Eudlo State School Update Wednesday 22 October, 2014 Email: [email protected] Phone: 5458 0333 Fax: 5478 9540 Web: Eudlo State School Corner Rosebed Street and Highlands Road Eudlo Qld 4554 PHONE: (07) 5458 0333 FAX: (07) 5478 9540 O.S.H.C: (07) 5478 8855 ABSENCE: (07) 5458 0366 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: PRINCIPAL: Mrs Janet Smith ADMINISTRATION: Kylie Strand Helen Jakeman BE SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL AND A LEARNER – Swimming Lessons Student Absence: 5458 0366 OSHC: 5478 8855 HONOUR BOARD – Students of the Week Year Prep/1: Eve - Fabulous reading and sight word work Year 2/3: Lucas - Impressive independent work in Geography Year 4/5: Away at camp Year 6/7: Donte - 100% effort with Number facts game, great listening and hard work Dear Parents/Caregivers The weeks are now flying by quickly and the end of Term 4 and the school year is rapidly approaching. There are still many events happening during the term. Please keep an eye on the Calendar. We are seeing some hard work from the students as they put in their best efforts for their final report for the year. We hope Year 6/7 students and their teachers enjoy the day tomorrow at the Abbey Museum. Also I know Year 4/5 are excited to be heading off to camp. We look forward to sharing stories and photos next week. A Farewell and Thank You to Leanne Davies for leading our OSHC for the past 2 terms. Leanne has made the difficult decision to leave, due to family illness. Mrs Cindy Traves will be the OSHC co-ordinator. Until next week, Janet YEAR 4/5 CAMP: The kids are very excited about the upcoming camp this week! Please ensure that students are here ready and waiting by 8.30am. Students need to arrive in clothes ready for camp – no uniform required. They must have a hat, closed in shoes and be wearing sunscreen. Please ensure that all belonging are clearly named! Students will be back and ready for collection from the school by 3.00pm Friday. ABBEY MUSEUM: A reminder that on Thursday the Years 6/7 will be travelling to the Caboolture Abbey Museum SWIMMING: Unfortunately the Mooloolah Pool was closed on Tuesday but will be back up and running for our next lesson on Friday. HEAD LICE: We have been notified of a case in the school, so could you please check your child’s hair for any signs of head lice and treat as necessary. The following permission forms and money that are required to be returned to school: BALL GAMES held on 31/10/14: $5 per student (Years 4-7) Year 6/7 Graduation Preparations are well under way for this event on December 11. If you are a parent of a Year 6/7 student, are a little creative and could be available to decorate the hall and organise the cake, please see Mrs Sutton asap. What’s What’s on at Eudlo this Week – Term 4 DATE ACTIVITY GROUPS ARRANGEMENTS Thursday Year 4/5 Camp Years 4/5 Overnight 23 October School Chaplain – Carl Jackson Years 4/5 At 4/5 Camp Abbey Museum excursion Years 6/7 8.30 – 2.30 Friday Year 4/5 Camp Years 4/5 Back at school by 3.00pm 24 October Uniform Shop Everyone Open 8:30 – 8:50am Parade Everyone 9:00am Tuckshop Everyone Both Lunches Religious Education All Students 10:20 – 10:50 School Chaplain – Carl Jackson Years 4/5 At 4/5 Camp Swimming Lessons Everyone (except 4/5) Bus to Mooloolah Pool PE Whole School With Mr Appelman Classroom Music All Students With Ms Galloway Inclusion Classes Students With Mr Bell Homework Club Students With Mrs Gregory Year 6/7 Classroom Year 6/7 Mr Bell Teaching Swimming All Students Bus to Mooloolah Pool Library Open All Students With Mrs Gregory School Uniform Shop Everyone Open 2:45 – 3:00pm Wednesday 29 October LOTE Years 4-7 With Mrs MacDonald Inclusion Classes Students With Mr Bell Thursday Instrumental Music Years 2–7 With Miss Mealor 30 October School Chaplain Students Carl Jackson Inclusion Classes Students With Mr Bell Earthsmart Gardening Group Students With Mrs Cornish “School of Rock” Band Students Carl Jackson Library open Students With Mrs Gregory School Newsletter/Update All families Sent home to all families Monday 27 October Tuesday 28 October ‘Christmas Card Design’ drawing competition Please remember to return your child’s “My Christmas wish is….” competition form to the school by Friday this week so that all entries can be sent in to Andrew Powells MP office in time for the judging next week. Mooloolah Mob Walk Come and join the ‘Mooloolah Mob’ for a guided walk via the old train tunnel to Landsborough on Saturday 25th October. Enjoy the festivities of the Historical Landsborough Day event and return by train to the Mooloolah Fun Fair. People can return to Mooloolah by regular train at 10.54am or 12.25pm. Walkers will meet at Martin Rungert Park, Mooloolah at 8.15am for ‘sign up’. Bring a hat, water, sunscreen and cash or card for the return train. The walk will take about an hour. Mooloolah Fun Fair Mooloolah will come alive on Saturday 25th October, 10am – 2pm, with kids markets, classic cars, talented live musicians, jumping castle, face painting, sausage sizzle and stalls. The steam train will be in town for an hour from 11.30am. Enjoy live bands including the Bamboo Rockets, Claptomianiacs, Rod Christensen Project, Sera Loon plus Spanish Dancers from Mooloolah State School. For more details visit
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