Suomikoululainen The Finnish School of Seattle serves and supports all Finnishminded families in the greater Puget Sound area by enriching their children's experiences in Finnish. Our mission is to provide a safe and motivating Finnish speaking learning community for children. With quality programs children learn and maintain Finnish language as well as gain an appreciation for Finnishness. Our Goals: Kids have fun in Finnish. Kids are happy to learn and speak Finnish. Kids have tolerance and respect self and others. Kids experience the Finnish spirit and culture. Volume 16, Issue 1 Maaliskuu / March 2015 Me Opet Teksti: Tuulevi Syrjäkari Vuodenvaihde oli yhtä juhlaa Suomikoulussa. Ensin vietimme Itsenäisyyspäivää ja heti perään oikein mukavat ja tunnelmalliset joulujuhlat. Joukko vanhempia oli ahkeroinut kesästä asti myyntiin joulukoristeita ja perinteisiä suomalaisia jouluherkkuja. Myyntipöydistä löytyi mm. Karjalanpiirakoita ja lanttulaatikkoa. Kaiken huippuna oli kauniisti katetut pöydät, maistuva riisipuro ja herkulliset joulutortut. Kiitos Tea ja tiimi! Toivottavasti saatte ensi vuonnakin vapaaehtoiset mukaan ja saamme taas nauttia jouluisesta herkuista ja yhdessäolosta. Juhlan huipennus oli lasten iloiset ja suloiset esitykset sekä tietenkin itse Joulupukin vierailu. Tästä olikin hyvä lähteä joulunviettoon! Nokialaisten siirtyminen Microsoftille on tuonut alueellemme monia uusia lapsiperheitä. Se on näkynyt myös kasvavana lasten määränä meillä Suomi-koulussa. Tällä hetkellä torstaisin kokoontuva ryhmä sekä lauantain 7-8-vuotiaiden että 9-12 – vuotiaiden ryhmät ovat täynnä. Uusia lapsia tulee mukaan kesken lukuvuoden, mikä on joskus hieman haastavaa varsinkin pienimpien lasten ryhmässä. Vanhemmista saattaa välillä tuntua, ettei oma lapsi millään sopeudu ryhmän tavoille ja ehkä häiritseekin muita. Opettajana haluaisin rohkaista vanhempia päästämään huolesta irti ja antamaan lapsen tutustua rauhassa uuteen paikkaan ja kavereihin. On ihan luonnollista, että pienimmät koululaiset haluavat mieluummin vielä leikkiä itsekseen ja kuljeskella ympäriinsä kuin osallistua laululeikkeihin. Kokemuksesta tiedämme, että yhteisten leikkien ja laulujen aika kyllä tulee. Kevät Suomi-koulussa jatkuu tuttuun tapaan. Mukaan mahtuu tavallisia koulupäiviä ja välillä taas juhlitaan. Helmikuun puolivälissä juhlistimmekin jo Ystävänpäivää! Toivotamme myös kaikki perheet tervetulleiksi lapsille suunnattuun Sibeliuksen syntymän 150-vuotisjuhlakonsertiin Suomi-koululle 14.3. klo 11! (Lisätietoa sivulla 4) Hyvää kevättä teille kaikille toivotteleepi Tuulevi V O LU M E 1 6 , I S S U E 1 PAGE 2 S U O MI K O U LU LA I NE N President’s Message ting together such a fantastic event. And of course big thanks to everybody else who helped with the event as well as to everybody who participated and supported our school. Get involved We have a few great opportunities to get involved with the Finnish School. At the end of this year, a few board members will be stepping down and we may have a few position changes as well. We have a great board, really fun environment to work and we are always looking for new ideas and perspectives! "Warm" welcome back to school everyone. We have had a great start to our spring semester. I say "warm" because this winter, if we can call it that, has been quite exceptional. I've lived here in the Pacific Northwest since 1992 and this is absolutely the warmest "winter" I've ever experienced. Some of you may know that Saku and I are big skiers and we are still hoping that the snow will come and we all get to go out there and enjoy the snow. Crazier things have happened so we don't give up yet! We ended our fall semester with a huge hit, our Christmas celebration. This year, we decided change things a bit and do something a little different. New things were Joulupuuro and glögi, as well as the holiday items for sale. The event was a huge success and we have received a lot of positive feedback, which is always great to hear. Upcoming events We have number of exciting event coming up: you. We need your financial support for this school year. You can make your gift to school through our website or during our events. Please also note that many companies have matching programs where you financial support doubles automatically. Another way to support our school is programs such as volunteer matching. Many companies, such as Microsoft, have special programs where they match volunteer work. This means that each hour you work to support our school, is eligible for financial matching from your company. Please check your company HR department for details. Terveisin, Sibelius Concert for Kids March 14t at 11am @ Suomikoulu All Seattle area families are welcomed. Please note that this is not our normal Finnish School weekend. More information about the event is provided in this Suomikoulainen. Mikko Skating event April 4th from 13:00-15:00. This has always been a great fun for everybody and all Finnish School families are welcomed. To celebrate this milestone, we have some exciting events planned for our students and parents — stay tuned for more information! Pesäpallo event May 30th. As usual, we are going to wrapping up this school year with a sporting event and this year, pesäpallo is back! More information will follow but for now, please Save the date! We need your support Joulujuhla was our main fall fundraising event and we raised over 1,000 dollars for the school. A big Thank You to Tea and Alyssa for all the new great ideas and put- By Mikko Lahti School needs your financial support 30% of school funding is coming from fundraising and donations from generous supporters like PS. The Finnish School of Seattle celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2015! V O LU M E 1 6 , I S S U E 1 S U O MI K O U LU LA I NE N Tunnelmapaloja joulujuhlasta Kirjeitä Suomikoulusta Tarun ryhmän suomikoululaiset kirjoittelivat kirjeitä ja viestejä kirjeenvaihtoprojektissa. Nämä kirjeet lähtivät