Barracks Bulletin Floyd Miller, Editor October 2014 Samuel F. Gearhart Detachment 4925 Business 50 West Jefferson City, MO 65102 573-893-USMC (8762) [email protected] Detachment Officers Charles Stephan, Commandant 573-587-0266 [email protected] Matt Jorgenson, Senior Vice Commandant [email protected] Marcus Penn, Junior Vice Commandant [email protected] Bill Schmutz, Judge Advocate [email protected] Commandant’s Corner: Marines and Ladies, great job on the BBQ! We have a lot of upcoming events for the league. The wall is coming to Jefferson City in Aug 2015. They will need a lot of help and support for this great event. There is a Professional Development class Nov 1 the State of Missouri Commandant Floyd Miller has the information on this class. I encourage everyone to go to this class even if you don’t plan on holding an office. It is required for all officers to have this class and it is a lot of fun. Hope everyone has a great month, be safe. Our next meeting is October 7; I hope to see you all in attendance. Please bring a fellow Marine and friend to the meetings. Once again, thank you for all the hard work you do. Semper Fi, CA “Bull” Stephan Commandant CariAnne Behr, Adjutant [email protected] Perry Mathes, Paymaster [email protected] Stan Scott, Chaplain [email protected] Steve Baskette, Sergeant-at-Arms [email protected] Joe McGrail, Jr. Past Commandant [email protected] Jim Williams, Auditor 3 year Jim Claus, Auditor 2 year Zachary Spencer, Auditor 1 year Auxiliary Rita Diemler, President [email protected] Jr. Vice Commandant’s Reminder: Those members whose dues are renewed in October and may not have received their notice from National are: James B. Deutsch, Michael M. Lischko, Ron A. Schwintek, and any member whose dues are late. Please send your $30 payment to: PO Box 1592, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102-1592 or bring to the October meeting. If you have already paid, please disregard this reminder and thank you very much for your support! Please bring fellow Marines with you to the meetings for possible membership to the League. Activities Committee Input for October: Nothing to report on from September as we have not had our Dining Out yet and that was the only thing we had on the Activities schedule. So, hope everyone is enjoying the transition into the fall. I know we had a beautiful day for the Poker Run on September 20th and the cooks had some great chow for the riders when they returned to the barracks. Kudos to everyone that had a hand in working that event! Now let's move on to October and hopefully some more great weather and events. Thursday October 9th – Movie Night: Hatches to the Bunker will be opened at 1730 and the movie begins at 1800. The movie tonight is “Lone Survivor” which is based on the non-fiction book of the same name by Navy Seal Marcus Luttrel. It is the story of a four man Seal team involved in Operation Red Wings in Afghanistan. Shortly after they are inserted into the Hindu Kush region they begin to encounter problems beginning with comm problems and things go downhill from there. The team is discovered by a large Taliban force and fight valiantly in the face of overwhelming odds. Come on out on the 9th and join us for the movie. For those interested a pizza order can be put together for delivery to the barracks. Or you can bring your chow with you if you like. Wednesday October 15th – Dining Out: This month we are going to long time newsletter supporter “The Cajun Catfish House” in St. Martins, just a couple miles up the road from the League at 6811 Business 50 West. We’ll meet there at 1830. Send your head count by Sunday, October 12th to [email protected] or leave a message at 659-5069. If you know any potential members invite them along. See you there! Coming in November Saturday Nov. 1st - Trivia Night: Special edition Trivia for Halloween, so you might see one or two Halloween categories out of the ten rounds. In addition to Trivia we’ll also have a Costume Contest for those that would like to break out their Halloween best! You just might win a cash prize for your costume. Doors, Bar, & Kitchen open at 1730 and Trivia kicks off at 1900. Cost is $60 per team, with a maximum of 6 people per team. Only paid players are allowed at the table & must be 17 or over. Cash prize to the winning team and we’ll have door prizes and a raffle. Pre-register by 10/28/2014 to guarantee your spot & all team members will receive bonus door prize tickets. Email [email protected] or call 893-8762 and leave your name and number, we’ll sign you up and contact you back to confirm