletta per il fondo di pensione per i sacerdoti si terà domenica, 16 novembre.
Questi fondi assistono i nostri sacerdoti anziani e ammalati che hanno servito la Chiesa
con fedeltà e amore a vivere con dignità e serenità i loro ultimi anni. Troverete buste di
offerte speciale al fondo della cheisa. Grazie per la vostra generosità.
Pellegrinaggio Fatima
Andiamo a vedere le luce natalizie al Santuario della Madonna di Fatima a Youngstown,
N.Y. domenica, 7 dicembre, con partenza alle 9:00 am dalla Scuola di Fr. John Kelly su
Keele St. Chiamate Maria Borello al 905-832-1288 per riservare il vostro posto.
Good Shepherd Casserole Program
Please keep those casseroles coming!! The many hungry and homeless of the city need
and appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans at the parish office during the
week. Thanks!!!
Saturday – Sabato Nov 1
5:30 p.m. Pro Populo
Sunday– Domenica Nov 2
7:30 a.m. †Tutte Le Anime
9:00 a.m. †All Souls
10:30 p.m †Tutte Le Anime
12:00 p.m. †All Souls
5:30 p.m. †All Souls
Monday – Lunedì Nov 3
7:30 a.m. †Alessandro Pannozzo
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Enedino Maciel (1 Yr)
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Salvatore Casullo (1 yr)
Tuesday – Martedì Nov 4
7:30 a.m. †Francesco & Assunta Vitale
†Vincenzo Rizzo
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Tony Bertucca
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Daniela Vommaro (1 Mo)
Wednesday – Mercoledì Nov 5
7:30 a.m. †Defunti della Famiglia Pannozzo e Di Fonzo
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. †All Souls
9:00 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Francesco Sciabbarrasi (1 Yr)
Thursday - Giovedì Nov 6
7:30 a.m. †Pietro, Luigi, Antonino Gallo
No Evening Mass
First Friday – Primo Venerdì Nov 7
7:30 a.m. Per Le Lampade Viventi
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. †All Souls
8:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Maria Carmela Middonti (1 Mo)
Saturday – Sabato Nov 8
7:30 a.m. †All Souls
9:00 a.m. Mass for Maple Italian Pioneer Seniors
12:30 p.m. Wedding- Sara D’Arpino & Daniel Moretto
2:00 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Alfredo Romano (1 Mo)
5:30 p.m. †Duarte Da Costa
Pre-Authorized Giving
This new way of supporting the Church is now being offered in our parish and many of
our parishioners may find this method practical and convenient. Please take a brochure
home and see if this new way of giving is right for you.