Teksasin Suomi-kouluun. PAGE 3 S U O MI K O U LU LA I NE N V O LU M E 1 6 , I S S U E 1 PAGE 4 Sibelius-juhlakonsertti Suomi-koululla Welcome to Jewels of Sibelius Children’s Concert! TERVETULOA LASTEN SIBELIUS-KONSERTTIIN! Lauantaina 14.3.2015 Klo 11:00 a.m. @ SUOMI-KOULU 4174th Place NE Redmond, WA Huom! K o n s er t i n aj an k o h t a ei o l e k o u l u l au an t ai . Tilaisuus on maksuton. Please note that this is not a school Saturday. Free admission. The year 2015 is the Sibelius 150 Jubilee--the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Finnish composer, Jean Sibelius. The Jubilee year will feature concerts and other celebrations recognizing this famous and beloved son of Finland. Programs honoring Jean Sibelius will be supported by Finlandia Foundation National (FFN). FFN has a strong connection with Jean Sibelius; he was the first patron of FFN when it was established in 1953. Jewels of Sibelius—School Concerts The Jewels of Sibelius concert tours will be presented by Jussi Makkonen, the award-winning Finnish cellist, and Ruusamari Teppo, the gifted pianist who is finishing her music doctorate work in Texas and is the greatgranddaughter of Jean Sibelius himself. The Jewels of Sibelius school concerts are 45-minute presentations for students from kindergarten through high school. Jussi and Ruusamari play Sibelius music, talk about the background of each piece, and tell stories about the life of the composer. The arrangements of some pieces are accessible only to the Sibelius family members, so this gives the audience an exceptional opportunity to experience and explore the music of Sibelius. In Finland during the past two years, over 250,000 students in 800 schools have heard the extremely successful Jewels of Sibelius concerts performed by Jussi and his accompanist sponsored by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Because of the great success of these school concerts, Jussi has been asked to prepare a new concert script, especially for the Sibelius 150 Jubilee. With this new program, Jussi is now ready to continue the concert series for another two years, planning to reach all the Finnish schools with this opportunity to appreciate the classical music of the great Finnish composer. Pre-concert lectures at Seattle Symphony Ruusamari Teppo and Jussi Makkonen will give a pre-concert lecture on Thursday, March 12, 2015, before the opening concert of the Seattle Symphony’s Sibelius Concert Series, the Symphony’s three-week festival celebrating the beloved Finnish composer. Ruusamari and Jussi will give another pre-concert lecture before the Seattle Symphony’s Sibelius performance on Saturday, March 14, 2015. Links for more information:; ; V O LU M E 1 6 , I S S U E 1 S U O MI K O U LU LA I NE N PAGE 5 Luistelutapahtuma Tervetuloa Suomi-koulun vuotuiseen luistelutapahtumaan Welcome to Finnish School’s annual skating event on 4.4.2015 klo / at 1—3 p.m. @ Sno-King Arena, Renton Tapahtuma on maksuton. Voit ottaa omat luisteluvarusteet mukaan tai vuokrata varusteet omalla kustannuksellasi paikan päältä. The event is free of charge. You can bring your own skates and equipment or rent them at the Arena at your own cost. Ajo-ohjeet / driving instructions: Thank you for your support! Seattlen Suomi Koulu Finnish School of Seattle PO Box 15925 Seattle, WA 98115 Comments and feedback most welcome! [email protected] The school relies heavily on the support of its parent volunteers and friends. We are grateful for all the support and we encourage parents and friends to get involved in different ways. Please see further information on how to support us at —> get involved Norman E. Westerberg in Memoriam For the past 35 years, we have been close with and knew Norman Westerberg as a Finnish business associate, a distinguished Finnish Honorary Consul, a leader and major contributor for the FinnFest USA festival organization, a founder and president of the Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce of the Northwest, an active Board Member of the Nordic Heritage Museum, a president of the Finnish Lutheran Church Council, a Chair of the University of Washington Scandinavian Studies Department's Advisory Board, a founding member of the SwedishFinnish Historical Society, and a chair or active board member of numerous other Finnish American organizations. United States, Canada and Finland. His jovial, friendly personality and his always ready-to-help attitude combined with intelligence, experience and endless enthusiasm has earned him a place as one of the most respected and well-known Finnish Americans in the past several decades. As a Deputy Speaker of the Finnish Expatriate Parliament, Region of the Americas, he gave his powerful input in various expatriate issues worldwide. Best of all, he became a good friend, who always had a story to tell, a joke to share and a song to sing, when Jussi and I feel privileged to have had Norm as a friends got together. personal friend, and we will miss him greatly. Our Norm’s keen interest in Finnish America fueled his heart goes out to Benita, his beloved wife, his children research interests and played a major role in raising the and grandchildren. profiles of Finnish Americans in the United States and comparing that information with immigrants from other Sincerely, Nordic countries. Norm also contributed to the Finnish Satu Mikkola Institute of Migration as a volunteer researcher. His numerous, well-received presentations, lectures and publications on Finnish immigration research earned him a reputation as an expert, who was oftentimes approached and referred to by people of other nationalities looking for similar information on their homelands. All the above associations represent just a few of the activities he was involved with which offered him the opportunity to deliberate and connect with fellow Finns not only in the Pacific Northwest, but all around the
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