your registration. Please pass this on to family, friends and post or share trivia fliers to help spread the word – this is open to the public. Please help us with new ideas and suggestions for League activities, see Alan Sanning at the General Membership meeting, email [email protected] or call 659-5069 and leave a message. Auxiliary’s Article: Hello Everyone! Fall is upon us and it’s time to get out the ball gowns and dust off your dancing shoes for the USMC Birthday Ball. This year’s ball will be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel on 8 November. If your name and address is not on our Auxiliary Roster, please get it to Steve or I as soon as possible so that you can receive your invitation. Once again, I want to say “thank you” to those members who continue to volunteer their time and talent to our various volunteer events. BBQs, Special Olympics, and Softball games just to name a few. We could not do it without you! Please remember to keep Kris Walker in your prayers as she recovers from her recent surgery. Remember to visit our Facebook page, “like” it as well as invite your friends to “like” it. Social media is a great way to get our name out there to potential members. Also, feel free to post pictures or info on any upcoming events. New members are always welcomed! Rita Diemler President Central Missouri Unit Binder Park. We are expecting one possibly two teams from the Marines at Ft. Leonard Wood, recruiters and poolees with three or four teams and of course our own Old Dogs. Chaplain’s Chapel: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 Remember in prayer the brave men and women who serve to protect our freedom. Recruit new members. Help keep Our Marine Corps League Strong. Semper Fi and God Bless, Stanley Scott, Chaplain Central Missouri Pound #77: Big barks to all the Dogs that showed up for the Pound Growl on August 30, we had a great turnout with much howling, growling, barking and still made it through a lot of Dog business. If you happen to be one of the few Dogs that hasn’t submitted your dues yet please get them in to the Pound Dog Robber, PDD Scott Mayhew or the Pound Keeper, PDD Alan Sanning as soon as possible to help keep us good on our numbers. Checks can be made out to Pound #77 for $15.00 for current dues, woof! On September 6th we had the usual cast of hard corps Dogs show up early to pull galley duty and fix a doggone great breakfast for the quarterly Department Staff Meeting, big tail wags for another great effort! Following the Department Staff Meeting we had the dog house filled to capacity for the Pack Growl with quite a few of Pound #77’s Dogs on paw to help add to the barking and howling. Congrats to PDD Dave Hunter who was appointed as the Worthy Pack Smart Dog and walked away from the Growl with a mission in paw in his new capacity as Smart Dog. At this time we are unable to give results on the Semper Fi Softball Challenge as it has not yet taken place. It is scheduled for Saturday, September 27th and hopefully we will have lots of Dogs and others from the Detachment and Auxiliary show up to cheer our team of Ol’ Dogs on. DD Steve Diemler reported that play should begin by 0830 on the fields at October 4th – Pound Growl: Please note that this Growl is starting at 1000 vice our normal time. This should be a relatively short Growl to take care of nomination, election and installation of officers and any other urgent Pound business. We will follow the Growl with a special event as follows. October 4th – Pound #77’s 59th Anniversary: Pound #77’s first charter was issued 59 years ago on October 10th, 1955, coincidentally, the reCharter was also issued at the beginning of October. To commemorate the occasion we are holding an Anniversary Party at the Bunker at noon following the Growl. Spouses of Pound members are also invited to attend and help us celebrate the occasion. The Pound will provide pizza, drinks and a cake for the occasion. If you can bring a salads or dessert for the occasion it would be greatly appreciated. To insure we have enough for everyone please submit a head count to the Pound Keeper by 30 September at the email or phone number below. Your assistance is requested in helping to make this a memorable occasion. We are looking for: > Memorable or notable photos of past Pound Growls or events with any identifying info you can supply. A photo of the Charter which burned in the fire would be great; we would like to identify the signers of that Charter. > Interesting anecdotes from past Pound events or Growls that would help commemorate our history. > Anything else of historical significance from the Pounds past, i.e. old MODD patches membership cards, etc… If you have any of these items or others to help commemorate the historical significance please either scan and email them to the Pound Keeper at [email protected] as soon as possible. If you do not have scanning capability or you have something other than photos or documents please email or call 659-5069 to coordinate with PDD Alan Sanning to copy and/or coordinate another method of displaying them on October 4th. Try to have items in by September 30th to allow time for set-up. However, we are still interested in items you may find afterwards as we can use them for the 60th Anniversary in 2015, so keep them coming. Look forward to seeing all you Dogs on the 4th and hearing some of your great stories! Coming Events in Dogdom: Midwest Division Fall Conference: 17 – 19 October at the Lumiere Place Hotel and Casino, 999 N Second St, St. Louis MO. For information go to: onvention.htm. Stay up on late breaking Pound news by liking the Pounds Facebook page “MODD Central Missouri Pound 77”. Go to the Pounds Facebook page “MODD Central Missouri Pound 77” and like it. Woof, Woof – It’s an Honor to be a Devil Dog! 9 October 1917: The 8th Marines was activated at Quantico, Virginia. Although the regiment would not see combat in Europe during World War I, the officers and enlisted men of the 8th Marines participated in operations against dissidents in Haiti for over five years during the 1920s. During World War II, the regiment was assigned to the 2d Marine Division and participated in combat operations on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Tinian, and Okinawa, and earned three Presidential Unit Citations. 11 October 1951: A Marine battalion was flown by transport helicopters to a frontline combat position for the first time, when HMR-161 lifted the 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, and its equipment, during Operation Bumblebee, northeast of Yanggu, Korea. 19 October 1968: Operation Maui Peak, a combined regimental-sized operation which began on 6 October, ended 11 miles northwest of An Hoa, Vietnam. More than 300 enemy were killed in the 13day operation. Marine Corps History: Selected October Dates of Marine Corps Historical Significance 1 October 1997: The first African-American female colonel in the Marine Corps was promoted to that rank during a ceremony at MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina. Colonel Gilda A. Jackson, a native of Columbus, Ohio, made Marine Corps history when she achieved the rank of colonel. She was serving as Special Projects Officer, 2d Marine Aircraft Wing at the time of her promotion. 5 October 1775: Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the 2d Continental Congress used the word "Marines" on one of the earliest known occasions, when it directed General George Washington to secure two vessels on "Continental risque and pay", and to give orders for the "proper encouragement to the Marines and seamen" to serve on the two armed ships. 6 October 1945: Major General Keller E. Rockey, Commanding General, III Amphibious Corps, accepted the surrender of 50,000 Japanese troops in North China on behalf of the Chinese Nationalist government. 8 October 1899: A force of 375 Marines under command of future Commandant George F. Elliott, attacked and captured the insurgent town of Novaleta, Luzon, Philippine Islands, and linked up with U.S. Army troops. There were 11 Marine casualties. 23 October 1983: At 0622 an explosive-laden truck slammed into the BLT headquarters building in Beirut, Lebanon, where more than 300 men were billeted. The massive explosion collapsed the building in seconds, and took the lives of 241 Americans-including 220 Marines. This was the highest loss of life in a single day for Marines since D-Day on Iwo Jima in 1945. 28 October 1962: An 11,000-man 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade left Camp Pendleton by sea for the Caribbean during the Cuban Missile Crisis. One week earlier, the entire 189,000-man Marine Corps had been put on alert and elements of the 1st and 2d Marine Divisions were sent to Guantanamo Bay to reinforce the defenders of the U.S. Naval Base. Other 2d Division units and squadrons from five Marine Aircraft Groups were deployed at Key West, Florida, or in Caribbean waters during the Cuban crisis. 31 October 1919: A patrol of Marines and gendarmes, led by Sergeant Herman H. Hanneken, disguised themselves as Cacos and entered the headquarters of the Haitian Caco Leader, Charlemagne Peralte, killing the bandit chief, and dispersing his followers. Sergeant Hanneken and Corporal William R. Button were each awarded the Medal of Honor. Information from: 0Month%20in%20History/October.aspx Notes of interest: October 4 – Dogs, Pound 77 will be celebrating its 59th year around 1200, following the Growl which starts at 1000. October 9 – Movie Night at the Bunker with doors opening at 1730 and movie start time at 1800. The movie will be Lone Survivor. The League will be preparing the meeting meal in October with the dessert being provided by the Ladies Auxiliary. Come out and enjoy a meal, League meeting and renew friendships. October 15 – Dining out will be at Cajun Catfish House in St. Martins starting at 1830. October 17-19 - Midwest Division Conference will be held in St. Louis. October 25 – Last BBQ of the year will be at Schulte’s. November 1 – Professional Development Training Class will be held at the Barracks starting at 0900. November 1 – Trivia Night will be held at the Barracks with doors open at 1730. The Annual Charity Raffle drawing was held at the meeting in September. The list of winners is posted on our Detachment website. Thanks goes out to those who donated gifts for the raffle, those who purchased tickets and those who took the time to ensure that this was a success. November 8 – Marine Corps Ball will be held at the Plaza Hotel (see attached flyer). Your Detachment needs someone to step up and become the Newsletter Editor. If you think that this is something that you would like to do (League or Auxiliary), please send an email to: [email protected] Do you have any articles, pictures, events, birthdays, etc. that you would like to see included in the Newsletter? Email them to Newsletter Editor at [email protected] BBQ on September 13 Steve Baskette, Stanley Scott and Floyd Miller attended the POW/MIA Ceremony at the Capital on September 19 Last BBQ of the year is Oct 25, 2014 Marine Corps Ball will be on Saturday, November 8, 2014, see attached flyer for more information. Tyler Huffman, “Bear” Reuter and unknown rider leaving the Detachment parking lot to the first stop of the Poker Run held on September 20 Veteran’s Council: We have signed the contract David Hunter elected Midwest Division Vice Commandant; Wendell Webb elected National Jr. Vice Commandant; Teresa Terry voted Kennel Dog of the Year; Leonard Spicer voted Kennel Jr. Vice Devil Dog and Alan Sanning elected Kennel Mad Dog for the Vietnam Veteran's Moving Wall. It will arrive here on September 23, 2015. It will be on display the 24th thru the 28th on the South lawn of the State Capitol. We will need help from all veteran's organizations to help make this a success. It was a HUGE success in 2005 because of everyone's help and great support from the community. No reason why we can't do it again. Semper Fi, Stan Scott Veteran's Council Rep At a Detachment meeting, we voted to give money to ‘From Our Hearts’ to help with the postage to send cards to Marines in Afghanistan to mail to their loved ones back in the States. This is a letter received from one of those Marines: Dear Susan, Martha, and friends at From Our Hearts, Thank you so much for your two boxes of cards!!! The Marines just can't get enough of them. There is one whole box almost gone already. This is more than I ever expected and thank you for your dedication to us out here. Time is flying by as we work day and night to get everything packed up and shipped home, it was nice to take a breather and write some family a quick 'love you' or 'miss you' card. I just can't express how much it means to have people that support what we do here. Anything the Marines don't grab up this week will go to another unit I know would like to send a card home too. I'm ensuring to share the wealth you've given us and trying to get them all sent out before the post office closes. I'd like to add that the boxes made it here very quickly and I was quite surprised they were perfectly intact! (Usually boxes are crushed or damaged after all of that movement and the miles travelled.) Our post office services conclude 30 September and we will no longer be able to receive or send mail after that date, so this is in perfect timing to send a few cards out before it's no longer available. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you do! Moms are the best!!! Semper Fidelis and God Bless you all, SSgt Charbonneau and the R4OG Marines currently in Afghanistan OCTOBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 Pound Growl 1000 59 Years 5 6 7 8 League & Auxiliary Dinner 1800 Meeting 1900 9 10 11 17 18 Movie Night Open 1730 Movie 1800 Lone Survivor 12 13 14 Columbus Day 15 16 Dining Out Cajun Catfish 1830 Midwest Midwest Division Division Conference Conference So. St. Louis So. St. Louis MO MO Head count for dining out is due 19 20 Midwest Division Conference So. St. Louis MO 26 21 22 23 24 25 Staff Meeting 1830 BBQ VA Bingo Team #2 Mizzou 27 28 29 30 31 1 Trivia Night Open 1730 Trivia 1900 rsgrna 915 Madlson Street, P.O. Box g5 St,ffiBatry6 I Jeflocon City, Missourl 65l02 573-636-5533 Fax OZ3-636-7913 C r* g.\zR-o f,-=.T BUICK ffiSVIE Gdza.-, . T(}YQ-I-A FEtErr:r 573-634-2324 * 573-A9g-A1 BURNS OPTIGAL OO Birds-I-View 512 Ellis Blvd/.leflbrson City, MO 65 t01 2421AW. Edgewood Drive, Jefferson City \Ye thank you for your.Service! 573-636_2103 1-800-743_9739 Extra Discount to Vetcmns otr Veteran's Day, Menrorial Day, and hdependenco Day S73-63t-BIRD(2473),geilor Dlscotnt Evryioy! Enjoy ffiamfiffim, 807 Southwest Blvd. - Jefferson Ciry MO 65109 Embracing people, inspiring health 573 632-2777 @6M. JetteEon St., Jot orson City 604 836.6165 Dix R.oad Cleaners ONE DAY SERVICE 404 Dix 635-2711 Road Jim Dulle 2743 Merchants Dive. JefleEon City. MO - 893-2575 RI. 3, Box 4295, Oeg6 Beach, MO - 348-4399 LEUrie, MO - 374-4399 JCMG fTHW wwrvjcm{.ciir$ FEGHTEL BEVERAGE & SALES, tNG. ETH e.m: JEFFERSON CITY OIL GO. Wef: 1601 Christy Capital Region tlllt PHYSICIANS Missouri Healtlt Uttiversi.ty of Drive 573-63/.-2025 Care S,ett€[.. Ever]f da]r. NAUGHT.NAUGHT Agency Johnnie Fowler OBIE'T DtttA Apache Flats 893-6020 1441 Christy Drive Jefferson City, MO 65101 phone: 573-634_2721 Toll Free: 800-392-0423 Fax: 866-779_g102 [email protected] ffittftl cf,ffl{f $oues IEFFERSON (IMND( BANK sffi St. M.rfins, MO PR[flrilG C0- of Missouri 925 Madison (s73) A93.4665 (5731 @ St. Open 24 hrs. 3721 W. Truman Jefferson City, MO 893.2505 .634-7356 Dirkneite Oil & Propone Co., lnr. P.O, Box68. Freburg, Mo 65035 (573) 744-5228 614-7267 Fax (5?3) 636-5981 Sm Bushman, Owner 235 East High Srrcet, Jeffcrson Cirx MO 65 tlqUon pri".1 Provlding Ooltvery ol: l0l . HEATING & MOTOR OILS Yow Home, Fann or8usrn$. To "FAUILY OWNED 2300 Sl. ilrrll 8lr{t.JcnenoD Ct[i G;] L.,v-/ [lO (5?l)6lG{8]l 1901 Souibwest BIvd. *"*'[ry-,ffffi,** Dave "Cookie" Schulte Cook School "Learn to Burn" Compliments Rick and Dave :6o Wellness Joint and lvlqscle Pain Relief Dr. stepAanie m,rr"" LLC o.c. Clriropractor Jefferson C'b, f1o 65109 fr6e 573'69+'5162 OPENATEDSINCE t92{" SOUTHSIDE EARBER SHOP I l4 E Dunklin Stleet 573-63s-6682 PO Box 1592 Jefferson City, MO 65102 (573) 893-8762 [email protected] Samuel F. Gearhart Detachment Marine Corps League Marines & Guests: Please join us on Saturday, 8 November, for our celebration of the 239th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Our guest of honor is the 14th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Alford McMichael. This year’s banquet will again allow for a choice of entrée; either Prime Rib or Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast. The evening’s events begin with Tun Tavern at 1800 in the hotel atrium. The opening ceremony will start promptly at 1900. The Capitol Plaza Hotel, located at the junction of U.S. Hwy 50 & Missouri Blvd, is once again offering us a special room rate of $62 per night. Reservations may be made directly with the hotel by calling (573) 635-1234. Cost is $40 per person. Invitations will be mailed out to League and Auxiliary members around the 1st of October. All Marines and guests are welcome. In order to get meal counts to the hotel, we must receive an RSVP with your name, choice of meal, and your check not later than Saturday, 1 November . RSVP’s received without meal choice will receive the prime rib entrée. RSVP to: Samuel F. Gearhart Detachment P.O. Box 1592 Jefferson City, MO 65102 If you have any questions you may contact me at (573) 680-3235 or by email at [email protected] Semper Fidelis Steve Diemler Ball Committee Chair Trivia Night Saturday –November 1st Public Invited –If You Dare! 6 Person Teams $60 Door and Bar Opens 5:30 pm CASH PRIZES Dinner open 5:30 pm (@$5 - $7) Game starts at 7:00 pm $$ Costume Contest with Cash Prizes $$ Costume not required to play trivia. Pre-Register your team to guarantee a table - by 10/28/2014 & all team members will receive extra door prize tickets! To register or for info, email [email protected] Or call (573)893-8762 (Lv Msg) DOOR PRIZES/RAFFLE 17 and older Proceeds support projects of Samuel F. Gearhart Detachment Marine Corps League 4925 Business Hwy 50 West Jefferson City (Apache Flats Exit)
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